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Ba Complete this conversation. Use the present continuous of the verbs given. Joel: Yoit lonkc tired, Dun. __Are you studying (study) Inte at night these days? Don: No, Cm not. My brother and sister with me right now. We go ta bed alter midnight every night. Jeol: Really? What (do) this summer? (vale) clases, too? No, they aren't. My brother is on vacation now, but he ook) for a part-time jab here, Jor!: What about your sister? (work? Don: Yes, sho is, She has a part-time job at the university. What about you, Juel? Are you in sehool this summer? Joel: Yes, Tam, | (etmay) two languages. oh, (take) French and Spanish again? deel: Well, I'm taking Spanish again, but 1 (start) Japanese. Don: Really? That's exciting! Units Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given. 1, Joseph is Mario's uncle, Maria is Josephs niece (niece) @ Ligis married to Peter. Pater. is tsa 3, I'm single. SS (married) 4. We have two children. = ______ fon ana daughter? 5. My wife's father ie a painter: (father-in-law) 6, Michael does not have a job right now. (loale for) Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation. 26 Chris: Are you still living in San Francisco, Philip? Philip: ‘No, [itt trot im living in Honetuly now er Chris: Wow! Do you like it? Philip: eS Chris: And is your brother still working in Hong Kong? Philip: SS Chris; And how about your parents? Are they still living in Merida? Philip: = ae! ‘How dbout you and your family, Chris? Are you still Living here? Chris: e ‘Complete these sentences. Use the simple present or the present continuous of the verbs given. Tell me about your family. ‘Thisis my aunt Barbara. She tives lived in Rome, but (visit) Chile this eummer. (have) a summer house there. And there are my parents. ___ hotint ein London, Fee re my auntin Chile this month. And here:you ean see my grandparents. ____ live) in New York, but ele at my parents’ house in London now ‘This ix my brother-in-law Edward. ——. (want) to be a company director {etudy) business in Canada right now. And thie is my niece Christina. Eg to high school, (like) mathematics, but she docsn't like English And you mow) this person, of course, It's me. 2 Units a Home or away? JA Answer these questions, Then read the passage. 1. At what age do must voungg people leave their parents’ home in your country? —_ 2. De some young people live with their parents aftor they get married? Leaving Home oung people leave their parents’ homes at different ages in. "different parts: cof the world. In the United States, a lot of college students do not live at = home, Many oe to go te. ‘college ih different cities ~ away from. their parents, At college: they live in university housing, After college. most, : people prefer to live in their own homes, They often live aloite, but sume __ people Feri apartments with others. people in the ‘Tnlted States ieee their parents. the. sapere and few! the money Lo pay for cone apartments. ‘ Very few young people live alone. or become roommates in a shared apartment. Many young people in Hong Kong continue to live with their parents after they marry. B Check (v/} True or False. For statements that are false, write the true information, bout your fat Arrange the determiners from the most to the least. 8 | Rewrite these sentences using the determiners given. Percentage ‘of ehitdren in L. Sixty-five percent of children start school before the age of five. a; seteelOY stan Ahundred percent af children go to school after the age of five. 4 ae Call A many 4 Dany children start schoo! before the age of fve = == bs 2, Ninety-five pervent of young people get a job after they Finish, a ‘high school. Only twenty pervert yu lo eulloge. Weiner Eqearlyall 2 afew finietving schoo 3. About thirty percent of people over 65 have part-time jobe — only about ee corretny fifteen percent of the people like to travel abroad. Fifty-five percent of ‘people over 65 like to stay with thoir grandchildren. jmany | notmany few 2° Unit s Edd croose ine comect words or phrases to complete this paragraph. 110} Complete these sentences about your country. Use the words fn the box. 1, Tthink young people go to the university. 2, think people study English, 8, Pm not-sure, but think ___ married couples have more than five children 4, Dthink elderly people have parttime jobs Complete the chart Use words from the jist. (Some of the words can be both individual sports aod exercise.) Team sports Individual: sports: ere Arrange these words tamake sentences. 1 almost bieycliga 2 hardly they tennia play ever Bgo do often’ jogging how you 2 4.often mornings do on we yoga Sunday S. ever Charlie do does aerobics 6-do on you what usually Saturdays do 31 unite Write questions for these statements. Use How often do you ... ? Do you ever... ?and What do you usually 1. A: Do you ever exercise? oan bette 223 B: Yes, 1 often exercise on weekends. 2A B: Well, usually do karate on Saturdays and yoya on Sundays, iyi Stee ENS a Soe B; No, [never go to the gym after work, ee B; I don't exercise very often at all, BA: ee le rh B: Yos, 1 sometimes play sports un weekends ~ usually baseball » 6. A: B: L usually play tennis in my free time. EB kooping at? A Check () how often you do each of the things in the chart. Cron Co B Write about yourself using the information in the chart. For example: 1 r ropics ue en. a How often do you exercise? Complete this conversation. Write the correct prepositions in the correct places. What time do you go jogging, the morning, Jerry? faround/in/on) Tabways go jogging seven o'clock. (at/for/on! How about you, Susan? Susan: | usually go jogging noon. (urownd/in/with) jag about an hour (at/forfuntin) Jerry; And da you also play sparts your free time? (ntfinfuntil) Susan: Not very often, [usually go out my clacemates in my free time. (around/for/with} What about you? And sometimes I go bicycling weekends, (lo/ Jersy: Igo to the gym Mondays and Wednesdays. (at/on/until) | wom) Wow! You really like to stayin shape, BTR cocnuitete'the orcamertnd paisa, 4 Pierre never . He's a coal potas, © How often de you yoga? © Uike to stay in ___. . Tplay sports every day. Bet does woigght svery sees He lifts weights of 40 kilos gees ___ for three miles aes 3 Seow aways watches TV 5 Poulison the __ toam at his his __ time high school 2 Rates a regular program, 7 Marie never goes when the water 3 Ido at the gym three timew eee week The tencher plays great music! Amy hieyeling twice a month. Ex Choose your activity. A Read these ads. eee Ley ea ate : = Drgea’, al CORON ALCAN mL Ren Se eT Deeale oe Breen cas Tareas rg eee! Ce ec ema a ree a Program How often do you exercise? | L.A: How often do you go awimming, Linda? 4. A: How good are you at other sports? B: Once 4 week Bh: = [guess I'm OK = Not too good, actually. # Once n weck. # [gometimes play twice # wool. = About an hour, m= Pretty well, T guend. . 2 A: How long do you spend in the 5, Aj How much time do you spend . ewimming pool? working out? B B . = About 45 minutes. = Not very offen, = About averuge. = Around an hour a day. = About three miler. = Ahout three miles twies a week, 3 A: And how well do you swim? = I'm not very welll, = Lalmost never do, = I'm about average. ee Look at the answers. Write questions using how. = A How much time do you spend exercising © [don't spend much time at all. In fact, I don't ever exercise, But | wateh a lot of eporta on TV. for a walk? Almost every day. I really enjoy it. © Eapend about an hour jogging. oe att racqnetbaltt? BP pretty good at it, I'm on the school team. a Be Basketball? Pretty well, T guess. I like it-a lot, H10} Rowrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence, using the words given, 1. Idon’t wateh TV very much. ‘beselidomypabebe Dl ase SF So [seldom 2. Tom exercises twice a month. (not very often) 3, Philip tries to keep fit, (tay in shape 4, dilloften exercises at the gym. — —— (work du) 5, How long do you spend at the yqrm? (time? * 6. How srood are you at tennis? (play) What do you think about sports? Answer these questions. 1. Do you like to exercise for a short time-or a long time? 2. Do you prefer exercising in the morning or in the evening? 8. Which do you like better, walling or jogging? 4. Whieh do you like better, team sports or individual sports’ 5. How good are you at games like basketball or tennin? 6. Do you prefer fitness freaks or couch patatoes? lonly exercise fora short time. |A. Write the past tonse of theae regiar verbs Past tense 41, coke cooked 4 love 7, visit 2. enjoy 5, study 8, wash 2. invite 6 ny 9. watch B Write the simple form of these irregular past tense verbs. ee a slept ga a 8 at ein Sine 4 ei ——— ‘went © Uze two of the verbs ahove and write sentences about the past: We went to a rock concert lastnight Ba Use the cues ta answer these questions. 1. Where did yon go this weekend? 1 went to a party (eo prey) 2. Who did you meet at the party? feomeane very interesting) 4, What time did you and Eva get home? —————— — (a little after 1:00) . How did you and Bob like the art exhibition? + (a lott What did you buy? (the new Madonna CD} © Where did Jeff and Joyee go an vaeation? {to the country) 7 Unit? What do you tike fo da stone? What do you fike to do with other people? Complete the chart with activities from the fist. Then add one more activity to each list. CeCe Ten Things | like to de Or ered EB comptete zne questions in this conversation. A: How did weekend? = B; Tapent the weekend with Jue and Kathy. et ———————————— B: Well, on Saturday, we want shopping. Ar And did in the evening? B: No, nothing special. A: Where a _____ on Sunday? B; Wewent to the amusement park, A: How = = Bi; We had & great time, Infact, we stayed there all day. ‘A: Really? Whattime = B; We got home very late, around midnight. ‘We had a great time! Answer these questions with nogative stalements. Then add a positive statement using the information below. Grammar note: Past tense negatiy 1, A: We loved the party. Did you and Jane enjay it? B: Nowe didn't enjoy it We hada boring time 2, A: L stayed home from work yesterday, Did you take the day aft, too? B: 8. A: Télept in all weekend, Did you spend the weekend at hom B 4. A: Latudied all weekend. Did you and John have a lot of homework, too? &. A; Carl drove me to work this morning. Did youdrive to wark? 6. Ac Kathy went to the baseball game last night. Did you and Bob go to the game? i TG ese about Andy's wook Match the sentences thet have the same meaning. unit? Did we take the same trip? ‘A. Do you ever take summer vacations? ‘What kind of vacations do you lke to take: relaxing? educational? exciting? B Read these reports about Thailand. William's report ° 1 We went to Thailand for aur sumener | Sue's report vacation last year It was our first érip e| a ee to Asia, We loved it We spent a week Last sumees, we spent our vacation in in Bangkok and did something afferent Thailand We were ory excited — it wars _eveny day. We went to the floating market ‘our first tvjp there. We spent twa days very early ore cnerrines Wie dicleit buy in Bangkok. Of course, we got @ river anything there, we just Jooked Another bus to the floating market, We bought day, we went to Wat Phra Keo the some deficious (ruit there, The next day famous Teriple of the Emerald Buddha. @ we went tu oi very interesting temple ald Buddha. it any other ft was really interesting Then we saw two more temsles ned. We also weert on a.river trp somewhere outside Bangkok called the Ternple We didn't have time to vi temples. However, we went to two his- Err The best thing about the trp wits the -taric cities — Ayuthaya and Sukhothai © ood The next time we have fiends over Both have really interesting ruins. | | for dinner, tim going to cook Thai food Everything was great {t's impossible ta e sy what war top. a we best thing about the © Who did these things on their trip? Check (1 the answers Co Complete this conversation with was, wasn't, Were, or weren't. A: How ___was __your vacation in Peru, Julia? Bit __ _. great. [really enjayed it. A: How long __ you there? E: We there fur two weeks, A you in Lima all the time? B: Nowe —_. We ____ in the mountains fora few days. Ac And how the weather? ___ it. good? B: No, it _____ god at all. The city very hob, and the mountains _____ reallly cold! oO Choose the correct questions to complete this conversation. [onions A: How was your vacation in Africa? B: Tt-was a great trip. I really enjoyed South Africa and Namibia. A = B: For ten days B: | wae in Namibia for bout five days. AS Wow; that’s a long time, & Te was bot.and sunny the whole time. x & Oh, it was wonderful, And the wildlife was terrific — we saw some meerkats! unit? D ‘Choose the correct words or phrases. 1, Theneighbors had party (ill 0:00 4.04 ‘We complained about it, (acisy/fun/birthday) 2, We didn't see very much in the mountains. ‘the weather was ‘eool/rainy foggy) 3, Wewentona of the rains, (tour/trip/vacation) 4, Tworked very hard in Switzerland. | was there fon buainosy/in my caren waeation) 11] My kind of vacation A. What do you like to do-on vacation? Kank the activities below fram 1 (you like it. the most) to 6 (you Like it the least), —— ao tothe beach ook at rains _—— go shopping visit museums ___ apend time at home ___ have good food B Answer the questions about your vacations. 1 How often do you go on vacation? 8 Hoy long de you spend on vacation? 3. Whodo you usually go with? 4, Where do you usually go? e . Whit da you ustially do on waeation? B Write questions with “Is there a... or “Are there any... .7" and the ames of places from part A 1. A: Tneed a hairent. ts there a barker shop near here? B; Yes, there's one on Elm Street, 2. A: We want to go dancing. near here? Bi: No, there aren't, but there are some on Main Street. 3. A: Twant to send chin letter around hore? B: Yes, there's one next to the lanndromat, 4. A: [need ta make a phone call. around here? B: Yos, there are nome across from the library. 5. dc Teed some gas. = on thie street? Ti: No, there aren't, but there are.a couple on Second Avenue. © A: Wo need to make a reservation fora trip. near here? Bi: Yes, there's one nour the Sheraton Hotel 43 Unite Look at these two street maps. There are ten differences between them. Find the other eight. Write about them as in the exampies. frig fen eu pe ae plo : Bas barber iJ ees There are some movie theaters: or entt any in B. wt there set one in B There's 2, There's a park on the comer of 2nd si @ parking lot a4 Where's the neues! bank? There's one near the grocery store. _ here a post: office near here? I'm looking for a drugstore. 4. Is there a laundromat in this neighborhood? 5. Is there a department store on Birch Strect? 6. Are there any pay phones around here? ed comp wean Aqswer these questions. Use the map and the expressions in the box. How do you like the neighborhood? Geo Cote ON BIRCH STREET pent toad LEGEND travel agency department store gym pay phones: Answer these questions about your city or neighborhood. Use the expressions jo the box and your own information. 1, Ave there any good restaurants around sehuol? 2 Is there & police station neue wehoul? Are there any good clothing stores in your neighborhood? 45 Unit 8 G The grass fs elways greener. A Read the interviews. MODERN SFE eer eee Conan CRC TUE auc sees rm eld S fl we i Interview with Diana Towne aot live in the suburbs, and it's just tox Adie! There aren't many shops, and. sthbte ate certainly mo clubs of theaters. There are a lot of parks, good schools, ‘aid very litde crime; bur nothing ever avally happens here. | would really lowe. BB How do the people feel ahout their neighborhoods? Complete the chart, 46 the neighborhood? Ba ‘Gumplete the chart. Use words from the list. antable nouns (ieee oi Write questions about each item using “How much ... "or “How many... 7” Then look at the picture, end write answers to the questions. Use the expressions in the box. 1. (noise) How much naise is there? There’ a let. 2 (buses) __ 3. (teaftiey me = 4 (hanks) __ es, 5. (people) = eS ) ——————— a B Choose the correct words or phrases to complete this conversation. Luis: Are there any. (any/one/none} dance clubs around here, Alex? Alex: Sure, There are fany/one/a lot) There's a great club (across from/between‘on) the National Bank, but it's expensive. Luis: Well, are there (any/noneone) others? ‘Alek: Yuith, théne are: {a fewia littlevone| ‘Thor's a nice fanyfone/aome) near here. Is ealled Brazil Luis: That's perfect! Where is itexactly? Alex: Te's on Third Avenue, Ahevwvens/on/on the corner of) the Royal Theater and May's Restaurant. Luis: So let's go o Choose the correct words or phrases. 48 1, Tm guing to the stationery store to get somo birthday eards/eoffese/fand) 2. Wo've Luling a long drive, We need to go te the - flaundromatigas station/travel agency) 8. Live an the 8th floor of my {apartment building/neighborhood/thestert 4, Gur apartment is in the center of the eity. We live (downtown/in the neighhorhond/in the suburbs)

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