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Lesson Plan #2 EDU 3460 Instructional Media

(1) Written by: Jeff Schmitz


(2) Content: Ionic and Covalent Bonds

Overview (4): Students will begin lesson with brainstorming activity called
carousel brainstorming in order to tap into prior knowledge. Then students
will stay in brainstorming groups and dissect a reading piece on ionic and
covalent bonds. A new list in the brainstorming group will be created to
compare to the first list before reading. Finally students will be assigned an
element and play speed dating acting as if they were the elements.
Students should learn what both ionic and covalent bonds are and why each
one occurs.
A. Standards (3)

This lesson is designed for High School Chemistry

9-12.CI. Creativity and Innovation

apply advanced software features (e.g. built-in

thesaurus, templates, styles) to redesign the
appearance of word processing documents,
spreadsheets, and

HS-PS1 Matter and Its Interactions

B. Enduring
Understandings &
Essential Questions

Construct and revise an explanation for the
outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on
the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in
the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns
of chemical properties.

Enduring Understanding:

When two elements join together it is because a

chemical bond has formed.
Two most basic types of bonds are covalent and
ionic bonds.
Ionic bonding occurs when atoms transfer
electrons to each other.
Covalent bonding occurs when two atoms share

Essential Questions:

What is the difference between ionic and

covalent bonds?
Why do some atoms share electrons and others
transfer electrons?
What are atoms trying to obtain by bonding?

C. Objectives:
(SWBAT) (7)


Students will be able to identify if two atoms will

bond when they look at the atoms properties in
order to identify if the bond created is ionic or

Students will be asked to make a dating profile of

their assigned element. Depending on the quality
of the dating profile the teacher will be able to tell
if the student understands the material.
Once students have found a date they will be
asked to create a PowerPoint presentation with
their partner saying why the two atoms would
make a good pair. This will check for
understanding of ionic and covalent bonds if the
students are able to explain why the two atoms
are a good match.
Rubric for dating presentation is at the bottom of
lesson plan.


A. Formative
Assessment (Active
Strategies to Check
for Understanding,
Guide Practice, Exit
Class, etc.) (18)

B. Summative
Assessment (when
appropriate quizzes,
objective tests,
essays, projects, etc.)


No test/quiz will be presented on this day


A. Anticip
Set (6)

Today we will use an activity called carousel brainstorming.

Students will be broken up into groups of 3-5 students
depending on the class size. Each group will be given a different
colored marker and there will be an even number of stations set
up around the room with half of them being ionic bond and the

B. Instruc
g, and
ment in
) (17)

other half being covalent bond.

Groups of students will begin at one of the stations that have a
sheet of chart paper with the station name at the top. Groups
will be given about five minutes to brainstorm as a group and
write down anything they can think of about the topic. When
time is up the covalent groups will go to an ionic station and the
same with the ionic students going to covalent stations. Once
again students will be given five minutes to brainstorm without
repeating what is already on the sheets.
Once this is done we will go around to the groups and have
them share what is written on their sheet.

Ionic and Covalent Bond Article:

Students will explore given websites about ionic and covalent

Students will then get back into their brainstorming groups and
create a new list on either ionic or covalent bonds putting the
new information they have just learned onto the sheets.
Groups will then share the new lists to make sure that all the
important information on the websites was covered.
At this point in the lesson I will question groups if essential
information is left out or if their understanding doesnt seem to
be where it needs to be. Some of these questions could include.
In which bond to the atoms share electrons? Would atom X and
atom Y bond to each other and if so what type of bond would it
be? (10)

Speed Dating Atom Style(13)

Each student will be assigned an atom that is on the periodic

table. There will be multiple students with the same atom.
Students will then be asked to make a dating profile of their
atom that includes the name, number of valence electrons,
short bio, what they are looking for in a date, and whatever else
the student wishes to add to the profile. Students will be given
7-10 minutes to do this.
Then the students will speed date with their given atom. They
will be given about a minute with each classmate to speed date.
Students will be told to look for a date during the process. An
ideal date is another atom that the two atoms can create a
bond either ionic or covalent and have both atoms achieve an
Once speed dating is over the students will be given a short
amount of time to get with a partner they met during speed
dating. The two will then write a paragraph each on why the
two of them would make a good match. Whether the bond they
create would be ionic or covalent and why. Would the two


achieve an octet?
Both the speed dating profile and the paragraph about the date
they chose will be turned in at the end of class for a grade.



n (4)


For students who struggle with English or

even math, pair them up with a student who
understands the material to hopefully help
the struggling student out.
For a student who does not speak English
google translate can be used to hopefully
help them on the written handouts.
For students who are struggling, during the
group work at the end of class special
attention can be given to them to help them
with their struggles.

For students who are above grade level I

could have them create multiple bonds with
their atoms after speed dating instead of just
picking one date they could choose multiple
dates and explain why they connect with
more than just the one other atom.

The following websites will be provided for

the students to research from about bonding:

Students will also be asked to create a

PowerPoint presentation with their partner in
order to say why they would make a good
math. A rubric with requirements on the
presentation will be provided. Also an
example of a PowerPoint Presentation will be
provided. (9)
I will also go over some fun features in
PowerPoint so the students have an idea of
some of the cool features they can include in

C. Gradua
g for
, Class


Brainstorm as a collective group in order to make sure

everyones voice is heard and their ideas get put down on

Peer/Group Work:

Students will spend most of their time in groups working

together in the brainstorming activity as well as creating the
second list after they have read the article.
With the date they find students will discuss and write
individual paragraphs on why they are a good fit together.

You/Independent Work:

Students will be asked to read the article on their own as well as

take notes using the symbol technique.
Students will create a dating profile of their assigned atom.

Ticket out the Door:


Begin brainstorming by giving the class an example of one fact

that is my prior knowledge about the topic.


D. Closur
e (12)

their presentations.
Students will be given time to work on
presentations in class either on lap tops or in
a computer lab, the same two options will be
given when researching bonds on the two

On an index card students write either a question they had on

the lesson today, something they liked about the lesson or one
thing they would change about how the lesson was presented.


A. What Will They and I

Do Next & Why? (19)

For a follow up activity to make sure the students

understand the material, the next class period
could involve a quiz that is not really graded but

gets a sense of where the students are at.

I will be able to reflect on the lesson once it is done
to see how smoothly it went and what areas could
be improved.

Resources: (15)

Chart paper and markers for the carousel brainstorming

Lap tops or computer lab access to research on given websites
PowerPoint Software
Internet access

Time Frame: (16)

This lesson should take 3 days with the research, dating activity and then

Prerequisite Skills: (5)

In order to complete this lesson students must have a basic understanding of

elements and the periodic table. Knowing what an octet for a certain atom
means and if the atom is able to bond or not.

Refrences: (21)
Share my lesson by teachers, for teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2015, from

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