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Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada

Consisting of the congregations from:
Cassburn, Kirk Hill, Riceville-Pendleton,
Trinity (Vankleek Hill)

Sunday May 17, 2015

Worship Leaders Today

Trinity (Vankleek Hill)
Kirk Hill
Riceville-Pendleton (R)

Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Rev. Phyllis Dietrich
Margaret MacMillan
Sandra Osadchuk

We Gather to Praise God

Welcome to our worship service today.
We pray you will feel God's presence as we worship together.
If you are able, please stand where indicated with an asterisk(*).
You are invited to join in reading the responses and prayers, printed in bold.

Greeting and Welcome
Life and Work of the Church
Lighting the Christ Candle
*Sung Introit:

Welcome Happy Morning

VU 161

Welcome, happy morning! Age to age shall say,

Hell today is vanquished, heaven is won today:
Come then, True and Faithful, now fulfil your word,
This is your third morning: rise, O buried Lord!
*Passing of the Peace
*The Call to Worship:
We are gathered here because we are God's beloved
people. God's greatest desire for us that we live abundant,
flourishing lives; for us to stand like trees planted by
streams of water, strong and fruitful, bringing joy and
justice to the world, living lives full of contentment and
love; and for this we are grateful.
*The Opening Prayer:
We gather in this place, some because we know you and
some because we wish to know you.

Loving God, you know our hearts. May that be enough

for us right now, to simply rest here secure in the
knowledge of being known. Let that be enough to bring
us together to share what we know and what we wish to
know. We offer now the prayer of Jesus:
Our Father, who art in heaven...

Jesus Shall Reign

All Praise to Thee

VU 330
VU 327

The Good News Time

Just As I Am
I Have Called You By Your Name

VU 508
MV 161

The Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance

We Listen For Gods Word

Scripture Lessons:
Acts 1: 15-17, 21-26 Matthias elected as apostle.
Psalm 1 VU 724 Blessed are those who delight in God's law.
1 John 5: 9-13 The testimony of God is greater than human

John 17: 6-19 "So that they may have my joy made complete in

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

Thanks be to God!

How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord

VU 504

We Respond to Gods Word

Offering Invitation
*Response: Your Work O God Needs Many Hands

VU 537

Your work, O God, needs many hands to help you

everywhere, and some there are who cannot serve unless our
gifts we share.
Because we love you and your work, our offering now we
make; be pleased to use it as your own, we ask for Jesus

*The Prayer of Dedication:

As God has given to us abundantly, so we would be
generous to others. Bless these gifts as they flow into our
world to become part of God's flourishing realm of
compassion, justice, and love. AMEN!
Prayers of the People

Your Hand, O God, Has Guided

VU 274

*Commissioning & Blessing

*Sung Blessing: Go Now in Peace
Go now in peace, never be afraid,
God will go with you each hour of everyday.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.
Know he will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love and show you believe,
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above,
Go now in peace, in faith and in love.

Our Worship Ends Our Service Begins

May 17, 2015

Prayer Corner
John Allen, Ryan Beaudette, Ashley Cowan,
Meryle Duncan, Hailey, Sheila, Sheila Elliott,
Lloyd Howes, Tony Martin, Mary Matte,
Shirley MacIwain, Roger Moran, Willard Orr,
James Oswald, Joye Oswald, Evan Rodger,
Wilma Scott, Harold Sproule, Boris Woloschuk

Question for Today:

How is the joy of Jesus being made complete in you?
In your congregation?
May 17: TODAY! East Hawkesbury United Church in St.
Anne de Prescott is celebrating its 150th Anniversary this
year. On Sunday, May 17 at 2:00 pm the E.H. Gospel
Sound will hold a concert in the church to kick off the
celebration. A time of fellowship will follow the service.
Come, and bring a friend.
May 24: NEXT SUNDAY! Joint Worship Service at
Riceville United Church on Sunday, May 24 at 10:30 am.
Theme: Lettuce Smile. Communion. All welcome for
lunch at the South Plantagenet Hall following the service.
May 31: Franklin Corners Cemetery Memorial Service, 2
June 6: Trinity (VKH) is offering table and booth space in
the hall or outside on the lawn to anyone who would like to
participate in the Trash & Treasure day in Vankleek Hill on
Saturday, June 6th. Participants are required to remove any
unsold treasures immediately after the sale. Please contact
Lorraine McNaughton (613-874-2938) or Faye Allen (613678-6524) for more information and to secure your spot.

Dont forget to feed the fish


Nursing Homes / Seniors Homes Services:

Heritage Lodge, Wednesday, May 20, at 1:30 pm
Champlain, Wednesday, May 27, at 2:00 pm
Community Nursing Home, Alexandria, June 4, at 10:30 am
Prescott Russell, Tuesday, June 9, at 1:30pm

June 14: Westminster Cemetery Memorial Service, 2 pm.

June 21: Riceville United Church, with the
support of our friends from our sister Church in
Pendleton, are hosting the Annual
Strawberry Supper on Sunday, June
21st at South Plantagenet Hall, 3210
County Rd 9, Fournier, from 4:30 to
7:00 p.m. Not to be missed!
June 28: No service in Riceville-Pendleton.
Our congregations endeavour to collect pennies . . . and
any other coins you may wish in support of the Mission &
Service Fund. We welcome all donations to the M & S
Fund whether there is a penny jar or not!

Check your bulletin boards / Genesis website for events

this Summer and the July - September worship schedule.

Want more? Why not visit these websites . . .

United Church of Canada
United Church Resources

The Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada
42 Mill St., Box 689, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
Phone: 613-678-5499
Genesis Cooperative Community

Minister: Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Administrative Assistant: Gabrielle Becker
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 am 1:00 pm
Announcement Deadline: Wednesday @ noon

Minutes for Mission

May 17

Conference Leadership, Theological Education and Ministry Support,

Support to Local Ministries

Thank You to Our Ministers

The Rev. Bronwyn Corlett shares this reflection about our
When my father was sick, my minister visited. The minister didnt
stay long, just long enough to let us know we were cared for,
thought of, and prayed for. We were not alone.
When I was in the midst of a breakup, my minister took me out for
a coffee. Nothing fancy, just enough to let me know that I was
valued, worth it, and prayed for. I was not alone.
After I was in a car crash, I visited my minister to share my fear,
anxiety, and confusion. My minister listened and asked questions.
Not too many, just enough to let me know I was heard, I was okay,
and I was prayed for. I was not alone.
Our ministers are present in the big moments: baptisms and
funerals, weddings and divorces, celebrations and crises. They
are there in the everyday moments: visiting, witnessing, and
walking with us. They remind us of Gods presence while we
wrestle with life, faith, and love. Ministers are not perfect or
infallible. They each have different gifts from God and are called to
unique service.
Thank you to our ministers. Thank you for the sermons, the
prayers, and the visits. Thank you for the times you leave your
own families to sit with someone elses. Thank you for your
leadership and your late nights. Thank you for answering Gods
call and living it out in The United Church of Canada.
Thanks to our gifts for Mission and Service, we support our
ministers through training at theological schools and education
centres, and through pastoral relations and Conference support.
Mighty and tender God, our gifts to M&S help your church
to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you.

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