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Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle School)

Background Information
Date: 2/26/15

Teacher: Richard Bergstrom

School: Cleveland Elementary

Lesson Focus: Football

Facilities: Outside (blacktop) basketball court.
Equipment: 10 cones, 3 foam balls, 1 penny/student,
and 3 footballs.

Grade Level: 4th

# of students: 20

Safety Considerations:
Students must be aware of their surroundings at all
times. Students must respect each others personal
space. Equipment should never be thrown at another
student unless it involves a student throwing an
object for the intended purpose of catching it.
Physical injuries, bullying, or any misbehavior will be
reported to the person in charge on campus.

Lesson Specifics
Behavioral Contingencies: Misbehaving, playing with Previously Learned Skills: Football throwing, catching,
equipment when told not to, talking when shouldnt handoffs, punting, routes, and placekicking.
be talking, touching others, and calling others

inappropriate names are all examples of behaviors
that arent tolerated. 2 strike rule. 1st strike, student is
warned and will sit out for a few minutes. 2nd strike,
student will go inside.

Teaching Strategy: Interactive teaching
Academic Language: Throwing, catching, laces,

athletic stance, triangle

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Psychomotor (P): SWBAT throw, catch, and punt a football as well as utilize offensive and
defensive strategies during gameplay.
Cognitive (C): SWBAT understand and use football game tactics and strategies on both the
offensive and defensive side.
Affective (A): SWBAT play fairly, respect others, follow rules, and show positive behavior and
sportsmanship towards teammates and opponents during gameplay.
H-R Fitness (H): SWBAT participate in MVPA at least 50% of the lesson time.

I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
II. Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
III. Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
IV. Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies to improve health and
V. Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles and strategies
that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.

1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of motor
skills and movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
3. Demonstrates the knowledge skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity
and fitness.
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.

Describe the pre-class arrangement

Teacher: Standing in front of homebase (sideline of the basketball court)

Students: Sitting on homebase (sideline of the basketball court)

Equipment: Cones on the 4 corners of the court.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Diagram the pre-class arrangement


6 min.

Content Development

Instant Activity: Superheroes Tag 3

(Illustration of
Diagram Instant
students are chosen as villains. 3 students are
chosen as superheroes without the villains
* Diagram below
knowing who the superheroes are. Villains
can tag anyone with the foam ball with safe
tagging technique. When tagged, student
must freeze where theyre standing.
Superheroes can unfreeze but they must do
so secretly so they dont get caught. When

a) Goal Orientation for each


CA Standard I, II, III, and V and
NASPE Standards I, II, III, and IV
because students will dodge,
flee, and/or chase and must
collaborate to achieve a goal.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

(Illustration of

a) Goal Orientation for each


villains guess who all the superheroes are,

then the game is over.

2 min.

1 min.

4 min.

Set Induction:
I will introduce modified gameplay. Rules
are the following:
- 2 hand touch (safe tagging) will end the
- 3 possessions to score a touchdown
- switch quarterbacks every possession
- each pass must be to a different student

To put their skills to the test if they can
apply the skills they learned from the past
2 weeks and apply them to a gameplay

After the activity, students will return to
homebase, sit quietly, and wait for further

Lesson Core - Task 1:
Modified Gameplay: I will hand out
pennies to indicate teams. Team A will
punt and Team B will receive.

Demonstration Plan:
I will demonstrate how to tag properly
and where to line up on offense and

Questions to Check Understanding
How do we tag? 2 hands
How many possessions does each team
have to score a touchdown? 3

Start/Stop Signals:
Go to start
Freeze to put
equipment down and
stop what theyre

Grouping Strategies:
I will number the
students by 3s to get
into groups.

CA Standard II and IV and

NASPE Standards I and II
because the students must
demonstrate knowledge of
movement concepts and
strategies to meet the



Diagram Task 1
* Diagram below

CA Standard I-V and NASPE

Standards I-V because students
will be moving around to dodge
or chase and use the skills they
learned during the football unit
and apply it to a gameplay
situation. During this gameplay,
students must work together
and cooperate with teammates
and opponents while following
the rules.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


1 min.

2 min.

Content Development

Modified rules are the adaptations.

Students will assist in collecting
equipment and putting them away.
Students will return to home base and sit
quietly for lesson closure.

I will review the COTS of all the skills
learned in football and will choose
different students to demonstrate.

(Illustration of


References Used:

Instant Activity
Green = villains, blue = superheroes, orange = civilians

a) Goal Orientation for each



Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

blue team vs. green team, black = football
Return kick to opposing team formation

Offensive and defensive formation

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


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