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Friday, January 30, 2015

The Director-General
ASIO Central Office
GPO Box 2176
Attention Regarding ISIS / ISIL
Dear Mr Director General
First off may I say
welcomed to the job as Director General of ASIO,
in charge of Security and Terrorism in our
country and responsible to keep Australia safe and
the population.
After much thought, I have written and complied a
Book called The OzBoy Files The Truth
Finally the truth should be told how ever
damaging and without recriminations to the
people who Fund, Support and Train these
Terrorist Groups.
You should be made aware however displeasing
the information and truth coming out as to the
real threat Australia faces with the some 150
200 Australians, which have joined the cause and
gone to fight in these Wars overseas, Syria, Libya,
Iraq, and Sudan.

After reading even the 15 Chapters of this book,

Australia faces the biggest threat of all from these
150 200 Fighters who have signed on and gone
to fight for the Americans against the Syrian and
Iraqi Governments.
These people are well Trained, Funded, Armed by
the Americans and Israel to name a few countries
not forgetting Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
They are trained and well paid mercancies and
when they come back to Australia will take up
arms and fight against ASIO, Police and Military
Services to force their Evil Brand of Islam upon
the population and Government of Australia.
I urgently call upon you to have a meeting with
Police and Military Services and advise exactly
what the threat to Australia is and what we all
face if the above happens and work out some
plans to Counter any insurgency fighting which
may break out.

Things You Can Do To Counter

Any Insurgency Fighting
1) Have a Guns and All Weapons Give Up Buy
2) All Mosques Legislation should be passed to
make them Weapons Free

3) A Deprogramming Anti Programming

Scheme to de - radicalize these people.
These three things should be done quickly
Also the Government and Security of Cabinet
should be made aware of this Book and see for
themselves that our Security of our Government
and Population is at High Risk of a Terrorism
Attack and Insurgency Up Rising once some of
these 150 200 people come home and start
training and buying up arms to fight back home
here for a Islamic State Country.
Yours truly

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