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- Constant tapping with pencil, pen, etc.
- Student feels need to constantly get up and
walk around the classroom, students feel a
need to stand
- Rocking in chair
- Agitation with loud noises. This can often
occur in a loud classroom (especially music
classes or PE). They may put their fingers in
their ears and begin screaming.
- Fixating on bright objects, such as ceiling
- Replace with non-noise making object such
as feather, pipe cleaner, fabric, ball, etc.
- Give student Theraputty to handle during
lectures or direct instruction.
- Select this student to pass out or collect
- Replace chair with exercise ball.
- Give the student a break card if they are
overwhelmed by loud noises.
- Giving students gum.
- Incorporating more kinesthetic movement into
instruction, such as clapping.

-Avoidance; sitting without doing anything
- Leaving class to go to the bathroom or get
water constantly
- Missing/skipping school
- Distracting self and/others
- Looking at the clock repeatedly
- Acting out aggressively towards others*
- Interrupting class (with side or inappropriate
- Acting defiant towards the teacher when given
- Practice proximity e.g. frequent the area of
the student
- Provide choice e.g. you may either work on
this project or read quietly
- Consider the classroom arrangement e.g.
place the student's assigned seat near the
- Break a larger task into smaller chunks to
appear more manageable
- Incorporate their interests into classwork
- Give students a break card, allowing them to
decide when they need a break



-Side conversations
-Rude comments ("This class
sucks")"Funny"/"Smart-Alec" responses, in
order to get a laugh
-Inappropriate comment/question (either the
time for the comment has passed or it is
unrelated to the topic of the lesson)
Mouthing off, becoming verbally aggressive
with other students or the teacher
Making fun of another student
Coming to class late, talking and disrupting the
- Teach a new behavior
- Provide attention to the student at appropriate
- Planned ignoring: reinforce targeted
- Have the student be the scribe for the class
- Give the student a role of leadership in the
- Change seating arrangements frequently

- Often asking "is this right?", to a point where it
is excessive
- Becoming aggressive until the student
acquires what they want*
- Tangibles which are often desired by students
include: Food,Toys, Time on a computer or
other device,Desired activity such as extra
recess or a field trip,Grades/ Point
- Students may push other students out of the
way to try to obtain a tangible
-Meltdowns, students may cry until they get
what they want*
- Reinforcing positive classroom tasks through
a point system, e.g. stamps when working on
- Not rewarding negative behavior, such as
acting out aggressively or crying
- Giving students choices in order to selfcorrect their behavior
- Wait for student to display appropriate
behavior before giving the reward

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