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Thematic Unit Plan

Grade: Third
Unit Title: Does It Make ent$?
Course/Subject: Currency/Math
Approximate Time Required: One Week
1. Main Purpose
The main purpose for this unit is to teach 3rd grade students about the
value of money, through comparison and combination. Students will learn how to
add any number of bills and coins to make a total of up to $5.00. They will also
learn how to use bills and coins to reach a desired amount from a current amount,
showing them how to make change. Students will compare the value of the
different bills and coins and be able to understand the relationships between them,
such as highest to lowest, etc.
2. Behavioral Objectives
The student will be able to

a. SWBAT determine, by counting, the value of a collection of bills and
coins whose total value is $5.00 or less.
b. SWBAT compare the value of the bills and coins.
c. SWBAT make change.
3. Content Outline:

a. Pre-concepts to know
1. Identify coins/know values
2. Count to at least 100 and be able to add up to 100
3. Categorize coins
4. Add like coins
b. SWBAT determine, by counting, the value of a collection of bills and
coins whose total value is $5.00 or less.
i. Start with coins and value up to $1.
1. Activities:
a. Use a hundreds chart
i. Have students place coins on the correct
ii. EX: 3 dimes and 1 nickel
1. Dimes on 10, 20, and 30

2. Nickel on 35
3. Last coin tells students how
much money they have

2. Concepts:
a. Equality
i. Pennies are like counting by 1s, Nickels
are like counting by 5s, Dimes by 10s,
Quarters by 25
ii. Once you reach 100, that is equal to $1
ii. Work on value of dollar bills up to $5 ($1 and 5)
1. Concepts
a. Bill equals their number and is just like simple
addition (5 $1= $5)
2. Activities
a. Add different coins up to $1.00
b. Group coins that equal $1.00 up to 5 groups
iii. Work on combination of bills and change up to $5
c. SWBAT compare the value of the bills and coins
i. Money relates to FRACTIONS. Coins equal parts of a 100 or a
1. Money is based on the dollar
2. There are equivalents. 10 pennies equals a dime, 2
nickels equals a dime, etc.
ii. Understand basic coins (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter) and
the order they go in in regards to value
iii. Move onto dollar bills ($1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100) and the order
they go in (Relates fully to their number)
iv. Understand that all basic cons BY THEMSELVES are less than
the lowest BILL, but when combined can equal bills
v. Briefly introduce fancy coins? (Sacajawea, etc.)??
d. SWBAT make change
i. Counting up
1. Student will begin with purchase price, then count up to
the nearest dollar using coins, then use dollar bills to
get as close to the amount paid, then add the final coins
needed to get to the amount paid
ii. Mentally calculating the difference between amount paid and
purchase price

4. Procedures and Activities:

Procedures- what the teacher does
Direct- Didactic questioning (review)
Direct- guided instruction
Monitor and facilitate
Monitor and facilitate
Direct-reflective questioning


Activities- what the student does

Visual or written overview
Experiential- counting out money
Experiential- grouping money

Instructional Aides and Resources


6. Assessment
I. Math
SWBAT determine, by counting, the value of a collection of bills and coins whose
total value is $5.00 or less.
SWBAT compare the value of the bills and coins.
SWBAT make change.
Entry and exit tickets (low)
Notes page
Worksheet (low)
Didactic questions
Quiz (low)
Reflective questions
Test (high)
Store simulation (high)

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