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Talus: foliose, appressed untuk agglutinated, longgar appressed di ujung lobus,

hingga 6 cm diam, pinnately atau subpinnately lobus lobate:. Memancar, konfluen,

datar atau cembung, tapi kadang-kadang cekung menuju kiat lobus, 0,5-2 mm ,
jelas flabellate menuju kiat lobus atas permukaan: abu-abu, putih kebiruan pruina
abu-abu atau hampir putih, dengan punctiform, jarang tambal sulam atau epruinose,
soredia sorediate: seperti tepung, di laminal, bulat atau memanjang soralia
pseudocyphellae: berbeda, marginal, jarang juga laminal , biasanya terbatas pada
bagian perifer dari lobus, kadang-kadang medula reticulately konfluen: putih, bagian
terendah kadang-kadang orange, khususnya terhadap permukaan tips lobus bawah:
hitam di tengah, pucat terhadap kiat lobus, erhizinate Apothecia: sangat jarang
hadir, laminal padatalus, 0,5-1,5 mm disc lebar: hitam, pruinose sedikit keabu-abuan
tapi kebanyakan tanpa ascospores pruina: coklat, 1-septate, sempit ellipsoid, 15-22
x 6-8 um Pycnidia: tenggelam dalam kutil konidia: bacilliform, 3,5-5 x 0,8-1 m tes
Spot: atas korteks K + kuning, C, KC-, P + kuning; medulla atas dan bawah bagian
K-, C, KC-, P metabolit sekunder: korteks atas dengan atranorin, medula dengan
asam divaricatic dan beberapa terpene konsentrasi rendah. Substrat dan ekologi:
pada kulit, kayu dan batu, dari permukaan laut ke tepi distribusi hutan hujan
pegunungan Dunia: di seluruh wilayah tropis dari kedua belahan otak dengan
beberapa koleksi dari bagian subtropis distribusi Jepang Sonora: terutama di hutan
duri dan daerah transisi gurun Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa dan
Sonora. Catatan: Dirinaria applanata sangat mirip dengan D. aegialita dan hanya
spesimen dengan soredia jelas seperti tepung ditugaskan di sini untuk D. Applanata.
Thallus: foliose, appressed to agglutinated, loosely appressed at the lobe tips, up to
6 cm in diam., pinnately or subpinnately lobate lobes: radiating, confluent, flat or
convex, but sometimes concave towards the lobe tips, 0.5-2 mm wide, distinctly
flabellate towards the lobe tips upper surface: gray, bluish gray or almost white, with
a punctiform, rarely patchy white pruina or epruinose, sorediate soredia: farinose, in
laminal, globose or elongated soralia pseudocyphellae: distinct, marginal, rarely also
laminal, usually restricted to the peripheral parts of the lobes, sometimes reticulately
confluent medulla: white, the lowest part sometimes orange, especially towards the
lobe tips lower surface: black in center, paler towards lobe tips, erhizinate Apothecia:
very rarely present, laminal on thallus, 0.5-1.5 mm wide disc: black, slightly grayish
pruinose but mostly without a pruina ascospores: brown, 1-septate, narrowly
ellipsoid, 15-22 x 6-8 m Pycnidia: immersed in warts conidia: bacilliform, 3.5-5 x
0.8-1 m Spot tests: upper cortex K+ yellow, C-, KC-, P+ yellow; medulla upper and
lower part K-, C-, KC-, P- Secondary metabolites: upper cortex with atranorin,
medulla with divaricatic acid and few terpenes in low concentration. Substrate and
ecology: on bark, wood and rocks, from sea level to the edges of montane rain
forests World distribution: in all tropical regions of both hemispheres with few
collections from subtropical parts of Japan Sonoran distribution: especially in thorn
forests and desert transition areas of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa
and Sonora. Notes: Dirinaria applanata is very similar to D. aegialita and only
specimens with distinctly farinose soredia are assigned here to D. applanata..

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