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Technology Integration Matrix

Website Creations
4. Shape,

1. Oral



Create a website where children have

to match and guess what shapes are
represented in the photo on the page
(Like a baseball park) and trace the
shape around the picture.
1. Shapes can be observed in the
world and described in relation to
one another
a. Identify and describe shapes
(squares, circles, triangles,
Hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders,
and spheres). (CCSS: K.G) ii. Correctly
name shapes regardless of their
orientations or overall
Size. (CCSS: K.G.2)

Blooms Taxonomy

Students will be able to see shapes in
everyday life and be able to upload their
own photos taken of shapes around them
and share them over the website.

Each child will be able to

draw a picture from the
description written by
another student in the
classroom that is
uploaded onto the
website and then attach
it to the description for
all students to see. (Ex.)
1. Oral communication
skills are built within a

UnderstandStudents will use the online website to

communicate and share their perspectives
of another students work and be able to
see different perspectives from others.
They can also have discussions to deepen
their understandings.

4. Civics

Create a classroom rules page that

allows students to add rules that they
see fit in the room. Add fun
documentation as if they were made
from bills or constitutions found in
2. Rules and their purpose in allowing
groups to work effectively
b. Recognize interpersonal
(DOK 1-3)

b. add drawings or
visual displays to
provide additional detail
(CCSS: SL.K.6)
2. Communication and
Collaboration: Students
use digital media and
environments to
communicate and work
collaboratively, including
at a distance, to support
individual learning and
Contribute to the
learning of others.
Interact, collaborate,
and publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety of
environments and media
Create a page that
contains rules that are
followed in their
household and
contribute to the
classroom rules page.
Hold a discussion on the
page of where rules are
found in our world.
2. Rules and their
purpose in allowing

Students can use background knowledge
to add variety to these lists and also refer
back to the website when they have
problems following the rules of the
classroom and at home.

c. Exert self-control (DOK 1-2)

d. Interact positively with others
(DOK 12)

2. Life

3. Earth
Disabilities EEOs

groups to work
a. Explain that groups
have rules (DOK
e. Give examples of
some rules that are
permanent and some
that change
(DOK 1-2)

Create a page on the website that

has different organisms that has
obvious physical characteristics that
will help children be able to match
and group them accordingly and
have a description box for each
organism so they can explain their
1. Organisms can be described and
sorted by their physical
a. Sort a group of items based on
observable characteristics (DOK 1-2)
b. Communicate and justify an
evidence based
scientific rationale for sorting
organisms into categories (DOK 1-2)

Students will be able to separate and
organize different organisms into a single
category and go back as they learn to
correct their mistakes and reasoning.

On the webpage there will be options

for the words to be spoken to a
student who may have a hard time
reading or seeing. Also it may be
translated into a different language if

Help students who may not be too
comfortable with technology at first but
allows they more options to help them
succeed in their class work.

need be.

Students may add their

own page to the website
for each assignment and
add extra details that
may be more
challenging for them to

Students can cretic their works and
expand their learning abilities in ways
they find fitting to their needs.

Reflection: Using a web page in the classroom can help students interact with one another in ways outside the
classroom. Also allows them to see what other students may be taking from one assignment and could help them
understand topics that may not be as clear at first. This also gives the parents ways to watch their children progress
throughout the school years and also teach them a thing or two about using technology. Having a classroom web page
can help insight students; that even if they have a hard time in the classroom setting or have a disability they are able
to have alternative ways to show their ways of understanding. Integrating this style of learning can help benefit
students in all subjects of learning.

Technology Integration Matrix


4. Shape,


Create a presentation through

PowerPoint demonstrating the
different shapes with pictures of
actual shapes and short definitions.
Also add videos that help students
learn deeper understanding of 3D
and 2D shapes and use real life
objects to demonstrate.
(a. Identify and describe shapes


Blooms Taxonomy

Using the presentation children will be

able to use analysis to tell the difference
between shapes and identify them
correctly. It will be interactive and some
slides will provide opportunities to match
shapes with names and definitions.

(squares, circles, triangles,

rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones,
cylinders, and spheres). (CCSS: K.G)
i. Describe objects in the
environment using names of shapes,
and describe the relative positions of
these objects using terms such as
above, below, beside, in front of,
behind, and next to. (CCSS: K.G.1) ii.
Correctly name shapes regardless of
their orientations or overall size.
(CCSS: K.G.2)
iii. Identify shapes as twodimensional or three dimensional.
(CCSS: K.G.3)
1. Oral

1. History

Students will be able to

create a story about an
event that took place on
a family vacation giving
detail through audio
recordings and pictures
from the vacation in
their presentation.
1. Oral communication
skills are built within a
a. Describe familiar
people, places, things,
and events and, with
prompting and support,
provide additional detail.
(CCSS: SL.K.4)
Students will select one
group of people from

Students will use their prior knowledge of

remembering a family vacation and
identify the things they saw with the
people they went with. Using a
presentation to retell their story.

They will use knowledge to help them see

differences and similarities not only with

1. Physical

Create a presentation that has

includes games and videos that
explain how things are sorted. Using
the game in the presentation make it
interactive for students to raise their
hands and determine where each
objects fit together.
2. Objects can be sorted by physical
properties, which can be observed
and measured.
a. Observe, investigate, and describe
how objects can be sorted using their
physical properties (DOK 1-2)
b. Explain why objects are sorted
into categories (DOK 2)
c. Sort a set of objects based on their

around the world and

their own project but through others and
make a presentation (of
be able to recognize and identify these
their choosing) on how
their lives were similar
and different from a
time period that was
assigned to them to
present day.
2. The first component
in the concept of
chronology is to place
information in sequential
b. Explore differences
and similarities in the
lives of children and
families of long ago and
today (DOK 1-2)
Application will be used to organize
objects into the right categories. Students
will be the ones who get to choose if they
are right or wrong and work together to
put them in the right spot.

- EEOs


physical characteristics, and then

explain how the objects are sorted
(DOK 1-2)
Create ways for people who have
vision disabilities by deeply
describing and bringing in items for
them to touch. Also audio will help
make the presentations friendly for
them as well.
Add on extra slides or have animation
available for them to learn and add to
their presentations.

Children who will be presenting and have visual disabilities will be

able to work with a partner to help them create their vision.

They can also include bringing in objects that relate to their


Reflection: Being able to add presentations into the classroom enables students to be capable to learn skills that they
will need in their learning career. Also having these presentations give other students to see others creativeness and
talents. Many students can also share what they have learned and teach others something new instead of just having
the teacher do so. As for being a teacher using presentations it makes the classroom a little more inclusive because
students who may have disabilities can benefit to the visuals and audios from a presentation.

Technology Integration Matrix

Digital Stories


4. Shape,

Something very simple for a teacher

to do is create a story using children
who are eating different types of food
(usually 3 or 4) and have them sort
into correct groups and count off how
many in each group to demonstrate
categories and counting. b. Classify
objects and count the number of
objects in each category. (CCSS:
i. Classify objects into given
categories. (CCSS: K.MD.3)
ii. Count the numbers of objects in
each category. (CCSS: K.MD.3)
iii. Sort the categories by count.
(CCSS: K.MD.3)



Blooms Taxonomy

After the kids see what groups were

formed they then can evaluate their own
groups by what they like to eat.

Students can show what Having them use their digital story to
they have researched
apply what they have learned from their
through a digital story to research.
engage other students
in their learning. Also by
using examples to clarify
their purpose.
a. Participate in shared
research and writing
projects (e.g., explore a
number of books by a
favorite author and
express opinions about

1. History

2. Life

- EEOs


The teacher can create a short digital

story about plants or organisms
grouping into groups that have
similar traits. a. Sort a group of items
based on observable characteristics
(DOK 1-2)
b. Communicate and justify an
evidence-based scientific rationale
for sorting organisms into categories
(DOK 1-2)
Creating prompts for those who
cannot see that they can feel while
the story is being played. Or having a
voice over. Also for those who cannot
see can add subtitles in the movie.

them). (CCSS: W.K.7)

i. Identify a clear
purpose for research or
inquiry (If the class is
learning about trees, is
my need to know more
about pets related?)
Students can dress up
Although they have already created their
as people from the past
digital stories they can than analyze their
and recreate a narrative work by answering questions.
and use cues to ask
questions in between
the story and have them
themselves answer.
b. Identify information
from narrative stories
that answer questions
about the past and add
to our collective memory
and history (DOK 1-2)
Having the kids watch the digital story I
created they can remember by what
groups where formed from the
characteristics in each group.

For those students who


need a bigger challenge

they can extend their
films and add different

Reflection: Overall I think having a digital story incorporated in the classroom. This is a great way to get students
engaged in their learning and making it fun to create if made simple. Also having parent involvement can help their
stories grow. I think finding a simple program to get them started or making their own pictures and us teachers help
them put it on a computer can help them in their futures with using technology.

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