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Order of Operations - Day 1

Objective: The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using the
order of operations limited to parentheses, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division (SOL 5.7)
Key Vocabulary: Expression, parentheses, exponent (for PEMDAS)
Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Materials: Whiteboards, Markers, Computers with Internet, PEMDAS Foldable, Glue,
Notebooks, Pizza Slice Operations Worksheet, Spiral Review.
4 Component Lesson Plan
Spiral Review (10 minutes)
Mini Lesson (10 minutes) Introduction to Order of Operations
1. Whole Group
a. Have student find the answer to 5+3x7 independently using white boards.
Most likely, some students will answer 26, while other answer 56.
b. Pair-Share. Have students defend their answers and explain their solution
process to their group.
c. Ask whether student got two different answers to one problem (26 or 56). Ask
whether students think it is acceptable to have two different answers to one
problem, and have them explain. Ask them to examine the expression. What
do they notice? Three numbers, addition sign, multiplication sign.
d. Activate Prior Knowledge. What is missing? (equal sign) What do we call it
when there is no equal sign? (expression).
e. Group Discussion Guiding Questions Do you think the order in which we
solve operations is important? How do we know what to do first?
f. Teacher direction. Expressions can be simplified using the order of operations.
Just like reading, we will work from left to right. PEMDAS acronym will help us
remember. Acronyms have letters that stand for steps.
i. First, complete all operations in parentheses. Provide example of
ii. Second, look for exponents. Provide example.
iii. Third, we will multiply or divide. Provide example.
iv. Fourth, we will add or subtract. Provide example.
Structured Centers (12 minutes each)
1. Research and Development (Differentiated Fact Fluency)


a. Students will strengthen their basic fact skills through Reflex Math computer
program using laptops.
2. Industrial Park (Differentiated Hands-On-Activity)
a. Students will create a PEMDAS order of operation interactive foldable for
Marketplace Portfolio. Examples will be provided of finish product.
Differentiated pre-printed foldable is available for students who struggle with
writing objectives.
3. Accounting Department (Differentiated Independent Practice)
a. Students will create and solve order of operations pizza slices with a partner.
Numbers used, operations, and amount of steps required will be
differentiated for ability.
4. Board Room (Teacher Directed Small Group Instruction)
a. Teacher will guide students through various examples of operations involving
a variety of numbers, operations, and steps depending on the ability of the
group. Stronger focus on fact fluency and one step problems for those below
grade level. Exploration of exponents and multiple steps will occur for those
above grade level. Student progress is monitored and recorded.
Closure AND Assessment (5 minutes)
1. Guided Question Why is it important for everyone to follow the order of
2. Given the problem, 15- 7 + (3x3), which operation should you complete first? Why?


Order of Operations - Day 2

Objective: The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using the
order of operations limited to parentheses, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division (SOL 5.7)
Key Vocabulary: Expression, parentheses, exponent (for PEMDAS)
Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Materials: Computers with Internet, YouTube, Lyrics, Earphones, Ipads, QR scanner app,
QR task cards for order of operations, Reflex Program, Decimal Test, Glue, Notebooks,
Spiral Review
4 Component Lesson Plan
Spiral Review (10 minutes)
Mini Lesson (10 minutes)
1. Whole Group
a. Activate Prior Knowledge. Have students work with their group to discuss and
write down the acronym for order of operations on a whiteboard. (PEMDAS).
BONUS match operation with letter.
b. Review PEMDAS.
c. Introduction to Order of Operation Song. Have students glue lyrics in
Marketplace Portfolio.
d. Listen to Order of Operations Song to the tune of Katy Perrys Roar.
e. Go over center rotations and expectations for the day.
Structured Centers (12 minutes each)
1. Research and Development (Differentiated Fact Fluency)
a. Students will strengthen their basic fact skills through Reflex Math computer
program using laptops.
2. Industrial Park (Differentiated Hands-On-Activity)
a. Song. Students will listen to an order of operation song to the tune of Katy
Perrys Roar in the computer lab. They will listen and read along with the
lyrics. A copy of the lyrics will be pasted into their journals.


b. Computer Game. Students will practice their order of operation skills using
an interactive video game in the computer lab. Part one will ask them to click
on an expression in the order it should be simplified. Students need to
achieve a score to unlock next part. Questions will be differentiated
depending on their progress with first part. Computer provides feedback for
students if they get a step incorrect. The second part will have operations
falling from the screen and students need to click on the correct order.
Computer will differentiate activity for students depending on progress.
3. Accounting Department (Differentiated Independent Practice)
a. Ipads and QR Code Task Cards. Students will solve various expressions
around the room by applying their order of operation knowledge. Once they
find the answer, they will use an Ipad to scan the QR code on the card. The
code will give them the correct answer. Differentiation will occur by having
students go to previously determined cards.
4. Board Room (Teacher Directed Small Group Instruction)
a. Test Review. I will review scores from their decimal test. Group instruction
will be determined by the data gathered from test results. Teacher will go
over commonly missed questions from the group. Students will also have
time to discuss any other questions they didnt get correct.
Closure AND Assessment (5 minutes)
1. Guided Question How do you correctly simplify an expression? Give the correct
order of operations.
2. Given the problem, 3x7/4 + (2-4), which operation should you complete second?
Assessment (Additional)
1. QR Task Cards
Career Advancement (Students Who Finish Early)
1. Order Fractions Clothespin Activity
2. Algebra Task Cards
3. Division Flash Cards
4. Order of Operations Board Game
5. Comparing Decimals and Fraction Game


Order of Operations- Day 3

Objective: The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using the
order of operations limited to parentheses, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division (SOL 5.7)
Key Vocabulary: Expression, parentheses, exponent (for PEMDAS)
Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Materials: Computers with Internet, YouTube, Earphones, Ipads, QR scanner app, QR task
cards for order of operations, Reflex Program, Decimal Test, Glue, Notebooks, Spiral
4 Component Lesson Plan
Spiral Review (10 minutes)
Mini Lesson (10 minutes)
1. Whole Group
a. Activate Prior Knowledge. Have students work with their group to discuss and
write down the acronym for order of operations on a whiteboard. (PEMDAS).
BONUS match operation with letter.
b. Review PEMDAS.
c. Pizza Slice Guided Activity. Have students glue three pizza slices in their
Marketplace Portfolio. Label 1 step, 2 steps, and 3 steps above each. Use the
following for each example:
i. 1 step 3+4x2
ii. 2 step (3x4) + 4squared
iii. 3 step 6/2 +(3X6) x 10
d. Group Discussion Guiding Questions What step comes first? What step
comes second? What step comes third? What do you do if there are two of
the same operations to solve at once? (go left to right).


Structured Centers (12 minutes each)

1. Research and Development (Differentiated Fact Fluency)
a. Students will continue strengthen their basic fact skills through Reflex Math
computer program using laptops.
2. Industrial Park (Differentiated Hands-On-Activity)
a. Song. Students will continue to listen to an order of operation song to the
tune of Katy Perrys Roar in the computer lab. They will listen and read along
with the lyrics. A copy of the lyrics will be pasted into their journals.
b. Computer Game. Students will continue to practice their order of operation
skills using an interactive video game in the computer lab. Part one will ask
them to click on an expression in the order it should be simplified. Students
need to achieve a score to unlock next part. Questions will be differentiated
depending on their progress with first part. Computer provides feedback for
students if they get a step incorrect. The second part will have operations
falling from the screen and students need to click on the correct order.
Computer will differentiate activity for students depending on progress.
3. Accounting Department (Differentiated Independent Practice)
a. Ipads and QR Code Task Cards. Students will continue to solve various
expressions around the room by applying their order of operation knowledge.
Once they find the answer, they will use an Ipad to scan the QR code on the
card. The code will give them the correct answer. Differentiation will occur by
having students go to previously determined cards.
4. Board Room (Teacher Directed Small Group Instruction)
a. Test Review. I will continue to review scores from their decimal test. Group
instruction will be determined by the data gathered from test results. Teacher
will go over commonly missed questions from the group. Students will also
have time to discuss any other questions they didnt get correct.
Closure (5 minutes)
1. Group Song for Order of Operations
1. QR Code Worksheet
Career Advancement (Students Who Finish Early)
1. Order Fractions Clothespin Activity
2. Algebra Task Cards
3. Division Flash Cards


4. Order of Operations Board Game

5. Comparing Decimals and Fraction Game
6. TOPS Cards (Word Problems)

Order of Operations - Day 4

Objective: The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using the
order of operations limited to parentheses, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division (SOL 5.7)
Key Vocabulary: Expression, parentheses, exponent (for PEMDAS)
Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Materials: Computers with Internet, Reflex Math, Order of Operations Playing Cards/Dice
Activity, Order of Operations Differentiated Worksheets, Tiling Sheet, Four 4s Sheet,
Spiral Review, Spiral Homework
4 Component Lesson Plan
Spiral Review (10 minutes)
Mini Lesson (10 minutes)
1. Whole Group
a. Ask students to solve (2+4) x 5 3squared / 3 on whiteboards.
b. Group Discussion Guiding Questions What step comes first? (parentheses)
How many steps did you take? (4 steps)How do you know if the multiplication
or division sign goes first? (go left to right). Did you use any visuals or steps
to help you out? (PEMDAS or pizza slice).
Structured Centers (12 minutes each)
1. Research and Development (Differentiated Fact Fluency)
a. Students will continue strengthen their basic fact skills through Reflex Math
computer program using laptops.
2. Industrial Park (Differentiated Hands-On-Activity)


a. Cut the Deck, Roll the Dice Activity. Student will draw a card from a deck
without face cards. They will roll a dice with different operation symbols. They
will do this a select number of times each and then create an expression.
Students will work with a partner to solve. Differentiation will occur with the
student pairing and amount of times they roll and draw a card.
3. Accounting Department (Differentiated Independent Practice)
a. Order of Operations Worksheets. Students will simplify order of operation
expressions on a differentiated worksheet. Above grade level students will
find expressions within word problems and be asked to solve. On grade level
students will be provided operations and can use the PEMDAS and pizza slice
method to solve. Below grade level students will have scafolded worksheet
with visual support. All students can use their Marketplace Portfolio to solve.
4. Board Room (Teacher Directed Small Group Instruction)
a. Homework Review. Teacher will go over the spiral review homework
assignment that contains a sampling of questions determined by student
Closure (5 minutes)
1. Solve 6 +12 / (2 x 3) 6 + 1
1. Deck/Dice Activity
2. Order of Operations Worksheets
Career Advancement (Students Who Finish Early)
1. Tiling Sheet
2. Four 4s


Order of Operations - Day 5

Objective: The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using the
order of operations limited to parentheses, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division (SOL 5.7)
Key Vocabulary: Expression, parentheses, exponent (for PEMDAS)
Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Materials: Computers with Internet, Reflex Math Program, Order of Operations Pizza
Worksheet, Tiling Cards
4 Component Lesson Plan
Spiral Review (10 minutes)
Mini Lesson (10 minutes)
1. Whole Group
a. Activate Prior Knowledge. Have students work with their group to discuss and
write down the acronym for order of operations on a whiteboard. (PEMDAS).
BONUS match operation with letter.
b. Review PEMDAS.
c. Sing and Dance to Order of Operations Song to the tune of Katy Perrys Roar.
d. Go over center rotations and expectations for the day.
Structured Centers (12 minutes each)
1. Research and Development (Differentiated Fact Fluency)
a. Students will strengthen their basic fact skills through Reflex Math computer
program using laptops.


2. Industrial Park (Differentiated Hands-On-Activity)

a. Order of Operations Task Cards. Students will work on task cards that
require them to find the missing operation. Example: 7 ____ 3 X 4 = 84.
Differentiation will occur by cards that are assigned by group.
3. Accounting Department (Differentiated Independent Practice)
a. Order of Operations Worksheets. Above level word problems with order
of operations. Below level pizza slice worksheet. On level worksheet.
4. Board Room (Teacher Directed Small Group Instruction)
a. Test Review. I will review scores from their decimal test. Group instruction
will be determined by the data gathered from test results. Teacher will go
over commonly missed questions from the group. Students will also have
time to discuss any other questions they didnt get correct.
Closure AND Assessment (5 minutes)
1. Guided Question How do you correctly simplify an expression? Give the correct
order of operations.
2. Given the problem, 3x7/4 + (2-4), which operation should you complete second?
Assessment (Additional)
1. Worksheets
Career Advancement (Students Who Finish Early)
1. Order Fractions Clothespin Activity
2. Algebra Task Cards
3. Division Flash Cards
4. Order of Operations Board Game
5. Comparing Decimals and Fraction Game



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