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We look at an ant and think of insignificance

glad that we are not a tiny fragile ant.
we may ponder what it means to work so hard every day
feeling like you are going through the motions,
no freedom no thought to do anything else.
An ant not hurting anyone,
one moment is simply being an ant
and the next it is crushed, stepped on
smushed out of its insignificance,
no more mundane existence.
the other ants seem not to notice,
keep working keep moving no pausing
it is insignificant.
they keep working for the queen
to birth more ants to keep working
for more insignificance.
will we
step out of the insignificance
of our lives
or will we keep going through the motions
and the emotions
thinking, believing there is no other way,
not questioning the significance
of how we are going about our lives,
the pattern of colonies
across the human landscape,
obedient workers
colonized into insignificance,
just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
by Brian V Klocke
email for permission to use

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