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JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

The JCPS Science Curriculum Maps and Instructional Resources (linked on maps) are congruent to the appropriate KY Core Academic Standards
for each K-12 grade level or course. All pedagogical support reflects the importance of students learning as scientists where they investigate,
write, discuss and read about each topic.


The Middle School Science Curriculum Maps support teachers in planning and preparation for instruction. The various components of the maps
provide support for teachers in the following areas in the Framework for Teaching:
Domain 1 Planning and Preparation: Components A, C, D, E, F
Domain 3 Instruction: Components A i, Ci, iii, iv, and D I, ii
JCPS Curriculum and Instruction

JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

Assessment Cycle 1/Unit 1
Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS): MS-PS1: Matter and Its Interactions
Assessment 1 Key Focus Topics:
1) Properties of Matter 2) States of Matter 3) Thermal Energy
NGSS Dimension 1: Science and Engineering Practices
Recognizing that each of the eight science practices play an important role in every instructional cycle, special emphasis is placed on the following practice(s)
for this standard: Developing and Using Models, Analyzing and Interpreting Data, Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions, and Obtaining,
Evaluating, and Communicating Information.
NGSS Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts
During this instructional cycle special emphasis will be placed upon making explicit connections between the content and the following crosscutting
concept(s): Patterns, Cause and Effect, Scale Proportion and Quantity, Energy and Matter, and Structure and Function.

The curriculum map below reflects the JCPS suggested resources for the Matter and Its Interactions unit. It uses the FOSS Chemical
Interactions module as its primary resource, however it is imperative to use the new for 2015-16 additional Instructional Resources that are
available through the link below. The instructional resources were specifically designed to align the existing resources to the Next
Generation Science Standards.
Unit 1: Matter and Its Interactions (Part 1)
Cycle 1: FOSS Investigations 1-5
**Click here to access the Matter and Its Interactions Student Notebook
**Click here to access the Matter and Its Interactions Instructional Resources
**Click here to access the NGSS Three Dimensional Investigation Alignment Document

NGSS Life Science

Disciplinary Core Ideas
PS1.A: Structures &
Properties of Matter
Each pure substance has
characteristic physical
and chemical properties

Suggested Unit Learning

I can identify pure
substances based
on their


Instructional Resources/Teacher Notes

FOSS Investigation 1- Substances
Refer to the Instructional Resources for changes to this
Use new replacement student sheets for each part in the
student notebook.

~ 9 days
(Includes 3
Days of Nuts
and Bolts)

JCPS Curriculum and Instruction


JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

(for any bulk quantity

under given conditions)
that can be used to
identify it. (PS1-2, PS1-3)
**This investigation does
not align specifically to
any of the DCI
components, but does
support the performance
expectation MS-PS1-3
and its clarification
PS1.A: Structures &
Properties of Matter
Gases and liquids are
made of molecules or
inert atoms that are
moving about relative to
each other. (PS1-4)
In a liquid, the molecules
are constantly in contact
with others; in a gas,
they are widely spaced
except when they
happen to collide. In a
solid, atoms are closely
spaced and may vibrate
in position but do not
change relative locations.

I can explain how

natural resources
are used to make
synthetic materials.

I can explain the

composition of
I can describe the
behavior of
particles of a gas.
I can describe how
particles of a gas
behave when they
are compressed or

FOSS Investigation 2- Elements

Refer to the Instructional Resources for changes to this
Add Materials Humans Use lesson from Instructional
Resources. One option for using this lesson requires students
to be able to access computers.

4 days

FOSS Investigation 3- Particles

Refer to the Instructional Resources for changes to this
Add Solids lesson and Graphic Organizer from Instructional
Resources. One option for teaching this lesson requires
students to be able to access computers.
Optional formative mini-assessments are included for this
investigation in the Instructional Resources.
If students are struggling with understanding particles of a
gas, there is an optional online resources available for review:

6 days

Solids may be formed

from molecules, or they
JCPS Curriculum and Instruction

Add CER for Mystery Mixture Identity

Add Properties Card Sort lesson
Optional formative assessment is included.
Standards focus is on characteristic properties (See PS1.A)

JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

may be extended
structures with repeating
subunits (e.g. crystals).
PS1.A: Structures &
Properties of Matter
Gases and liquids are
made of molecules or
inert atoms that are
moving about relative to
each other. (PS1-4)
In a liquid, the molecules
are constantly in contact
with others; in a gas,
they are widely spaced
except when they
happen to collide. In a
solid, atoms are closely
spaced and may vibrate
in position but do not
change relative locations.
Foundational to the DCI:
The changes of state that
occur with variations in
temperature and
pressure can be
described using these
models of matter. (PS14)
PS3.A Definitions of

I can describe the

arrangement and
motion of particles
in solids, liquids,
and gases.
I can explain the
effect of heating
and cooling on
solids, liquids, and
gases at the particle

FOSS Investigation 4- Kinetic Energy

Investigation can be taught as it is written or may be
abbreviated per the Instructional Resources suggestions
depending upon time constraints.
Add Close Reading experience with the article Particles that
is included in the student notebook.
Optional formative mini-assessments are included for this
investigation in the Instructional Resources.
A CER writing opportunity is included in the Instructional
If students are struggling with heating and cooling concepts,
there is an optional online resource available for review:

4-5 days

6 days

FOSS Investigation 5- Energy Transfer


JCPS Curriculum and Instruction


JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

The term heat as used
in everyday language
refers both to thermal
motion (the motion of
atoms or molecules
within a substance) or
radiation (particularly
infrared and light). In
science, heat is used only
for this second meaning;
it refers to energy
transferred when two
objects or systems are at
different temperatures.
(secondary to PS1-4)

I can explain energy

transfer when
particles collide.
I can use a model to
describe the
process of energy
I can evaluate the
limitations of a
model for energy
I can track the
energy transfers
within a system.

Foss Investigation 6- OMIT

Temperature is not a
measure of energy; the
relationship between
temperature and the
total energy of a system
depends on the types,
states, and amounts of
matter present. (PS3-4,
connecting to 7th grade)

Matter and Its Interactions will continue into Assessment Cycle 2.

PS3.B Conservation of
Energy and Energy
The amount of energy
needed to change the
temperature of a matter
sample by a given
amount depends on the
nature of the matter, the
size of the sample, and
JCPS Curriculum and Instruction

Refer to the Instructional Resources for changes to this

Add Student Human Modeling role-play activity.
Optional formative mini-assessments are included for this
investigation in the Instructional Resources.

JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

the environment. (PS3-4
connecting to 7th grade)
Energy is spontaneously
transferred out of hotter
regions or objects and
into colder ones. (PS3-3
connecting to 7th grade)

NGSS Performance Expectations:

PS1-2: Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.
PS1-3: Gather and make sense of information to describe that synthetic materials come from natural resources and impact society.
PS1-4: Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or
PS3-3 Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer.
PS3-4: Plan an investigation to determine the relationships among the energy transferred, the type of matter, the mass, and the change in the average
kinetic energy of the particles as measured by the temperature of the sample.

Assessment Cycle 1
Download Science Proficiency 1 from Cascade upon its release. See Assessment Calendar for details.

JCPS Curriculum and Instruction

JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

Assessment Cycle 2/Unit 1 (continued)

Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS): MS-PS1: Matter and Its Interactions
1) Phase Change (Unit 1)

Assessment 2 Key Focus Topics:

2) Chemical Reactions (Unit 1) 3) Forces and Interactions (Unit 2)

NGSS Dimension 1: Science and Engineering Practices

Recognizing that each of the eight science practices play an important role in every instructional cycle, special emphasis is placed on the following practice(s)
for this standard: Asking Questions and Defining Problems, Planning and Carrying Out Investigations, Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions,
Engaging in Argument from Evidence.
NGSS Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts
During this instructional cycle special emphasis will be placed upon making explicit connections between the content and the following crosscutting
concept(s): Patterns, Cause and Effect, Scale Proportion and Quantity, Systems and System Models, Stability and Change, Energy and Matter, and Structure
and Function.

The curriculum map below reflects the JCPS suggested resources for the Matter and Its Interactions unit. It uses the FOSS Chemical
Interactions module as its primary resource, however it is imperative to use the new for 2015-16 additional Instructional Resources that are
available through the link below. The instructional resources were specifically designed to align the existing resources to the Next
Generation Science Standards.
Unit 1: Matter and Its Interactions
Cycle 2: FOSS Investigations 6-9
**Click here to access the Matter and Its Interactions Student Notebook
**Click here to access the Matter and Its Interactions Instructional Resources
**Click here to access the NGSS Three Dimensional Investigation Alignment Document

JCPS Curriculum and Instruction

JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

NGSS Life Science
Disciplinary Core Ideas
PS1.A: Structures &
Properties of Matter
In a liquid, the molecules are
constantly in contact with
others; in a gas, they are
widely spaced except when
they happen to collide. In a
solid, atoms are closely
spaced and may vibrate in
position but do not change
relative locations. (PS1-4)
The changes of state that
occur with variations in
temperature and pressure
can be described using these
models of matter. (PS1-4)
PS1.B Chemical Reactions
When two or more different
substances are mixed, a new
substance with different
properties may be formed.
**review from 5th grade standard 5PS1-4 during transition years

Each pure substance has

characteristic physical and
chemical properties (for any
bulk quantity under given
conditions) that can be used
to identify it. (PS1-2)**solubility

Suggested Unit Learning

I can describe the
arrangement and
motion of particles
in solids, liquids,
and gases. (Revisit)
I can describe the
arrangement and
motion of the
particles of a
substance during a
change in state.
I can describe the
cause and effect
between heat and a
change in a
substances state.
I can use evidence
to determine
whether or not a
chemical reaction
has occurred when
two substances are
I can use evidence
to determine
whether a chemical
reaction has
occurred when a


FOSS Investigation 7- Phase Change

Refer to the Instructional Resources for changes to this
Optional formative mini-assessments are included for this
investigation in the Instructional Resources.
Add States of Matter Virtual Lab lesson that requires
student access to computers or tablets (Java-enabled).

8 days

FOSS Investigation 8- Solutions

This investigation has been significantly revised for better
NGSS alignment. Refer to the Instructional Resources for
changes to this Investigation.
Optional formative mini-assessments are included for this
investigation in the Instructional Resources.
Add physical change vs. chemical change lessons. One of
the lessons in this addition requires students to be able to
access computers.
Emphasis in this Investigation should be placed on MSPS1-2 (Analyze and interpret data on the properties of
substances before and after the substances interact to

6 days

JCPS Curriculum and Instruction

Instructional Resources/Teacher Notes

JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

is specifically mentioned as a
characteristic property in the PS1-2
clarification statement

substance has

determine if a chemical reaction has occurred) instead of a

heavy focus on the process of dissolving.

PS1.A Structure and

Properties of Matter
Substances are made from
different types of atoms,
which combine with one
another in various ways.
Atoms form molecules that
range in size from two to
thousands of atoms. (PS1-1)
PS1.B Chemical Reactions
Substances react chemically
in characteristic ways. In a
chemical process, the atoms
that make up the original
substances are regrouped
into different molecules, and
these new substances have
different properties from
those of the reactants. (PS12, PS1-3, PS1-5)
The total number of each
type of atom is conserved,
and thus the mass does not
change. (PS1-5)
Some chemical reactions
release energy, others store
energy. (PS1-6)

I can use a model

to represent the
atomic composition
of a substance.
I can use a model
to represent a
chemical reaction.
I can use a model
to represent the
conservation of
matter in a
chemical reaction.
I can use evidence
to determine
whether or not a
chemical reaction
has occurred when
two substances are
I can compare and
endothermic and

FOSS Investigation 9- Reaction

Investigation can be taught as it is written, but several
lessons should be added after it is completed.
Add multimedia experiences throughout the FOSS
Investigation. These require students to be able to access
Add Conservation of Mass Lab and online reading. The
online reading requires students to be able to access
Add Endothermic/Exothermic Lab.
Add Response Sheet.

10 days

Foss Investigation 10- OMIT

JCPS Curriculum and Instruction

JCPS 6th Grade Science Curriculum Map

2015-16 Forces and Interactions Unit
An email will be sent to teachers when this updated unit is available online and the
curriculum map will be updated to reflect all changes.
NGSS Performance Expectations:
PS1-1: Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures.
PS1-2: Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substance interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.
PS1-5: Develop and use a model to describe how the total number of atoms does not change in a chemical reaction and thus mass is conserved.
MS-PS2-1: Apply Newtons Third Law to design a solution to a problem involving the motion of two colliding objects.
MS-PS2-2: Plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an objects motion depends on the sum of the forces on the object and the mass of
the object.

Assessment Cycle 2
Download Science Proficiency 2 from Cascade upon its release. See Assessment Calendar for details.

JCPS Curriculum and Instruction

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