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History Syllabus
Mr. Casey
Room: TBD
Phone: TBD
The goal of this course is to emphasize American history from discovery through today.
This class is built around the concept that the learning community should function much
like the community outside the classroom walls and prepare students for the rigors of life
beyond a high school classroom. To succeed is a democratic society and become a
productive member of society, it is important to cooperate with your neighbors, respect
yourself and others, and follow the rules of that society. These responsibilities help to
students to become responsible citizens. Like any classroom, there are some basic rules
and procedures that we must all follow in order to achieve success and make the best use
of our time together.

What You Need:

You will need to bring your book to class EVERYDAY.

You will need to bring something to write with and something to write on
I strongly encourage you to get a binder in which to keep assignments,
notes and handouts, and various classroom materials. High school
requires students to become organized and maintaining a binder will:
1. Help you keep work organized and help keep you from
losing materials
2. Be useful as a study guide for tests and quizzes
3. Make your history smile

How Class Works

Bell Work: Each class begins with bell work that will be displayed at the front of
the class before students arrive. The bell work will ask you to answer questions, follow
some directions, or perform some task. You are to start the bell work upon your arrival.
Conversations with classmates will be tolerated, but should be limited, while you
complete your bell work. It would be beneficial for you to keep your bell work within
your binder, since it will be collected an impact your Participation grade.
Attendance: During bell work, I will complete attendance and meet with students
who were absent the previous day. Notes, handouts, and materials covered during an
excused absence will be available to students in specified folders. The study of history
requires consistent attendance in order to understand how previous events have shaped
decisions. Attendance is extremely important to your teacher. The hardest part of life is

just showing up, I promise to create a fun, engaging classroom, and you dont want to
miss out.
Late Work: Understanding that we all make mistakes and occasionally forget, I
will accept late work. You will receive one free late assignment per 9week grading
period. Additional late work will result in points being deducted. School is about more
than learning the various subjects, within my class you should learn about responsibility
and accountability.
Current Events: I believe that staying aware of events that are impacting the
world is extremely important when examining history. Therefore, on selected Fridays we
will have a brief discussion on current events and their historical precedents, tying the
past to the present. You will be expected to watch or read the news and be prepared to
discuss at least one event. Please avoid topics related to pop culture and sports.
Wrap Up: Students are responsible for leaving my classroom as they found it. I
am not your parents and dont want to spend my time cleaning up after you. Before
leaving, you must make sure desks have been returned to their proper place and you have
cleaned and picked up around your work area. Class will typically end with a series of
announcements, and/or assignments, or a summary/discussion of what has been

How we work together:

Cell Phone/ Mp3 Player: Must be silenced and put away at the start of class. If I
see or hear your phone, I will take it and keep it for the remainder of class. I understand
that me and the material I am presenting are not as cool as your phone; I will give you
opportunities to use your phone. Please only use them at appropriate times.
Food and Drinks: I dont mind food and drinks (must be in plastic bottles, no
cans or glass) in class as long as it doesnt become a distraction. If it is excessively noisy
of stinky, or becoming the focus of conversation, then this freedom will go away. YOU
are responsible for cleaning up after yourself. This is a privilege, not a right, so be
responsible or you will lose that privilege.
Talking: Civil conversations and debates are a key component of this course.
Your participation is important and you are integral member of the learning community,
please contribute. Discussions must remain professional and civil at all times; although,
you may not agree with everyones point of view, we will all respect the views of others.
During small group discussions, voices must be kept at levels that do not interfere with
other groups.
Dress Code: I expect you to follow the school dress code while in my class.

How you earn your grade:

Assignments (20%): This grade includes in class assignments and homework as
well as any online work.
Enrichment/ Participation (20%): This grade will reflect bell work, quick
assignments, and student participation. As mentioned, civil conversations and debates are
a key component of this course, you are expected to participate.
Quizzes (20%): We will have periodic quizzes on readings, lectures, and
Tests/Projects (25%): This grade includes all tests and projects undertaken
throughout the term.
Midterm/Final (15%):

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