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When observing the physical shape of a penguins fin, and identifying its function,
which of the following would be an appropriate example of an analogous structure when
compared to the penguins fin?
a. Fin of a Fish
b. Wings of a bird
c. Legs on a spider
d. None of the above
The correct answer is A because the fin of a fish
serves the same purpose to the penguin, which is to help the organism
swim through water. IT is analogous because they are two completely
different organisms.
2. Which of the following is true, explaining why a cats leg and a monkeys arm are
considered homologous structures?
a. These two limbs carry out the same functions, and have exactly
the same bone structure on the inside
b. The two limbs look similar, do not carry out the same function, and
most importantly they are on two different organisms
c. The two limbs are similar and appear on different animals, the
similar bone structure shows common ancestry but may not carry out the same
exact function
d. These are not homologous structures
The correct answer is C because it says how the
look similar on the outside as well as the inside. Also another important
point is that it shows common ancestry.
3. Which of the following best describes an example Charles Darwins theory of
Natural Selection?
a. A group of hunters begin to kill off the deer population in one
specific area. There is a decrease in Male population but the female population
stays about the same.
b. Over a period of time, giraffes with longer necks survived because
they had access to more food than the ones with short necks. Eventually long
necked giraffes survived and mated with long necked giraffes, resulting in the
giraffes we see today, to all be long necked
c. Over a period of time a series of Natural disasters strikes the area
in which a population of elephants live. Many of them die out, and are now
d. All of the Above
The correct answer is B because it is the only one
that shows natural change over time, and survival because of that
enhanced trait.
4. WHich of the the following best describes the bottleneck theory of genetic drift?
a. A hurricane blows through an area in which gophers live, and the
excessive rain water drowns many of the population, but over time they make a
b. A disease spreads through the population of humans and brings
them near to extinction

c. Humans do not like mosquitoes, so they go on a campaign to

eradicate the mosquito population using pesticides, and they are successful
d. A large scale rockslide occurs and minorly impacts a population of
mountain goats
The correct answer is A because it is the only one
that has a natural disaster that dulled the population by a substantial
amount, and they also made a recovery.
5. Choose the following answer that best describes the situation in which there
would be no genetic drift?
a. Mutations occur all the time and there is specific breeding
b. No mutations occur, no specific breeding, and natural selection
takes place
c. No natural selection, Random mating, large population, no
mutations, and no gene flow
d. Natural selection occurs in a small population size
The correct answer is C because it states all of the
necessary requirements for Hardy-Weinbergs equilibrium
6. Which of the following is the correct Hardy-Weinberg equation?
a. P-Q= 1
b. P+Q= 2
c. P2 +Q2 x 2pq = 1
d. P2 +2PQ+Q2 = 1
The correct answer is DO because it is the only
equation that contains all of the necessary variables
7. The industrial revolution caused many pollutants to impact the environment like
never before. During this time the barks on most trees became darker due to coal dust
that was spreading throughout the area. The lighter colored moths were picked off easier
now, and still some blacks were eaten too. This resulted in the production of peppered
colored moths. This example best describes what?
a. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
b. Evolution
c. Gene flow
d. Genetic Drift
The correct answer is B because what is explained
through the example is a simple change in the color of the moth over a
period of time, which best fits the definition of evolution
8. What does relative dating do for evidence of evolution?
a. Relative dating shows how old each fossil is in order for scientists
to be able to put them in order so that they can determine common ancestry.
b. They determine the type of organism that is found
c. It determines how old the fossil is in order to make a scrapbook
d. None of the above
The correct answer is A because Relative dating is
used as evolution support in the sense that the dates are used to put
organisms in order and to see how they have changed over time
9. Which of the following are best paired with the explanation of Morphology?
a. Biogeography
b. Homologous and analogous structures

c. Paleontology
d. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
The correct answer is B because homologous and
analogous structures are support for morphology
10. What are cladograms used for?
a. To show how much an organism has radioactively decayed
b. To organize species based on their niche
c. To organize organisms in chronological order in order to show
evolution through common ancestry
d. All of the above
The correct answer is C because it best describes
the function of a cladogram

1. Ecology is studied in 5 different levels of organization. Which of the following are

listed in correct order from smallest to largest?
a. Organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere
b. Population, biosphere, ecosystem, organism, community
c. Community, population, biosphere, ecosystem, organism
d. Organism, population, ecosystem, community, biosphere
The correct answer is A because it shows the
correct order: many organisms make up a population, populations make
up a community, communities make up an ecosystem, and all of the
ecosystems make up the biosphere.
2. What is the difference between innate behaviors and learned behaviors?
a. Innate behavior is a behavior that is learned by watching actions
of the mother, and learned behavior is knowledge that you are born with
b. Innate behavior is the behavior that you are born with, and learned
behavior are actions that are learned through experience
c. Innate behavior and learned behavior are the same thing and they
are behaviors that are taught by the parent figures of an animal
d. None of the above
The correct answer is B because it describes that
innate behavior are actions that an animal is born doing, and that learned
behaviors are actions that are learned by watching.
3. Which of the following example demonstrates the population dispersion of
a. Tress on a tree farm
b. Seeds that are randomly blown all over the place
c. Pack of lions
d. All of the Above
The correct answer is C because a pack of lions is
the only type of organism that organizes themselves into clumped groups
when they live.
4. Which
of the following graphs
represents a
Type 1 survivorship curve?




The correct answer is A because it most

accurately describes the Type 1 survivorship
curve, which is high survival rate at birth and middle age but then starts to decrease as the

5. Which of the following shows examples of abiotic factors only?

a. Water, Temperature, sunlight
b. Water and amphibians
c. Humans
d. Bacteria and protists
6. Given that humans typically have a high survival rate during the newborn stage, and the
middle age, then die more at old age, what type of survivorship curve would best describe this
a. Type 2
b. Type 3
c. Type 1
d. y=mx+b
i. The correct answer is C because it is the graph that shows a low
mortality rate through young and middle ages, then the mortality rate increases
after a certain age.
7. Secondary succession can best be defined as

a. No change in the environment whatsoever

b. The development of plant life where no topsoil is present
c. A series of community changes which take place on a previously
colonized, but damaged habitat
d. Succession that depends on the slow weathering of rock
The correct answer is C because it states how there
are multiple community changes that have occurred. It also states that
these changes are happening on a habitat in which organisms once lived
but no longer because the habitat was damaged.
8. Organisms of different species that live in direct contact. Includes mutualism, commensalism,

and parasitism. This definition best describes


Competitive Exclusion
The correct answer is A because symbios can be

defined as two or more organisms living in close physical association.

Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism are all included in symbiosis
because for these definitions to be true, multiple organisms need to be
living together.
9. A tic that has attached itself to a deer is an example of?
a. Mutualism
b. Commensalism

c. Parasitism
d. Predation

The correct answer is C because parasitism is when

one organism benefits at anothers expense, and in this case the tic is
benefitting at the expense of the deers blood.
1. 10. Every population has this, it is the max number a population can increase and
involves limiting factors.
a. Resource Partitioning
b. Carrying Capacity
c. Limiting factors
d. Predators
The correct answer is B because Carrying Capacity
is the highest a population can be in number, before they are too large to
be sustained by the environment that they are living in.
2. Water is one of the most unique substances on the planet. What makes water
such a special case?
a. Its ability to stick to itself as well as other surfaces, allowing it to
travel through plant systems
b. Water is less dense as a solid and when in its solid form it can
float on water, allowing for aquatic organisms to survive
c. The high specific heat of water
d. The hydrogen bonds that occur in water and allow for all of its
special properties to be able to happen
The correct answer is D because even though the
other options all add to the uniqueness of water, all of these are made
possible by hydrogen bonds. That is why the bonds are the most
important, and is what makes water a special case.
2. Which of the following is the correct chemical formula for a carboxyl?
a. -COOH
b. -OH
c. -SH
d. -C=O
i. The correct answer is A because it shows the
correct order and contains all of the correct elements.
3. The structure of an atom can be best described as
a. Nucleus that contains protons ( - charge) and neutrons (no charge) with electrons
on the outside
b. Nucleus that contains neutrons (no charge), electrons (- charge), and protons (+
c. Nucleus only containing electrons (-charge) with protons (+ charge) and
Neutrons (no charge) that are orbiting the outside
d. Nucleus composed of neutrons (no charge) and protons (+ charge), with
electrons (- charge) on the outside

i. The correct answer is D because it correctly states the structure of

the atom, as well as the parts and their correct charges.
4. Which of the following is false about the properties of water?
a. Water is more dense as a solid therefore it floats
b. Water has a high heat of vaporization
c. Water has a high specific heat, and this helps regulate the temperature of certain
areas of the world.
d. Cohesion and adhesion allow water to stick to itself and other objects, and allows
for the water to travel trough plants and trees
i. The correct answer is A because even though water does float, it
is because water is less dense as a solid. Not more dense because that does not
make sense.
5. In order to dilute a basic solution to a pH level of 7, what would be the best course of action?
a. Add 6 times more acidic solution to the basic solution
b. Add more of the basic solution
c. Add water
d. All of the above will yield the same result
i. The correct answer is C because in order to bring a solution to a
pH level of 7 (which is water) you would need to add water.
6. Hydrolysis occurs when
a. Water is added in order to split the larger molecules
b. Water is evaporated from the system
c. Water uses cohesion to travel through and up the roots of plants and trees
d. None of the Above
i. The correct answer is A. This is just a definition that needs to be
7. Monosaccharides are polymers of carbohydrates. Which of the following is an example of a
a. Glucose
b. Ribose
c. Maltose
d. Both A and B
i. The correct answer is D because Glucose and Ribose because
their chemical formulas have a 1:2:1 ratio, and Maltose is a disaccharide polymer
because it is two glucoses put together.
8. What is the difference between starch and glycogen?
a. Starch is the carbohydrate from animals and glycogen is the carbohydrate found
in plants
b. Starch is the storage polysaccharide for plants whereas glycogen is the storage
polysaccharide found in animals
c. Starch is used to keep clothes from wrinkling and glycogen does not
d. All of the above
i. The correct answer is B, because they are both polysaccharide
storage units, but the starch is for the plants and glycogen is for the animals.
9. What best describes the structure of phospholipids?
a. a Single layer membrane where the tails are hydrophobic and the heads are

b. A double layer membranes only composed of simple proteins

c. A double layer membrane that has hydrophobic tails on the inside and
hydrophobic heads on the outside
d. A double layer membrane that has hydrophobic tails on the outside and
hydrophobic heads on the inside
i. The correct answer is C because it mentions the double layer
membrane, hydrophobic tails that are on the inside and hydrophilic heads on the
10. ________ refers to one of the two three-dimensional shapes that are the result of hydrogen
a. Primary structure
b. Secondary structure
c. Tertiary structure
d. Quaternary structure
i. The correct answer is B, this is just a basic definition that needs to
be remembered.
1. Fermentation occurs when
a. Sugars are being degraded with the absence of aid from oxygen
b. When an organism dies
c. Organic matter is metabolized in the stomach
d. None of the Above
The correct answer is A, this is only a definition that
you would need to memorize
2. Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix, is the ending to glycolysis, by decomposing a
bi product of pyruvate into CO2.
a. Hydrolysis
b. Calvin Cycle
c. Krebs Cycle
d. Glycolysis
The correct answer is C because this definition best
fits with the Krebs Cycle by where it is taking place and what exactly it is
breaking down as well as creating.
3. What is the basic function of an enzyme?
a. To speed up the reaction time of a substrate
b. To slow down the reaction time of a substrate
c. It is used to dilute the substrate
d. It is used to make the substrate more acidic
THe correct answer is A because it correctly
describes the function of an enzyme: to speed of the reaction time i
relation to a substrate
4. THe difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph is
a. An autotroph hunts and finds its food for itself whereas
heterotrophs use photosynthesis to make their food.
b. A heterotroph and an autotroph are both relatively the same thing
c. Autotrophic species live in underwater vents, and heterotrophic
species live in the desert

d. Autotrophs gains its energy and food from the sun, while
heterotrophs get their energy from hunting and eating its prey and or vegetation
The correct answer is D because it is the correct
scenario for Autotrophs and heterotrophs being that autotrophs make
their food/energy by using photosynthesis and that heterotrophs simply
eat their food and their digestive system gets the the energy they need
out of their food.
5. During this second part of photosynthesis atmospheric CO2 fixation and
reduction of the fixed carbon into a carbohydrate.
a. Krebs Cycle
b. Calvin Cycle
c. Hydrolysis
d. Glycolysis
The correct answer is the calvin cycle because it is
what is defined in the question, and it comes second after light dependant
6. Photosystems found in plants are responsible for what?
a. They are responsible for converting CO2 into O2
b. There are two photosystems, and they are found in the thylakoid
membrane and essentially are responsible for harvesting light from the sun
c. They take in the water from the roots and use the positive charge
to power the plant
d. Both A and B
The correct answer is B because it correctly
describes features of the photosystems and the correct function of it.
7. Which of the following correctly shows the equation for photosynthesis?
a. 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
b. 6CO4 + 6H2O C6H12O8 + 6O2
c. 6CO + 6HO CHO + 6O
d. 6CO+ 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O
The correct answer is A, this is a formula that just
needs to be memorized.
8. What makes most plans green?
a. Chlorophyll
b. Borophyll
c. mesophyll
d. Stomata
The correct answer is A because chlorophyll is a
green pigment that is found in the chloroplasts of plants.
9. What is the difference between anaerobic and aerobic respiration?
a. Aerobic occurs without O2 and Anaerobic occurs with the
presence of O2
b. Aerobic occurs with the presence of O2 and anaerobic occurs
without the presence of O2
c. Aerobic is what provides energy for the krebs cycle and anaerobic
provides energy for the calvin cycle
d. None of the above

The correct answer is B because aerobic needs air
and anaerobic does not need air.
10. The electron transport chain is responsible for what?
a. The splitting of glucose into pyruvate
b. the breakdown of electrons into O2 that create energy for the plant
c. To act as a catalyst for many different reactions within the cell
d. All of the above
The correct answer is B because the ETC is
responsible for providing energy for the plant and does by breaking down
electrons and taking the energy that is released by them
1. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for doing what?
a. Directing the contractions of all muscles
b. Controls the brain
c. Sending stimulation impulses throughout the body
d. Controls the activities of organs, glands, and involuntary muscles
The correct answer is D, this is a vocabulary word
that needs to be memorized.
2. Columnar cells can be described as
a. Cubed or hexagon shaped
b. Tall cells with an oval shaped nucleus near the basement
c. Flat and short
d. Triangular shaped
The correct answer is B and you know this because
Columnar sounds like column, and the structure of these cells are taller
than the others so it can easily be remembered through that key word.
3. Which of the following is the correct order, from largest to smallest, of muscle
a. Endomysium, Perimysium, Epimysium
b. Epimysium endomysium perimysium
c. Epimysium, perimysium, endomysium
d. endomysium epimysium perimysium
THe correct answer is C, this is common order of
muscle structure that just needs to be memorized
4. The cardiovascular system is responsible for all of the following except?
a. The regulation of bodily fluids, temperature, pH and water
contents of cells
b. The transportation of nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body
c. Uses white blood cells to protect the body from sickness
d. Sends nerve impulses down neurons to the brain
The correct answer is D because A, B, and C are
all functions of the cardiovascular system, whereas Dis a function of the
nervous system.
5. In bones, osteoblasts are responsible for what function?
a. Cells that make bones
b. Cells that break down bones after time
c. Regulating the amount of bone marrow inside the bones
d. The cells that build up and break down cartilage


The correct answer is A because osteoblasts build

up bones.
6. The humerus is ____________ to the femur?
a. Anterior
b. Superior
c. Medial
d. Posterior
The correct answer is B. The anatomical positions
of body parts needs to be memorized.
7. Which of the following connects bones to other bones?
a. Tendons
b. Ligaments
c. Striated muscles
d. None of the above
The correct answer is B, this is a simple fact that
needs to be remembered.
8. Which of the following is the correct order of cellular organization?
a. Chemical cellular tissue organ
b. Cellular tissue organ chemical
c. Cellular organ tissue chemical
d. Chemical organ tissue cellular
the correct answer is A because it shows them from
smallest to largest. Chemicals make up cells, then bunches of cells make
up tissues, and then bunches of tissues make up organs.
9. What does the lymphatic system have in common with the circulatory system?
a. The lymphatic system transports red blood cells
b. The lymphatic system transports white blood cells throughout the
c. It is responsible for the blood getting the oxygen to the lungs
d. None of the above
The correct answer is B, the lymphatic system
works with the circulatory system in the sense that they both circulate
around the body, however the lymphatic system is just transporting the
white blood cells as opposed to the red.
10. How many valves does the human heart have?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
The correct answer is 4.
10 point
This is a graph of survivorship.
a. Label each axis correctly, and identify which line is which survivorship curve.
b. Choose one survivorship curve and identify and describe why an organism would
fit that curve.
c. Choose another survivorship curve and identify and describe why an organism
would fit that curve.

type 1 s

1 point each for labeling

x- axis: % surviving
y- axis : time
top line Type one
middle line type 2
Bottom line type 3
1 point successfully pairing of organism with curve (2 possible
points for each B and C) with valid explanation
ex: humans Type 1
ex: type 2-birds
ex: type 3- frogs

4 point
Pick 2 organelles within the cell, and explain their function
1 point for organelle 1 point for valid definition
Nucleus- control center
Golgi Apparatus- programing ribosomes
lysosome: defense system and for secretion
Ribosome- site for protein synthesis
ER - site for protein synthesis
vacuole- storage
phospholipid bilayer- hydrophobic tails inside
hydrophilic heads outside, and two of them
Mitochondria- power house of the cell

3 point
Solve the following punnett squares
a. Rr x Rr
b. QQ x Qq
c. RR rr
1 point for each correct answer

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