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EXECUTIVE EYE MANAGEMENT be ou “Practice is essen’ practice alone cannot create talent, not even in sport” UB Cori) Why you can’t create talent ‘The idea of creating talent is a myth, and talent management is bogus nonsense. The debate about whether talent is caused by “nature” or “nurture” has swung, backwards and forwards. In the 196), the focus was on nurture. Then, the late 1970s saw the introduction of DNA testing and the growth of sociobiology, which focuses on evolution as.a cause of behaviour ‘Now, the pendulum has swung back, and from the business world, we hear that calent can be created. Influencing this theory is sports science, or che "10,000+hour rule”, which says that anybody can show talent after 10,000, hours of coaching and practice, The magic ingredient is practice. Practice, it seems, not only makes perfect, it makes talent. So if you don’t succeed in winning an Olympic gold medal or starting a hugely suc cessful company, it isn’t that you don’t have the talent, but that you haven't practised enough. It seems common sense [onan "ens — fb. on og) Seed setback [stb] Sail foul ‘window: go straight out the ~ [windsol imc 3013 that common sense goes straight out the window when management gurus use science for their own ends. Practice is, of course, essential for excellent performance. But practice alone cannor create talent — neither in business nor in sport. Sports stars start at the right age and with the right bodies, Early experience is also important. The easliet you stare the violin, skiing or speaking Gecman, the easier itis, wich practice, t0 be- come an exper. But here's the-nub: if you pur ten people through the same 10,000-hour programme, one might become a star while the others don’. Such indivic- uals are what we call “naturals”, born with an ability. others don't have. But having that seed is not enough. For talent to grow, ie needs the right soil fertilizer and nutrients. ‘And this isa complicated process. People differ gceatly in their pas- sions and ability to invest in ther tal- ents, Outside influences ean only par- ‘vorgetausent esunder Ni Messehenierstane Iman. anstaenan tf zum eigenen Nulan eileen ange ier leg der Hase im Pieler ~sechhunelg, infeed — ‘evbermt Bildung. Eraishang Nasol Perel esting Ebene, Nia Boden, Erde der Steck BBR De eee dL a ADRIAN FURNHAM ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT. [scien J tially help people over their perfor mance plateau. People have different learning experiences and deal with ‘opportunities in different ways. For example, the intelligent, curious child who reads a lor will become increas- ingly knowledgeable. People who hhaye an early failure may stop believ- ing in their abilities and not develop a talent. Those who get positive en ‘couragement, on the other hand, may bbe motivated ro succeed and prepared to work hard and get over setbacks. However, the source of motivation is also important. It may be a parent, a teacher or a coach egging a star on, silat Start agai: talent management is nonsense but when they stop, the star's moti- vation can also drop. So talent is not only genetic. Nor is it something you get through hard work alone, You get into the talent group through both effort ard abili- ty, The less ability you have, the more effort is required. But there are mini ‘mum requirements for both, EB ‘ADRIAN FURNHAM is a psychology pro fessor at University Collage, London, a ‘management expert and the author of ‘over 60 books. His latest is The Engaging Monager: The Joy of Management and Be= ‘ng Managed (Palgrave Macmillan). 79

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