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Think Globally, Act Locally

White Paper

Authors: Allie Church

APRIL 2015

The carbon dioxide levels are rising, which causes there to be more greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere. If there are too much greenhouse gases in the air, then it can
cause global warming (global climate change). Carbon dioxide is one of the big
greenhouse gases, and the levels are rising, and some of the levels are human induced.
We need to help lower the carbon dioxide levels. Therefore, our solution is to plant more
certain types of trees in certain locations (climates), to use LED light bulbs instead of
regular light bulbs, and to create and introduce a new system of for every tree that they
cut down, they have to plant two more trees.

The year 2014 has been ranked the warmer year since 1880. Global climate
change is a big problem and it affects many things such as the environment, politics,
health, and the economy. A reason why the climate is changing is because there are too
many greenhouse gases that are building up and surrounding the Earth. Carbon dioxide
is a big greenhouse gas, and 40% of the carbon dioxide levels were human induced from
1880 to 2012. If we dont address this issue soon then the levels will just continue to rise.

We already know the global climate is
warming, carbon dioxide levels rise in
winter because of less vegetation and
greenhouse gases are also warming the
planet. With our solution introduced we
need to know what percent of plants die
every winter, what percent of carbon
dioxide levels rise in winter and what kind
of trees take in the most carbon and that
are just better for the planet. Again, if we
do not take action earth will be too hot for humans to live. But when coming up with
this solution to fix the problem, we ran into existing challenges and why this is a
difficult problem to address. First, pre-industrial levels are rising as well as carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Other greenhouse gases include, methane and water
vapor. This is also a difficult problem to address because people don't realize that simple
APRIL 2015

things they do make a huge contribution to the global warming. Also people don't realize,
global climate change is happening all over the world but it is.


Our planet is continuously suffering from the Greenhouse effect due to human

Key Points
Weather conditions are changing and have become more dangerous
1. Heat waves
2. Snow Fall
3. Arctic winds
4. Floods
5. Droughts
Effects on natural biosystems
1. Animals extinction
2. Plants extinction
3. Affects Ecosystems
4. Alters the life cycles of plants/animals
5. Coral bleaching


Our solution is to start making positive decisions to impact the future of our Earth.

Key Points
Plant trees that take in a lot of Carbon Dioxide
1. Those who live in Hawaii then plant Eucalyptus
2. Those who live in the Southeast then plant Loblolly Pine
3. Those who live in Mississippi then plant Bottomland Hardwoods
4. Those who live in the Great Lakes then plant Poplars
5. Those who live in Urban Settings should plant:Common Horse-Chestnut,
Black Walnut, American Sweetgum,
Ponderosa Pine, Red Pine, White Pine,
London Plane, Hispaniolan Pine, Douglas Fir, Scarlet Oak, Red Oak, Virginia
Live Oak and Bald Cypress
Be conscience of electronic use
1. Unplug anything electrical when not in use
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a. Coffee pot
b. Hand held devices
c. Lamps
d. Televisions
e. Microwave
2. Energy Savers
a. Turn off lights when they are not needed
b. Use LED lightbulbs to save energy
c. Look for Energy Star label for appliances
d. Turn off fans and air conditioners when not home
e. Use a power strip

Case Studies

In 2007, angry protesters went to the president demanding the use of an energy

efficient lightbulb. The bill was passed. We do not need to go that extreme, but we need
people to understand that LED lights can make a positive impact, and change on the earth.


After all of this information we now understand we need to take action to reduce
the current c02 levels in the atmosphere. It is now more important than ever
to change
our ways of building and industrializing.

APRIL 2015

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