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Kinetic Theory of Gases

Boyles Law , Charless Law as in F5

Introduce Ideal gas equation PV = nRT
Emphasis on Calculation
What is an ideal gas?
- Need to fully understant the 6 assumptions
Derive pressure of a gas use CD to help to visualize
Quite difficult for student to graps
But concept of rms speed is important
Application of the few formulas p = 1/3 c2
PV = 1/3 Nmc2
Kinetic energy of a molecule m c2 = 3/2 RT
Able to see the ability of maths to see things that cannot be seen
Degrees of freedom definition
Maxwells principle of equipartion of energy
- Need to see the difference between mean KE of a molecule
And mean translational KE of a molecule
Understand the number of degrees of freedom of diatomic under
Low , room , high temperature
Distribution of molecular speeds graph very important
Able to explain various parts of the graph
Thermodynamics of Gases
Relatively easy and popular topic
Need to understant work done integral form and graphical form
Positive and negative work
Basically focus on 4 processes constant volume, constant pressure,
Constant temperature (isothermal) , adiabatic
Draw the 4 graphs, understand the 4 equation , Work done equation
Make use of the first law of thermodynamics
-define and understand and apply first law of thermodynamics
Use of to determine the type of gas

Thermal Conduction
Basically only 1 important formula



Remember , understand and use the formula

For insulated and non insulated rod
Graphical understanding is also very important
Understand(and memorise) the principles involve in determining
K for good conductors Searles Method
And poor conductors Lees method
Jointed rod rod in series
Apply the above formula
Use parallel electrical method
- dQ/dt = I 1-2 = V l/kA = R

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