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LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2013-2015 ACTIVITY COMPLETION SUMMARY PARTICIPANT’S NAME: Chris Hainsworth MENTOR’S NAME: Melissa Rakes i relesa Rakes ‘The mentor and dhe indvidal paicipant stall determine the activites required to be completed. Individual activities without an asterisk (*) below that were ‘completed up to five years prior to puttin inthe LDP may be accepted sa completed LDP activity, Actviics wih ananerisk ()hnve none hontaions ACTIVITY COMPLETED ACTIVITY (Mentor’s Initials (To be completed by participany) & Date) MAR sfaaps ACTIVITY A: Based on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Survey results, identify a behavior to change and develop a plan to make the change; report outcomes to mentor. Behavior to Change: Interpersonal Connections Me Shs scrivyry B: Give presentation about Delaware Technical & Community College to an outside business group with at least 24 members in attendance; outside group is to be approved by the College President, Group: __MOT Rotary Presentation Date: 3/25/15 Me SJoofis’ ACTIVITY C: Serve on the Administrative Retreat Committee Retreat theme: __ Shifting Gears Dates Executed: 3/20/15 3/27/14 Activity D: Attend the Administrative Retreat the year not appointed to serve on the Administrative Retreat Commitiee, A slafs ACTIVITY E: Attend a meeting of three different college-wide coordinating groups and/or committees, 10 include a Board of Trustees Meeting Group or Committee: Board of Trustees Meeting Date: _ 6/3/14 _ Group or Committee: CW Marketing/PR Meeting Date: _ 8/6/14 Group or Committee: __ Business Directors Meeting, Meeting Date: 11/17/14 ME sols ACTIVITY F: Attend an Administrative Council Meeting at and tour the facilities of each campus. Campus: _Stanton/Wilmington ___ Meeting Date: _5/9/14 Campus: Owens Meeting Date: 7/11/14 Campus: Terry. Meeting Date: _ 8/22/14 J sols ACTIVITY G: Within the first year, serve and participate on a college-wide planning committee or a committee that has the responsibility to recommend/implement a new College olicy/procedure/plan. Committee: _Allied Health Admissions Committee College policy/procedure/plan recommended/implemented: _ Standardized the Admissions process for Allied Health Pros Page 1 of 3 Rey. 2013 ACTIVITY COMPLETED ACTIVITY (Mentor’s Initials (To be completed by participant) & Date) Mike steal Ake sbobe SF ACTIVITY Hi Attend a Campus budget hearing or a Vice President/Campus Director allocation of budget meeting Campus location and Date of Attendance: _ Terry 5/27/14 ACTIVITY I Attend College budget hearings before ‘Budget Director, Joint Finance Committee, and Joint Bond Bill Committee. Budget Director hearing—Attendance Date: L/14/13 Joint Finance Committee hearing—Attendance Date: 2/18/14 Joint Bond Bill Committee hearing—Attendance Date: S/S, AMAL stl scewvnys HME sls LI Uj J haffi Mie shelf Page 2 of 3 LDP participants who have not taught a class at Delaware Tech: Teach a Delaware Technical & Community College three or more hour eredit course or equivalent number of non- credit course hours. Course Title: _ XXX Semester or Dates taught: XX (Campus Location: LDP participants who have previously taught a Delaware Tech three or more hour credit course or equivalent number of non-credit course hours: Spend 18 hours (2-3 hours in each area) assisting with student support services related to student success to include Admissions/Counseling, Career Services, Financial Aid Office, Registrar's Office, Student Support Services. ACTIVITY K: Spend a day shadowing one’s mentor or an administrator. Person Shadowed: ___John Buckley Position: Dean of Instruction, Terry Date: 8/21/14 ACTIVITY L: Complete one core course from the Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) Certification Program Course: IDT G31 Teaching with Technology Completion Date: 12/2014 ACTIVITY M: Complete IDT G63 ~ ePortfolio Design course from the Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) Certificate Program. ACTIVITY N: Select a leadership resource to read/review and be prepared to share key oints with the class during the February 2015 seminar. Resouree Chosen: __The Leader's Code by Donovan Campbell Rev. 2013 ACTIVITY COMPLETED (Mentor’s Initials & Date) Page 3 of 3 ACTIVITY (To be completed by participant) *ACTIVITY O: Volunteer in the community or serve on a non-profit community board, commission, and/or commitiee for a minimum of 30 hours. Type and place of Volunteering and/or Board/Commission/Committee on which served: MOT Youth Lacrosse Board of Directors Dates Served: 11/2013 - Present ACTIVITY P: dtiend a meeting of minimum of three stakeholders of the College, advisory committees, alumni association, faculty/staff senates, student government associations, ete Meeting: SGA Date Attended: 2/10/15 Meeting: Staff Senate Date Attended: 2/6/15 Meeting: Business Advisory Board Date Attended: 10/28/14 ACTIVITY Q: Be a mentor, Individual Mentored: __Jill Lillard, Mentoring time period: _ 5/2014 - current ACTIVITY R: Demonstrate the ability to plan and lead an effective project that emphasizes teambuilding, ie. United Way or Educational Foundation employee-giving campaign, etc 28/14 Meeting: __ Employee Giving Date(s): _3/xx/14 ACTIVITY S: Chair or participate on a campus or College-wide committee or task force. Committee/Task Force: __ Work/Life Balance Year: _ 2009 ACTIVITY T: Attend a Campus Graduation Ceremony. Campus: ___ Terry Year: 2014 ACTIVITY U: Serve as a co-advisor of a student club or organization for one year. Clul SGA Year: 2014-15 Rev. 2013

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