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Paediatrica Indonesiana

Indonesian Journal of Pediatrics and Perinatal Medicine

Advisory Board
Bambang Madiyono, Husein Alatas, I. G. N. Gde Ranuh,
Iskandar Wahidiyat, Mulyono Trastotenojo, Sofyan Ismael

Business Manager
Sofyan Ismael

Sudigdo Sastroasmoro

Managing Editor
Partini P. Trihono

Rulina Suradi
Maria Abdulsalam
Budining Wirastari
Asti Praborini

Aryono Hendarto
Rinawati Rohsiswatmo
Erwin Soenggoro
Muljadi M. Djer

Associate Editors
Nia Kurniati
Bernie Endyarni

Nikmah Salamia Idris

Amanda Soebadi

Contributing Editors
Herlina Dimiati (Aceh)
Muhammad Ali (Medan)
Finny Fitri Yani (Padang)
Ria Nova (Palembang)
Darmawan Budi Setyanto (Jakarta)
Heda Melinda (Bandung)
Mexitalia Setiawati (Semarang)

Endy Paryanto (Yogyakarta)

Aryanto Harsono (Surabaya)
Siti Lintang Kawuryan (Malang)
Syarifuddin Rauf (Makassar)
Endang Dewi Lestari (Solo)
Hesti Lestari (Manado)
Ida Bagus Subanada (Bali)

International Editorial Board

Robert Ouvrier (Sydney)
Victor Y. H. Yu (Melbourne)
Hans A Buller (Rotterdam)
J. L. Wilkinson (Melbourne)
Prasong Tuchinda (Bangkok)

B. J. Brabin (Liverpool)
Perla D. Santos Ocampo (Manila)
Mohd Sham Kasim (Kuala Lumpur)
Habil B. Lombay (Hungary)
Akihiro Morikawa (Tokyo)

Department of Child Health,
Medical School, University of Indonesia
Jalan Salemba 6, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Tel. 62-21-314 7342, Fax. 390 7743

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In-house style

Buku ini dibuat untuk panduan bagi para penulis, contributing editors, serta
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mempunyai in-house style (gaya selingkung) yang harus diterapkan secara
kaku dan taat-asas. Pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar
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Instructions to Authors maupun yang dapat dilihat dalam artikel yang telah
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Jakarta, September 2010

Paediatrica Indonesiana

In-house style

1. Title
Judul makalah merupakan hal yang paling awal dan paling banyak dibaca orang. Dari
judul pembaca akan menentukan apakah akan membaca artikel lebih lanjut atau tidak.
Dengan demikian judul harus dibuat dengan cermat; ia harus ringkas, informatif,
Judul bukan merupakan kalimat lengkap, namun lebih merupakan label.
Judul naskah PI menggunakan sentence case (huruf besar hanya untuk huruf pertama
dari kata pertama, atau nama diri).
Judul tidak terlalu panjang atau pendek. Intinya: judul terbaik adalah judul yang
paling pendek yang menggambarkan isi utama penelitian. Meskipun sulit ditentukan
jumlah maksimum kata, namun usahakan tidak lebih dari 24 kata. Untuk membuat
judul yang ringkas, kata-kata berikut dihilangkan:
o A study of
o Investigation of ......
o Observation on
o The ..., A...., An......
Judul tidak menggunakan singkatan atau akronim kecuali yang baku.
Tempat dan waktu penelitian tidak perlu disertakan dalam Judul kecuali bila
penelitian khas untuk waktu dan tempat tersebut.
Judul tidak menggunakan kalimat tanya.
Dianjurkan untuk tidak menyebutkan hasil utama penelitian sebagai judul.
Penyertaan desain penelitian, bila sesuai, dapat dilakukan dalam judul.
Hindarkan pernyataan yang berlebihan, seperti:
A prospective randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trial.
(Tidak ada uji klinis yang tidak prospektif, tidak ada plasebo yang tidak double blind); jadi
cukup: A randomized double blind clinical trial.)

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 1

In-house style

Judul yang salah /

tidak dianjurkan
Judul terlalu panjang:
Control study of comparative efficacy of isoniazid, streptomycin-isoniazid, and
streptomycin-para-amninosalycilic acid in pulmonary tuberculosis therapy. III. Repart
on twenty-eight-week observations on 649 patients with streptomycin-susceptible
infection Am Rev Tuberc. 1953;67:539-543. [Komentar: terlalu panjang dan rinci, mirip
Judul terlalu pendek:
Antibiotics in neonatal sepsis. [Komentar: terlalu pendek dan terlalu umum, lebih
merupakan judul tinjauan pustaka ketimbang judul penelitian].
Judul yang secara tidak perlu mencantumkan nama tempat dan waktu penelitian
Effect of the use of oral iron chelating agent in patients with beta-thalassemia at the
Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, 2008. [Komentar: Efek
obat khelasi tersebut tidak hanya berlaku di RSCM dan pada tahun 2008 saja, jadi
tempat dan waktu tidak perlu dicantumkan].
Judul berupa kalimat tanya
Can antibiotic decrease length of hospital stay in children with measles pneumonia?
[Komentar: Kalimat tanya dapat digunakan untuk rubrik editorial atau opini, bukan
laporan hasil penelitian].
Judul berupa hasil utama penelitian

Routine antibiotic use for acute otitis media is useless. [Komentar: Judul berupa hasil
utama penelitian dibenarkan di beberapa jurnal; untuk PI pada umumnya tidak].

2 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Judul yang benar / dianjurkan

Judul yang secara benar mencantumkan nama tempat dan waktu penelitian
Five-year experience of bone marrow transplantation for patients with acute

lymphoblastic leukemia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, 2002-2006.

[Komentar: pengalaman tersebut khas di RSCM antara tahun 2002-2006, tidak
berlaku di tempat atau kurun waktu lain.]
Contoh judul laporan penelitian yang baik
Effect of antiseptic handwashing vs alcohol sanitizer on health care-associated

infections in neonatal intensive care units. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005;159:502-3.
Probiotics in prevention of antibiotic associated diarrhoea: systematic review and

metaanalysis. 2002;324:1361

Effect of moderate diet-induced weight loss and weight regain on cardiovascular

structure and function. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2009; 54:2376-81.

Chagas disease as a cause of symptomatic chronic myocardopathy in Mexican

children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009;28:1011-3.

Amethocaine versus EMLA for successful intravenous cannulation in a childrens

emergency department: a randomised controlled study. Emerg Med J 2009;26:487-91.

Comparison of results and complications of surgical and Amplatzer device

closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defects. Cardiology 2001;120:28-31.

Bicycle helmet use among schoolchildrenthe influence of parental involvement

and childrens attitudes. Inj Prev. 2001;7:218-222

Catatan. Untuk penulisan judul, Paediatrica Indonesiana tidak menggunakan title case
(huruf awal setiap kata ditulis dengan kapital), melainkan menggunakan sentence case
(huruf kapital hanya digunakan pada awal judul, sedangkan selebihnya digunakan
huruf kecil (lowercase), kecuali untuk nama diri (proper names).
Penulisan dengan title case tidak digunakan dalam Paediatrica Indonesiana
Kangaroo Mother Versus Traditional Care for Newborn Infants Less than or Equal
to 2000 Grams: A Randomised Controlled Trial.
Penulisan dengan sentence case digunakan oleh Paediatrica Indonesiana
Kangaroo mother versus traditional care for newborn infants less than or equal to
2000 grams: a randomised controlled trial.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 3

In-house style

2. Authors & Correspondence

Nama pengarang dituliskan tanpa gelar / titel apa pun.
Penulisan nama pengarang dimulai dengan nama pertama (lengkap), diikuti dengan
nama tengah (jika ada, boleh lengkap atau inisial) dan nama keluarga (lengkap).
Bila tidak ada nama keluarga, maka nama akhir yang dianggap sebagai nama keluarga.
Jika pengarang berasal lebih dari satu institusi, berikan nomor (superskrip) di belakang
nama tiap pengarang.
Tuliskan nama institusi (Departemen, Fakultas, Universitas / Rumah Sakit)
dengan lengkap dan jelas. Untuk keseragaman, nama bagian / departemen disebut
Department, untuk nama sub-bagian atau divisi disebut sebagai Division.
Alamat surat menyurat ditulis seperti berikut: Reprint requests to: dengan
alamat kantor, telepon kantor, nomor faksimile, dan alamat e-mail.

4 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh penulisan nama pengarang dari institusi yang sama:

Syukur Pribadi, Marulam T. Panggabean, Soenarto, Sri Endah
Sulistyowati, I G. N. Made Sanjaya
o From the Department of Child Health, Medical School,
Mulawarman University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
o Reprint request to: Syukur Pribadi, MD, Department of
Child Health, Medical School, Mulawarman University, Jalan
Mulawarman no. 34-38, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia. Tel +62-2189898989, Fax +62-21-89898988, email: s_pribadi@indonet.

Contoh penulisan nama pengarang dari institusi yang berbeda:

Miranda Francisca Situmeang1, Nanda Syavitri2, Rukmana Sulanjana3,
o From the Departments of Child Health1 and Surgery2, Medical
School, and School of Public Health3, Mulawarman University,
Jakarta, Indonesia, and Helix Laboratories4, Jakarta, Indonesia.
o Reprint request to: Miranda F. Situmeang, Department of
Child Health, Medical School, Mulawarman University, Jalan
Mulawarman no. 34-38, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia. Tel +62-2189898989, Fax +62-21-89898988, email: situmeang0409@

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 5

In-house style

3. Abstract & keywords

Abstrak merupakan bagian kedua yang paling banyak dibaca setelah judul karangan.
Dalam abstrak harus tergambar keseluruhan isi karangan, dari pendahuluan sampai
Paediatrica Indonesiana menggunakan abstrak terstruktur (structured abstract)
dengan subjudul, mulai dengan Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
Abstrak tidak lebih dari 250 kata (gunakan word count pada program komputer), dan
tidak memuat singkatan atau akronim yang tidak standar.
Abstrak harus informatif; termasuk jangan hanya memaparkan nilai P untuk
menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna, namun harus disertakan berapa beda atau
korelasi yang ada. Contoh Results dalam abstrak berikut tidak dapat dibenarkan:
Results. There were 220 patients completed the sudy, 112 in the treament group and
108 in placebo group. There was a significant difference between the treatment group
and placebo group terms of number of visits (P = 0.03), proportion of cured (P =
0.034), but there was no significant difference in total cholesterol level (P = 0.076).
[Komentar: harus disebutkan berapa beda klinis (lebih baik dengan interval
kepercayaannya) dan tidak boleh hanya nilai P saja.]
Seharusnya dituliskan sebagai berikut:
Results. There were 220 patients completed the sudy, 112 in the treament group
and 108 in placebo group. There was a significant difference between the treatment
group and placebo group terms of number of visits (mean difference 4.6 mg/dL, 95%
confidence interval 2.1 to 7.1 mg/dL, P = 0.03), proportion of cured (risk reduction
16%, 95% confidence interval 7 to 25%, P = 0.027), but there was no significant
difference in total cholesterol levels (mean difference 6 mg/dL, 95% confidence interval
-2 to 14 mg/dL, P = 0.096).
Kata kunci: Terdiri atas 3-8 kata atau terminologi yang berdasarkan MeSH (Medical
Subject Heading).

6 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh - Abstract
Increased pulmonary arterial pressure in children with nephrotic
Arch Dis Child. 2004;89:866-870
Aims: To evaluate pulmonary arterial pressure in children with nephrotic syndrome (NS).
Methods: Doppler echocardiography was performed in 40 children with NS (aged 1.5
13 years) at NS onset (n = 28) or relapse (n = 12), and 40 normal controls. Pulmonary
pressure was estimated by: (1) measuring the systolic transtricuspid gradient from
tricuspid regurgitation; and (2) measuring the time to peak velocity of pulmonary flow.
Results: Thirty five of the 40 patients with NS had measurable tricuspid regurgitation
with a pulmonary systolic pressure ranging from 21 to 48 mm Hg. Pulmonary systolic
pressure was >40 mm Hg in seven patients. The pulmonary time to peak velocity was
shortened and the ratio of time to peak velocity and right ventricular ejection time
decreased compared with controls. The patients with increased pulmonary pressure had
a longer time since onset of NS. One patient developed thrombus in the inferior vena
cava during hospitalisation.
Conclusion: Pulmonary arterial pressure was increased in children with NS. Further work
is needed to evaluate the aetiology and clinical implications of this abnormality.
Keywords: nephrotic syndrome; hypertension; pulmonary; Doppler echocardiography

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 7

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Contoh - Abstract
Amethocaine versus EMLA for successful intravenous cannulation in a
childrens emergency department: a randomised controlled study
Emerg Med J. 2009;26:487-491

Background: Topical anaesthetics reduce the pain of venous cannulation. The emergency
department at the Starship Childrens Hospital in Auckland uses EMLA (an eutectic
mixture of 25 mg/g lidocaine and 25 mg/g prilocaine) for topical anaesthesia.
Amethocaine has recently been shown to be a more effective topical anaesthetic. It is
suggested that, because amethocaine does not vasoconstrict veins, it may increase the
success of cannulation.
Aim: The primary aim was to determine if amethocaine improves the success of
cannulation compared with EMLA. The secondary aim was to determine if amethocaine is
a more effective topical anaesthetic in a childrens emergency department.
Methods: A parallel, randomised, double-blind controlled study was performed in
children aged 3 months to 15 years who were offered topical anaesthesia for venous
cannulation. Caregivers gave verbal consent at triage, followed by written consent.
Children were randomised into amethocaine or EMLA groups. Those who went on to
have an intravenous cannula were analysed on an intention-to-treat basis. The primary
outcome was a successful first attempt at cannulation. A convenience cohort was also
observed for distress using a visual analogue scale and the Faces, Legs, Activity, Cry and
Consolability Score.
Results: From November 2006 to June 2007, 2837 children were enrolled and 809
were known to have had intravenous cannulation. 679 complete data and consent forms
were returned. There was no significant difference between the first attempt success
rates (75.8% amethocaine vs 73.9% EMLA) or between pain scores for the 65 observed
Conclusion: Amethocaine is not more successful than EMLA for first attempt intravenous
cannulation in a childrens emergency department.

8 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh - Abstract
Effects of iron supplementation and anthelmintic treatment on motor
and language development of preschool children in Zanzibar
BMJ 2001;323:1389-1393

Objective: To measure the effects of iron supplementation and anthelmintic treatment on

iron status, anaemia, growth, morbidity, and development of children aged 6-59months.
Design: Double blind, placebo controlled randomised factorial trial of iron &
anthelmintic treatment.
Main outcome measures: Development of language and motor skills assessed by
parental interview before and after treatment in age appropriate subgroups.
Results: Before intervention, anaemia was prevalent, and geohelminth infections
were prevalent and light Plasmodium falciparum infection was nearly universal. Iron
supplementation significantly improved iron status, but not haemoglobin status. Iron
supplementation improved language development by 0.8(95% confidence interval
0.2to 1.4) points on the 20point scale, and also improved motor development, but this
effect was modified by baseline haemoglobin concentrations (P=0.015 for interaction
term) and was apparent only in children with baseline haemoglobin concentrations <90
g/l. In children with a baseline haemoglobin concentration of 68g/l (one standard
deviation below the mean), iron treatment increased scores by 1.1(0.1to 2.1) points on
the 18point motor scale. Mebendazole significantly reduced the number and severity of
A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infections, but not by hookworms. Mebendazole increased
development scores by 0.4(-0.3 to 1.1) points on motor scale and 0.3(-0.3 to 0.9)
points on language scale.
Conclusions: Iron supplementation improved motor and language development of
preschool children in rural Africa. The effects of iron on motor development were limited
to children with more severe anaemia (baseline haemoglobin concentration <90 g/l).
Mebendazole had a positive effect on motor and language development, but this was
not statistically significant.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 9

In-house style

Contoh - Abstract
Survey of hepatitis B surface variant infection in children 15 years after
a nationwide vaccination programme in Taiwan
Gut 2004;53:1499-1503

Background: It is not known whether hepatitis B virus (HBV) with mutations in the a
determinant (amino acids (aa) 121149) of the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
affect vaccination efficacy.
Aim: To investigate the prevalence and clinical significance of these mutants in children,
15 years after universal vaccination in Taiwan.
Methods: Nucleotide sequences encoding the a determinant region (aa 110160)
of HBsAg were analysed in all HBV-DNA positive sera from 1357 children and 219
adolescents serosurveyed in 1999. We then compared the prevalence and changes in
the mutants in these children with our previous surveys in the same area conducted in
1984 (just before vaccination), 1989, and 1994.
Results: The prevalence of a determinant mutants in HBV-DNA positive children was
7.8% (8/103) in 1984, which significantly increased to 19.6% (10/51) in 1989, peaked
at 28.1% (9/32) in 1994, and remained at 23.1% ((3/13) (T131I, G145R, G145R)) in
1999; it was higher in those fully vaccinated compared with those not vaccinated (15/46
v 15/153; p<0.001). However, the number of mutant infected children in each survey
was stable in the first 510 year period but decreased 1015 years post vaccination.
Increased amino acid variation in the a determinant region occurred in carrier children
in the post vaccination survey. Mutated residues tended to occur more frequently in the
region with greater local hydrophilicity (residues 140149) in those vaccinated than in
unvaccinated children with variant infection (12/15 v 6/15; p = 0.062). More HBsAg
positive a determinant mutants emerged in children fully vaccinated with plasma derived
vaccine than those given recombinant vaccine (10/2399 (0.46%) v 0/503; p = 0.122).
Conclusion: We found that a determinant variants have an advantage in infecting
immunised children but do not threaten current HBV vaccination strategies in Taiwan.

10 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh - Abstract
Bicycle helmet use among schoolchildrenthe influence of parental
involvement and childrens attitudes
Inj Prev. 2001;7:218-222

ObjectiveTo study attitudes towards and use of bicycle helmets among schoolchildren;
to determine whether these attitudes are associated with the involvement of parents and
school in bike safety.
SettingsNine intermediate level schools and five upper level schools in two Swedish
MethodA survey with 1485 participants aimed at pupils aged 1215 years conducted
during late spring 1997. Associations between parent and school involvement and
childrens attitudes and helmet use were studied using LisRel analyses.
ResultsAt some point during their school years, a majority of the children stopped
wearing bicycle helmets. Of 1213 year olds, 80% said that they had used helmets
when they were younger but at the time of the study, only 3% aged 1415 years used
helmets. Use decreased significantly during school years (p<0.001). The majority stated
they quit using helmets because they were ugly, silly, uncomfortable, or inconvenient.
There was a strong association between parental involvement, childrens attitudes, and
helmet use. However, parent involvement decreased as the children grew older.
ConclusionsTo increase the voluntary use of bicycle helmets among schoolchildren their
attitudes must be influenced. An intervention aimed at both parents and children may be

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Contoh - Abstract
Growth velocity in elementary school children with iron deficiency
anemia after iron therapy
Paediatr Indones. 2009;

Background Iron supplementation could decrease the incidence of stunting in children with
iron deficiency anemia .
Objective To study the effect of iron therapy on growth velocity in children with iron
deficiency anemia.
Method A randomized clinical trial study was conducted at Labuhan Batu on November
2006 to May 2007. Iron deficiency anemia was diagnosed if anemia was present with
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration <31%, red cell distribution width index
>220, and Mentzer index >13. Elementary school children (6-12 years old) with iron
deficiency anemia were randomly assigned to a daily therapy of 6 mg iron/kg/day or
placebo for three months. The body height was evaluated before intervention and six
months after intervention.
Results There were 125 children, among 300 children recruited, who suffered from
iron deficiency anemia. After one month of iron therapy, the means of hemoglobin
concentration were 12.4 g/dl in iron group and 11.7 g/dl in placebo group. There was
a significant increment of height in iron group (129.9 (SD 7.58) cm vs. 132.2 (SD 7.23)
cm) and in placebo (130.8 (SD 8.78) cm vs. 128.7 (SD 8.79) cm) group, but no significant
difference in the mean of growth velocity between placebo and iron groups (2.1 (SD
0.01) cm vs. 2.0 (SD 0.9) cm.
Conclusion There is significant increase in height, but no significant difference in growth
velocity between the two groups.

12 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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4. Introduction
Pendahuluan suatu laporan penelitian intinya menguraikan dengan ringkas
pembenaran (justifikasi) mengapa penelitian perlu dilakukan.
Berbeda dengan Pendahuluan untuk usulan penelitian yang seringkali sepanjang 3-6
halaman atau lebih, Pendahuluan untuk laporan penelitian di jurnal harus dibuat
ringkas. Biasanya informasi yang diperlukan dalam Pendahuluan cukup diuraikan
dalam 2 atau 3 paragraf, dan secara keseluruhan tidak lebih dari 1 halaman.
Paragraf pertama berisi latar belakang penelitian (justifikasi mengapa penelitian perlu
dilakukan): apa yang sudah diketahui, apa yang perlu ditambahkan.
Paragraf kedua berisi hipotesis atau tujuan penelitian.
Pendahuluan harus didukung oleh pustaka yang relevan dan kuat, namun tidak perlu
diuraikan secara rinci. Misalnya bila ingin ditekankan bahwa masalah yang diteliti
masih kontroversial, lukiskan kontroversi tersebut dengan rujukan yang kuat namun
tidak perlu diuraikan secara rinci.
o Manfaat pemberian antibiotik pada bayi dan anak dengan otitis media akut masih
kontroversial; sebagian ahli menyarankan pemberian antibiotik sedini mungkin setelah
diagnosis ditegakkan,3-7 sebagian lainnya menganjurkan pemberian antibiotik setelah
periode menunggu selama beberapa hari terlebih dahulu.8-12
Jadi tidak perlu dirinci apa yang dilaporkan oleh rujukan nomor 3, 4, 5 dan
seterusnya sampai nomor 12. Bila rincian tersebut diangap penting, hal tersebut
dapat dikemukakan dalam Pembahasan (Discussion).

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 13

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Contoh - Introduction
Comparative efficacy of inactivated and live attenuated influenza
[N Eng J Med. 2009;361:1260-67]

Two different types of vaccine for the prevention of seasonal influenza are currently
licensed, one containing inactivated viruses and the other containing live attenuated
viruses. Both vaccines are trivalent, with the three components updated annually as
needed on the basis of national and international recommendations.1 The efficacy of
both vaccines can be affected by a number of factors, including the age and health
of the vaccine recipients, and by the extent of antigenic similarity between the strains
included in the vaccines and those that actually circulate months later.2-6 Thus, there can
be differences in efficacy from year to year. There are also issues related to the fact
that although two distinct type B lineages have recently been in circulation each year,
only one can be included in the licensed vaccines.7 Similar issues may be encountered if
the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus of swine origin continues to circulate along with viruses
of human origin.8
Beginning in the 20042005 influenza season, we conducted a series of annual studies to
estimate the absolute and relative efficacies of licensed inactivated and live attenuated
vaccines in healthy adults younger than 50 years of age.9,10 We report here estimates of
the efficacies of the two vaccines in the 20072008 season, using end points determined
by viral culture and polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) assay. Influenza-related morbidity
was high in 20072008, a year in which type A (H3N2) viruses predominated; these
viruses were characterized by a slight antigenic drift from the type A (H3N2) viral strain
included in the vaccine.

14 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh - Introduction
Effect of introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on drugresistant Streptococcus pneumoniae.
N Engl J Med 2006;354:1455-63

Antibiotic-resistant pneumococci complicate treatment decisions, cause treatment failures,
and increase the costs of medical care. Worldwide, most antibiotic-resistant infections
are caused by five of the seven serotypes in the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine (6B, 9V, 14, 19F, and 23F).1 In 1998, 24 percent of invasive pneumococcal
isolates in the United States were nonsusceptible to penicillin, and these five serotypes
comprised 78 percent of such strains.2 Modeling predicted that in the absence of a
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, the proportion of pneumococcal strains that were
nonsusceptible to both penicillin and erythromycin could reach 41 percent by 2004.3
Because of the association between serotype and resistance, the conjugate vaccine would
be expected to reduce the incidence of disease caused by resistant strains, even though
the vaccine is designed to induce antibodies against certain capsular types.
A pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was licensed for use in young children in the United
States in 2000. The vaccine is recommended for all children under two years of age and
for children two to four years of age who have certain chronic illnesses or other high-risk
conditions.4 Data from 20015 and from a single site in 20026 indicated that there had
been a large decrease in invasive disease, including infections caused by resistant strains.
Whether vaccine use would induce the emergence of serotypes that were typically not
resistant as clinically significant causes of resistant infections was unknown. In addition,
the possibility that use of a vaccine that targets only 7 of 90 pneumococcal serotypes
would lead to an increase in disease by nonvaccine types (so-called replacement
disease) was a concern. We used population-based data from Active Bacterial Core
surveillance, part of the Emerging Infections Program of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), to evaluate further the effect of the conjugate pneumococcal
vaccine on invasive disease caused by antibiotic-resistant strains in the United States.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 15

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Contoh - Introduction
Effect of raw garlic vs commercial garlic supplements on plasma
lipid concentrations in adults with moderate hypercholesterolemia - a
randomized clinical trial
Arch Intern Med.2007;167:346-53.

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been used medicinally since antiquity. Garlic supplements, many of
which seek to package the benefits of raw garlic in more palatable forms,1-5 are promoted as
cholesterol-lowering agents and are among the top-selling herbal supplements.6-7 Crushing garlic
triggers the formation of allicin through action of alliinase enzymes on the stable precursor alliin,
and allicin inhibits cholesterol synthesis in vitro.8-9 Despite promising in vitro studies and a strong
plausibility of effect demonstrated in more than 110 animal studies,10 the clinical trial evidence
supporting a hypocholesterolemic effect of various forms of garlic is highly inconsistent.1119 A strong criticism of these trials has been that the bioavailability of the important sulfurcontaining constituents differs significantly between raw garlic and the specific garlic supplement
formulations.19-22 The objective of the current study was to compare the effect of raw garlic and
of 2 garlic supplements with distinctly different formulations on the plasma lipid concentrations
of adults with moderate hypercholesterolemia for 6 months.

Postcataract surgery outcome in a series of infants and children with

Down syndrome
Br J Ophthalmol. 2008;92:11126.

Down syndrome is the most common genetic cause of developmental disability in Ireland with a
prevalence of one in 546 live births,1 the highest in Europe. An Irish cross-sectional study of 394
children and adolescents with Down syndrome found that 50% of the children had ophthalmic
pathology, high myopia most commonly (24.9%) with 4.6% having cataracts.3
There is an increased incidence of both acquired (1160%2,46) and congenital cataracts
(26%6,7,11, 12). This retrospective study reports the visual and refractive outcome and
complications in children with Down syndrome undergoing cataract extraction.

16 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh - Introduction
The usefulness of a new rapid diagnostic test, the First Response Malaria
Combo (pLDH/HRP2) card test, for malaria diagnosis in the forested belt
of central India
Malaria Journal 2008,7:126

Malaria is a major public health problem in tribal belt of Central India where only two
Plasmodium species, i.e. Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax are prevalent [1,2]. The
ethnic tribes that live in these areas often travel several hours or days to reach the nearest
Primary Health Centre (PHC). In such areas laboratory facilities for diagnosis of malaria are
often not available and the clinical signs alone can not identify patients with malaria. Diagnosis
of malaria made on the basis of clinical symptoms is at best 50% accurate [3]. Further,
PHCs clinics examining blood smears from a large number of clinically suspected patients
are often limited by one or two trained microscopists resulting in misleading interpretation
and underestimation of malaria parasites. Consequently, a considerable proportion of drugs
have been wasted on patients with non malarial disease due to lack of prompt and accurate
laboratory diagnosis. Presumptive treatment of malaria encourages the development and
spread of drug resistant P. falciparum parasites [4]. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment (EDPT)
of malaria with efficient drugs is required for effective malaria control.
Several rapid diagnostic test (RDTs) kits for malaria exist for situations in which reliable
microscopy may not be available [5,6]. These tests are based on the detection of antigens
released from parasitized red blood cells [7]. In the case of P. falciparum, these RDTs are based
on detection of the P. falciparum histidine rich protein 2 (HRP2) or of the Plasmodium specific
lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH). Species specific pLDH isoforms have been used to develop a test
for P. vivax [8]. Recently another rapid test First Response Combo Malaria Ag (pLDH/HRP2)
card test was developed in India for differential diagnosis between P. falciparum and the other
plasmodium species. To determine the usefulness of new rapid test in low endemic area where
both P. falciparum and P. vivax are prevalent, the diagnostic capacity of First Response Combo
Malaria Ag (pLDH/HRP2) card test (Premier Medical Corporation Ltd., Mumbai, India) was
compared with that of expert microscopy, the gold standard. Additionally, the ease of use and
accuracy of the test was also assessed.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 17

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Contoh - Introduction
Multimicronutrient supplementation for undernourished pregnant
women and the birth size of their offspring
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.2007;161:58-64.

Low birth weight (LBW) (<2500 g) is a major predictor of neonatal and infant mortality.1
Intrauterine growth retardation, rather than prematurity, is the principal cause of LBW in South
Asian countries.2 Infants who are small or disproportionate in size at birth also have an increased
risk of developing coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke, and hypertension
during adult life. It is postulated that these diseases are programmed by inadequate supply of
nutrients to the developing fetuses (the Barker hypothesis).3 Thus, measures to increase the size of
infants at birth constitute a priority area in developing nations.
Prepregnancy and maternal undernutrition are important predictors of reduced birth weight
in resource-poor settings.1-2,4 It now appears that several nutrient factors, including both
macronutrients and micronutrients, may be deficient in mothers in developing countries.5-6 The
habitual diet of women belonging to low-income groups is deficient not only in calories and
proteins but also in vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, vitamin B complex, and trace elements such as
iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and selenium. In a study of 513 pregnancies in Hackney,
England, Doyle et al7 reported that mothers who subsequently gave birth to LBW infants had low
intake of 43 of 44 nutrients, including copper, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E,
and vitamin B complex. Another study of rural Indian women documented a strong relationship
between infant birth weight and the mothers intake of foods rich in micronutrients, suggesting
that these may be important limiting factors for fetal growth in undernourished mothers.5
Compared with iron and folic acid supplementation, community-based studies in Nepal8 and
Mexico9 have failed to document an increase in birth weight or a decline in the incidence of LBW
after antenatal multimicronutrient supplementation. On the other hand, recent trials conducted by
Osrin et al10 in Nepal and Kaestel et al11 in Guinea-Bissau demonstrated an increase in the birth
size with antenatal multimicronutrient supplementation. Friis et al12 conducted another randomized
trial in Zimbabwe and concluded that antenatal multimicronutrient supplementation may be one
strategy to increase birth size, although their results failed to achieve a statistically significant
difference. However, these trials did not selectively target undernourished pregnant women who
are at greater risk for delivering infants with lower birth size. We therefore evaluated the effect
of multimicronutrient supplementation in undernourished pregnant women on birth size and early
neonatal morbidity.

18 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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5. Methods
PI menggunakan subjudul Methods, tanpa menambahkan kata-kata lain seperti
Materials and Methods, Subjects and Methods, dll.
Para peneliti muda cenderung untuk menuliskan Methods dengan amat singkat (2
sampai 3 paragraf saja), padahal penulisan Methods harus cukup rinci sehingga orang
lain dapat mengulangi penelitian tepat seperti yang dilaporkan. Dalam banyak jurnal
Methods ditulis dengan huruf yang lebih kecil, mengingat panjangnya uraian di
Pada umumnya, Metode mengandung beberapa informasi, termasuk:
Desain penelitian
Tempat dan waktu
Populasi dan sampel
Kriteria pemilihan (inklusi dan eksklusi)
Cara pemilihan sampel (sampling method)
Perkiraan besar sampel, tidak harus disertakan formulanya
Randomisasi: teknik randomisasi, apakah dilakukan concealment
Penyamaran (blinding/masking): jenis, teknik
Informasi terinci tentang bagaimana penelitian ini dilakukan, termasuk
pengukuran dan intervensi, supaya jika mau mengulang penelitian ini dapat
dilakukan sama persis.
o Uji kappa untuk kesuaian pengukuran
o Tata cara pelaksanaan penelitian
o Obat dan alat yang digunakan (nama, jenis, tipe, pabrik)
o Follow-up
o Outcome primer dan sekunder
o Definisi variabel yang penting (secara naratif, tidak dengan penomoran)
o Cara pengumpulan dan manajemen data
o Analisis dilakukan dengan uji yang sesuai dengan data, batas kemaknaan,
disertakan interval kepercayaan
o Ethical clearence dan persetujuan setelah penjelasan (informed consent)
o Program komputer yang digunakan

Sub-judul dapat digunakan untuk membuat penyajian lebih informatif pada seksi
Metode, dan juga Hasil dan Diskusi.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 19

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Contoh - Methods
Increased prevalence of renal and urinary tract anomalies in children
with Down syndrome
[Pediatrics 2009;124: 615-21]

Study Design
This was a retrospective cohort study. The occurrence of RUTAs (International Classification of
Diseases, Ninth Revision code 753) was determined for children with DS and compared with that
for children without DS who were born in New York State (NYS) in 19922004.
Data Sources
Our data were obtained from the NYS Congenital Malformation Registry (NYS-CMR), a
statewide birth defect registry that requires reporting of any child with a birth defect diagnosed
up to the age of 2 years.9 This is one of the largest, population-based, birth defect registries
in the country. It is a repository for case reports of children born in NYS; it permits monitoring
of congenital malformations and allows for etiologic studies. The NYS-CMR was established in
1982, and the first full year of data was 1983. Case reporting was performed with written
forms until 2006, when electronic reporting with the Internet-based Health Provider Network
began. All information reported is kept confidential and is protected by public health law. The
NYS-CMR has been used in numerous analyses1014 and collaborative research projects, including
the National Down Syndrome Project and the National Birth Defects Prevention Study.15,16
Statistical Analyses
Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for each congenital
abnormality by using MedCalc (MedCalc Software, Belgium). ORs and CIs were rounded
to 1 decimal place.

Catatan: Uraian tentang desain yang terlalu kaku hendaknya dihindarkan, seperti:
This study was a descriptive and analytic study with cross sectional design .

(Cukup ditulis: This was a cross sectional study )
This was a prospective randomized placebo controlled trial

(Cukup diulis: This was a randomized controlled trial..)

20 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh Methods
Evaluation of universal antenatal screening for group B streptococcus
[N Eng J Med 2009; 360:2626-36]

Study Population
The Active Bacterial Core surveillance system, a component of the Emerging Infections Program
Network, conducts active, population-based surveillance for invasive group B streptococcal
disease in selected counties in 10 U.S. states (see the Appendix).14,15 The target study population
was infants born alive to surveillance-area residents who delivered at area hospitals at which
there were 10 births per year or more during 2003 and 2004; births at these hospitals
accounted for nearly all resident births. We used data from a similar evaluation designed to
assess births at Active Bacterial Core surveillance sites in 1998 and 1999 in order to compare
practices before and after the issuance of the 2002 updated guidelines.9 Colorado joined the
Active Bacterial Core surveillance system in 2000, and New Mexico in 2004.
Cases of early-onset, invasive group B streptococcal disease, which was defined by the isolation
of group B streptococcus from a normally sterile site in a live-born infant less than 7 days of
age, were identified by routine population-based surveillance. All cases of group B streptococcal
disease that occurred in the birth cohort were included, and each case was assigned a sample
weight of 1; because New Mexico joined the Active Bacterial Core surveillance system in 2004,
only cases of group B streptococcal disease among infants born in 2004 were captured for that
For the identification of births in which group B streptococcus was not present, a random sample
of 7737 live births stratified according to surveillance area, year of birth, and birth hospital
was selected from birth certificates in all 10 Active Bacterial Core surveillance sites. Within each
stratum, births were selected by means of proportional allocation on the basis of the number
of births per hospital/year. Births in which there was no group B streptococcal disease received
an initial sample weight equal to the inverse probability of selection. This initial weight was
adjusted to account for nonresponse (i.e., the absence of a chart available for abstraction).
This adjustment for nonresponse assumed that within each birth year, hospital, and gestational
age category (preterm vs. term), the abstracted charts were representative of all births without
group B streptococcal disease.16,17
A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) institutional review board determined that this project
protocol was considered to be a program evaluation, and therefore, informed consent was
not required. The local institutional review board at each participating site also waived the
requirement for consent.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 21

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Data Collection
For each selected birth, trained abstractors collected standardized information from labor
and delivery records on the mothers demographic characteristics, prenatal care, obstetrical
characteristics, intrapartum antibiotic use, and screening for group B streptococcus. When labor
and delivery records for mothers whose newborns had group B streptococcal disease were
unavailable for abstraction, routinely collected Active Bacterial Core surveillance case- report
data were used to replace missing values, if possible. Information from the birth certificate on
race, ethnic group, and term status was used when this information could not be obtained from
the medical records.
Definitions of Variables
Preterm delivery was defined as delivery at less than 37 weeks gestation. Intrapartum was
defined as the period between the onset of labor or rupture of the membranes and delivery. In
the case of cesarean deliveries, intrapartum was defined as the period between admission for
labor or delivery and cord clamping. Antibiotics administered for prophylaxis associated with
cesarean delivery were not classified as intrapartum when the timing of the administration was
unknown. Screening for group B streptococcus before delivery was defined as any documented
prenatal test or test at admission that was performed 2 days or more before delivery. The
adequacy of prenatal care was determined by the Kessner index, which categorizes prenatal
care as adequate, intermediate, or inadequate on the basis of the timing and number of
prenatal care visits. For our analysis, we used two categories: inadequate (includes pregnancies
with missing data) and adequate (includes intermediate).18 We also used two categories for
race: black and nonblack (which included white, Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian, other,
and unknown).
A history of group B streptococcus was defined as group B streptococcal bacteriuria in the
mother during the current pregnancy or previous delivery of an infant with invasive group B
streptococcal disease. Candidates for chemoprophylaxis included women who were positive
for group B streptococcus at screening, had a history of group B streptococcus, or had
unknown colonization status and a risk factor for group B streptococcus (preterm delivery, an
interval between rupture of membranes and delivery of 18 hours or longer, or an intrapartum
temperature of 38.0C [100.4F]) or higher at labor and delivery.7
Statistical Analysis
All analyses were conducted with the use of SUDAAN software, version 9.01 (Research Triangle
Institute) to account for the stratified survey design. Data were weighted to account for an
unequal probability of selection, and weighted values are reported. Pearson chi-square tests
were used to compare distributions of categorical variables, and two-tailed P values of less
than 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. Factors associated with not
being screened were evaluated with the use of univariate models, and all variables that were
significant at a level of less than 0.15 in a univariate analysis were considered in multivariable
logistic-regression models.
The final multivariable model included main effects with a significance level of less than 0.05.
Collinearity and all two-way interactions of main effects were evaluated; interaction P values of
less than 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance.

22 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh - Methods
The usefulness of a new rapid diagnostic test, the First Response
Malaria Combo (pLDH/HRP2) card test, for malaria diagnosis in the
forested belt of central India
Study area
Jabalpur district in central India has a mixed rural, urban and tribal population. This work was
performed in Bargi PHC located in forest in 25 km radius, from 21 August 30 September
2007 during peak monsoon season. The terrain of study area is highly undulating and
inaccessible. Villages are remote, thinly populated formed of six to 10 hamlets and located in
field and forest. The inhabitants are mainly ethnic Gond tribe (60% 80%) and agriculture is
monsoon-dependant. Inhabitants are poor and live in small, dark, mud plastered huts without
electricity. During the rains, perennial streams and its tributaries creates small water pool and
remain as potential breeding site for several months in which both the malaria vector, Anopheles
culicifacies and Anopheles fluviatilis breed profusely. Medical facilities are non-existent.

Sample collection
All fever cases in ten villages were screened for malaria independently by microscopy and
RDT to evaluate the performance of the test under field conditions. Make-shift field clinics were
established in field where persons of all ages visit for checkup, thus permitting performance of
the RDT in all persons suspected to have malaria, whatever their history (recent malaria attack
or with a history of malaria in the previous 15 days), clinical status (high or low grade fever,
severe or mild symptoms) and other factors that may affect the sensitivity and the specificity
of the RDT. A questionnaire was filled for each patient with basic clinical and demographic
information after taking verbal consent. The RDT kits were opened only after the patient had
been selected and interviewed by the medical staff. Blood was obtained by finger prick for
the First Response Combo Malaria Ag (pLDH/HRP2) card test and thick smear before patients
received treatment. In all 291 cases were tested by the RDT after taking verbal consent.

RDT interpretation
The First Response Malaria pLDH/HRP2 Combo test contains a membrane strip, which is precoated with two monoclonal antibodies as two separate lines across a test strip. One monoclonal
antibody (test line 2) is pan-specific to lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) of the Plasmodium species
(P. falciparum, vivax, malariae, ovale) and the other line (test line 1) consists of a monoclonal
antibody specific to histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP2) of the P. falciparum species. The conjugate
pad is dispensed with monoclonal antibodies, which are pan-specific to pLDH and P. falciparum
specific to HRP2. Blood sample was measured in a calibrated dropper capable of delivering
5 l sample accurately into sample well followed by two drops of assay buffer (60 l) into
developer well. Test card has one control line to indicate the validity of the test procedure

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 23

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and its working condition. Control and test lines appeared within 20 minutes in a reading
window. Thus, the RDT is designed for the differential diagnosis between P. falciparum and other
Plasmodium species. The interpretation of the test is as described below:

Plasmodium falciparum positive reaction

The presence of three bands (control, test line 2 and test line 1) or two bands (control and test
line 1) indicates a positive result for P. falciparum (or P. falciparum plus other non-falciparum

Plasmodium vivax or other Plasmodium species positive reaction

The presence of two bands (control and test line 2) indicates a positive result for non-falciparum
malaria. The pLDH present in the sample reacts with the pan anti-pLDH conjugate and moves
through the test strip where the pLDH is captured by pan specific anti-pLDH.

Negative reaction
The presence of only one band in the control area indicates a negative result. A one-hour
workshop, including training in blood collection from finger prick, performance and interpretation
of RDT was conducted at National Institute of Malaria Research Field Station Jabalpur (NIMR)
under the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) laboratory by one Medical Officer to two
Field Laboratory Assistants (FLAs). All specimens were tested on site with the RDT by the FLAs as
per manufacturers instructions. Simultaneously, thick blood smears were also prepared.

Blood smears and microscopy

The blood smears were stained with JSB stain [9] and examined on the same day by an
experienced microscopist in the laboratory of NIMR, without reference to the results of the RDT/
clinical status. Results of the RDT and microscopy examination were recorded on separate sheets.
The microscopist examined 100 microscopic field of thick smear before classifying a smear as
negative. Parasite densities were calculated according to the standard method (parasite/l=
no. of asexual parasites 8,000/no. of WBC counted) [10]. The result of both microscopy and
RDT were matched by an independent expert who was blinded to the patients clinical status,
microscopy and RDT results.

All patients infected with P. falciparum and P. vivax were given standard treatment as per
National Vector-Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP). All adult subjects with P.
falciparum were administrated the standard oral dose of chloroquine (1,500 mg chloroquine in
three days) followed by primaquine (45 mg as a single dose). Non-falciparum cases were given
1,500 mg chloroquine in three days, followed by 15 mg primaquine daily for five days. Infants
and children were given proportionally lower doses. Infants were not given primaquine as per
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme.

24 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Quality control
If the results of the RDT testing conflicted with that of the microscopy for any sample, the blood
smear was re-examined by a different technician. This microscopist was also blinded to the
previous microscopy and RDT results. If this re-examination gave a different result to the first
examination, the second result was confirmed by a third examination by another technician.
Each RDT was saved as documentation for future reference. An independent staff re-read the
saved tests after two months and matched with that original interpretation of results. The RDTs
were stored properly (temperature 4 30C) and used within shelf life. Only tests from one
batch were used (Manufacture June 07, expiry January 09 batch no. 61F0107).

Data analysis
The performance of RDT was expressed by calculating the sensitivity, specificity, positive
predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) for P. falciparum and non
falciparum malaria separately taking microscopy results as gold standard. The figures for
specificity, sensitivity, predictive values and efficiency were calculated as suggested by Tjitra
et al [11]. Data were double entered, validated and analysed using Epi Info 3.3.2 software
(CDC Atlanta GA, USA). Proportions were compared using the chi-square test. The study protocol
was approved by the ethics committee of the NIMR, Delhi.

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Contoh - Methods
Effects of iron supplementation and anthelmintic treatment on motor and
language development of preschool children in Zanzibar: double blind,
placebo controlled study
BMJ 2001;323:1389-93

The study was conducted in Kengeja village on the island of Pemba north of Zanzibar. The
environment is rural, with fishing and farming as the main occupations. P falciparum is holoendemic
and transmitted throughout the year, and P malariae is also present. A number of helminths are
highly endemic in this population, including two hookworm species, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris
trichiura, and Schistoma haematobium.
Study sample and randomisation
We estimated that 640children were needed for a 5g/l difference in mean haemoglobin
response in two age subgroups to be seen, with =0.05 and =0.10. During June and July
1996,a census was conducted in Kengeja and a database of all children whose age was
reported by their parents as 3-56months was created. The database contained 684children
from 451households. Their parents were invited to enter their children in the trial. Households,
rather than children, were randomly allocated to receive iron or placebo, so that mothers of
siblings would have to manage only one bottle of supplement. Of the 684children identified in
the census and randomised to treatment, 614attended the baseline clinic at the local primary
healthcare centre during September 1996.In total, 538children completed the follow up period
of 12months, including the final clinical assessment during September 1997.The randomisation
and retention of children in the trial is shown in the figure. The developmental scales were
not appropriate to be used for the entire age range of the children in the study; language
development is reported for children aged 12-48months at baseline and motor development for
children aged 12-36months at baseline.
Iron treatmentIron treatment consisted of a ginger flavoured liquid supplement containing 20mg/
ml ferrous sulphate, or an identical placebo (both supplied by Alpharma USPD, Baltimore). At
the baseline clinic, each mother was trained on how to give a 0.5ml dose (equivalent to 10mg
iron) to her children, and she was instructed to give this dose daily for the next year. During the
12month trial, study staff visited each mother weekly to ask how many days in the past week
she had given the supplement to her child and to deal with any compliance problems.
Anthelmintic treatment Anthelmintic treatment consisted of 500mg mebendazole in an orange
flavoured chewable tablet, or an identical placebo tablet (Pharmamed, Zejtun). After the

26 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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baseline clinic, study staff made home visits to all children every three months to give the
anthelmintic treatment.
Oral iron Children with severe anaemia (baseline clinic haemoglobin <70 g/l) were treated
with oral iron 60mg/day for 30days; they were also given their randomly allocated iron. The
total iron dosage for these severely anaemic children for the first month of the study, therefore,
was 60mg/ day or 70mg/day. These children were also given mebendazole (500mg) in
place of their randomly allocated anthelmintic treatment, but they subsequently received their
randomly allocated treatment at the baseline clinic. Parents were informed that their child was
severely anaemic and the treatments given were explained. These children were included in the
subsequent analyses on an intention to treat basis.
Clinical assessmentsThe numbers of helminth eggs in faecal samples were counted for 591(96%)
of 614study children by the Kato-Katz method.15 Anthropometric measures were converted to
z scores with Anthro version 3.0(CDC, Atlanta). Stunting was defined as height for age z score
<2.0, wasting as weight for height z score <2.0, and underweight as weight for age z score
<2.0. Blood samples (3ml) were collected to determine haemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte
protoporphyrin concentration, the numbers of malaria parasites, and serum ferritin concentrations.
Developmental assessmentsMotor and language development were assessed by the parents
reporting gross motor and language milestonesa method known to have considerable accuracy
and sensitivity for identifying developmental delays.16-19
Analysis of treatment effects
Several characteristics (sex, breast feeding, stunting and developmental scores), were
unbalanced between the groups (table 1). To adjust for baseline imbalances we included
baseline developmental scores, age (months), sex, haemoglobin (g/l), anthropometric measures (z
scores), and presence of 5000 malaria parasites/l blood as in generalised linear models. 20 21
To look at variables that might modify the effects of treatment on developmental outcomes, we
tested the interaction term of treatment (iron or mebendazole) with each variable.

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Contoh - Methods
Sudden death and defibrillators in transposition of the great arteries with
intra-atrial baffles - A multicenter study
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. 2008;1:250-7.

Study Population
The study cohort consisted of patients with D-TGA, a Mustard or Senning baffle, and an ICD
implanted before January 2006 from the following 7 participating sites: 5 centers within the
Canadian Adult Congenital Heart Network (Montreal Heart Institute, Quebec; Toronto General
Hospital, Ontario; McMaster University Medical Center, Ontario; St Paul Hospital, British
Columbia; Hpital Laval de Qubec, Quebec); Leeds General Infirmary (Leeds, United Kingdom);
and Childrens Hospital (Boston, Mass). Patients with congenitally corrected TGA or TGA in the
setting of a Rastelli repair were excluded.
Baseline Characteristics
A similar protocol was previously described in patients with tetralogy of Fallot.9 Data collection
was conducted in accordance with individual hospital institutional review board policies. Details
regarding demographic variables, surgical history including type of intra-atrial baffle repair
(ie, Mustard or Senning), associated anomalies, interventions before or concomitant with surgical
repair, electrocardiography, chest radiography, 24-hour Holter monitoring, 2D and M-mode
Doppler echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging, cardiac catheterization,
and electrophysiology studies were collected. The most recent data preceding ICD implantation
were requested, with a maximum acceptable time interval of 2 years.
Electrocardiographic data included heart rate, presence of an underlying ventricular-paced
rhythm, longest dominant QRS duration, and QT intervals. Cardiothoracic ratios were derived
from posterioanterior chest radiographs. The number of premature ventricular complexes in
24 hours and presence of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (3 beats, <30 seconds) were
captured from Holter monitors. Echocardiographic and CMR data included biventricular size and
function, degree of valvar regurgitation, and estimates of systolic pulmonary arterial pressure.
When both echocardiographic and CMR studies were performed, CMR data were retained.
Data extracted from programmed ventricular stimulation studies included inducibility of sustained
monomorphic or polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
ICD Implantation
Indications prompting ICD implantation were recorded and included presyncope/dizziness,
syncope, palpitations, clinical nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, QRS duration 180 ms, severe
systemic ventricular systolic dysfunction, inducible ventricular tachycardia, clinical sustained
ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation/resuscitated cardiac arrest, and other. Patients
were stratified according to whether the ICD was indicated for primary or secondary prevention.
Secondary prevention was defined by clinical sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular
fibrillation, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. As per convention, barring such events, the ICD was
considered indicated for primary prevention.

28 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Procedural characteristics were logged and medical therapy at the time of discharge was
noted, with particular attention to -blockers, amiodarone, sotalol, dofetilide, and class IA or IC
antiarrhythmic agents.
ICD Shocks
The main outcome consisted of appropriate ICD shocks. The ventricular tachycardia cycle
length, programmed defibrillator zone (ie, slow ventricular tachycardia, fast ventricular
tachycardia, or ventricular fibrillation), and success or failure of therapy was noted. Data
regarding inappropriate ICD shocks were likewise collected. All ICD events (ie, antitachycardia
pacing or shock) and tracings were requested, up to a maximum of 5 per appropriate and
inappropriate category for each patient.
A blinded adjudicating committee reviewed and classified all ICD events, with each tracing
analyzed by 2 independent electrophysiologists. Appropriate therapy was subclassified as
monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (ie, electrogram with a uniform and constant morphology),
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (ie, electrogram with relatively constant amplitude but
displaying a shift in morphology or axis), or ventricular fibrillation (ie, constant shift in axis and
morphology of the electrogram accompanied by marked and variable changes in amplitude).
Inappropriate ICD shocks were further categorized according to type of most likely underlying
rhythm (ie, noise interference or oversensing, sinus tachycardia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation,
and other form of supraventricular tachycardia).
ICD Complications
ICD complications were considered periprocedural if they occurred within 30 days of
implantation and late thereafter. Late complications were subdivided into lead and
generator-related events. Lead-related complications included lead dislodgement, lead failure,
endocarditis, and undersensing or oversensing. Pain, erosion, pocket infection, migration, and
device malfunction were considered generator-related complications.
Statistical Analysis
Time zero was defined as time of ICD implantation. Patient-years were accrued from time of
entry until occurrence of an ICD shock or the study termination date. Censoring occurred in the
event of cardiac transplantation, loss to follow-up, or death from other causes not involving
ICD therapy. Continuous variables are summarized by meanSD or median and interquartile
range (25th, 75th percentile), depending on normality of distribution. Categorical variables are
represented by frequencies and percentages. Baseline comparisons between patients with ICDs
for primary versus secondary prevention were performed by Mann-Whitney rank sum, student
t, or 2 tests where appropriate. Freedom from appropriate and inappropriate ICD shocks and
overall survival was plotted using the Kaplan-Meier method, with comparisons by log-rank
To assess predictors of ICD shocks, univariate and stepwise multivariate Cox proportional hazard
models were used after verifying proportional-hazards assumptions. Variables with probability
values <0.1 in univariate analyses were considered in multivariate models. Two-tailed
probability values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Analyses were performed with
SAS version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 29

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6. Results
Results sebenarnya merupakan inti laporan penelitian, merupakan hal yang
terpenting, namun tidak jarang merupakan bagian yang paling pendek dibanding
Methods dan Discussion.
Tuliskan hasil penelitian dengan sekuens yang logis, sesuai dengan alur penelitian.
Pada umumnya hasil diawali dengan jumlah dan karateristik subjek penelitian.
Pada studi perbandingan (uji klinis atau kohort) tabel pertama pada Hasil hampir
selalu merupakan deskripsi kelompok subyek pada kelompok-kelompok yang
diperbandingkan (sering disebut sebagai baseline characteristics). Dahulu tabel
perbandingan sebelum intervensi ini selalu disertai dengan uji hipotesis (uji
statistika) untuk memperlihatkan bahwa antara kedua kelompok tidak berbeda,
yang ditandai dengan P > 0.05. Praktik ini sudah banyak ditinggalkan, dan
Paediatrica Indonesiana tidak menganutnya lagi. Jadi deskripsikan saja nilainilainya tanpa uji statistika. Apakah kedua kelompok berbeda atau tidak, dilihat
dari angka-angka nominalnya (misalnya rerata usia pada Kelompok A adalah 32
(simpang baku 3) tahun sedangkan Kelompok B 34 (SB 4) tahun, apakah 32 vs. 34
tahun tersebut berbeda secara klinis?
Jangan memberikan ulasan atau komentar (dengan membandingkan dengan
pustaka) atau pendapat pribadi dalam Hasil. Komentar dan perbandingan
ditempatkan pada Diskusi.
Dalam nas (text) jangan diulang-ulang informasi yang sudah dituliskan dalam tabel
(misalnya nilai rerata dan simpang baku, nilai P, dan seterusnya), kecuali untuk
memberikan penekanan atau highlights.
Dalam nas tuliskan nomor tabel atau gambar yang ada; jangan ada tabel atau
gambar yang tidak dituliskan keberadaannya dalam nas.
Tabel harus self explanatory; angka-angka dan satuan harus tergambar dengan jelas
pada tabel.

30 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Alur subyek penelitian dianjurkan untuk dibuat diagram alur (flow chart, lihat
contoh di bawah) sehingga mempermudah pemahaman pembaca.

Pediatrics 2009;124:e622e632

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 31

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a. Bagian deskriptif
Pelaporan hasil penelitian harus dimulai dengan penyajian secara deskriptif
karakteristik subjek, biasanya dalam bentuk tabel.
Telah disebut di atas bahwa pada uji klinis, ini berisi deskripsi karakteristik
pada kelompok-kelompok sebelum perlakuan. Tabel kesetaraan antar kelompok
tersebut TIDAK PERLU dilakukan uji hipotesis (dihitung nilai P-nya), oleh karena
beda klinis yang besar dapat memberi nilai P yang tidak bermakna bila jumlah
subyek sedikit, sebaliknya beda klinis yang kecil dapat memberi nilai P sangat
bermakna bila jumlah subyek sangat banyak. Pada contoh di bawah, misalnya,
untuk mengatakan apakah kedua kelompok sebanding dalam hal masa gestasi,
kita lihat pada kelompok metronidazol adalah 19,5 kg, sedangkan pada kelompok
placebo 19.8 kg. Kita pertanyakan andaikata kita mengobati pasien dengan
metronidazol, apakah sikap kita terhadap pasien yang masa gestasinya 19.5
berbeda dengan yang masa gestasinya 19.8?
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the patients

Race or ethnic group, n (%)

Non-Hispanic White
Hispanic and other
Marital status, n (%)
Never married
Married or living with partner
Divorced, widow, or separated
Age, mean (SD) yr
Prepregnancy weight, mean (SD) kg
Gestational age at randomization,
mean (SD) wk

Metronidazole group
N = 966

Placebo group
N = 987

678 (70.2)
144 (14.9)
144 (14.9)

679 (68.8)
146 (14.8)
162 (16.4)

596 (61.7)
317 (32.8)
53 (5.5)
23 (6)
70.7 (18.9)
19.5 (2.5)

587 (595)
342 (34.7)
58 (5.9)
23 (5)
80.8 (20.0)
19.8 (2.6)

Data diambil dari: Metronidazole to prevent preterm delivery in pregnant women with asymptomatic
bacterial vaginosis. N Engl J Med. 342:534-540.

32 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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b. Bagian analitik
Sajikan dalam urutan yang logis. Analisis umum yang pertama-tama
dipresentasikan, diikuti oleh analisis yang lebih spesifik.
Hasil yang analisis bila perlu disajikan dalam bentuk tabel.

c. Metode penulisan angka

Angka yang terdiri atas satu digit dan tidak diikuti oleh unit ditulis dalam

Contoh: In only three out of six patients were antibiotics given.

Satu digit angka yang diikuti oleh unit ditulis dalam angka.

Contoh : We gave 8 mg of diazepam for patients > 10 kg BW.

Angka yang terdiri atas dua digit atau lebih ditulis dalam angka.
Contoh: In 15 patients cardiac catheterization was performed.

Jangan menuliskan angka pada awal kalimat, tulislah dalam huruf (kecuali
pada abstrak):
Contoh: Twenty-five percent of all cases belonged to stage 3 .

Desimal: untuk memisahkan angka-angka yang lebih dari 3 digit; gunakan

tanda koma dengan aturan seperti berikut:
1 Jika empat digit angka ditulis dengan angka lainnya yang terdiri atas 4 digit
atau kurang, angka ditulis tanpa koma.

Contoh: Out if the 5889 subjects, there were 1256 under-five children.

2 Jika empat digit angka ditulis dengan lima digit angka atau lebih, maka angkaangka tersebut dipisahkan setiap 3 digit dari belakang dengan koma.

Contoh: There were 4,573 under-five children out of 14,327 subjects.

3 Lima digit angka atau lebih ditulis terpisah oleh koma setiap 3 digit dari

Contoh: Balis population is estimated to be 15,300,000 by the year

1. Angka yang menunjukkan tahun tidak ditulis terpisah. Contoh: 1983, 2006

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 33

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d. Statistik

Ketepatan Numerik

Ketepatan numerik yang terlalu rinci tidak menambah informasi dan tidak akan
menambah nilai makalah, menjadi sulit untuk dibaca. Hasil yang didapatkan
seringkali perlu dilakukan pembulatan. Ada beberapa kriteria:
1. Dalam menyajikan nilai mean, SD, dan statistik lain harus diperhatikan
ketepatan data aslinya.
a. Pada penulisan nilai mean, hanya perlu ditulis satu desimal lebih
daripada data aslinya.
b. Standard deviation (simpang baku) dan standard error dapat ditulis dengan
satu atau dua desimal lebih dari data asli.
c. Nilai t, X2, dan r hanya memerlukan dua desimal.
2. Penulisan persentase (%):
a. Bila jumlah subyek >100, persentase cukup dengan 1 desimal kecuali jika
jumlah subyek sangat besar. Contoh:

25/150 = 16.7%, 1005/21,354 = 4.71%

b. Bila jumlah subyek < 100 (40-100) persentase tidak perlu desimal. Contoh:

14/74 = 19% (bukan 18.92%)

c. Dengan jumlah subyek kurang dari 40, cukup ditulis angka yang

7/26: tulis 7/26, bukan 26.9% atau 27%

Nilai P
Nilai-P ditulis dengan huruf besar (P) dan tidak miring (italic).
Dalam menyajikan hasil uji hipotesis, hendaknya dicantumkan nilai uji statistik
(seperti: t, x2) selain nilai- P.
Gunakan tidak lebih dari 2 desimal untuk menulis t, x2, r.
Secara konvensional, nilai-P ditulis sebagai <0.05 atau <0.01. Dengan adanya
program komputer, lebih baik mencantumkan nilai-P berdasarkan hitungan,
sebagai contoh 0.07 or 0.02. Tetapi jika nilai-P kurang dari 0.00001, tidak
diperlukan untuk menuliskan angka sebenarnya, cukup ditulis < 0.0001.
Nilai-P yang telah dipresentasikan pada tabel tidak perlu diulang dalam nas.

34 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Penulisan SD (standard deviation) dan SE (standard error)

SD atau SE dapat ditulis dengan satu desimal lebih dari nilai mean. Contoh:

mean = 298, SD = 34.7 atau 35

Jangan menuliskan mean dan SD atau SE dengan tanda (misalnya 20 4.2)
karena akan membingungkan, terutama bila berhubungan dengan nilai negatif.
Karena nilai mean seringkali berhubungan dengan rentang (interval), SD dan
SE, maka penulisan 3200 271 dapat menyebabkan kebingungan apakah 271
merupakan satu sisi dari interval interval, 1 SD, 2 SD, 1 SE, atau 2 SE. Karenanya
penulisan di PI adalah: mean (SD) atau mean (SE). Contoh:

The mean gestational age was 37.8 (SD 2.1) weeks.

. while the mean cholesterol level decreased from 218.4 (SD 23.4) mg/dL to
165.7 (SD 17.4) mg/dL.

Penulisan interval kepercayaan

Penulisan tanda sebaiknya dihindarkan dalam penulisan interval
Contoh: Jangan tuliskan:
The mean and its 95% confidence intervals were 82 mg/dl,

The mean value was 8 (95% CI 6 to10) mg/dL.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 35

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7. Table

Tujuan pembuatan tabel adalah membuat penyajian / presentasi substansi makalah

lebih jelas. Oleh karenanya tabel harus dibuat dengan cermat; jangan menyajikan
tabel bila dengan presentasi naratif apa yang hendak disampaikan sudah jelas. Lebihlebih lagi jangan membuat tabel yang justru membuat pembaca bingung, misalnya
jumlah subyek dalam nas dan dalam tabel tidak sama tanpa diberikan penjelasan.

Jangan membuat tabel yang kompleks, atau bersambung ke halaman berikut (kecuali
untuk makalah tertentu).

Tabel harus bernomor dan keberadaannya harus dinyatakan dalam nas. Jangan
sampai ada tabel yang tidak disebut dalam nas (tabel liar).

Untuk makalah jurnal, pada umumnya setiap 1000 kata dapat diperlukan 1 tabel,
sehingga manuskrip sepanjang 12 halaman mungkin memadai bila mengandung 3
atau 4 tabel.


Judul tabel ditulis dengan huruf kecil (kecuali huruf pertama dan nama diri), dan
tidak diakhiri dengan titik.

Hilangkan garis vertikal dan garis horizontal.

Catatan kaki dituliskan langsung di bawah tabel, dengan tanda yang sesuai.

Batasi tabel 3-4 tiap artikel

Perhatikan satuan dan penulisan tanda-tanda statistika

36 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Table 1. Description of study groups at the time of randomization
Male gender, n (%)
Age, mean (SD) yr
Weight, mean (SD) kg
Height, mean (SD) cm
Body Mass Index, mean (SD)
<24, n (%)
>24, n (%)
Total cholesterol, mean (SD) mg/dL
Hemoglobin, mean (SD) g/dL
Nutritional status, n (%)

Experimental group
n = 124
51 (41.1)
37.4 (4.5)
68.3 (4.4)
165.3 (6.2)
23.2 (6.4)
69 (55.6)
55 (44.4)
184 (13)
12.3 (2.4)

Control group
n = 122
53 (43.4)
40.2 (4.3)
67.7 (5.1)
166.8 (6.9)
24.0 (6.1)
67 (54.9)
55 (45.1)
193 (17)
11.9 (3.2)

12 (9.6)
68 (54.8)
13 (10.5)

10 (8.2)
71 (58.2)
26 (21.3)
15 (12.3)

Perhatikan bahwa semua satuan (unit), persentase, simpang baku dst. tertulis di kolom paling kiri. Kolom
selebihnya menunjukkan nilai yang ditemukan. Pada kolom usahakan tidak ada penjelasan lain kecuali nama
kelompok dan jumlah subyek.
Hal yang sama juga diberlakukan untuk tabel dengan hasil uji hipotesis sebagai berikut:

Cardiovascular death
Overall death
Total cholesterol
HDL cholesterol
Body Mass Index, mean (SD)
Nutritional status, n (%)

Experimental group
n = 124
51 (41.1)
37.4 (4.5)
68.3 (4.4)
165.3 (6.2)
23.2 (6.4)

Control group
n = 122
53 (43.4)
40.2 (4.3)
67.7 (5.1)
166.8 (6.9)
24.0 (6.1)

P value

12 (9.6)
68 (54.8)
13 (10.5)

10 (8.2)
71 (58.2)
26 (21.3)
15 (12.3)


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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 37

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7. Figures

Seperti halnya tabel, gambar dibuat agar penyajian lebih jelas. Bila dengan narasi
sudah jelas, tidak perlu dibuat gambar. Demikian pula informasi yang sudah cukup
dimuat dalam tabel tidak perlu dibuat gambanya.

Gambar harus telah dibuat secara professional, editor tidak akan menggambar ulang.

Pada artikel yang berasal dari tesis, tidak jarang kata-kata dalam gambar tidak
diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini mutlak harus dihindarkan.

Paediatrica Indonesiana tidak memuat gambar berwarna. Jadi gambar atau foto
harus dikirim dalam bentuk hitam-putih, sebab gambar atau foto berwarna bila
dicetak hitam putih kontrasnya menjadi kurang jelas.

38 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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8. Discussion

Apa yang harus dibahas dalam Discussion sangat bervariasi, namun pada
umumnya:Discussion diawali dengan highlight penemuan utama dalam
penelitianKemudian dibahas makna temuan penelitian, dengan cara:
o Membandingkan hasil penelitian dengan pengetahuan atau hasil penelitian
sebelumnya apakah menyokong, menolak, atau sebagian menyokong,
sebagian bertentangan, sebagian tidak jelas?
o Menghubungkan temuan dengan aspek praktik klinis, sosial, serta ilmiah
Semua hasil yang relevan harus dibahas. Ini tidak berarti Discussion harus
berpanjang lebar. Seperti semua bagian makalah, Discussion juga harus
memperhatikan prinsip ringkas, akurat, dan mudah dipahami

Jangan mengulang secara berlebihan informasi yang telah disajikan dalam

Results. Gunakan beberapa hasil kunci sebagai kalimat pendahuluan untuk
menginterpretasikan hasil

Kelemahan dan kekurangan penelitian disebutkan dan dibahas dampaknya terhadap


Hindarkan pengulangan kalimat pembuka dalam beberapa pargraf bertururt-turut,


In this study ....

In this study ....
In this study....

Naskah diakhiri dengan kesimpulan penelitian. Pada umumnya tidak diperlukan

anak-judul; paragraf terakhir diskusi merupakan kesimpulan. Kesimpulan harus
menjawab pertanyaan yang ditulis dalam Introduction, dan harus berdasarkan pada
data penelitian, bukan pada tinjauan pustaka.

Dapat disertakan saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 39

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Contoh - Discussion
Weight Loss with a Low-Carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or Low-Fat Diet
N Engl J Med 2008;359:229-41.

In this 2-year dietary-intervention study, we found that the Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate
diets are effective alternatives to the low-fat diet for weight loss and appear to be just as
safe as the low-fat diet. In addition to producing weight loss in this moderately obese group
of participants, the low-carbohydrate and Mediterranean diets had some beneficial metabolic
effects, a result suggesting that these dietary strategies might be considered in clinical practice
and that diets might be individualized according to personal preferences and metabolic needs.
The similar caloric deficit achieved in all diet groups suggests that a low-carbohydrate, non
restricted-calorie diet may be optimal for those who will not follow a restricted-calorie dietary
regimen. The increasing improvement in levels of some biomarkers over time up to the 24-month
point, despite the achievement of maximum weight loss by 6 months, suggests that a diet with a
healthful composition has benefits beyond weight reduction.

Pada paragraf berikutnya penulis mengemukakan kelemahan dan kekuatan


The present study has several limitations. We enrolled few women; however, we observed a
significant interaction between the effects of diet group and sex on weight loss (women tended
to lose more weight on the Mediterranean diet), and this difference between men and women
was also reflected in the changes in leptin levels. This possible sex-specific difference should be
explored in further studies. The data from the few participants with diabetes are of interest, but
we recognize that measurement of HOMA-IR is not an optimal method to assess insulin resistance
among persons with diabetes. We relied on self-reported dietary intake, but we validated the
dietary assessment in two different dietary-assessment tools and used electronic questionnaires
to minimize the amount of missing data. Finally, one might argue that the unique nature of the
workplace in this study, which permitted a closely monitored dietary intervention for a period of
2 years, makes it difficult to generalize the results to other freeliving populations. However, we
believe that similar strategies to maintain adherence could be applied elsewhere.
The strengths of the study include the onephase design, in which all participants started
simultaneously; the relatively long duration of the study; the large study-group size; and the High
rate of adherence. The monthly measurements of weight permitted a better Understanding of
the weight-loss trajectory than was the case in previous studies.

Baru kemudian dibahas setiap aspek dari Results (tidak dikutip).

40 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh - Discussion
Effect of Raw Garlic vs Commercial Garlic Supplements on Plasma Lipid
Concentrations in Adults With Moderate Hypercholesterolemia
A Randomized Clinical Trial
Arch Intern Med. 2007;167:346-353

This study compared the effects on plasma lipid concentrations of raw garlic and 2 types of
commercial garlic supplements. The garlic products, all extensively characterized chemically,
had neither a statistically detectable effect nor a clinically relevant effect on plasma lipid
concentrations in adults with moderate hypercholesterolemia. The plausibility of a cholesterollowering effect of garlic in human beings is supported by significant positive effects in
approximately 85% of more than 110 animal studies that examined the effects of allicinderived garlic oils, crushed raw garlic, and garlic powder on serum lipid concentration.10
Furthermore, clinical trials conducted before 1995 with garlic powder tablets at doses of
0.6 to 1.2 g suggested a modest beneficial effect of garlic on lipid concentration in adults
with substantial hypercholesterolemia, but these trials were criticized for serious design and
conduct limitations.14,16 Trials conducted after 1995 with similar doses consistently reported
no significant effects on plasma lipid concentrations in similar populations.13,14,18,35-37 Notably,
almost all commercial garlic supplements, especially those used in post-1995 trials, yield
unexpectedly low amounts of the putative garlic active agent allicin under physiologically
relevant dissolution conditions.20,21 Therefore, the effectiveness of garlic and garlic supplements
has remained ambiguous.
The most common type of garlic supplement consumed contains dried, pulverized cloves. Garlicin
is a dried garlic product that was chosen for this trial because it releases sufficiently high
amounts of allicin in vivo23 and under simulated gastrointestinal conditions21 to represent the
allicin produced by a similar weight of raw garlic.
The consumed dose of garlic powder (1.4 g) from Garlicin (twice the label-recommended dose)
and the allicin potential (15 mg) at this dose were considerably greater than used in previous
clinical trials with other commercial powder supplements,20,23,27 including the brands used in
trials reporting significant effects on serum lipid concentrations. Hence, this trial was better
positioned than previous clinical trials to find a cholesterol-lowering effect from a garlic powder

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Kyolic aged garlic extract powder at a dose of 7.2 g daily for 6 months was used in 2 controlled
clinical trials for effects on serum lipid concentrations. The first trial included subjects with a
mean baseline LDL-C concentration of 160 mg/dL (4.14 mmol/L) and reported a 4.0% to 4.6%
decrease in LDL-C.25 The second trial included subjects with a mean baseline LDL-C concentration
of 170 mg/dL (4.40 mmol/L) and reported a 10% decrease in LDL-C.26 The discrepancy
between our results and those of these earlier trials seems to be related, not to the initial LDL-C
values, which were nearly as high for the subset of participants with LDL-C concentrations above
the median at the end of the run-in phase (152 mg/dL [3.93 mmol/L]; Table 3), but more likely
to the 4-fold lower dose (1.8 g) used in our study. The dose of aged extract used in our study
was chosen to provide a similar amount of dry garlic matter (1.8 g) as found in the dose of raw
garlic (1.5 g), and is still 112 to 3 times the recommended dose of 0.6 to 1.2 g for Kyolic aged
garlic extract powder.
First among the strengths of this trial is the extensive chemical characterization of the study
products before and throughout the study.38 The composition of Garlicin is similar to that of
raw garlic, both of which are very different from Kyolic. The major garlic components in raw
garlic, Garlicin, and Kyolic were stable throughout the trial. A second important strength of this
trial is the inclusion of raw garlic as one of the treatment arms. If there were problems with
bioavailability of active ingredients from commercial supplement formulations, raw garlic should
be superior. A third strength of this trial is its 6-month duration, with monthly blood sampling,
allowing us to test the suggestion that garlic might exert a moderate but transient cholesterollowering effect.11 No short-term or longer-term effects were observed. Finally, the sample size
of the current trial was substantially larger than almost all previous trials and was designed to
detect even modest effects on plasma lipid concentrations, which were not observed.
The results of this trial should not be generalized to other populations or health effects. Garlic
might lower LDL in specific subpopulations, such as those with higher LDL concentrations, or may
have other beneficial health effects. Also, we studied only one dosage level, and effects might
emerge at higher doses, if tolerated.
Based on our results and those of other recent trials, physicians can advise patients with
moderately elevated LDL-C concentrations that garlic supplements or dietary garlic in
reasonable doses are unlikely to produce lipid benefits. While garlic may have other health
effects, such as increased fibrinolysis, decreased atherosclerosis, or anticarcinogenic properties,3944 we would argue that these possible effects also should be scrutinized in large, carefully
designed trials with chemically defined garlic products.

42 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh Discussion
Risk Factors for Abdominal Wound Dehiscence in Children: A Case-Control
World J Surg 200933:1509-1513

We have been able to investigate the second-largest population of pediatric patients with
abdominal wound dehiscence reported in literature so far, covering a period of 20years. The
substantial size of the control group has enabled thorough analyses of variables to identify
major independent risk factors for abdominal wound dehiscence. The severity of this complication
is illustrated by the associated morbidity and mortality as described in this article.
In this study, wound infections were found in 24% of patients with abdominal wound dehiscence
and in 7% of patients in the control group. Although these rates may seem to be high, similar
data have been reported in literature. In previous studies on abdominal wound dehiscence,
Campbell et al. reported that a deep wound infection preceded 23% of the dehisced
wounds [2]. Finally, igdem et al. observed significant wound infection before development of
abdominal evisceration in 27.5% [5]. Sharma and Sharma reported an overall wound infection
rate of 5.43% in a series of 1,325 consecutive patients operated in a general pediatric surgery
unit [6]. In these series, wound infection rates were 12.39% in children undergoing colonic
surgery and rates of 13.75% in neonates.
Very young age has been associated with suboptimal wound healing in many studies. Impaired
or immature wound healing and higher risks to develop wound infection explain the increased
risk of developing abdominal wound dehiscence in children younger than aged 1year [610].
Necrotizing enterocolitis is highly prevalent in this age group and is without exception combined
with poor clinical condition and emergency surgery, which again negatively influence wound
healing. Decreased breaking strengths of abdominal incisions, combined with increased
abdominal pressure due to ileus or mechanical ventilation put a patient at risk for abdominal
wound dehiscence.
Median incisions, in these series of patients, can be associated with an increased risk for
abdominal wound dehiscence. Although there have been some reports of median incisions as a
risk factor for abdominal wound dehiscence [2, 4, 11, 12], a number of authors have not been
able to confirm this in previous studies [1317]. However, transverse incisions are preferred to
median incisions by the majority of pediatric surgeons, largely because of the strong association
between median incisions and incisional hernia in the literature.

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 43

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Aforementioned variables also have been reported as risk factors in adult patient series.
Apparently, similar mechanisms are responsible for the development of abdominal wound
dehiscence in both children and adults. Although the surgical technical aspect of abdominal
wound dehiscence has not been the focus of this report, the importance of technique should not
be ignored. In adults, the use of slowly resorbable suture material in a continuous suturing method
has been accepted as the gold standard [18, 19]. In pediatric surgery, however, multifilament
material, such as polyglactin is still widely used. Possibly, the use of slowly resorbable suture
material has less support among pediatric surgeons due to the low incidence of incisional
hernia in the pediatric population. The influence of, for example, suture length to wound length
ratio and tissue bite size on tissue breaking strength and the development of incisional hernia
and abdominal wound dehiscence has not yet been investigated in children. For patients (both
children and adults) with increased risks to develop abdominal wound dehiscence, these factors
deserve more attention in future research and clinical practice.
We have studied a large number of putative risk factors for abdominal wound dehiscence in a
large population of pediatric patients. For the first time, multivariate regression analyses were
performed to identify major independent risk factors. Abdominal wound dehiscence has proven
a serious complication, associated with high morbidity and mortality. Risk factors for abdominal
wound dehiscence include patient age younger than 1year, wound infection, median incision, and
emergency surgery. Two of these factors can be mitigated by pediatric surgeons: wound infection
and median incision. In view of this, measures against wound infection ought to be stimulated and
median incisions should be avoided whenever possible to prevent abdominal wound dehiscence.

44 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Contoh Discussion
Influenza Vaccination in Children with Asthma Randomized Double-Blind
Placebo-controlled Trial
Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2004;488-93

This study shows that influenza vaccination was not more effective than placebo in reducing the
number of asthma exacerbations caused by influenza infections in children. The duration of
influenza-related asthma exacerbations was 3 days shorter in the vaccine group, but this was
not statistically significant. There was no difference in severity. Regarding the other secondary
endpoints, vaccinated children had shorter exacerbations (irrespective of their cause) and fewer
seroconversions than the placebo group but reported more side effects. There was no difference
in proportion of days with asthma symptoms.
For both seasons, the vaccine strain matched well with epidemic virus strains (14, 15). For
children, the Dutch influenza bulletins reported a low number of influenza positive cases in
19992000 (16) and a possible epidemic increase in 20002001 (17), both of which are in
accordance with our findings. The second season was unusual because of the relatively extensive
circulation of subtype H1N1 and the low activity of subtype H3N2 (15).
We found no difference in the number of influenza-related asthma exacerbations between
both groups, although the vaccine group had a significantly higher protective level of IgG. Is
there a possible explanation for this lack of effect? Studies in healthy subjects have shown that
parenteral inactivated influenza vaccine does not induce as good an IgA response in the mucous
membranes of the respiratory tract (being the first line of defense) (18) as does priming by
natural infection or intranasally administered influenza vaccine (1923). Hence, we speculate
that parenteral vaccination may be relatively ineffective in preventing mucosal infection with
influenza virus and subsequent asthma exacerbations.
After the 1986 study of Stenius-Aarniala and colleagues (24), this is the first randomized trial
investigating parenteral influenza vaccination that takes influenza-related asthma exacerbations
as an outcome (7). As the study of Stenius-Aarniala and colleagues was unsuccessful because
of the extremely low influenza activity, we cannot compare our findings. Recent nonrandomized
studies in children with asthma showed conflicting results (2529).
Was our study sample large enough? We were surprised by the low number of influenza-positive
swabs, especially in the first season. Our choice to use pharyngeal swabs may have played a
role but compared with nasopharyngeal aspirates sensitivity is only approximately 20% lower
(30). By recruiting more children than originally planned in the second season, we hoped to
compensate for the low incidence in the first season. The final answer to the power question is
given by our results, especially the 95% confidence interval for the primary endpoint (31). The
interval ranges from 34% reduction to 161% increase. This firmly excludes

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 45

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a 50% reduction of influenza-related asthma exacerbations by vaccination, which we considered

to be the threshold for clinical relevance. Even a 35% reduction by vaccination is excluded by
the confidence interval. Our finding of no difference is further corroborated by the lack of
differences on almost all of our other clinical outcome measures, as shown in Table 3.
In previous studies, seroconversion throughout the influenza season was often the most important
outcome measure to assess effectiveness of influenza vaccines. However, this outcome measure has
serious shortcomings as a proxy measure for influenza infection (32). The most important problem
is that seroconversion is more difficult or even impossible to attain in subjects with elevated titer
levels at the start of the season (33).
A closer look at the difference in mean duration of all asthma exacerbations revealed that
extremely long episodes (more than 3 SDs above mean) were found more often in the placebo
group than in the vaccine group (n = 12 vs. n = 4). Most of these episodes began before
influenza activity started in the Netherlands, which makes it likely that the difference in duration
was a chance finding, not caused by the difference in treatment assignment.
Regarding adverse reactions, we found differences between groups for local symptoms (red
or stiff arm) and myalgia, as reported in previous studies (33, 34). There has been some
debate about exacerbations as a direct result of vaccination (34, 35). In this study, we found no
differences in airway symptoms during the week after vaccination, making vaccination-induced
airway symptoms unlikely.
We found relatively few influenza-related asthma exacerbations (9.1% of all calls, 1.8% of
all asthma exacerbations). Given the proportion of children that showed a fourfold increase of
antibodies during the season, a considerable number of influenza infections apparently did not
give symptoms or gave symptoms that were not severe enough to pass our predefined threshold.
Inevitably, our episode definition, although used before (2), has arbitrary elements. Other
cutoff points for the number of days between two episodes would give different results. For our
primary endpoint, four children had two episodes related to the same throat swab that could be
counted as one episode by stretching this criterion from 2 to 3 days. Three of these children were
in the vaccine group. However, the reduction in number of episodes in the vaccine group as a
consequence of changing this criterion (still negative, and the confidence interval still excluding a
50% reduction) would be balanced by an increase in length of the episodes.
In conclusion, our randomized placebo-controlled study showed no relevant effect of influenza
vaccination on the number and severity of influenza-related asthma exacerbations in children
with asthma. Vaccinated children tended to have shorter exacerbations throughout the season but
reported more (mild) adverse effects after vaccination than children receiving placebo.
Both the limited effectiveness of influenza vaccination found in this study and the low incidence
of influenza, observed in the first season, warrant additional studies to justify routine influenza
vaccination of children with asthma in general practice.

46 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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9. Acknowledgments,
sponsors, conflict of interest
Acknowledgments / Ucapan Terima Kasih

Ucapan terima kasih ditujukan kepada mereka yang memiliki kontribusi

substansial terhadap penelitian (rekan sejawat, ahli statistik, para sponsor).

Penghargaan dan hormat sebaiknya tidak diekspresikan dalam kalimat- kalimat

yang berlebihan

Sebutkan semua sumber dana penelitian bila ada. Bila relevan pernyataan bahwa
pihak sponsor tidak terlibat / terlibat dalam penyusunan desain penelitian, dan hal
lain yang relevan.
Conflict of interest

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Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 47

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Contoh - Acknowledgments,
sponsors, conflict of interest
Effect of Raw Garlic vs Commercial Garlic Supplements on Plasma Lipid
Concentrations in Adults With Moderate Hypercholesterolemia
A Randomized Clinical Trial
Arch Intern Med. 2007;167:346-353

This study was supported by grants R01 AT001108 from the National Institutes of Health, M01RR00070 from the Human Health Service, General Clinical Research Centers, National Center for
Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, and CHE-0450505 from the National Science
Foundation (Dr Block).
We thank Stephen Fortmann, MD, for reviewing the manuscript; research assistants Nicola Curtin,
Jeanine Wade, Laura Guyman, Pablo Pozo, and Hollis Moore; the research kitchen staff of the
General Clinical Research Center, including Pat Schaaf, MS, RD, Susan Carter, MS, RD, Vida
Goudarzi, Lauren Adams, Sara Mirelez, Kristi Vuica, Olivia Soriano, and Joyce Jelich; and all of
the General Clinical Research Center nursing and laboratory staff.
Conflict of interest
None declared

48 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Kangaroo mother care to prevent neonatal deaths due to preterm birth

Int J Epidemiol. 2010;39:i144i154

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (grant 43386) to the US Fund for UNICEF to Promote
evidence-based decision making in designing maternal, neonatal and child health interventions
in low- and middle-income countries; Save The Children USA from the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation (Grant 50124) for Saving Newborn Lives. We also acknowledge the Global
Alliance for Prevention of Prematurity and Stillbirths (
We are extremely grateful to Prof. Natalie Charpak and Prof. Rao Suman for sharing
unpublished data on neonatal-specific outcomes. We thank all members of the Child Health
Epidemiology Reference Group for helpful comments and feedback on this work. We also
acknowledge Rajiv Bahl of WHO and Abdullah Baqui of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, for
insightful review of an earlier draft of this paper.
Conflict of interest
None declared.

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10. Bahasa Inggris

Paediatrica Indonesiana menggunakan ejaan American English untuk seluruh

bagian naskah. Perhatikan perbedaan ejaan Inggris dan ejaan Amerika (colour color,
authour author, haemoglobin hemoglobin, anaemia anemia, etc).

Gunakan istilah yang lazim dalam penulisan makalah ilmiah. Sebagai contoh jangan
dituliskan this research namun this study, bukan anamnesis namun history,
bukan thrombocyte namun platelets, bukan kalium namun potassium.

Istilah, alat, obat dll. yang bila disingkat ditulis dengan huruf intial capital harus
ditulis dengan huruf kecil, kecuali nama diri.
o Investigations included electroencephalography (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
and positron emission tomography (PET)

o In this report, the Committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis and Kawaski Disease,

Endocarditis and Kawasaki Disease, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young,

American Heart Association

Nama organisme (genus spesies) ditulis dengan huruf miring (italic):

o Mycobacterium tuberculosis atau M. tuberculosis, Salmonella typhi atau S. typhi.

Penulisan frase, kalimat, paragraf harus informatif, ringkas, dan jelas

Gunakanlah bahasa yang efektif; janan gunakan jargon atau kata-kata yang panjang
(wordy expressions) atau kata-kata yang tidak baku. (Lihat: Day RA, Gastel B. How to
write and publish a scientific paper. 6th edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2006, p. 265-272).

Batasi penggunaan kalimat pasif dalam Methods atau Results.

Contoh: Bukan

All patients underwent lumbar puncture ...,


We did lumbar puncture in all patients ...


Subjects were randomized to either receive ...,


50 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

We randomized subjects to either receive ...

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Tenses: Penggunaan tenses sering menjadi masalah. Aturan umumnya adalah
sebagai berikut.


: Biasanya dalam bentuk present tense (simple

present, present perfect, present continuous tense) kecuali jika terdapat
kata yang menunjukkan waktu tertentu di
masa lampau

: Seluruhnya digunakan past tense (simple past, past
perfect, past continuous tenses)




: Seluruhnya digunakan past tense

: Digunakan present atau past-tense tergantung dari

struktur kalimat dan waktu

: Digunakan present tense bila kesimpulan merupakan kebenaran

umum. Untuk hal yang sepenuhnya menjabarkan kondisi spesifik
dan waktu tertentu gunakan past tense.

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11. References

Daftar pustaka ditulis menggunakan sistem Vancouver yang dapat dilihat pada
Uniform Requirements for Manuscript Submitted to Biomedical Journals
Guidelines (last updated: April 2010) serta the NLM Style Guide for authors,
Editors, and Publishers. 2nd ed. 2007 yang dapat diakses melalui.

atau dari sumber lain seperti

Penerapan rekomendasi dalam dokumen tersebut untuk Paediatrica Indonesiana

diuraikan dengan contoh-contoh di bawah.

Untuk semua jenis rujukan:

o Bila jumlah penulis 6 atau kurang, tuliskan semuanya; bila jumlah penulis lebih
dari 6, tuliskan 6 ditambah et al.
o Semua judul makalah ditulis dalam sentence case, yakni huruf kapital hanya
pada awal judul.
o Pada penulisan halaman, halaman akhir diringkas sesuai dengan angka
halaman awal yang dikutip
235-43 untuk menyatakan 235-243, atau
401-9 untuk menyatakan 401-409

o Nama jurnal harus disingkat, daftar singkatan jurnal dapat dilihat pada edisi
jurnal yang bersangjkutan, atau bila tidak ditemukan dapat dilihat pada
Index Medicus. Bila jurnal yang dirujuk tidak terdaftar dalam Index Medicus,
disarankan untuk menulis nama jurnal seutuhnya, tanpa disingkat.
o Nomor edisi tidak dicantumkan, cukup volume kemudian halaman. Contoh:


N Engl J Med. 2003;21(2):161-2,

N Engl J Med. 2003;21:161-2

Penulisan rujukan untuk artikel jurnal:

Enam penulis atau kurang

o Kelly JP, Kaufman DW, Kelley K, Rosenberg L, Anderson TE, Mitchell AA. Recent trends in use
of herbal and other natural products. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:281-6.

o Goldman RD, Friedman JN, Parkin PC. Validation of the clinical dehydration scale for children
with acute gastroenteritis. Pediatrics. 2008;122:5459.

52 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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In-house style

Lebih dari enam penulis

o Weinstein JN, Lurie JD, Tosteson TD, Hanscom B, Tosteson ANA, Blood EA, et al. Surgical

versus Nonsurgical Treatment for Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis. N Engl J Med.


o Gao SR, McGarry M, Ferrier TL, Pallante B, Gasparrini B, Fletcher JR, et al. Effect of cell

confluence on production of cloned mice using an inbred embryonic stem cell line. Biol Reprod.

Catatan. Perhatikan penulisan nama jurnal, tahun, volume dan nomor halaman awal dan
akhir berikut.
Tanpa spasi

Pediatrics. 2010;126:405-7.




Titik dua

Tanpa spasi

J Trop Pediatr. 2003;49:250-62.


Hanya untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperjual belikan


Titik dua

Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010 53

In-house style

Penulisan rujukan untuk buku atau monograf

o Furberg BD, Furberg CD. Evaluating clinical research. New York: Springer; 2007.

o Schlesselman JJ. Case-control studies. Design, conduct, analysis. New York: Oxford Universiry
Press; 1982. p. 105-23.

Penulisan rujukan untuk bab dalam buku

o Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP. Social health and class inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel JR, editors.
Equalities and inequalities in health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press; 1976. p. 165-78.

o Cheung Yiu-fai. Systemic circulation. In: Anderson RH, Baker EJ, Penny DJ, Redington AN, Rigby
ML, Wernovsky G, editors. Paediatric cardiology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone;
2010. pp. 91-116.

Penulisan rujukan untuk disertasi / tesis

o Boyer CL. Do rural Medicare patients have different post-acute service patterns than their
non-rural counterparts? [dissertation]. [Cleveland (OH)]: Case Western Reserve University;

o Tuitele BA. The current practices in injury prevention and safety helmet use in an Air Force

medical center [masters thesis]. [Bethesda (MD)]: Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences; 2000.

Penulisan rujukan on-line

o Aylin P, Bottle A, Jarman B, Elliott, P. Paediatric cardiac surgical mortality in England after
Bristol: descriptive analysis of hospital episode statistics 1991-2002. BMJ [serial on the
Internet]. 2004 Oct 9;[cited 2004 October 15]; 329:[about 10 screens]. Available from:

o American Medical Association [homepage on the Internet]. Chicago: The Association; c19952002 [cited 2005 Apr 20]. Group and Faculty Practice Physicians; [about 2 screens].
Available from:

Penulisan rujukan dari pertemuan ilmiah

o Rice, Andrew S.; Farquhar-Smith, W. Paul; Bridges, Daniel; Brooks, Jason W. Canabinoids and
pain. In: Dostorovsky, Jonathan O.; Carr, Daniel B.; Koltzenburg, Martin, editors. Proceedings
of the 10th World Congress on Pain; 2002 Aug 17-22; San Diego, CA. Seattle (WA): IASP
Press; c2003. p. 437-68.

54 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Authors &




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Tidak menggunakan singkatan kecuali yang standar
Menggambarkan isi makalah secara keseluruhan
Nama depan tengah - belakang penulis lengkap
Nama insitusi
Nama dan alamat korespondensi dengan nama institusi, jalan,
kota, kode pos, telepon, faksimili, email
Terstruktur (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions)
Mengandung elemen-elemen IMRAD
Tidak menggunakan singkatan kecuali yang standar
Terdiri atas 1-3 paragraf atau bagian
Paragraf / bagian pertama: Latar belakang penelitian (justifikasi
mengapa penelitian perlu dilakukan): apa yang sudah diketahui,
apa yang perlu ditambahkan
Paragraf kedua: Hipotesis atau tujuan penelitian
Didukung oleh pustaka yang relevan dan kuat
Tidak lebih dari 1 halaman
Desain penelitian
Tempat dan waktu penelitian
Populasi dan sampel
Kriteria pemilihan (inklusi dan eksklusi)
Cara pemilihan sampel
Perkiraan besar sampel, tidak harus disertakan formulanya
Randomisasi: teknik, concealment
Penyamaran (blinding/masking): jenis, teknik
Rincian intervensi
Rincian pengukuran yang dilakukan
Uji kappa untuk kesesuaian pengukuran
Metode dan alat yang digunakan
Outcome primer
Outcome sekunder

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Definisi variabel yang penting (secara naratif, tidak dengan

Cara pengumpulan dan manajemen data
Analisis dilakukan dengan uji yang sesuai dengan data, batas
Disertakan interval kepercayaan
Ethical clearance
Persetujuan setelah penjelasan (informed consent)
Program komputer yang digunakan
Sajikan dalam urutan yang logis
Penyajian bilangan numerik ditulis secara benar
Karakteristik subyek penelitian (dalam bentuk tabel)
Pada uji klinis: deskripsi karaketristik pada kelompok-kelompok
sebelum perlakuan
Tabel kesetaraan antar kelompok tersebut tidak perlu
dilakukan uji hipotesis (dihitung nilai P-nya)
Sertakan hasil dan uji hipotesis tanpa komentar
Tidak menggunakan persentase bila jumlah subyek sedikit (<
Batasi tabel 3-4 tiap artikel
Sebutkan tabel dan gambar dalam nas
Tabel dan gambar memang diperlukan dan disajikan sehingga
Sebutkan peserta penelitian yang mengalami drop out dengan
Lebih disukai disertakan alur peserta penelitian dalam bentuk
Makna hasil yang ditemukan
Semua hasil yang relevan dibahas
Bandingkan dengan penemuan sebelumnya
Tidak sering diulang hal yang sudah disajikan dalam hasil
Kelemahan atau kekurangan penelitian disebutkan dan dibahas
dampaknya terhadap hasil
Hubungkan hasil dengan praktik
Conclusion merupakan 1-2 paragraf terakhir dari Discussion
Conclusion harus menjawab pertanyaan penelitian
Conclusion harus didasarkan pada data penelitian, bukan pada
Dapat disertakan saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya

56 Paediatr Indones, In-house style 2010

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Conflict of

Ucapan terima kasih hanya kepada pihak yang memberi

bantuan substansial pada penelitian
Ucapan terima kasih diungkapkan dengan wajar

Sebutkan nama semua sponsor



Sebutkan setiap kemungkinan terdapatnya COI, misalnya salah

satu penulis adalah penasihat sponsor
Gunakan Vancouver Style (lihat Uniform Requirements for
Manuscript Submitted to Biomedical Journals). www.icjme.
Penomoran pustaka dalam nas sesuai dengan dalam daftar
pustaka dan sebaliknya
Keseluruhan makalah ditulis dalam bahasa yang baik dan benar
serta enak dibaca
Hindarkan penulisan dengan penomoran atau bulletation;
tuliskan dalam bentuk kalimat naratif
Gunakan spell checker (American spelling)
Perhatikan penulisan tanda baca
Penulisan tanda desimal dengan titik, bukan koma
Perhatikan keselarasan subyek-predikat
Perhatikan tenses: Pada umumnya present-tense untuk
Introduction, past-tense untuk Methods dan Results, present
atau past-tense untuk Discussion
Pernyataan bahwa makalah telah diperiksa dan ditandatangani
oleh semua penulis
Pernyataan bila makalah telah diajukan dalam pertemuan
Dua print-out, 1 file komputer (Words)*
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