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Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement

Meeting Minutes of the Board of Directors

March 70,zOLs

The March 10,2075 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit

Advancement, Inc. ("DANA")was held at Wilmington Library in Wilmington,


Attendance: William Allan, Paulette Austin (via teleconference), Mark Dunkle, There du Pont,
Carolyn Fredericks (via teleconference), Nick Lambrow, Claudia Pena Poretti, Michele Schiavoni (via

teleconference), Mark Turner, Harry Williams (via teleconference), Staff: John Baker, Kristin Davis,
Caitlin Giles-McCormick, Chris Grundner, Paul Stock

1. December 9, 2014, Meeting Minutes of the Board of Directors.

Mr. Allan thanked all in attendance.

The board approved the Minutes of the December 9,2O'J"4.

2. Finances
Nick Lambrow reported on behalf of John Kieley (out of the country), met on February 23.

Audit went well. No issues arose. Two very minor items. No criticisms or recommendations from 2013,
so no follow-up from there. Program revenue does look to be sustainable and the auditor was happy

with the tracking measures that DANA has put in place.

Mr. Lambrow called for a vote to approve financials and audit. Both were approved.
Discussed switching auditors. Mr. Lambrow recommended keeping Rowland Johnson as auditor given

their understanding of DANA and his belief that their price is in line with other options in the market.
However, bids can be put out in January 2OL6 to see if this is typical. Board voted in favor of keeping
Rowland Johnson for one more audit term.
Mr. Grundner proposed moving contract (employee) item to staffing costs. There would be no change
in overall budget.

flow projection was reviewed. Mr. Lambrow stated that the finance committee will be reviewing
with the staff on a quarterly basis. Longwood is the grant most " at-risk" in terms of income.

Mr. Dunkle discussed the idea of a "bank mentality" and thatthe increase in revenue should not be
distributed, but held for a rainy day. The question of whether the increased revenue from June Lsth is
creating income that will not be there in future years was posed. Mr. Grundner explained that the
possible income from the event was not being included in the current budget for 2015. Mr. Lambrow
suggested that this should be an ongoing discussion.
Program costs were discussed in regards to the fact that staffing costs were not included. Also, it was

determined that the exercises did not seem to be worthwhile, considering the overall size of the budget,
and if additional institutional costs were misallocated. This could be something to consider for the

It was concluded that we should always be looking to grow the overall list of sponsors and alliance

partners and to become less dependent on one sponsor. While always looking to find the sweet spot of

the profit margin, it was agreed, that all additional revenue from the annual conference will be placed
into a reserve. A timeline for the reserve will be included in the next strategic plan with guidance from
the staff.

3. Staff Updates

First a membership update was delivered by Caitlin Giles-Mc Cormick.

Paul Stock discussed the increased demand from recommendations and unsolicited clients. There was

discussion around the growing number of consultants and the fact that


is essential in choice.

Consulting is attractive to them because it helps to bring them more clients, but they need to have the

heart for job. There should be discussion around price points as we continue to test the market. Paul
also discussed the fellowship program. There are six organizations in the program and initial workshops
have been held with great reviews so far. While not everyone who applied was accepted, we are doing

different strategic planning projects with them.

John Baker discussed the Circles of Greatness. These are free roundtable discussions conducted by

trained facilitator. Great reviews so far. lt is possible that we may have virtual sessions available after

the in-person sessions are complete.

Kristin Davis discussed the marketing of the annual conference. Targeted emails, to members and those

who've filled out interest forms, will be continued. Delaware Today and Delaware Business Times will
carry ads, as well as an interview in the June 9th edition of Delaware Business Times (copies will be
available at the entrance to the event). A billboard will placed


l-95 in May with the goal of being

reminder that we are the "Driver" of this big event in Delaware.

Registration will be open to members on April 1, two weeks earlier than the public. Our members will be

treated like VlPs throughout; lanyards, closer seating, etc. For-profit employees serving on nonprofit
boards will also receive discounted admission.

The question of additional sponsor leads and connections was posed by Mr. Grundner.

4. General Discussion

Two board slots available. They need not be filled, however, one candidate, Elzabeth Diaz, is in the
process of being vetted and considered. There is an obvious hole in terms of age level on the board.
There is also a question of whether the make up of the board is the right one. Do we need to shift

toward more worker bees than executives? Mr. Grundner suggested the need for a balance between
people at the end of their career and those looking to do more. Who are the future chairs?

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