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Kelsey MacLeod

Tessa Walsh
Park Street Elementary School
March 19, 2015


You and Your World: Healthy Eating and the 4 Food Groups

Time: 9:30-10 am
Grade: 2 Change
Unit 4: Healthy Lifestyles

Provincial Curricular Outcomes: Students will be expect to understand, develop and maintain
a healthy lifestyle. (2.4.1)
-explain types of food eaten and how that affects ones health.

Learning Objectives:

4 tri-boards for each food group (grains, fruit and vegetables, meat and alternatives, dairy)
Have all food items removed from the triboards in the bag
11 sheets of paper with extra food items for further learning
smartboard projector
USB stick with smart board lesson
22 copies of Monday-Friday chart to record lunches the students eat
a bag for the food items

For supervisor:
copy of lesson plan
copy of Monday-Friday handout
copy smart board lesson
Field Placement Journal

Have each tri-board in one corner of the room but not opened yet.
Have the food items in a bag

9:30-9:40 Beginning:Warm-up (10 minutes)

Take a minute to think and then discuss at your table groups the following questions:

How do we sort the types of food we eat?

Are certain types of food more important for us to eat than others?

Warm-up activity

I will give the directions for this activity and then I will give directions to each table group when
they are to start the activity.

Call on a student to repeat what I just said to confirm student understanding of what they are to

For this activity, I will give each person a food item from this bag. Then, you will go to the
corner of the room where you think the food item belongs and put your food item on the triboard. We have 4 food groups to choose from. (While explaining, go to each corner, unfold the
tri-board and put it up on a desk so all can see.) In the first corner we have vegetables and fruits,
the second, dairy and alternatives, the third corner meat and alternatives, and in the fourth
corner grains and cereals.

For example, this corner is the grains and cereals, so if you think your food item belongs in this
group, you will stick it onto the board. If you do not think your food item belongs in any of these
groups you will go to the middle of the room. You will stay in the corner of where you placed
your food item.

Call on a student to clarify that they understand the directions. Then switch to the second slide
with the directions written on it.

1-Receive a food item

2-Choose where your food item belongs and go to that corner or the middle of the room
3-Put your food item on the tri-board in that corner or place it on the table in the middle of the
4-Stay there

Now, the quietest table will receive their food item first, you will indicate that you are ready by
putting your finger over your lips signalling that you are not talking and raise your other hand in
the air. (Demonstrate how it should look).

Hand out one food item to each student starting with the table that is the quietest.

Once all students have followed the above directions get their attention by using the rhythmic

Now, for 1 minute in your groups, talk about why each food item fits into your group. After, you
will share with the class your reasons.

Remind students the importance of listening and being respectful of what their peers have to say
before they start presenting. Have each group present the name of their food group and what
items they decided to put in the group and why.

9:40-9:50 Middle: Mini Lesson: 4 Food Groups and Canadas Food Guide (10-15 minutes)
1) Go to 3rd slide of Notebook file. Talk about the 4 food groups and the colours.
What foods do you see in the green category?
Green is for fruits and vegetables

What foods do you see in the yellow category?

Yellow is for grains and cereals.

Ask these types of questions for meats and alternatives and milk and alternatives.

2) Have students look at the picture (same as for number 1). Talk about food serving sizes
referring to the pictures. Discuss how the serving size varies for each food item but it is usually
the size of your fist-1/2 cup or 1 cup.

3) Go to slide 4 on notebook file.

Have students look at the chart for servings of food.
Have them compare how much they should eat compared to an adult or child younger than they

4) If there is time, go to slide 5 of the notebook file and go to the following websites. The links
are on the last slide of the notebook file. (if there is not time, we will do this tomorrow)

Discuss the following:
This is the same picture that we saw a few minutes ago. What is here that was not on the last
-fact about water
-has food categories labelled
-has serving amounts for different ages

Point out that it is important to eat one vegetable that is dark green and one that is orange each

What are some examples of a dark green vegetable?
What are some examples of a dark orange vegetable?
Scroll down to where it shows examples of serving sizes and discuss those examples.
Have students look at the chart of a good example of what the typical 7-year-old boy should eat.

9:50-10 Close: 5-10 minutes
Hand out the weekly chart.

This week you will write down in each day what you brought for lunch. You can draw pictures
and label or write down using words. Make sure that you are detailed. If you brought a
sandwich, say what kind. For example (show on white board) I could draw a picture of my
sandwich and then label it saying it had turkey, lettuce, and mustard and it was on white bread.
If it was on a wrap say so. If you had juice, say what kind of juice you had.

Closing Activity:
Put students in pairs, give each pair a picture of a food item and decide where it belongs.
The same directions from the previous activity applies. Like before, have students discuss and
present their thoughts. Talk about where candy and cookies fit in the food groups (they do not
have a group) and moderation.

Ask students:
Do we need to eat candy and sweets?
Should we never eat candy, sweets, pop, chips? Would that be a healthy eating habit?
How much is okay?

It is okay to eat these foods but the majority of what we eat should be in the 4 food groups. We
do not need to eat these foods and it would be a healthy habit exclude (not eat) these foods from
our diet (meaning what we regularly eat).

Pictures of food items are used for the activities to appeal to learners who may struggle with
reading. Visual support is provided using the smart board. Language and pictures are in the

pictures and charts to support student learning the words for different food items and categories.
This lesson appeals to kinaesthetic learners with the movement in the activity. Oral and visual
directions are given, and the use of pictures and words appeal to visual learners. Oral
explanations and discussions are used to appeal to auditory learners. Individual and
collaborative tasks help students learn to think for themselves and think with others.

Sadie, one of the students who has autism will receive extra support and directions as needed
with the help of the teacher, EA, and students.

Formative Assessment will be conducted throughout.
1) Pre-assessment will be observed through the think-pair-share process
2) Assessment of student learning will be conducted and compared through the opening and
closing 4 food group activity.
3) Assessment will be conducted through student discussion and responses to questions during
activities and mini lesson.

NB curriculum for Grade 2 You and Your World page 137-139.

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