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Summary: In May of2013, the Colorado State Board of Education adopted new High Schoal Graduation Guidelines designed to ensure that students earning a high school diploma are prepared for the expectations facing them immediately following graduation. These expectations vary fom student to student and may include matriculation to college-level classes, entering military career ‘raining or earning a self-supporting salary all without the need for retraining or remediation. Colorado's new nigh schoo! graduation guidelines have two stated intentions: 1. Toarticulate Colorado's shared beliefs about the value and meaning ofa high school diploma, 2, Tocutlne the minimum components, expectations and responsibilities of local districts and. the state to support students in attaining thelr high school diploma, ‘The implementation of the new high school graduation requirements will bea mult-year process, the first phase of which begins inthe 2014-15 school year. part ofthe implementation process statewide, local school hoards and foal school districts have 3 numberof responsibilities, The following document cutlines a proposed work plan for Poudee Schoo District's implementation of new high school graduation requirements in eomplance with Colorado state law aver the next several years Colorado High Schoo! Graduation Guidelines: Minimum Requirements ‘The new Colorado high school graduation requirements as lgisiated by the state are built on the foundation ofa standards-based education andthe belief that students entering the 9 grade must begin to demonstrate competency in four subjects in order to graduate from high school {morder to demonstrate competency under the new requirements, students may select rom a ist of options to be fufiled any time during their high school careers. These options include Earning minimum scores on state and national tests + Completing rigorous learning projects guided by a faculty mentor ‘+ Passing collegetevel courses taken during high schoo! + Receiving professional ceraifieaions ‘The State of Colorado has established guidelines for the demonstration of competency inl ofthese Local districts are required to adopt graduation requirements that meet or exceed those ‘outlined by the State of Colorado, As PSD begins the implementation ofthe new high schoo! araduation requirements, the district and the Board of Education willbe responsible for ensuring that PSs local policies and practice meet or exceed the graduation requirements outlined inthe table below. Updated 107.4) Ss Colorado High School Graduation Guidelines: PSD Implementation Work Plan Colorado High Schoo! Graduation Guidelines: Minimum Requirements ‘MINIMUM SCORE REQUIRED oe ce MoaeyaUe English Math: Selence ‘yoiable 2014-13 and beyond: Toa 6 fr 180 ° : 3 3 , VAR (itary entrance) 0 o 10 160 Available 2015-16 ond beyond: Capstone projec oe Oy y RY Concurrent enscliment c ty dustry comica pe oy oev ev Inadition to the minimum competencies outlined inthe table above, local districts are also responsible for ensuring that graduation policies allow fr all ofthe following Student demonstration of ‘© Completion af Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) © Proficiency in 21" Century Skills, which are embedded inthe Colorado Academic Standards ‘© Academie proficiency in English, math, science and socal studies Mateiple, equaly rigorous and valued pathways to demonstrate competency of the knowledge and skills necessary for postsecondary education and meaningful careers Align with l ofthe flowing. as adopted in 2009: ‘> Colorado Academie Standards © Colorado Career and Technical Education Standards (© Colorado English Language Proficiency Standards © Postsecondary and warkforce readiness definition Updated 07.1412 » Colorado High School Graduation Guideline: PSD Implementation Work Plan © The knowledge, sill and behaviors essential to high school graduates to be prepared to enter college and the workforce and compete inthe global ecanomiy including content knowledge, learning and behavior skills Recognize and acknowledge the importance of education in World languages Comprehensive health Prysical education Music Dance Performing arts Visual arts Career and technical education In addition tothe requirements above, local disteets may, a their discretion: Permit students longer or shorter periods of time to earn their diploma, Include a postsecondary workforce readiness (PWR) endorsement ‘Long-Range Implementation Timeline ‘The State Board of Education in passing the new high school graduation requirement legislation has also lai out timeline for the implementation of new requirements by local districts. PSD's {implementation plan, whichis outlined in subsequent sections aligns with this state timeline. ‘The long-range implementation timetine for the Colorado Graduation Guidelines sas follows: Phase 1:2014-15, ‘Review loca high school graduation requirements and related district policies Phase 2:2015-16 Adopt revisions to meet or exceed state guidelines + Decide ona menu of options for students to demonstrate college and career readiness Phase 3: 2016-17 + Prepare to implement starting in 2017-18 with th graders Phase 4: 2017-18 Implement with 9th graders, adding an additional grade anally going forward (te 5%and 10% in 2018-19, 9-1 1 in 2019-2020, and all grades in 2020-2021) + Graduation: 2020-2021 +The first class of 9 graders affected by the revised guidelines graduates PSD Implementation Timeline and Work Plan Im order to implement the new high school graduation guidelines n accordance wit the state ‘mandated timeline, PSD proposes the following implementation timeline and work plan Updates 1974413 Ss Colorado High School Graduation Guidelines: PSD Implementation Work Plan October 2014: (0 PSD's Secondary Principals discuss new graduation guidelines during secondary principals meeting ‘= Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Schools requests volunteers to participate in a committee to review current graduation guidelines and their alignment with new requirements 12 High Schoo! Graduation Requirements Review Committee i formed. ‘+ This committee consists of: ‘Principals of PSD’s 4 comprehensive and 3 alternative high schools 2 middle school principals ‘= counselor from each ofthe 4 comprehensive high schoo!s ‘© secondary schoo! Integrated Services representative ‘Central Office representatives, including the Assistant Superintendents for Secondary Schools and Student Achievement, the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, the Assessment Coordinator ‘and others as appropriate ‘The purpose ofthis committe ist: ‘Compare current PSD graduation yuidelines and related policies to the new graduation requirements ‘+ Formulate a recommendation fr the Boar of Education to consider regarding potential policy changes to ensure PSD meets or exceeds new Fesqulrements November 2014- February 2015: ‘High Schoo! Graduation Requirement Review Committee meets frequently to review new graduation requirements and formulate 2 recommendation ensuring that PSD's iraduation requirements meet or exceed state requirements PSD Board of Education is informed ofthe work ofthe committee. Information about ‘new graduation requirements and the responsibilities of the Board are shared. Assistant Superintendents and high school principals conduct community engagement Sessions to gather information from the PSD community that is pertinent to new graduation requirements and will inform any needed policy change. Spring 2015: (© High School Graduation Requirement Review Committee makesa ‘recommendation to the PSD Board of Education regarding PSD's High School Graduation Requirement policies and related policies. Updated 07.414

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