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PPaGl> Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Centro de Comunicagao e Expressao Programa de Pés-Graduagao em Letras / Inglés ¢ Literatura Correspondente LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE Florianépolis, November 20th, 2014 Dear Fabio Santiago Nascimento, Iam pleased to inform you that your paper “Gays should not make sexuality public at work’: neoliberalismo e masculinidade no discurso da midia” has been accepted for publication in the conference proceedings e-book titled J Férum Perspectivas Queer em Debate. Best regards, aN Nicet Nae oe! Eliana Avila Literary and Cultural Studies Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Graduate Program in English UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA ‘Trindade - Campus Universitario - CCE “B” - Sala 307 — 88.040-900 Florianépolis, SC Fane: (AR) 221-9455 — Fax: (AR) 3331-0819 / pamail: neice fer he — Hw oe fon Ml

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