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Design for Learning: Lesson 1

Instructor: Abby Diamond and Ashley Lyon

Title: What is a System?
Grade Level: 5th grade

Area: Science
Estimated Time: 1 hr

Standards Connection: 8.) Identify major body systems and their functions, including the
circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system, and reproductive system.
Learning Objective(s):
Students will create their own poster through Glogster explaining what a system is scoring an 11
out of 12 on a teacher-made rubric.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: Today boys and girls, we will be
learning all about systems!
Evaluation of Learning Goal:
Students will be given their iPads and will use the glogster app to create their own poster. They
will be instructed to create a Glogster poster that explains what a system is and includes an
example of a system in the world. They must include the definition of a system which includes
parts working together and whole. Student will be graded by a rubric created by the
teacher. Students who score at least 11 out of 12 will be considered in the green. Students who
score between an 8 and a 10 will be considered in the yellow, but no immediate action needs to
be taken. Students who score lower than an 8 on the rubric will be considered in the green and
need to be retaught the material.
The teacher will start off by directing students attention to the powerpoint. She will show them
pictures of systems in the world and have them brainstorm what they all have in common and
what each of the pictures is an example of. She will have students fill out a 3-2-1 Bridge Sheet
about systems. She will discuss their responses as a class. She will briefly go over the learning
objective listed on the powerpoint. Okay class, today we are starting a new unit on the
Circulatory System. I want you to get your clipboard and your pencil from your desk and come
take a seat on the rug. Please do this quietly. Once students are seated on the rug, the teacher will
start. To introduce our unit on the circulatory system, I am going to show you some pictures of
things in our world and I want you to think about what these have in common. While I go
through these pictures, think about what they have in common. Teacher will pull up the
powerpoint and go through slides 2, 3, and 4. Now boys and girls, what are some things that of
all these pictures have in common? Wait for student response. Those are some great ideas! All of
them are made up of many parts. For example, the solar system is made up of the sun, planets,

and stars. Wait for student response. What is another similarity that you notice about these
examples? Wait for student response. Yes, for each of these examples, all of the parts work
together to make each run. Do you have any idea what each of these pictures are an example of?
Wait for student response. Each of these pictures are examples of systems. That is a word that I
know all of you have heard before. However, some of these examples we just went over you may
not have realized are systems. Now, I want you to think about everything that you know about
systems. To do this, I am going to pass out a sheet of paper that has 3, 2, and 1 on it. We are
going to do something called a 3-2-1 Bridge to help us think about what we know about systems
already. Teacher will pass out the 3-2-1 sheets. Teacher will pull up slide 5. So, under number 3,
I want you to write 3 words, phrases, or ideas that come to mind when you think of systems.
Now, dont overthink this. I just want you to write whatever comes to mind when you think about
systems. Teacher will give students a couple of minutes to write their responses. Next, under the
number 2, I want you to write two questions that come to your mind regarding systems. Again,
remember that these dont have to be extremely in depth, I am just curious to see what you know
about this topic. Teacher will give students a couple of minutes to write their responses. Now,
under number 1, I want you write one metaphor or simile for this topic. We have just learned
about similes and metaphors so you should have a good idea of what they are. Remember, a
simile uses like or as, so Systems are like and metaphors start with Systems are They
are a way of describing something by comparing it to something else or comparing one thing to
another because they have important features. For example, a simile could be He is as hungry
as a bull. Teacher will give students a couple of minutes to write their responses. She will then
have a couple of students share their responses. She will go over the chart paper which will
already have systems written on the top with 3-2-1 written just like on the students paper.
Now, after you have finished writing your 3 words, 2 questions, and 1 simile, lets talk about
some of these all together. So, who can tell me one of the words that you wrote down about
systems on your sheet? Wait for student response. Teacher will call on individual student. Yes,
great word. Solar systems are an example of a system in our world. What is another word that
someone wrote down? Wait for student response. Teacher will call on individual student. Great
answer as well! Now, what about a question. Who can tell me a question that they wrote down on
their sheet about systems? Wait for student response. Great question! Those are all great
questions to ask. Now lets move on to number 1. Does someone want to share their simile or
metaphor with the class? Wait for student response. Wow, those are some great answers. I am
very impressed with what yall came up with. It seems like you guys have some good initial
ideas, thoughts, and examples of systems. I want you to pass these up to me and I will hold on to
them. We are going to come back to them at the end of the lesson. Teacher will pull up the
powerpoint and go over the learning objective for the day on slide 6. Direct your attention to the
board for our learning objective for the day. Today, we will be learning about what systems are
and we will also briefly talk about the circulatory system.
Learning Design:

I. Teaching:
The teacher will go through a powerpoint about systems. She will introduce the word wall. She
will first define system with a definition. The class will discuss the definition of system to what
they already knew about systems. Students will fill out a Frayer model on system. Boys and
girls, we have listed some good words, ideas, and phrases that have to do with systems and given
some good examples. Now, lets go over a definition of a system and see if some of the words and
phrases we used to describe systems on our 3-2-1 Sheet are true. Now as we go throughout the
unit, we are going to use our Word Wall to keep track of all of the vocabulary words that we
learn throughout the course of the unit. So notice how the Word Wall has the word system on the
top. This is the main vocabulary word that we are learning today. As we go through the
definition of a system and learn more about systems, I am going to pass out a Frayer model for
each of you to fill out about systems. Make sure to put your name on the top and the word system
in the middle. As we go through the definition, make sure to write the definition on your paper.
As we continue to talk about characteristics about systems and examples, you can continue to fill
out the rest of the sheet. Teacher will pass out the Frayer model sheets to students. However,
before I read off the definition of system, does anyone want to give me what they think the
definition of a system is? Great answer! Teacher will pull up slide 7 on the powerpoint that has
the definition of a system listed on it. She will read it aloud. The definition of a system is a set
of connected things or parts that work together to form a complex whole. Specifically, every
system our world must have three distinct components. There must be first individual parts;
second, that are working together; and lastly to make a whole. Every system has these three
components or else it is not a system. Teacher will pull up slide 8 and talk about examples in our
world. Something that we have to remember is that systems are all around us in our world. Some
are obvious and others are not so obvious. Lets go back and revisit some of the examples of
systems we originally saw in the very beginning of our lesson. How are each of these a system?
One example we saw was the solar system. So, how is the solar system an example of a system?
Think for a minute and then I will call on someone to share how a solar system is a system. Wait
for student response. Yes, I agree. A solar system is a system because it is made up of so many
parts, which is criteria one. But each of these parts have to work together to make our solar
system the solar system. For example, the sun is a critical part in the solar system. Without the
sun, the solar system would not work properly. So this is criteria two. All together the parts of
the solar system make the solar system. So criteria three. Another example in our world that
may not be so obvious is a computer. So how does a computer meet the three criteria of a
system? I want you to think for 30 seconds about this and then turn and talk to your partner
about how a computer is a system. Give students one minute to think about this and then call on
students. Yes, great job! A computer has many different parts like the monitor, the hard drive, the
soft ware, the keyboard, etc. Is this one of the criteria of a system? Wait for student responses.
Yes, you are right, it is! So how do they all work together to make a whole, the second and third
criteria? Call on a student pair. Yes, youre right! All of the parts of the computer working
together is what makes a computer run. If all of the parts are not working together, the computer
will not work properly. What makes a computer a computer is each of the individual parts

working together. Teacher will pull up slide 9. Another example of a system in our world is a Wii.
Now, I know that most of yall know what a Wii is. Can someone raise a silent hand and tell me
how a Wii is a system? Wait for student response. So, what are some other examples of systems
in our world that you can think of? Let students call out other systems that they can think of.
Good job! You can write any of these on your Frayer model sheet. Teacher will pull up the slide
10 with the chocolate cake. Now, what is this a picture of? Yes, its chocolate cake. Is chocolate
cake an example of a system? I want you to turn and talk to the people at your table about
whether or not chocolate cake is a system. Wait for student response. So who thinks this is an
example of a system? Give me thumbs up. Wait for student response. Now who thinks that this
isnt a system? Give me thumbs down. Wait for student response. So someone who thinks this is a
system, why do you think this is a system? Wait for student response. Good point. There are
many parts in a chocolate cake like the eggs, milk, sugar, etc and they all contribute to making a
whole chocolate cake. But does this mean that chocolate cake is a system? Now someone who
thinks this isnt a system, why do you think that chocolate cake isnt a system? Wait for student
response. Great point. Do we agree with his opinion? Give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
Wait for student response. Yes, I think he is right. So even though there are individual parts, what
is missing to make this a system? Wait for student response. Exactly. Although there are many
parts like eggs and sugar, each of these parts doesnt have a specific role or job they do. For
example, eggs dont have a job to do. So, lets look at the other section of the Frayer model. It is
called non-examples. Chocolate cake is an example of a non-example of a system. So you can
write chocolate cake or something else that you think of. Another major system in our world is
our body system. I know you guys have already learned about some of the systems in the human
body. What are some of the body systems that you know of? Wait for student response. Yes, there
is the skeletal system, the muscular system, and the respiratory system. Teacher will then pull up
slide 11. Can someone tell me how the body is a system? Yes, great answers. The body has many
different systems that all work together to keep our body running like it should. Teacher will pull
up slide 12 and talk about how the body is similar to a city with all of its systems. The body is
actually very similar to a city. A city depends on many systems for it to be healthy and grow.
These include the water system, garbage system, and transportation system. The water system
has pumps, pipes, and drains to move water through the city. The garbage system has trucks and
garbage dumps to keep the city clean. The transportation system of a city has roads, buses,
trucks and cars to move people and supplies. Like a city, our body has many systems that work
together to keep us healthy and strong. Teacher will pull up slide 13. She will tell students that
they will read this paragraph on their own. Now boys and girls, I want you read this paragraph
on your own and think about the question. Give students time to read and think about the
question, then ask it out loud. So why do you think a transportation system is so important to a
city? Teacher will then pull up slide 14. To help us think more about the importance of
transportation systems in our city, lets do a short activity. I am going to pass out a bag with
different toy model of vehicles and a sheet of paper to each table and you are going to do a short
activity. At your table, I want someone to volunteer to be the recorder for the group. I want you
to list the purposes for each vehicle in the column on the sheet and then answer the question all

together as a group. Pass out a bag with a toy car, 18 wheeler truck, bus, garbage truck, and
mailman to each table. Give each table a recording sheet. Let students work on this for roughly
five minutes. Then the teacher will fill out the sheet together on slide 15 with student responses.
Now, what were some of the purposes you listed for each of the vehicles? Great job! Record this
in the proper columns. What would you do without these different types of vehicles to transport
things around the city?Wait for student response. Yes, you are right! Nothing would get delivered
anywhere. What would happen if all of the roads in the city were closed? Wait for student
response. Right, nothing could be delivered! So, just like in a city, materials are also delivered
throughout the body. So, the bodys transportation system is the circulatory system. Does anyone
have any idea of what is included in the circulatory system? Wait for student response. Yes, great
answers. Pull up slide 16. So, the circulatory system includes the blood, blood vessels, and the
heart. Each part works together to make the circulatory system run smoothly. The purpose of the
circulatory system is to carry materials to and from all parts of the body. It brings good and
oxygen to the cells and carries away cells wastes. Now, I want you to think for a minute about
how the circulatory system is similar to a transportation system. Think about this and then raise
your hand quietly. Teacher will wait for student response. She will call on individual students.
Great answers! The circulatory system is similar to a transportation system because the
transportation system transports materials around the city and so does the circulatory system!
Now boys and girls, I am going to give you an activity to do in your table group to help reinforce
the idea of a system.
II. Opportunity for Practice:
Teacher will then explain to students that they are now going to work in their table groups to
research about a different system in their world assigned to them by the teacher. They will be
given chart paper and instructed to summarize how their topic is a system. They must list the
definition of a system somewhere on their paper and must make sure to include how the system
meets the three criteria of a system. They can do this in whatever format they want. Since we just
learned about systems and what a system is, I am now going to have you guys work together to
summarize what a system is and then get to present this to the class. This will also help you
understand that there are systems everywhere around us in our world, and things we may not
even realize are systems but they are. Teacher will pull up powerpoint slide 17. So, now I am
going to assign each table group a different system in our world. I am also going to give each
group a piece of posterboard and markers. Your job as a group is to summarize how your topic
is considered a system. You should include the definition of a system and make sure to include
how your topic meets the three criteria to be considered a system. You can design your chart
paper in whatever format you want, whether you make a concept map, a diagram, a chart, or
just do bullet points. After everyone had finished, each group will stand up and present their
paper to the class. They will give a short overview of how the system they researched is a system.
Are there any questions? Teacher will take any questions the students might have and then let the
students work in their groups. If you have any questions while you are working, just raise your
hand and I will come over and answer your question. Once students are done, each group will

present their chart paper to the class. They will stand up and go to the front and give a brief
explanation for how the topic they researched is considered a system.
III. Assessment:
After students finish presenting to the class, the teacher will then explain that now the students
get to show what they learned about systems on their own. They will design their own poster
about a system in their world using the app on the iPads called Glogster. The Glogster will be
graded by a teacher made rubric. Teacher will pull up slide 18. Okay now boys and girls, now I
am going to give you an opportunity to show me what you know about systems. You are each
going to create your own poster. However, you are going to get to design this on an app that you
are familiar with called Glogster. Your assignment is to create your own poster that describes
what a system is. You must write a definition of a system and include the 3 criteria of a system in
your definition. You must give an example of how your topic is a system. I want you make sure to
include atleast 3 sentences describing how the example that you choose is a system. It can be
one that we talked about in class, but I want to see that you understand what a system is and can
identify the key components. You can use pictures, different colors or background, videos, etc. Be
creative! Make sure that everything is spelled correctly and the overall Glogster is neat and
organized. The teacher will then instruct students to go get their iPads and to work on it quietly
on their own. She will give students a set amount of time to work on it. Now, go get you iPad
and pull up the Glogster app. Put in your login information which you already have then get to
work! When you are done creating your glogster, I want you to put away your iPad and go back
and wait quietly at your desk. You will then come to me and pick up a folder. I want you to write
My Circulatory System Folder on it. This folder will be what you will use to put all of your
worksheets, graphic organizers, handouts, and anything else you fill out during this unit. After
each lesson, there will also be a journal question that you must respond to in your folder. You
may use markers or that you already have at your desk to decorate your folder if you would like.
I also want you to put your Frayer model worksheet that you filled out today in your My
Circulatory System Folder.
IV. Closure:
Close out the lesson with a quick review of what they learned today. Briefly review what systems
are and the 3 criteria. The teacher will tell the students to go get their clipboards and pencils.
Students will fill out another the 3-2-1 Bridge sheet to record their new responses to what they
learned about systems. Students will get into pairs and share the differences between their two 32-1 sheets. They will discuss their change in thinking. The teacher will then gather the students
back together and they will share how their thinking has changed. Okay boys and girls, now we
are going to briefly go over what we learned about today. Once students are sitting in their seats,
teacher will start. Now, who can remember the main concept that we talked about today? Wait
for student responses. Call on a student. Great job! We talked about systems. Revisit the original
chart you made with the students on chart paper. Now, I am going to go back to our original 3-21 chart that we made on the chart paper. Lets look at this original one we made about systems.

Remember how I had each of you fill out an individual 3-2-1 Sheet about what you know about
systems? Well, now I am going to have you fill out another one of those. I am going to pass out
another 3-2-1 Sheet that has Final Response on it instead of Initial Response. Teacher will pull
up slide 19. Teacher will pass out the Final Response 3-2-1 sheets to students. So, you guys
already filled out one of these sheets before, so you should know how to fill this one out. I want
you to write down 3 words or thoughts that you learned about systems after we talked more
about them. Then, write down 2 questions that you have after learning more about systems today.
Then, I want you to write 1 simile/metaphor about systems. Teacher will give students time to
work on this. She will then have them share their thinking in groups. Now, I am going to pass out
your 3-2-1 sheets that you wrote at the beginning of the lesson. I want you to notice how your
answers are different than they were at the beginning of the lesson. Then, I want you to discuss
at your table both your initial and final 3-2-1 sheets and how your answers changed from the
beginning of the lesson to the end. I want you to notice how your thinking shirted from the initial
responses. Give students a couple of minutes to discuss. Then call on table groups to share. What
are some things that you talked about in your groups about how your initial and final responses
were different on your 3-2-1 sheets? Wait for student responses. Call on a student to share from a
table group. Yes, those are great thoughts. You originally thought that systems were just big
things in nature, but now you realize that systems are all around us. That is very true! What is
another thing that changed in your thinking? Call on another table group. Now to wrap up our
lesson for the day, I am going to pass out your Journal Entry #1. After each lesson, you guys will
have a short journal entry to write about. This will include a journal prompt or question and is a
time for you to write about what you learned that day. Todays journal prompt is What is a
system? What are the three criteria of a system? How is the circulatory system similar to a
transportation system? Teacher will pass out the journal entry papers to each student. She will
wait until all students have filled it out. She will then have them put their Journal Entry #1 into
their My Circulatory System Folder.

Materials and Resources:

3-2-1 Final and Initial Response Sheets
Chart paper
Black Marker
iPads for each student
Glogster app installed
Rubric for What Makes A System? Glogster Project
My Circulatory System Folder
Frayer model sheet, one per student
Toy Vehicles sheet, one per group
Heart Journal entry #1

Bag with toy models which include toy cars, 18 wheeler truck, bus, garbage truck, and mailmanone per group
Posterboard for each group
Extensions and /or Accommodations:
Students will choose a particular system in our world and analyze what would happen in our
world if the system was not working properly. They will write a journal entry giving three
Students will rewrite the definition of a system. They will be given picture cards with examples
and non examples of systems and have to sort them by whether they are a system or not. They
will glue these in a T chart.

Design for Learning: Lesson 2

Instructor: Abby Diamond and Ashley Lyon
Title: The Parts of the Circulatory System
Grade Level: 5th grade

Area: Science
Estimated Time: 1 hr

Standards Connection: 8.) Identify major body systems and their functions, including the
circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system, and reproductive system.
Learning Objectives(s):
When given a set list of circulatory system vocabulary, students will write their own newspaper
article review of the play scoring a 14 out of 16 on a teacher-made rubric.
Kid-friendly Learning Objective: In this lesson, we will be learning about the parts of the
circulatory system and each of their individual functions.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
Students will write their newspaper article review of the circulatory system play that they just
performed. The article will be written from the perspective of someone who is reviewing the play
and summarizing it. Teacher will assess the review based on a rubric. The rubric will include that
the students must use all of the vocabulary words in a word bank and correctly explain each one.
The article must be atleast 6 sentences. Students who score a 14 or above on the rubric will be
considered in the green. Students who score between 10 and 13 will be considered in the yellow.
Students who score a 9 or lower on the rubric will be considered in the red and did not fully
grasp the objective or content. Students who fall under yellow and green should be grouped
together and need to be retaught the material.
The teacher will start off explaining that they will be learning about the circulatory system. She
will be dressed up like a red blood cell and will wear a big cut out of a heart to help get students
excited to learn about the circulatory system. She will direct students attention to the
powerpoint. She will then play the School House Rock video Do the Circulation. The teacher
will then lead a brief discussion with the students after the video. She will then pull up the next
slide and they will fill out the Think-Puzzle-Explore chart on the circulatory system together as a
class and individually on their own. She will briefly go over the learning objective listed on the
powerpoint. Good morning boys and girls! I want you to come and take a seat on the floor, but
before you do that, please grab a pencil and your clipboard from your desk. As you may notice, I
am dressed in all red to emphasize blood and I am wearing a cutout heart. This is because we
are going to be learning all about blood and the heart today! Specifically, we are going to be
learning all about the parts of the circulatory system. Before we start learning about the

circulatory system, I want to give you some time to show me what you know about the
circulatory system. We are going to do a short activity called Think-Puzzle-Explore. Teacher will
pull up slide 2 on the powerpoint. She will also go over to the chart paper where she already has
a Think-Puzzle-Explore chart drawn out. First off, I want you to look at the Think column. Notice
the question on the board. So, what do you think that you know about the circulatory system? I
want you to think of everything that you think that you already know about the circulatory
system. These can be words, phrases, or ideas. I am going to give you a couple of minutes to
think before I take response. Give students time to think. Then the teacher will record answers in
the chart on the chart paper. Let students build off of each others ideas and comments. Those are
some great answers! The heart is a key part of the circulatory system. What do you know about
the heart? Wait for student responses. Yes, good! The heart is a pump. What is anything else that
you think you know about the circulatory system? Wait for student responses. Yes, the circulatory
system include arteries and veins. We are going to learn about both of those today. Anything else
that you think that you know about the circulatory system? Wait for student responses. Yes, there
is blood in the circulatory system. Now, I want you to look at the second column. It says what
questions or puzzles do you have about the circulatory system? So I want you to think about
what questions or puzzles you may have about the circulatory system. What would be interesting
to investigate and learn more about? Are there things about the circulatory system that you are
curious about? The teacher will pass out sticky notes to the students. The teacher will instruct the
students to put their sticky note on the board once they are done. I am going to pass out sticky
notes and I want you to write one question or puzzle that you may have down on the sticky note.
Once you are done writing your question/puzzle, come up and put it on the chart paper in the
Puzzle column and go back and sit in your spot quietly. Give students time to write their question
and put it on the board. Once all the students are done, teacher will read out a couple of them.
Now, I am going to read out a couple of these questions/puzzles that you wrote down. Those are
some great questions! I am curious about some of that too. Well, my hope during this lesson, is
that you will have some of these questions and puzzles answered as we learn about the
circulatory system. I am going to keep this chart up on the chart paper so that we can revisit it at
the end of our lesson. Now to introduce the circulatory system and get you excited about
learning about it, I am going to play a short funny video about the circulatory system. Pull up
slide 3. Play the youtube video. The teacher
will then lead a short discussion about the video. So, what did you guys think about this video?
Wait for student responses. I agree! I think that this a really funny video but it also makes some
good points about the circulatory system. A lot of the stuff it talked about is what we will be
learning about. What is one thing that you remember it said about the circulatory system from
the video? Wait for student responses. Call on students. Yes, you are right. It mentions that it all
starts with the heart. What are some of the words that it used in the video? Wait for student
responses. Yes, I heard arteries and veins too. I also liked how it showed circulation is like a
circle, meaning that blood is constantly circulating around the body in circle. The teacher will
pull up slide 4 on the powerpoint and state the learning goal. So in this lesson boys and girls, we

are going to go in depth about the circulatory system. We will focus on the individual parts of the
circulatory system which include the blood, the blood vessels and the heart.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will have the students go back to their seats at their desks. She will start off
reviewing what a system is then explaining that they are going to go over each of the parts of the
circulatory system. She will tell the students that first they are going to learn about the blood.
She will use the powerpoint to guide her in the lesson. She will pass out the circulatory folders to
each student. To start off today, remember how we said that the circulatory system is a system?
Who can tell me the definition of a system that we just learned in lesson 1? Yes, great job. A
system is a set of connected parts that work together to form a complex whole. So as we learn
more about the circulatory system in the upcoming lessons, we are going to always be thinking
about how the circulatory system fits the three criteria of a system. In this lesson, we are going to
focus on the first criteria of a system which is that a system is made up of individual parts.
Teacher will direct students attention to the word wall. The word wall will be divided into each
of the three criteria of a system with the vocabulary words listed under it. Now, I want you to
direct your attention to the Word Wall. Remember how I talked about how the word wall will
help us keep track of all of the vocabulary words we are learning about throughout the unit. So
notice how the word wall is divided into the three criteria of a system, parts together and
whole. Today we are going to be learning about the parts of the circulatory system. The
vocabulary words we are going to learn in this lesson are already listed under parts. I want
you to take a minute and read through these to give you an idea of all of the words we will be
learning about. So as we go throughout the unit, I want you to notice each of the vocabulary
words listed under the word wall. Teacher will then point out the big poster of the transportation
system that is on the wall. Notice that there is also a big picture of the transportation system next
to the board. So throughout our discussion of the parts of the circulatory system, I want you to be
thinking about how the circulatory system is a transportation system. Now, the individual parts
of the circulatory system are the blood, blood vessels, and the heart. We are going to start off
talking about blood because blood is a crucial part in the circulatory system and in our body.
Now, has anyone ever had a bloody nose or ever starting bleeding and had to use a bandaid
maybe to stop the bleeding? Teacher will wait for student response. Yes, good answers! So we
have all seen blood before and have probably each had a cut or scrape that made us bleed.
Teacher will pull up slide 6. But, what is blood really? Lets think about that. What can anyone
tell me about blood? Wait for student responses. Call on students if they have an answer. Yes,
those are some great facts about blood. Blood is what keeps us alive. Blood goes everywhere in
our bodies and carries everything our bodies need to live. She will instruct students to open their
circulatory folders. Now, I am going to pass out your circulatory folders. This folder is where
you will have all of the sheets that you will use for every lesson throughout the unit. I want you
to turn to tab 2 or lesson 2 in the your folder and get out the graphic organizer on the parts of

the blood. As we talk about blood, you can fill out the function for each part of the blood that we
talk about. Teacher will pull up slide 7 on the powerpoint. The main thing that blood does is that
it travels through blood vessels, carrying oxygen and nutrients to body cells and carrying wastes
away from body cells. Your blood also has many different parts. As you can see on the
powerpoint and on your sheet, there are four main parts of blood. These include the plasma,
platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells. Each of these parts has a special job to do. As
we talk about each of these parts, you can fill it out the function for each part. You can use your
colored pencils at your table to draw each part. Teacher will pull up slide 8. So, the biggest part
of your blood is a liquid called plasma. I want you to think back to the example we talked about
in our last lesson about the circulatory system being like a transportation system in a city. Just
as people in a city depend on trucks and trains to carry food from the farms to the grocery store,
the cells in your body depend on the bloods plasma to carry food from the digestive system to
your cells. It also carries away cells wastes. What kind of vehicle would that be in our
transportation system example? Wait for student response. In addition, cells get their water from
the plasma as well. And lastly, plasma moves some chemicals from one part of the body to
another. Now, I want you to make sure to write the function of plasma in your chart. The next
part of blood that we will talk about is red blood cells. Does anyone know what the main job of
the red blood cell is? Wait for student response. Call on student who may have an answer. Yes,
good answer. Teacher will pull up powerpoint slide 9. So red blood cells carry oxygen to your
bodys cells. Is oxygen important for us to live? Wait for student response. Yes, you are right. So
red blood cells play a really important role. What would happen without red blood cells? Wait
for student response. Good answers! The oxygen would not get to the bodys cells and they would
not be able to work properly. Think of your red blood cells as the trucks, collecting and dropping
off oxygen and nutrients as they move along the roads. Looking at the picture, what kind of
shape do you notice that they have? Wait for student responses. Yes, great observation! They are
shaped like discs. Teacher will hold up a frisbee disc. So look at this frisbee. This is kind of the
shape that red blood cells look like. The next part of blood that we are going to talk about is the
white blood cells. Does anyone have any idea of what the white blood cells could do? Wait for
student responses. Pull up slide 10. White blood cells work hard to protect the body against
germs and other harmful things. There are many different kinds of white blood cells and they
take many different forms. Some white blood cells wrap around and break down germs, dead
cells, or waste matter. Other make chemicals that kill germs. Still other work with the other body
defense systems. The number of white blood cells is always changing because when the body
needs to fight infection, it makes more white blood cells. So what kind of vehicle do you think
white blood cells would be? Wait for student response. Yes, great thinking! I think that they
would be police cars too. The last part of blood is the platelets. Teacher will pull up slide 11. So
the platelets are another important part of blood, even though they are not known as much as red
and white blood cells. When a blood vessel is cut, platelets are there to stop the bleeding.
Platelets causes blood clots to form. Does anyone know what a blood clot is? Wait for student
response. Then teacher will pull up slide 12. Yes, a blood clot is a plug which keeps us from
losing too much blood. Lets think about what a plug is. Teacher will bring in a new bottle of

ketcup. She will open the lid and attempt to pour out the ketchup but it wont come out. What do
you notice about this ketchup when I open the lid? Wait for student response. Yes, it doesnt pour
out! So what is the main purpose of a plug? Wait for student response. Great answer! A plug is
something that is blocking a hole, pipe, etc. Can someone tell me an example of a plug? Wait for
student response. Good examples! Direct students attention to the powerpoint slide 13. I want
you to discuss this question at your table group about what would happen if you did not have
platelets and your blood did not clot. Wait for student responses. Call on a table group. So, what
did you guys think? Yes, great answer. If blood clots didnt form, there would be bad
consequences from the body. We would lose blood every time we got a cut or scrape. We could
even die from losing blood because our body wouldnt be able to stop it! So what kind of vehicle
would this be in our transportation system example? Wait for student responses. Yes! I think it
would be a firetruck too because they help stop fires from spreading. Teacher will pull slide 14.
Now, here is a picture of a red blood cell, white blood cell, and a platelet in real life. To help us
understand all of the parts of blood and the amount of each in the blood, we are going to make
our own blood. The teacher will pull out the tub with all the materials including the foam
pieces, the ping pong balls, and the red beds. Now boys and girls, come gather around and watch
as I make blood. Put the ping pong balls and the foam pieces in the water and water beads. Let
students gather around a put their hands in the tub and feel the blood. Then tell them to go
back to their seats. You all can touch the blood. I will call you up by table groups. Notice the
white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Notice how many of each there are.
After you have felt the blood, please go back to your seats. After all the table groups have come
up and felt the blood, have them go back to their seats. So, what did you guys notice about the
blood? Wait for student response. Call on a table group. Great observation! There were way
more red blood cells, which were the water beads, than white blood cells, the ping pong balls, or
platelets, the foam pieces. Pull up slide 15. Now, looking at the picture of blood on the
powerpoint and reading the facts about blood, it makes sense that the blood that we made
looked the way it did. After learning all about blood and the different parts of the blood, lets go
back to our model of the transportation system. Direct students attention back to the
transportation system model on the board. What do you think the blood is in terms of the
transportation system? Wait for student response. Good job! I think you are right. The blood is
the cars, trucks, etc that travel around the city. The teacher will then start talking about the blood
vessels. She will tell them to get out their worksheet on blood vessels. Now, boys and girls, we
are going to learn about the blood vessels. I want you to get out your Blood Vessels worksheet in
your My Circulatory Folder. In our transportation system example, if our blood is like the trucks
and cars that carry materials throughout the city, what do you think that the blood vessels are? I
want you to turn and talk to your partner and discuss this for a minute. Wait for student
response. Call on an individual student. Good thought! The blood vessels can be thought of as
the highways or roads. Teacher will pull up powerpoint slide 16. There are three kinds of blood
vessels. These include the arteries, capillaries, and veins. Blood is pumped through a series of
arteries, veins and capillaries. Teacher will pull up slide 17. So first, arteries are blood vessels
that carry blood away from the heart. They have thick, muscular walls that stretch when the

heart pushes blood into it. One way that you can remember this is that arteries start with the
letter A so remember arteries carry blood Away from the heart. Teacher will pull up slide 18.
Veins carry blood to the heart from the lungs and from cells in the body. They have much thinner
walls and have valves, unlike arteries and capillaries. Does anyone know what a valve is? Wait
for student response. Call on individual student. Yes, great job! A valve is like a door that opens
and closes to keep things in or out. To help us understand the way a valve works, watch what I
do with this straw. Teacher will hold finger on the end of a straw and demonstrate the open and
closing when she puts her finger over it. So what do you notice about when I put the finger over
the end of the straw and then take it away? Wait for student response. So this demonstrates how
a valve works. Just like door, it is open and closed to keep things in or out. Pull up slide 19.
What do you think is the purpose of having valves in the veins and why do you think it is
important that veins have valves? I want you to think about this for a minute and then turn and
talk to your sharing partner. Wait for student response. Call on individual student pair to share.
Yes, you are exactly right! Veins have valves in order to keep blood flowing in one direction. So
valves open to allow blood flow to the heart and the close if the blood begins to flow away from
the heart. However, like I said before, arteries and capillaries, do not have valves because the
pumping of the heart keeps the blood flowing in the right direction through the arteries and
capillaries. Now, the last type of blood vessel is a capillary. Teacher will pull up slide 20.
Capillaries are really important to the circulatory system because they connect arteries and
veins to one another. They are also where the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and other materials
occur between blood and cells. Looking at this picture on the screen, do you think that
capillaries are as big as arteries and veins? Wait for student response. Call on individual
student. Yes you are right. Capillaries are not as big as arteries or veins. In fact, they are your
smallest blood vessels. So if blood vessels are the roads in the transportation system, what would
capillaries be like? Wait for student response. Yes, they would be the small, two way roads that
connect big highways to each other. They also have thin walls. Why do you think that capillaries
have thin walls? Wait for student response. Call on individual student. Yes, great answer. They
have to have thin walls to allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass through
them. Think about it. If you have really thick walls, like a really think door, nothing can get
through. But if you have thin walls, things can get through. Teacher will pull up slide 21. She
will instruct them to finish filling out their sheet. Now, notice this picture which shows you how
arteries, veins and capillaries all connect in the body. I want you to finish filling out your blood
vessels sheet and then get out your heart diagram next. Give students time to fill out the sheet.
Now, boys and girls we are going to talk about the heart. We all know where your heart is
located in your body. You have had to say the pledge of allegiance and you have to always put
your hand over your heart. Teacher will pull up slide 22. So place your hand on your heart and
you should feel the steady beating of your heart. If you are having trouble feeling you heart beat,
thats okay because doctors have to use an instrument called a stethoscope to hear the heart
beat. Teacher will bring in a stethoscope and pass it around for the students to see. So this is a
stethoscope. I am going to pass out this around the room so you can look at it. Later on in the
unit, we will learn how to take our pulse and count our heart beat. Teacher will pull up slide 23.

Now, does anyone know the sound that your heart makes? Wait for student response. Yes, it does
make the sound lub dub. Now, lets listen to what the heart sounds like if we could hear it.
Teacher will pull up the Project Heart Resting Heart Rate and play it on slide 23. You can kind of
hear the lub dub sound cant you? Teacher will pull up slide 24. Looking at the slide, one thing
that you may not realize is that your heart is actually a muscle. What are some other muscles you
can think of in your body? Wait for student responses. Call on students. Yes, there are muscle in
your legs, arms, stomach, etc. Believe it or not, the heart is actually your strongest muscle!
Teacher will pass out tennis balls to each table. Teacher will have students try to squeeze the
tennis ball as hard as they can. Now, I just passed out tennis balls to each of your tables. I want
you to take turn trying to squeeze the tennis ball as hard as you can. Teacher will pull up slide
25. So believe it or not, the force needed to squeeze a tennis ball is similar to the force needed to
squeeze blood out of the heart! You may also be wondering how big the heart is. Make a fist with
your hand. This is about the size of your heart. Teacher will pull up slide 26. Now lets talk a
little bit more about the heart. The heart is divided into two sides, the right side and the left side.
You can think of your heart as two pumps working side by side. Notice that I put a picture of an
air pump on the powerpoint. So, can someone tell me what a pump is? What do pumps do? Wait
for student response. Yes, they fill up something with air or water. A pump is a device that moves
fluid or gas in a certain direction by pressure or suction. Teacher will pull up slide 27. So on
your right side is the heart that pumps blood to your lungs where it picks up oxygen. On the left
side is the heart that pumps this blood that is full of oxygen out to your body. Both pumps are
divided into two spaces. The upper part of each side is called an atrium and the lower part is
called a ventricle. So the heart has two sides and four parts in each. The two sides do not work
independently. They work together as a team to make the best use of their power. Lets watch this
short animation to help us identify each of the chambers in the heart and the flow of blood
through the heart. Listen carefully for the vocabulary used in the animation. Teacher will play
heart animation. Teacher will then pull up slide 28. Now, after watching that animation lets go
over the flow of blood through each of the parts of the heart. Lets look at this diagram of the
heart. So blood starts in the right atrium where it comes from the body. This is blood without any
oxygen thats why it is blue on this diagram. Next, where does it flow? Wait for student response.
Yes, it flows into the right ventricle. Does anyone remember what the animation said about
where it goes from the right ventricle? Great job! It goes to the lungs. So then the blood goes
from the heart into the lungs. Now can anyone remember where blood comes in from the lungs?
Wait for student response. Great job! It goes into the left atrium. If you remember from the
animation, the left side of the heart is red. Why do you think that? Wait for student response. Yes,
that is exactly right. After blood goes to the lungs, it becomes full of oxygen so that is why it is
red. What happens next? Wait for student response. Yes, it flows into the left ventricle. And where
does blood flow from the left ventricle? Wait for student response. So from the left ventricle the
oxygen-rich blood flows to the rest of the body. It flows to the rest of the body through the largest
artery in the human body, and brings blood full of oxygen to all parts of the body. Teacher will
pull up slide 29. So, it is important to remember that heart always moves in a repeated pattern. It
does the same thing over and over again. Now, lets listen to this song to help us remember the

flow of blood through the heart. Teacher will pull up slide 30. Now, as a quick review, I want you
to silently read this paragraph and then discuss with your table group which answer goes in
each blank. Give students a couple of minutes to work on this. Then call on different table
groups. Teacher will fill in the blanks as each student gives an answer. So, I want you to raise
your hand quietly if you think you know what goes in the first blank? Wait for student response.
Great job! What about the second blank? Wait for student response. Good! And the third? Wait
for student response. You are right. So what does the last blank have to be then? Wait for student
response. Great job. Teacher will pull up slide 31. To make sure that you guys understand the
flow of blood through the heart, I want you to pull back out your heart worksheet. Using the
vocabulary on the sheet, fill in the right parts of the heart and use your colored pencils to label
the blood as oxygen-rich with red or oxygen-poor with blue. I am going to give you just a few
minutes to do this. Teacher will then go over it together on the board and fill in the parts of the
heart on the powerpoint. Now, lets go over this quickly together. Who can tell me where one of
the parts of the heart is? I want you to come up to the board and point to one of the parts of the
heart that you wrote on your paper, and I will right it in. Students will come up to the board one
by one and tell the teacher where to write the correct part of the heart in. She will then trace the
flow of blood through the heart.
II. Practice:
Teacher will explain that they will be getting into groups and writing and then performing a play
about the parts circulatory system. The teacher will give students a card with a different part or
character of the circulatory system on it. The cards will include the red blood cells, white
blood cells, platelets, plasma, left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, right atrium, arteries, veins,
capillaries. They will be given a piece of blank paper to brainstorm their lines. Then, together
with the rest of the students in their act, they will write out their parts for all of the characters on
the dialogue sheet. They will create three lines to say and then will present their play to the
class. Now boys and girls, we are going to writing and performing a play to review what we have
learned about the parts of the circulatory system and how they all work together to make the
circulatory system function. Our play will be called Our Circulatory System. Teacher will pull
up slide 32. I am going to pass out a different card to every student with a different part of the
circulatory system on it. This is your character. On the card, it will say Act I, Act II, and Act
III. This will tell you what group you will be in to help you write your play. Act I is the blood, Act
II is the blood vessels, and Act III is the heart. So, if you have Act I on your card, you will go
over the table that is labeled Act I and that is where you will work together. Once you get your
character card, I want you to brainstorm what your character will say. There will be a couple of
you that will have the same character. That is okay. Do not freak out- this just means that you
will have a partner and you will work with them to create your dialogue sheet and when
performing your part. First, I am going to hand out each of you a sheet that has a Dialogue
sheet with a big dialogue bubble on it. On the dialogue bubble, you will write a couple of
sentences about your character. This should be information about yourself which includes
your name, what you look like, and your function in the circulatory system. This script should

include atleast 3 sentences about yourself. To help you write your dialogue bubble, you can use
your My Circulatory Folder and the three worksheets that you filled out earlier in the lesson.
Make sure to include everything you know about whatever part of the circulatory system you are.
I am also going to pass out to each act a Character Dialogue sheet. On this sheet, you will then,
with your group, work together to put together a script for your Act. One person in your group
will act at the recorder who will write down what each charcter has written on their Dialogue
sheet. After all of that is done, each Act will present to the class and we will have a play! Now,
are there any questions? Wait for student response. Now, I am going to pass out the materials. I
am also going to pass out nametags for you to write what you are on it so that the class knows
who you are as you are performing and is not confused. Teacher will then pass out all the
materials that students will need. Remember when you are writing your script that you must
really try to pretend to be this character. Think about trying to get into their shoes. I know this
may be weird since these arent people, but try to use your imagination! Go ahead and get to
work! Let students work in their groups. When they are done making their script, students will
perform the play to the class. Each act will go one at a time. Wow, what a great play! You guys
did a great job. I am so impressed. I loved watching it! I hope that you enjoyed putting on this
play and that it was a good review of all of the parts of the circulatory system that we have been
learning about.
III. Assessment:
Teacher will explain that now students are going to get to write their own newspaper article
about the play. This will be a review of the play. She will explain that they will be writing their
newspaper article about the play and what they learned watching it and performing. They will be
given a word bank of vocabulary words that they learned in this lesson and they must write their
newspaper articles using them. Okay boys and girls, now I want you to clear everything off your
desk. Now, you are going to work individually on something. You are each going to write your
own newspaper article like you are a reporter who was at the play and is writing a review of the
play that you just performed. For this assignment, you will use a newspaper article template that
is available on the class website. You will each work on this individually on your iPads to write
your newspaper article using the template. The teacher will tell the students to go get their iPads
out. They will be told to then pull up the assignment from the class website. The teacher will pull
up slide 33. Now boys and girls, go get your iPads out from their stations. Make sure to grab the
right number iPad that is yours and do not take someone elses. Then, I want you to go to the
class website and look in the assignment folder for the Red Blood Cell Newspaper Article
assignment. Pull this up on your iPad and read over the directions. Give students time to go get
the iPads and then read over the directions on their own. The directions are included on the
assignment before the actual newspaper template, but I will briefly go over them. You must use a
set list of vocabulary words from the word bank. You must include all of these vocabulary words
in your article. Make sure that your article flows and your ideas make sense. The newspaper
article is written like you are a reporter who is writing a review of the play that you guys just
performed and talking about what happened in the play. Make sure that you write atleast 6

sentences, but remember you might have to write more. Be creative! Are there any questions?
Wait for student responses. Answer questions if there are any questions. Remember to try your
best. This is where you get to show me what you learned about all of the parts of the circulatory
system that we learned about in this lesson! Once you are done, I want you to submit your article
in the class website online. Then, come up to me and tell me that you are finished and that you
submitted your article. After you have finished and told me that you submitted it, you may go
back to your seats. On your iPad, go to our Edmodo class account and go to the Extra
Circulatory System Activities folder. You can play one of the online circulatory games or take
one of the quizzes listed there until everyone is done. After all the students are done, have them
put away their iPads and go back to their seats.
IV. Closure:
The teacher will instruct students to go back to their seats. She will lead a discussion on what
they learned that day. Teacher will then lead a brief discussion on what they learned that day. So
first off, lets review what we learned today. What aspect of the definition of a system did we
examine today in terms of the circulatory system? Wait for student response. Yes, great job. We
talked about the individual parts of the circulatory. What are the three main parts of the
circulatory? Wait for student response. Yes, you are right, the blood, blood vessels, and the
heart. Teacher will walk back over to the Think-Puzzle-Explore Chart and direct students
attention there. Now, lets go back to our Think-Puzzle-Explore chart and look back at some of
the questions or puzzles that yall wanted to know about the circulatory system. I am going to
read back through some of these and see if we answered any of them. Teacher will read some of
the original questions or puzzles. Now, did we answer some of these? Wait for student response.
Yes, it looks like some of these questions you guys had were answered. Now, I want you to think
about any other questions or puzzles you may have that you want to find out and how you might
do that. I want you to turn and talk to your partner about any new questions you might have and
a way that you could explore this. Give students a couple of minutes and to talk to their partners
about new puzzles they might want to explore about the circulatory system and how they might
do this. Then call students back together and call on individual students. So, what were some
questions or puzzles that you guys still have after learning about the circulatory system? Teacher
will record the answers on the board. Oh good questions! So how might you find out the answer
to that? Yes, you could check out books about the circulatory system from the library or look it
up on the Internet. Think back to all of what you learned about the heart, the blood, and the
blood vessels. Wait for student responses. Call on individual students. Record their answers on
the board. Teacher will then instruct students to get out their My Circulatory Folder and answer
the Heart Journal Entry #2. Those are some great answers. We learned a lot today about the
circulatory system! Now boys and girls, I want you to get out your My Circulatory Folder. I want
you to turn to the Heart Journal tab and complete Heart Journal #2 on your own. The prompt
for today is: Write a couple of sentences describing what you learned about the parts of the
circulatory system and how they make a system. What important aspect of a system did we
focus on? What did you learn about the heart, blood vessels, and blood? How do these

contribute to the circulatory system functioning as a whole? Once you are done writing in your
journal, you can put your My Circulatory Folder back in your desk and that concludes our
lesson. Thank you!

Materials and Resources:

School House rock video
Think Puzzle Explore Chart
Sticky notes
Transportation System poster
Big model of the circulatory system
Word Wall
My Circulatory System Folder
Dialogue Bubble worksheet
Character Dialogue sheet for each group
Character Nametags
Index cards with each circulatory system character written on it:
Act I: red blood cells (2), white blood cells (2), platelets (2), plasma,
Act II: heart, left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, right ventricle
Act III: arteries (2), veins (2), capillaries (2).
Blood Worksheet
Blood Vessels Worksheet
Heart Diagram/Worksheet
Tennis balls
Bottle of Ketchup
Ping pong balls
Water beads
Plastic tub
Red Foam
Colored pencils
iPads for each student
Newspaper Template for each student (fill out electronically)
Rubric for Newspaper Article

Extensions and /or Accommodations:

Tic Tac Toe Choice Board

Students will watch this video of the circulatory system ( Students will fill out the Circulatory System Video Worksheet while they watch the
video. On the worksheet, this will outline the purpose of the heart, the blood vessels and the
blood. They will also label the heart and trace the flow of blood through the heart.

Design for Learning: Lesson 3

Instructor: Ashley Lyon and Abby Diamond
Lesson Title: Interdependence of the parts
Estimated Time: 45 min

Grade Level: 5th grade

Date: March 26, 2015
Curriculum Area: Science

Standards Connection:
Identify major body systems and their functions, including the circulatory system, respiratory
system, excretory system, and reproductive system.
Learning Objective(s):
When given story problems, students will correctly identify the circulatory system disease and
the rationale behind the diagnosis scoring 9 out of 12 on a teacher made checklist.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:
Today we will be learning about how the blood, blood vessels, and heart are interdependent on
each other and the consequences of one part of the system not working properly or doing its job.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
Teacher will assess students understanding of diseases by presenting them with 4 different
diseases and students will be responsible for correctly diagnosing the disease and identifying
what part of the circulatory system wasnt working properly. They will be responsible for
correctly answering 4 out of 4 problems. This will allow the teacher to assess their understanding
of the diseases and the effects of interdependence. The teacher will be able to see that the
students have grasped the consequences of one part of the system not working properly will
cause problems and implications for the whole system. Teacher will organize the results from the
assessment into red, yellow, and green categories. Green will be students that received a 4 out of
4 and will then complete the tic tac toe board. Students in yellow will be students who received a
3 out of 4 correct. Red will be 2 and below. Students in red and yellow will work through the
online quizzes posted to see the material for a second time.
Teacher will start off explaining the activity they are going to do for the day. She will have
students pick their simple machine and get our their graphic organizer. She will then pull up the
powerpoint and refer to the learning objective. Good morning boys and girls. Today friends we
are going to be continuing on our exploration of the circulatory system! First thing today I need
all of you to find a partner at your table to work with. With your partner I want you to pick a
simple machine that is made up of several parts that we will use for the next activity. Teacher will
be on slide 2. This could be a bicycle, car, telephone or even a lamp. There are so many different
simple machines to pick from, so I need you and your partner to decide on the machine you will
be using for this activity. When your partner have picked your machine, I want you to get out

your Circulatory System Folder and turn to tab 3 because that is the graphic organizer we are
going to be using for this activity. Then once you have picked out your machine and have your
folder turned to tab 3 on your desk, I want both of you to quietly raise your hand to let me know
what you are ready to move on. All right you may turn and talk to discuss and pick your
machine. The teacher will give all the partners time to decide and pick a machine. When
everyone has his or her hand raised, she will move on. Judging by all the hands in the air
everyone has picked their machine! Now the next step will be for you and your partner to draw
the machine you have picked. The catch is you have to leave out one part of the machine in your
drawing. For example if you picked a lamp you might leave out the light bulb or if you pick a car
you might leave off one wheel of the car. Lets go ahead and all complete this step of this activity.
I am going to set the timer for 5 minutes for you and your partner to complete your drawing. It
does not have to be a masterpiece, just do your best. When the timer goes off, I will explain our
next step. Teacher will set the timer and give the partners 5 minutes to work on their drawings.
Friends, time is up! Lets put the finishing touches on the drawing and look up here for the next
part of the directions. Now you will exchange drawings with your table partner and their job is
to figure out the missing part of your machine and vise versa. Once you have figured out what
part of the machine is missing with your partner talk about the effects of that missing part. Then,
I want you and your partner to write a short explanation of your thoughts about the effect of that
missing part on the machine as a whole. Ask yourself: how does the missing piece affect the
whole? You may go ahead and trade with your table group and find the missing part and write
some of your thoughts and explanation about the effects of this missing piece. Teacher will give
the students time to trade papers, figure this out, and write their thoughts down. Boys and girls, I
want to hear your thoughts. After seeing your table partners machine and discussing and writing
down your thoughts with your partner, what are some examples of what you have found? Wait
for student response. Call on individual student. So what machine did you look at and what part
was missing? Teacher will listen to students response. Okay! So what did you and your partner
discuss are the effects of this missing piece on the whole machine? Could the machine still
function properly without that piece? Or would this missing piece cause the machine to no
longer function at all? The teacher will ask multiple students their thoughts and to share what
each group discovered about their machines functioning. Teacher will start the discussion but
ultimately allow the students to lead this conversation about the effects of the missing parts of
each machine. Are their similarities in each group's findings? Is there a common theme we can
find when a part is missing of a machine? Teacher will listen to students answers. Yes! Beside the
variation of different machines we all found that without one part the whole system does not
work properly. Each part has a responsibility to the whole machine or system that when a
certain part does not function correctly the whole system will suffer. This concept can be seen in
many different areas of life but today we are specifically focusing on how the circulatory system
is just like the machines we have been looking at this morning. Teacher will be on slide 3.Today
our learning goal is to see how the parts of the Circulatory system work together and learn
about what happens when they dont.

Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will briefly review what they have been talking about and review the definition of
system. She will point out the word wall. We have been talking about the circulatory system.
Teacher will be on slide 4. Friends remember our definition of a system is a set of connected
things or parts that work together to form a complex whole. Teacher will refer to the word wall.
So now I want you to look to the word wall. Yesterday we talked about all of the parts in the
circulatory system, and today we will be talking about how they work together and what happens
if they dont work together or are not taken care of. So look at all of the vocabulary words under
the word together. These are the vocabulary words that we will learn today. So, each part in
the system has a different job but all the jobs are important and work together toward the whole
system functioning smoothly. This is just like the machines you all drew this morning. What did
you guys notice happens when one part is missing? Wait for student response. Yes, good
answers. Each machine could not function if they did not have the help of all the parts. When
one part is missing or does not do its job the whole system can not work. What do you think that
means? Wait for student response. Yes, youre right! All parts have their own job but they are all
dependent on each other. Does anyone know what the word dependent mean? I know its a big
word. Well, dependent means that things rely on something else. So this concept we are leanring
about is called interdependence. Interdependence means all parts are dependent on, or relies
on, each other to work properly. Teacher will have the students refer to the word wall at this
time. Boys and girls, to see this concept visually lets look at our word wall for this unit. We have
systems at the top because that is the theme of this study on the Circulatory system. Under
together on the wall, we see the word interdependence because that is what we are going to
focus on today. In each system, the parts have to work together as one to create the whole
system. When they work together and rely on each other to carry out the responsibilities we call
that interdependence. Teacher will now refer to the large visual image of the transportation
system that the students have been working with on the past two lessons. We can also look at our
visual of the transportation system. Each truck, stoplight, highway, and building play a role in
the system to allow the system to function right. Think about this. What would happen if the trash
truck did not pick up the trash? Wait for student response. Yes, good answers! If the trash truck
did not pick up the trash, the roads would be blocked and the air would start to smell. What
would happen if the roads were all shut down one day? Wait for student response. Yes, the
vehicles could not deliver anything around the city. We wouldnt get mail or be able to go to the
store to get food or anything. However, when each truck and car carries out its responsibility
and the roads are working, the whole system can function as one. This is another example
displaying the interdependence of systems. We are dependent on each part to carry out its job in
order for the system to function as a whole. Teacher will be on slide 4. Now that we have defined
this concept, I am going to give another example and then I am going to ask you all to come up
with your own examples. Teacher will be on slide 5. She will explain building castles with legos.
Now boys and girls, I want you to think about building a castle with legos. Look at these pictures
of lego castles. So boys, when you are making a lego castle for your warriors, it is important to

have very piece to complete the building of that castle right? And girls when you are building
Elsa's castle you need every part to make sure her castle right? Wait for student response. If you
were missing one of these bottom pieces or just one gray lego for the warriors castle, it would
not be able to stand strong during battle. The same with Frozen castle. You need every piece in
the building because they each make the castle complete. If you do not have all of the parts in
the right spots, then the castle will not be a castle. So this is an example showing how all of the
parts are dependent on each others functioning for the system to work as a whole. Teacher will
pull up slide 6. Another example of interdependence is our school. Look at all of the pictures on
the powerpoint. Think about all of the parts of the school. So, we have a principal that makes
sure everyone in the system does their job, we have the cafeteria workers that feed us, we have
the janitors that make sure our school is clean, and we have the traffic guards and police man
that keeps us all safe. And then of course we have the students that do their job in class learning
and paying close attention and the teachers that do there very best to teach their students. Each
part of this system is dependent on the other to do their job for the other parts to function.
Imagine if there were no students? The teachers would have no students to teach. Now we are
going to do some more brainstorming as a class. The teacher will pull up slide 7 and add that to
their concept map. So notice that I have put the word Interdependence in the middle of a concept.
I am going to put that example on our concept map. We are going to add examples all around the
concept of interdependence. I want you to turn and talk to your neighbors about some of your
own examples you can think of in your life and in our world that show interdependence. When
we share them, I will add them to our concept map. Teacher will give the students time to think.
Ok boys and girls, who can raise their hand and share what you and your partner or table talked
and think about this concept? What are some other examples of systems that have interdependent
parts? The teacher will give students time to share about interdependence and correct any
misconceptions about this before getting farther. She will be writing the examples and ideas on
the board creating a concept map on slide 6. What is the key to these systems we have
brainstormed functioning smoothly? Turn and talk to your neighbor about this. Teacher will give
students a minute to talk amongst themselves about this. So, what did you and your partner say
was the key to interdependence functioning? Teacher listens to the students thoughts. I would
agree the key is the interdependence between the parts of the system working together. Who
agrees with that statement? Teacher will watch for a show of hands from the students. Yes, very
good boys and girls. Lets take some time to think about this in terms of the circulatory system.
What if there was no blood? Wait for student response. If there was no blood, the heart would
have nothing to pump. And there would be no way to deliver oxygen or take away waste from the
body. So the bodys cells would die! What about without the heart? Wait for student response.
And without the heart there would be no way to get the blood and nutrients throughout the body.
Now missing one of those major parts is not very realistic, however, there are many small things
that can go wrong or poorly affect the system's functioning. If one of the parts are not working
properly the entire system is thrown off. Teacher will be on slide 8. This is when problems or
diseases occur. Just like the computer system we talked about earlier, the system does not run
when all the parts are not working together. See here even in this image, the computer is visiting

the doctor because a part of its system is not working. What do you think one of these parts
could be? Wait for student response. Yes, it could be its software or its mouse. It has a disease
and it is noticeable when the parts are not working together because the whole system does not
function. Now I want you to turn and talk to your neighbor how would you define disease? You
should already know what this is. The teacher will give the students a few minutes to talk and
discuss with their table partners. Student M, how did you and your partners define disease? The
teacher will listen to their ideas and also ask a few other groups to share. Very good! A disease is
when one part of the system is not functioning correctly. The specific name for diseases in the
heart and dealing with the circulatory system are called cardiovascular disease. Teacher will be
on slide 9. I know that is a big and very new word. Say it after mecardiovascular disease. Now
the exact definition of cardiovascular disease is a group of problems that occur when the heart
and blood vessels are not working the way they should. Cardiovascular disease is the broad term
used to describe many diseases that involve the heart. Now we are going to look at a few of the
diseases that fall under the term cardiovascular disease. Now lets look at a few of those diseases.
I will give you all a short definition and explanation of each of the diseases that we will be
focusing on today. I am just going to provide a short definition of each disease because you all
are going to be discovering and exploring the diseases with your table group in a few minutes.
Teacher will be on slide 10. The main diseases we will be looking at are Arteriosclerosis,
Atherosclerosis, High blood pressure, Heart Attack, and Stroke. Teacher will pull slide 10. First,
is arteriosclerosis (say: ar-teer-ee-oh-skluh-ROW-sus): the hardening of the arteries, become
thickened and are no longer as flexible. This occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen
and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body (arteries) become thick and stiff
sometimes restricting blood flow to your organs and tissues. This can cause chest pain and
trigger more serious problems if not addressed. Can you see that in the image on the screen that
the artery is being blocked by the plaque buildup on the side walls? Teacher will make sure that
students see that. Ok, good! The plaque on the side walls are building. Do you see how the area
for blood to flow thru is getting smaller? This is causing the artery to become thicker and hard
so that the artery is no longer flexible. Teacher will have a straw and silly putty or playdough to
put on the inside of the straw. Boys and girl, lets say for the time being that this straw represents
an artery and that the playdough represents the plaque. Now if I simply bend the artery it bends
easily right? Students will reply yes. But if I put plaque in the middle of the artery what do you
all think will happen? Take a few minutes to discuss with your table. Teacher will give the
students time to discuss at their tables. Alright, any predictions anyone is willing to share. Yes,
table 3 what do you all think. Students will state their prediction and teacher will be prepared to
do the demonstration. Good prediction table 3, lets do it and see what happens. Teacher will put
the playdough in the middle of the straw. Now that the plaque is placed in the middle of the
artery lets see how it bends. The teacher will bend the straw and it will not be as flexible. What
happened to the artery? Teacher will call on students. The artery is not as flexible anymore. Very
good and this is what happens when the plaque is very thick through the arteries become thick
and the passageway become no longer flexible. We saw that very clearly represented in our
demonstration. So table 1 will be exploring this disease a little more in detail. Teacher will be on

slide 12. Next is Atherosclerosis (say: ah-thuh-row-skluh-ROW-sus): is a buildup that makes the
arteries narrower so less blood can flow through. Those buildups are called plaque. The plaque
is not allowing the blood or any nutrients to get through the rest of the body. Do you think this
would cause problems for the circulatory system? If there was no way for the transportation
system to move anything because one of the roads was blocked. For this lets remember that the
straw resembles the artery, the play dough is the plaque and the water being the blood. Now if I
put the water through the straw what is going to happen lets see what happens. Teacher will have
a box to do this demonstration over and also a cup of water to pour through the straw. Teacher
will pour the water through the empty straw for all students to see. Ok well what did we notice?
Teacher will ask the class and call on a students raising their hand. Thats right, the blood moved
right through the artery with no problem. Well now lets say that this persons artery has
arteriosclerosis and the playdough I have is going to be the plaque on the sidewalls of the artery.
The teacher will put playdough inside the straw and prepare the same demonstration with water
and the box underneath. Teacher will pour the water through the straw. What did we notice about
the blood moving through the artery with the plaque being added to the side walls? Teacher will
ask the students what they think. Yes, it moved much slower through the artery because of the
blockage. Its roadway was blocked to the heart. You can see how this would be a major problem
in the body because then those parts of the body would not receive any blood. This is a type of
disease that is very similar to the disease table 1 is researching. These two diseases are
sometimes used interchangeably. That means that table 2 might come up with some similar
information to table 1 about the two diseases. Teacher will be on slide 13. Next is High blood
pressure: this develops when the bodys blood vessels narrow, causing the heart to pump harder
than normal to push blood through the narrowed openings. Ok boys and girls has anyone ever
heard of high or low blood pressure? Teacher will ask the students to activate prior knowledge.
Yes, a lot of have head of the disease before because it is very common. Blood pressure is
measured by the force that is applied to the artery wall. When the pressure is higher it requires
the heart to pump harder causing high blood pressure. Lets watch this video to educate us more
about what it means to have high or low blood pressure. Teacher will play the video from the
powerpoint on the promethean board. What
did this video say happens when the blood vessels narrow? Teacher will ask the students. Very
good, the heart will have to pump harder and work harder to pump to support the rest of the
body with blood. And the opposite is true if the arteries become too wide then the blood will
move to slow causing low blood pressure. Now that we have a little more background knowledge
about what causes high blood pressure table 3 will find out more information about this disease.
Teacher will be on slide 14. A Heart attack is when a blood clot or other blockage cuts blood
flow to a part of the heart. It is permanent damage to the heart muscle caused by a loss of blood
flow to the heart. Teacher will go back to her straw and playdough example. Now when we put a
little playdough in the artery it became less flexible and made it harder for blood to move
through the artery. When we are talking about a heart attack, the blood flow is being completely
cut off from the heart. The straw here will represent the artery and I will use my fingers to
represent the blockage. Now when I pinch the artery like this acting as the blood clot or

blockage, what happens to the blood? Teacher will do this demonstration pouring the water into
the straw. Boys and girls what do we notice about the flow of blood through the artery? Teacher
will ask the students. You're exactly right the blockage has stopped all flow of blood to the heart.
The blood is bringing oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. The heart needs oxygen to
function. Without the blood vessels bring the oxygen to the heart the whole system falls apart.
That is a perfect example of the interdependence between the heart and blood vessels. The heart
needs the blood vessels to bring the oxygen to the heart for the heart to continue to pump the
blood. Table 4 this will be your disease to research. Lastly table 5 your disease will be stroke.
Teacher will be on slide 15. A stroke is when part of the brain doesn't get enough blood due to a
clot or a burst blood vessel and the brain no longer receives blood. It is a medical emergency.
The example we have talked about previous about a heart attack being the blood being
completely cut off from the heart because of a blockage. A stroke is when the brain does not get
the proper blood flow just like the hearth does not in a heart attack. So it is the like a heart
attack in the sense that the blood flow is blocked to the brain instead. Now I only provided you
with the surface information so that you can now go back with your group and discover more
about these diseases, what causes them, and the signs that lead to them. Table 5 you will be
doing stroke as your project poster to present. Does anyone know anyone that had or has one of
these diseases? Teacher will allow a few students to share if they have any personal experience
with these diseases. My grandpa actually passed away from a heart attack. These are common
heart and cardiovascular disease however, they can be very sensitive if a family member or
someone you know has one of these diseases. We need to keep that in mind as we are talking
about them and presenting about them today. Remember how today we have discussed all
disease that are caused because one part of the system is not working as it is designed to. When
one part of a system is not doing its job, this is when disease or problem will occur because the
whole system is thrown off because that part is not doing its job. Remember, interdependence is
when all parts are dependent on the others doing their job in the system. Now lets get started
with the next part of this lesson! Its you alls turn to discover and investigate.
II. Opportunity for Practice:
Teacher will go over table groups again. She will briefly explain what they will doing. Now that
we have become just a tad more familiar with the different diseases each table group is going to
be responsible for researching a disease. Teacher will be on slide 16. Each group will be
teaching their disease to the rest of the class so be sure to do your very best research and
preparation so you can teach each other well. When teaching to the class your group will create
a poster board to write down your information to present to the class. On your poster, your
group will need to include the definition, symptoms, causes, and possible treatment for the
disease. Each person has a page in the their Circulatory System Folder where the directions to
this project are as well as resources to find quality and reliable information on your disease.
This worksheet is available on edmodo classroom and you can click on the links to better direct
your searches. Friends, you are more than welcome to find information from different sites. You
may use your ipads and the library for extended research. (Pull heart disease specific books from

the library) Table group 1 arteriosclerosis, table group 2 is atherosclerosis, table group 3 is high
blood pressure, table group 4 Heart attack, and table group 5 will be stroke. Remember all that
we discussed earlier in class about each of these diseases to help get you started on your
posters. Teacher will pass out the paper with the directions and the helpful website for each
group. These directions state that each groups poster board will have the definition, symptoms,
causes, and possible treatments for each disease. Remember to work as a team on the poster use
each other strengths to create a fabulous poster that displays all that you know about your
disease. As you create your poster, make sure it is appealing to the audience using colors and
that the poster is big enough for your friends to read from the audience. Also as you are working
you can be thinking of how your group will be presenting to the rest of the class. Now that you
all have the directions I will turn you loose to have time with your groups to research and plan
your presentations. I will be giving you all 15 minutes to work on your research and gathering
information to present. I will be walking around to answer any questions you have while working
today. The teacher will give students time to work with their group. The teacher will circulate
around the classroom to answer questions and make sure all students are on working together
and on task. Depending on time she will have students continue working in later days on their
research and charts. After they have finished charts and have all information, they will present on
at a time and take notes on their graphic organizer and put it in their circulatory system folder.
Ok boys and girls now that every group is done with their chart and has diligently researched
their disease, it is time to teach your friends. From your Circulatory System Folder, the next
page in tab 3 will have a graphic organizer for each disease covered today. So while group 1 is
presenting everyone should have their graphic organizer out and be filling it out while your
friends present. While your friends are presenting be sure to pay them the same respect that you
show me when I teach. Remember we should also be paying close attention to get the right
information on your graphic organizers so that you will be able to remember the information
given. Remember when you are presenting to the class to speak loud so everyone can hear, face
your audience, and be confident. Keep in mind that your friends are writing down the
information you are saying so you might want to remember to talk slow and go back over the
material twice. We can also have a time for questions if the audience needs something repeated.
Alright, I am excited to see the presentations you all have created. Group 1 get up there and
teach us about arteriosclerosis. After the group presents the teacher will ask a few questions.
Thank you group 1 let's give them a round of applause. Now lets have each table think of one
question for group 1 it can be something you need clarifying on or you have something you are
wondering about. Each table raise their hand when they have their question and the teachers of
that disease can call on the tables and answer their questions. Teacher will continue facilitating
the same thing for the table groups to follow atherosclerosis high blood pressure, heart attack,
and stroke. The teacher facilitates and asks questions to the certain groups on things that might
not be clear. Each table will also think of a question for each table group after their presentation.
Wow, boys and girls thank you for every groups hard work and effort on their posters and
presentation. Lets give everyone a round of applause for their presentations today. I will hang up
all the posters around the room for us to remember what happens to our heart when something is

not working properly. Who can remind the class of what it is called when each part in a system is
depended on the others completing their job? The teacher will call on one a student and they
should answer interdependence. Very good and the diseases we talked about today and yesterday
are generally caused by what? Teacher will get the students feedback on her question. When a
certain part of the system is not doing its job the whole system will suffer. When we do not
properly take care of our bodies this might also cause a disease. Our bodies are dependent on
each part doing its job. Who can give me an example of interdependence that we discussed this
morning or a new one that we have not talked about yet? Teacher will call on students with their
hands raised. A computer system, government, transportation, buildings, football team, and even
our school. Very good boys and girls!
III. Assessment
Teacher will explain what students will be doing for assessment. Ok boys and girl, now that we
have learned so much about interdependent and the different types of diseases that can occur
when the parts in our body are not working together, it is time for you all to show me what you
know! On this assessment there are four short story problems. Teacher will be on slide 17. Their
is a main character in each story that is experiencing different symptoms or participating in a
certain activity. Judging by the information provided for you in the story you need to make your
best diagnosis of the disease the person might have. That is section A, identifying the disease.
Section B is how do you know that? So this is asking why did you pick that disease for that
certain individual, basically asking you to defend your thinking. Part C asks you how is this
problem or disease going to affect the whole body system. This is making you remember the idea
of interdependence and draw conclusions about how this part not doing its job will affect the
system as a whole. There are only 4 questions so doing your best work and remember to include
your answer for each question. When you are finished you may turn them into the front basket.
When you are done you may take out your ipads and go to our Edmodo class account. In the
Extra Circulatory Activities folder and you may work through the quizzes and games in that
section. While waiting for everyone else to finish before we close the lesson be working quietly
on those quizzes and activities on your ipads. Teacher will pass out the assessment. She will walk
around making sure everyone is doing his or her own work and prepare of the closer. Raise your
hand if you are still working? Ok, thank you boys and girls! It looks like everyone is done with
their assessment and working quietly on their ipad.
IV. Closure:
Thank you friends for putting away your ipads now. We are going to write in our circulatory
journals to wrap up all that we have learned. Turn to that page in your Circulatory System
Folder. Teacher will be on slide 17. The prompt for today is to write a couple of sentences
describing what you learned about interdependence today. What is interdependence? What
occurs when a part of the system is not working properly? What are 3 of the diseases we talked
about today in class and how are they caused? That is a lot of learning that we did today and i
can not wait to see what you all learned. Remember to include all that we have learned today.

Think back to the activities we did and the concept of systems that we are continuing to use.
Today we discussed the different parts in the system and what happens if they those parts are not
working together. I cant wait to read your journals and see all that you learned today! Teacher
will pass out their circulatory journals and allow them time to work independently and quietly at
their desk to reflect on their learning. When you have finished writing please turn your
circulatory journals back in at my desk. Thank you good job today boys and girls!

Materials and Resources:

Books pulled for research
Story problems for assessment
Graphic organizer of diseases
Directions Story Problems
Jig Saw Websites
A straw
A bucket
Edmodo quiz
Teacher made checklist
Extensions and /or Accommodations:
Student will pick an activity from the activity choice board.
Students will work on another activity matching the illustrations of each disease to the specific
name of the cardiovascular disease. This will provide another opportunity for students to see the
material and manipulate it in a new way.

Design for Learning: Lesson 4

Instructor: Miss. Lyon and Miss. Diamond
Lesson Title: How I Stay Heart Healthy
Curriculum Area: Science

Grade Level: 5th

Date: March 29, 2015
Estimated Time: 45 min

Standards Connection:
Identify major body systems and their functions, including the circulatory system, respiratory
system, excretory system, and reproductive system.
Learning Objective(s):
Students will create a How I Stay Heart Healthy poster receiving an 8 out of 9 on the teacher
designed rubric.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:
Today we are going to be learning and discovering ways to keep our heart healthy!
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
Students will create their own plan on steps they will take to keep their heart healthy. Students
will need to address all parts of the rubric in order to get full points on their poster. Color,
content, and length will be necessary and evaluated by the teacher on their rubric. The teacher
will use the checklist or rubric to evaluate what they learned and if they correctly applied this
new information to their poster. When analyzing the data students that do not score an 8 or above
on their rubric will be considered in the yellow or red group. They will complete the extension
portion of this lesson, which will be going through the online quiz. Students will use their ipads
to increase their familiarity to the material.
Teacher will come in dressed in athletic clothes sweat band and a headband to set the tone of
exercise and health for the lesson. She will play a video and have them talk about it and what it
means to be active. She will go over the learning objective for the day. Good morning friends!
One of my favorite things to do on a beautiful day like today is put on my running shoes and go
for a nice long run outdoors. To feel the warm sun and maybe even get a little sweaty from
working hard! This is one of my favorite things to do! I know one of my kids favorite things to
jump on the trampoline or run around in the driveway playing basketball. Do you all like being
active? Lets watch this video about getting outdoors and being active. Teacher will have the video pulled up and
allow the video to give them experience and visual with the mood she is trying to set for the
class. What did this man like to get outside and do? Teacher will call on a student to answer. Yes,
he liked to bike, run, and do pull ups. Most of all it seemed like to me that he just enjoyed being

active and getting outside. Boys and girls, what are some of your favorite activities to do
outside? She will call on quiet students to share their impute about their favorite outdoor activity.
Those are all wonderful outdoor activities that I love as well. Getting outside and being active is
a wonderful thing for you and your body. Now imagine this.... you have been playing outside all
afternoon in the warm sun what is that yummy snack that after you want to come inside, grab
from the pantry or the fridge, and sit on the couch and enjoy? Do you want a lemonade,
Popsicle, or some goldfish. Who can raise their hand and tell me what food they want to eat
after coming inside from playing? Teacher will call on the quiet students to share their answers.
Those all sound like wonderful snacks! Who in this classroom likes goldfish? Who would be
excited if I said I had some goldfish for you to eat? Students will all get a little dixie cup of
goldfish to eat. The teacher will also pass them out a sticky note for each student. They will use
this to write their answer for the question written on the butcher paper. I am going to come
around and pass out the cups of goldfish I am also going to give each of you a sticky note.
Teacher will pull up the powerpoint slide 2. But first who can read what the question says on the
powerpoint? The teacher will call on a student and the question read what is the relationship
between your heart and being active? On the sticky note I give you, you are going to be writing
your answer to the question posted. It can be a guess or just what you think the relationship
could be. As I am passing out the goldfish and sticky notes, I want you to be thinking and writing
down your answer, guess, or prediction about the relationship between your heart and being
active. When you have finished writing, without putting your name on it, you are going to come
up and stick your post it note on the chart paper. This way we will be able to see and know
everyones prediction but no one will know whose is whose. Ok, put your thinking caps on and
come up with your best ideas to post to the banner. Be creative! Teacher will pass them out and
give the students time to fill out their post-it note. Ok if you have not put your post it note on the
chart paper, I need you to do that so we can move on to the next part of our lesson. Wow, look at
all those ideas and predictions about the relationship between the heart and being active. Does
anyone want to share theirs we have time to hear one or two of your ideas. The teacher will call
on one or two students to share their thinking about the question. Thank you for sharing your
ideas and thoughts on this question. We are going to address this question throughout the lesson
and we are going to come back to it at the end of the lesson as well but for now we are going to
get started. Teacher will be on slide 3. Our learning goal today is to learn about the importance
of keeping the heart and circulatory system healthy and how to do that!
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
Teacher will review the definition of system. She will explain what it means to work together as
a whole. Friends, who can tell me what a system is? Teacher will call on a student to respond.
Thats correct a system is a set of connected things or parts that work together to form a whole.
We have discussed the different parts in our circulatory system. Which are the blood, blood
vessels, and heart. Teacher will be on slide 4. They all have different jobs in the system but the

parts are dependent on each other. To keep the circulatory system working as a whole all the
parts must function as a properly. We talked about this last lesson. Who can tell me what this is
called? Teacher will call on a quiet student to hear their answer. Yes, very good it is called
interdependence. Now the last part of our definition that we will be talking about today is the
whole. Teacher will direct students attention to the word wall. So lets look at the word wall.
Notice under whole the vocabulary words that we have listed there. So these are the words we
are going to be learning about today. When the parts are working together, it keeps the system
running as a whole. Now just like when your moms, dads, grandparents, or aunts and uncles car
breaks down, it need to go to the mechanic to get the tires rotated or the engine fixed to keep
your moms car running. Your parent or guardian wants to keep her car working well. So to keep
her car working well, she will get it fixed if it is broken and she will also make sure to clean it
out and get the oil changed and all of the things that need to be done to cars on consistent basis.
That way she can take you and your brothers and sisters to school and to soccer and dance
practice. Now, just like the car needs maintenance and to be taken care of, so does our bodies.
Just like a car, in order to keep your heart healthy and the circulatory system running as a
whole, there are three main things we can do to take care of our body. Does anyone have any
ideas of what these could be? Wait for student response. Good answers! Lets look at them.
Teacher will pull up slide 6. Exercise, healthy eating (maintaining a healthy weight), and getting
regular medical check ups. First is exercise! The heart is a muscle, and muscles get stronger
when you exercise them. Any exercise that makes your heart beat fast will help it stays healthy.
This could be running, swimming, or bicycling. Can anyone raise think of other ways to
exercise? Maybe think back to the activities talked about this morning that we like to do
outdoors. Without even knowing it, you have participated in activities to make your heart
stronger. Teacher will call on students for them to answer other ideas of exercise. Teacher will be
on slide 6. Good job, and when we exercise the heart becomes stronger because it is a muscle.
When you exercise it increases the red blood cells and you are able to transport more oxygen to
the body. Transporting more oxygen allows the body to receive more blood and your body to
keep working hard. Exercise expands blood vessels and builds new capillaries, which gives your
heart rest and is why exercise is recommended for heart health. The heart becomes stronger as a
result of exercise, so it can pump more blood through the body with every beat and continue
working at maximum level, with less work. Our bodies need aerobic exercise. Teacher will be on
slide 7. Aerobic mean with air, these are activities that keep our heart pumping. The faster your
heart is beating and more oxygen you are breathing in the more exercise you heart is keeping.
What are some examples of activities that keep your heart pumping? Teacher will be on slide 8.
Ok for you all to understand how exercise affects your body and your heart we are going to
learn how to take our heart rate. Your heart rate is the number of beats in a minute. This will
show us how hard our heart is working. Friends, will you pull out your Circulatory System
Folders and there is a chart under tab 4 that we will be using for this activity. This is where you
will record your heart rate scores. Now first, boys and girls we are going to learn how to take
our heart rate. Teacher will be on slide 9. Ok lets learn how to take our heart rate! First, hold
your left hand in front of you with your palm up. Second, place the first three fingertips of your

right hand on the inside of your left wrist in the grove below the base of the thumb. You may need
to move your hand around slightly before you can feel the pulse. Third, use the timer to count the
number of times your heartbeats in 1 minute. Are there any questions about the steps we are
going to use? The teacher will answer any questions. Ok, boys and girls first we are sitting and
then we are going to take it again after doing some exercise so we will be able to see if there is
any difference in the outcomes we get. So everyone follow steps one and two and I will start our
minute timer. Start counting beats when I say go. GO! The teacher will set a minute timer or keep
watch of the clock for the students. Once it has been a minute she will have them stop counting.
Stop. Alright everyone write down the number of beats you head in that minute. Put at the
bottom of the graph that you were sitting. Then up the side you can number the graph increasing
by 5s. Now you can graph the number that you counted in that first section of the bar graph.
Once everyone has that recorded and the boxes colored in we will move on. Teacher will also be
completing her own example on the board; she will be on slide 10. Now that we have all
recorded our heart rate while sitting we are going to all stand up and participate in zumba.
Zumba is an aerobic exercise that gets your heart rate beating and your heart pumping. Think
about the post it notes you put up on the banner about the connection between your heart and
exercise. Lets see how the results compare. Friends, if everyone can stand up and spread out so
they can see the video but also have enough room to do the exercise on the screen. Teacher will
be on slide 11. Lets all direct our attention to the screen and follow the zumba instructors.
Teacher will have this video pulled up and the kids will participate and she will as well. Boys and girls how fun was zumba? Lets all
go back to our seats quickly and take our heart rate! Place your fingers on your wrist and lets
start counting beats when I say go. Go! Allows the kids a minute and will watch the clock to take
a minute. She will also take her heart rate after zumba to make sure she can finish her graph as
well. Stop. Now record that number in your bar graph and fill in the appropriate boxes. Write at
the bottom after zumba so we keep our graph organized to know which heart rate corresponds to
the activity. Teacher will be on slide 12. Now once you have recorded your heart rate after
zumba turn and talk to your neighbor about the different results! Are the numbers different? If so
why do you think there is a difference in heart rate? Teacher will allow students time to talk
about the differences they saw and why? Who wants to share their answers for why they are
different? Very good thoughts! Teacher will be on slide 13. The explanation for why this happens
is like what you all said. When you feel your heart rate, you are feeling blood move as it is
forced throughout the arteritis in your heart. When the heart is exercising and being used such
as it was in zumba it is beating faster to pump oxygen through the body. Your heart rate beating
faster to bring more blood with oxygen to the body. Exercising keeps your heart healthy and
working well because it is a muscle. The heart, blood, and blood vessels make up the circulatory
system, which is responsible for distributing hundreds of life-giving substances, such as oxygen
and nutrients. So when your heart rate is higher from exercise it is because of exercise your
heart is getting stronger. Very good work boys and girls! So exercise is key in keeping our heart
healthy but we also have to eat healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Alright lets move on to
our next way to keep our heart healthy. This is to maintain a healthy weight we have to eat

healthy and well-balanced meals. Teacher will be on slide 14. A well-balanced meal has grains,
fruits, vegetables, protein, and dairy. When we eat healthy and well-balanced meal it provides
our body with the fuel it needs to function well together. Now in your Circulatory System Folder
in tab 4 there is a graphic organizer of an empty plate. Friends, will you turn there and when we
are moving through the powerpoint today talking about each food group I want you to fill in
your own examples. Teacher will make sure all student have their graphic organizer out and are
ready. We will start by talking about grains. Teacher will be on slide 15. Teacher will have
brought in examples of all these different food categories. This loaf of bread falls into the grain
category and so would this cereal because they are made from the wheat family. Can you all give
me an example of a grain? The teacher will call on a few students for ideas. Perfect, good job.
Now how about fruits. Teacher will be on slide 16. Fruits are normally sweet foods that have a
seed in them. Just like this watermelon or strawberries they are fruits. Teacher will have a
watermelon in the class to give students a visual. Teacher will be on slide 17. Now the next food
group to cover is vegetables. They are defined as edible seeds, roots, stems, and leaves normally
grown like plants or underground. Just like this carrot. Can you boys and girls think of any other
vegetables that might be on the screen or there are even some that are not in the picture. Teacher
will listen to the students reply. Very good boys and girls those were great example. Lets move on
to the next food group. Teacher will be on slide 18. That is protein. Protein is any beef, meat,
eggs, or fish. These are the foods that build your muscles and make you big and strong. Teacher
will be on slide 19. The last food group after this is dairy. These are products such as milk, eggs,
and cheese. These are all in the same food group because they have a base of milk. Milk and
dairy keep your bones strong. Our five different food groups are proteins, grains, fruits,
vegetables, and dairy. Teacher will be on slide 20. In you Circulatory System folder there is
another cheat sheet that has all the different foods groups and different examples of food that fall
in each section. Looking at your graphic organizer or the cheat sheet if you need it who can tell
me a dairy product? How about vegetables? What is a protein we should be eating? Who can tell
me grain that should be incorporated into our meals? Do I need to be eating fruit and if so what
is an example of a fruit? Teacher will be on slide 21 and walk students through with them
designing a meal using one item from each category. While they were answering the questions
above the teacher was filling out the plate writing on the parmethom board. Can anyone tell me
why is it important to eat a well balanced meal? Teacher will listen to the students response as a
check in to see if they comprehend the importance of eating healthy. Yes, very good boys and
girls. When we eat a well-balanced meal we will maintain a healthy weight, which will help our
heart and our circulatory system work together flawlessly. Teacher will be on slide 22. This is a
stage we like to call homeostasis. Homeostasis is a stage where everything in the body is
working together and completing it job. It is a time when everything is balanced in the body.
This is where we want our bodies to be all the time. Another way to think of homeostasis is from
a perspective of the system being content. Can you think of a time in your life when maybe you
were content? An example for me is an early Saturday morning on the porch with a cup of coffee
and a book. In that moment my life seems to be in perfect homeostasis and balance. For the
circulatory system to work properly all parts must be functioning correctly and be healthy to do

their job in the system. Since this is our only body we want to take care of it and avoid any
diseases we can. Teacher will be on slide 23. Getting regular medical check ups will allow the
doctor to catch anything that might be unusual. This also allows doctors to give you advice on
other healthy tips. Going to the doctors is important so they are able to catch anything unusual
before it gets more serious. What are the three things that you can do to keep your heart healthy?
Teacher will call on a student. Very good boys and girls! Aerobic exercise, eating healthy to
maintain a healthy weight, and go to the doctors regularly are all ways to keep our heart
healthy. Keeping our heart healthy will allow our circulatory system to function smoothly and
together, as it should. Now we are going to transition into our time to practice what we have
learned today.
II. Opportunity for Practice:
Teacher will be on slide 24. Who has ever dreamed of being on TV? Ok well today we are going
to pretend you get to be on TV! When you are watching TV what are those silly things that come
on and interrupt your show called. The students will answer, commercials. Yes those
commercials are the worst because they keep you from watching your show. But those
commercials normally have something very important they are trying to tell you! So today you
and your table group are going to be creating an online commercial for ways to keep your heart
healthy. Because living a healthy life is so important you will have to be sure to communicate to
the audience that this is important news! Now each table group will be working together to
create a commercial called the Heart Healthy Minute. You and your group might want to
spend some time brainstorming what information is going to be in your video before you start
making it. You are going to film each other using the ipads and being sure to include lots of
details and tips to how to keep a healthy heart in your commercial. You will have to decide what
the most important information is to include. You must include three suggestions to your
audience or viewers on how to keep a healthy heart. Does every table understand the directions
for this project? Ok, if no one has any questions your table group can start brainstorming for
your commercial and then get to filming. Each table group will use their ipads and this website
to create their own commercial advertisement encouraging and giving tips for the viewers to
keep a healthy heart. The teacher will be walking around to help any group that needs help or is
struggling with ideas or direction. Once you have finished Heart Healthy Minute commercial,
your table group is going to present their projects to the class. I cant wait to see everyone
creativity and discovery in this project. Teacher will give students time to work on this practice it
might take students more than one day to work on it. Alright now that everyone is done with
their projects it is time to watch everyones commercials. Is there any group that would like to
volunteer to be the first groups video we watch? Table 3 ok perfect. The teacher will have all the
students links to their videos and have each of them queued up and ready. Alright lets all be quiet
while we watch table 3s commercial. The class will watch their video. Lets give group 3 a round
of applause. Very good work table 3 I think you communicated the importance of living a healthy
life very clearly to your audience. The teacher will continue this process until each group played
their video and the class has applauded everyones work. Those commercials were so great. I

learned all about how to have a healthy heart. Eating the right food, exercising, and going to the
doctor regularly. Great job, with all your projects boys and girls! Now that you have worked on
this project together and dived into the material needed to have a healthy heart it is time for you
to now show me what you know.
III. Assessment:
Teacher will be on slide 25. Since we have finished the project together, it is time to show me
what you know on your own. You are going to design your own poster for leading a healthy life.
There are posters here that you may use and markers. You can use all the research and notes you
have taken today to complete your poster. You can draw pictures of foods that are good for us.
There is a rubric that will guide me when I am grading your assessment posters. Student C will
you pass these out while I begin to explain the different amount of points for the work put into
each poster. The different categories are information, organization, and spelling and grammar.
First if you include 5 sentences stating correct information and showing a high level of
understanding you will score a 3 in the first category. As well as this students poster will
included three or more examples of a healthy life using real life examples. To earn a 2 in the
informational section the student will just include 3 or more sentences showing surface level
knowledge of the heart. This student will also only have included 2 examples of the heart
working smoothly. To score a 1 the student will have only used 1 or more sentences and used 1
or no example on their poster. To score a 3 in the organizational categories the student will
clearly show understanding using color and grabs the viewers attention. Scoring a 2 students
project will be complete but lack excitement. And to score a 1 your poster will be difficult to
understand and have little to no color on your poster. Last, the spelling and grammar section the
students will score a 3 if there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. When scoring a 2 in this the
teacher will find up to three grammar or spelling errors. However, if you have more than 5 and
the errors dramatically take away from the purpose of the poster, you will score a 1. While the
teacher was going through this the students would be following along with her to have a graphic
organizer to support other learners. Now that you all have a copy and have heard me explain the
rubric a little more detailed. Does anyone still have any unanswered questions? Teacher will
wait for students to respond. If there are no more questions you can get started. Remember to be
creative and use all the information we talked about in class on your poster. This is where I want
to see evidence of all the learning we have done today. The poster board is available on my desk
and you have complete access to the Internet, magazines, and markers. The students will begin
to work on their posters and teacher will be walking around to clear up any confusion or
misconceptions. When you have completed your poster, you may place them on my desk and
access the classroom Edmodo account while waiting for some of our friends to finish.
IV. Closure:
Teacher will be on slide 26. The teacher will call on a student and have them reread the question
on the chart paper from the morning that ask, What is the relationship between your heart and
being active? Ok students before we do our Heart journals, I want you to complete your what

stuck with you. This can be your new answer to this question: What is the relationship between
your heart and being active? I want to see how your thinking changed from what you originally
wrote. So here is a sticky note for everyone, and I will give you a little time to remember what we
have been learning and to write the answer on it. Make sure to get out a pencil. Once you have
finished writing on your sticky note, go ahead and put it on the chart paper that way we have all
our take aways in one place. The sticky notes as you notice are a different color than the ones we
used to first answer this question so we can see our progress. Teacher will pass out sticky notes.
Once you have put your thought on the chart paper, you may get your Circulatory System folder
and get started on your journal prompt for today. The prompt asks you to write a couple of
sentences describing what you learned about keeping your heart healthy. What is aerobic
exercise? What is homeostasis? What are three ways to keep your heart healthy? Which one of
these do you do and which area should you try and do more? Teacher will have the students
heart journal prepared and in their circulatory system folders. Answer all these to the best of your
ability and once we are all done we will head to lunch!

Materials and Resources:
Heart rate recording worksheet
Zumba video
Myplate graphic organizer
Myplate hand out
Rubric for final poster
Heart journal #4
Post it notes (2 different color packs)
Banner with question of the day on it
Extensions and /or Accommodations:
Students will choose an activity from the activity choice board.
The teacher will give the students a brown paper bag to each student. The teacher will invite
them on a picnic with her but they first have to pack a heart healthy lunch. She will have them
draw their food choices on the bag and label them. The teacher will encourage them to make
heart healthy decisions.

Design for Learning: Lesson 5

Instructor: Miss. Lyon and Miss. Diamond
Lesson Title: Problem Based Learning
Curriculum Area: Science

Grade Level: 5th

Date: March 29, 2015
Estimated Time: 45 min

Standards Connection:
Identify major body systems and their functions, including the circulatory system, respiratory
system, excretory system, and reproductive system.
Learning Objective(s):
When given a write-up, students will investigate a case study of the circulatory system scoring a
8 out of 9 on a teacher-made rubric.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: In this lesson, we will review what
we have learned throughout this unit and we will apply what we have learned about the
circulatory system by solving a problem!
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): Teacher will assess students understanding of the
circulatory system on a write-up about their problem based learning activity. This will be graded
according to a teacher-made rubric. Students will have completed a problem-based learning
activity with their table groups. Their assessment is their write up of what they identified and
learned from the problem-based learning activity. This includes the problem/condition identified,
the affected parts of the circulatory system, and a plan of action. Students must score an 8 out of
9 to be considered proficient and in the green. Student who score a 5-7 will be considered to be
in the yellow and need to be held back for re-teaching. Students who score a 4 or lower are
considered to be in the red and need a lot of additional help and re-teaching. Both students who
are in the yellow and green need to to review the material.
Teacher will have students work in groups to create a headline about what they have learned so
far in the unit. Teacher will come in a lab coat dressed like a cardiologist. She will tell them that
they will have the opportunity to hear from a real life doctor who works with hearts. Good
morning boys and girls! We are going to start off today thinking about all that we have learned
in our circulatory system unit. Although it is not quite over yet, we have already learned a lot
about the circulatory system, what happens when the system isnt working properly, and how
important it is to keep it working as a whole. Now I am going to give you guys a fun activity for
you to do to wrap up everything that you have learned and the big ideas that you are taking
away about the circulatory system. I want each of you to make your own headline about the
circulatory system. Teacher will pull up slide 2. I know that you all know what a headline is.

Here is one example. Now, this headline that I want you to write should summarize and capture
an important aspect or core idea of the circulatory system that we would want to remember.
Remember to think about the big ideas about the circulatory system we have talked about, like
how the circulatory system functions as a system. I am going to pass out a blank piece of
scrapbook for every student to write their headline on. You may use the markers at your desk to
write it. Remember, we are just writing a headline, we are not drawing anything on our headline.
Just use words. Teacher will give each student a piece of scrapbook size paper. She will give
them a couple of minutes to write their headline. Now boys and girls, once you are done with
that, I want you to share with the other people at your table your headline and why you wrote
what you did for your headline. Give students a couple of minutes to discuss with their groups.
Then lead a short discussion. Now, does any group want to share one of the best headlines that
their group had? Please raise your hand quietly. Wait for student response. Wow, those are some
great headlines! I am very impressed. We have definitely learned a lot over this unit. And we are
not done yet! Today, we are going we are going to have a special guest. Did anyone notice what
I am wearing? Great observation! I am wearing a lab coat arent I? So, what kind of people
wear lab coats? Yes, doctors do. So today, we are actually going to have a heart doctor talk to us
and we are going to have the opportunity to ask him questions at the end. Teacher will pull up
slide 3. So this is our learning goal for the day. We are going to review what we have learned
throughout the unit and then apply what we have learned about the circulatory system by solving
a problem. Before we get started, I want each of you to pass your headlines to me and I am
going to hang them up around the room later today. Teacher will talk back up the headlines from
each student.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
Teacher will start reviewing the parts of the circulatory system. We are going to start today with
a quick review. Lets make sure we remember the key parts of the circulatory system. Who can
raise their hand and tell me the main parts of the circulatory system? Teacher will call on
students to share their answers. Teacher will be on slide 4. Very good. The main parts we talked
about are the blood, blood vessels, and the heart. They all have different jobs and are dependent
on each other completing their job. Each part is crucial for the whole system to run properly.
First off, what do you think could happen without the heart? I am going to give you minute to
think about this. Wait for student response. Teacher will call on student to answer. Very good!
Thats right the blood would not be pumped throughout the body without the heart. Second, what
do you think could happen without the blood vessels? Teacher will call on a student to answer.
Good job that is correct! Because our blood vessels serve as the road way, there would be no
path for the blood to get to the bodys cells to give them energy and take away waste. Thirdly,
what could happen without the blood? Teacher would call on student with hand raised to answer.
Exactly, without the blood the cells would not get the oxygen and nutrients they need and
infections would not be fought. What concept have we talked about that implies all these parts of
the circulatory system are dependent on each other? Teacher will call on a student with their

hand raised to answer her question. Teacher will be on slide 5. Yes, interdependence.
Interdependence is a concept that is not only in the circulatory system. There are systems all
around us that are dependent upon each of the individual parts to make the whole system work
smoothly. Now, I just mentioned the main concept that we have emphasized throughout our
whole unit for the circulatory system. What is the main concept that we talked about in our first
lesson? Yes, we talked about systems. What the circulatory system is an example of? Wait for
student response. Yes, great job. It is a system! Teacher will pull up slide 5. Now I want you to
turn and talk to your neighbor about what the three criteria are for a system. Who can remember
all three qualifications? Teacher will give the students time to discuss with their table partner
about system qualifications. YES, the three criteria for a system are part, together, and whole.
Teacher will pull up slide 6. Then we started talking about how how our body is a system. What
did we compare our body to? Yes great job! We compared our body to a city. Just like a city
needs many systems to run properly our body depends on many systems for it to be healthy and
grow. Who can raise their hand and tell me what we compared the circulatory system to?
Teacher will allow the student a chance to think about the comparison that was made. Very good,
we compared the body to a transportation system because the circulatory has parts that rely on
other parts doing their job to keep our bodies healthy and growing. Now can anyone think of
another system in our body that also meets these standards for being a system? Allow students
time to think about their answer. Very good! Those are all great examples. The respiratory
system, the digestive system, and the urinary system are all other systems in our body that have
parts, working together to form a whole. But remember, all of these systems are each part of the
larger body system. So, would the body be running smoothly if one of these systems isnt working
properly? Wait for student response. Call on individual student. No, youre exactly right, the
body wouldnt be functioning properly. We could say that each of these systems are dependent on
each other to make the whole body system run as a whole. Now when all these systems work
together they form what we call homeostasis. Teacher will flip to be on slide 7. Homeostasis is a
stable internal environment that allows you and your cells to survive. For example, that would
be your body temperature being at a perfect 98.6 degrees. When all systems are functioning
smoothly together homeostasis is the result. Now that we have done some reviewing of what we
learned about over our unit, we are going to have a special guest visit our classroom. Does
anyone know what a cardiologist is? Or does anyone have any guesses of what a cardiologist
might be? Teacher will allow students to think about the question and call on a quiet student with
their hand raised. Teacher will pull up slide 8. YES! Very good, a cardiologist is a doctor with
special training and skill in finding, treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood
vessels. WOW! That is exactly what we have been studying. Who thinks it would be cool to get to
hear from a real life cardiologist? Students will be excited about meeting a cardiologist and she
will brief them on her expectations of their behavior when Dr. Smith is there. She will have them
each write down atleast one question on an index cards before he gets there so that they already
have good questions written down and dont take extra time to do this. Pass out the index cards
to students. Now, before Dr. Smith comes, I want you to brainstorm any questions you might have
for him. On your index card, write down the question you want to ask Dr. Smith. At the end of his

talk, he will have a short question and answer time. I also want you to be on your best behavior
while Dr. Smith is here. Dr. Smith will come in. Now, lets give a special welcome and a round of
applause for our cardiologist of the day Dr. Smith. Kids will clap and the teacher will introduce
him to the class and interview him for the kids to learn about what he does and his role as a
cardiologist. Dr. Smith could you tell us a little bit more about your job? What does a day in the
life of a cardiologist look like? Dr. Smith will respond with information about his job and insight
for the kids. Thank you for that helpful insight Dr. Could you expand on the type of patience and
problems you see on a daily bases? Dr. Smith will hopefully go into more detail about problems
he sees and patients he has dealing with the blood, blood vessels, and heart. What is the most
common disease or life threatening problem you see most often today? Can it be prevented and if
so how? This will support what the students have been learning but hearing it from a real doctor
and personal basses. Now that I have gotten to ask some preliminary questions and foundational
questions for this interview I want the class to get a chance to ask some of their questions as
well. Students, now it is your turn to ask Dr. Smith the questions that you wrote down on your
index cards. Teacher will facilitate but allow students to take the floor asking questions and
discovering on their own. Depending on time, the teacher will allow for a few more questions
and then thank Dr. Smith for his insight, helpful experiences, and taking time to visit the class.
Thank you Dr. Smith for all your helpful insight on the circulatory system and telling us about
what you do. Thank you for sharing stories with us and taking time out of your day to spend with
us! What do we say boys and girls? Thank You Dr. Smith! How exciting was it to hear and spend
time with a real cardiologist! Teacher will then move into the practice portion of her lesson.
II. Opportunity for Practice:
The teacher will now explain to the students that they will be completed a problem-based
learning activity. She will explain that the students will be given a real world problem to solve
that somehow involves the circulatory system. She will tell them that now imagine themselves.
Now boys and girls, after hearing from Dr. Smith who is a real life cardiologist, now its your
turn! You each get to pretend that you are a cardiologist. I am going to pass out your own lab
coats to help you really get into character and make you feel like you are a doctor. Teacher will
pass out lap coats to each of the students. She will tell them to put it on. Now, put on your lap
coats! I want you to close your eyes and imagine that you are a doctor. You have just gotten a
new patient. She has come to you with a list of symptoms that she has been experiencing and it is
up to YOU to diagnose her condition and give her ideas/suggestions to help her condition.
Teacher will pull up slide 9. She will tell them to open their eyes. She will explain exactly what
they will be doing for the problem based learning activity. Now you can open your eyes. So, you
are going to be working together in your table groups to solve this problem. I want you to
remember that this is a real-life scenario that could really happen and has happened before! You
guys first will identify the problem or condition, list your reasons why you think this, identify the
organs or structures that could be affected, and come up with a plan of action or lifestyle
recommendations. I am going to let you use your My Circulatory Folder to help you complete
this activity because it has many valuable facts and resources in it. I am now going to pass out

one packet per each table. In the packet is the problem that you must solve. I have clearly laid
how the steps you must follow and the questions to answer. There are blank areas after each
question to fill in your answer. Each group only has to write up one sheet. However, you want to
pay close attention and contribute to the discussion because once you are done, you will have to
individually write up your own reflection and summary of the problem. Teacher will pass out one
PBL sheet to each group. She will tell students that they can get out their My Circulatory
Folders. She will instruct them to work quietly and not disrupt the other groups. She will tell
them to turn in their write up once they are done to the teacher. Once all of the groups are done,
she will have them go back to their seats. Now that you all have a sheet, I want you to answer all
of the questions on the sheet. I will give you a set time to complete this. When you are done,
come up and turn in your paper to me and go back and sit quietly in your seats.
III. Assessment
Teacher will first explain what the assessment will be. She will explain what students will be
doing for their assessment. She will outline each of the questions on the write up so that students
fully understand what is expected of them to include in their write up. She will pass out the
assessment sheets. She will pull up slide 10. Okay now boys and girls, I want you to go back to
your seats and put away your My Circulatory Folder in your desk. Now, I am going to pass a
Write Up form for your Problem Based Learning activity. This is an individual write-up for each
of you to fill out that is a summary of what you identified and the conclusions you came to with
your group about your real life problem. On the write up, you must first identify the condition
or disease and a diagnosis of what is wrong with the patient based on the symptoms given from
the problem. Then you must explain what organs or structures of the circulatory system are
affected by this disease or condition. Lastly, you must include a detailed plan of action or
recommendations for the patient. Make sure to include at least 3 suggestions for the patient. Also
make sure to fully elaborate on each question and provide evidence from the problem. Now, this
is to be completely individually so there should be no working together in groups. Each of you
should do this on your own. This is just a chance for me to see what you learned from the
problem based learning activity. Are there any questions about the write-up? Wait for student
response and answer any questions they may have.
IV. Closure:
Teacher will review what they covered in this lesson and discuss their thoughts about the
problem based learning activity and the interview with the cardiologist. Teacher will pull up slide
11. Can someone raise their hand and tell me what they learned today after listening to Mr.
Smith and then completing the Problem Based Learning Activity? Wait for student response. Yes,
great job! You learned that the circulatory system plays a big role in our body. It is important
system to our body. So what has to happen for our system to work properly or for any system in
the entire world to work properly for that matter? I want you to turn and talk at your table for a
minute about that. Give students some time to talk. Then call on a group to answer. Those are all
good answers. So for any system in the world to work properly, all of the individual parts have to
be doing their job and working properly so that the system works as a whole. What about for our

circulatory system specifically? Yes, you saw that each part of the system has to be working or
else something will suffer right. Thats when we learned about all those diseases. Today has been
an eventful day and we will wrap up or learning by you guys writing in your heart journal. I will
pass out the journal entry but this journal is going to look a little different than the others we
have done. When we began this study, you all had some initial ideas about the Circulatory
system and what it was all about. The first question in your journal is to think back to when we
started and remember what kinds of ideas you held. Writing what you used to think start of with
the words I used to think. Then the second question prompts you to journal about how your
ideas about this topic have changed as a result of what we have been studying, doing, and
discussing in class. When writing about what you now think about the circulatory system, start
that with the phrase, Now I think. These questions are meant to see what you once thought
about the Circulatory system and where your thinking is now. When you have completed the
journal entry you may turn it into my desk! Teacher will then explain that they will make a model
of the heart as a last fun activity. She will pass out the materials for each table. Now, as a fun
activity to finish out our unit, we are going to be making our own model hearts with modeling
clay and aluminum foil! I am going to pass out red and blue modeling clay and aluminum foil.
You can use the clay and the aluminum foil to make your own model of a heart. In addition, since
its the last day, I have red kool aid or blood for us to drink. I will also pass out heart shaped
sugar cookies. You will get to decorate your heart with red and blood icing; remember to put
blue on the right side, and red on the right side. Now that concludes our unit on the circulatory
system! I hope you all enjoyed learning about the heart and the circulatory system!

Materials and Resources:
Dr. Smith
Powerpoint Lesson 5
Scrapbook paper for each student
Lab coat for teacher
Problem Based Learning worksheet, one per group
PBL Write-Up sheet, one per student
Teacher-made Rubric for PBL Write Up
Lab coats for each student
Heart Journal Entry #5
Index cards
Heart shaped sugar cookies
Blue and red icing
Paper plates
Plastic knives
Extensions and /or Accommodations:

Students will write their own sample case study problem using one of the five circulatory
diseases. They must include enough information about the disease so that it is easily identifiable.
Students will refer back to the graphic organizers for each circulatory system disease. They will
be given an easier case study problem and will be asked to identify the condition/disease from
the list of diseases. Then, they will draw the part of the circulatory system that is not working
and draw pictures of ways to keep the heart healthy.

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