Anda di halaman 1dari 2


Do you think you have a healthy life style? / Piensas que tienes un
estilo de vida saludable?

What is healthy food? / Qu comida es saludable?

Do you have a snack every time you are hungry or do you wait for
the lunch or dinner? / Comes algo cada vez que tienes hambre o
esperas a la hora de comer o la cena?

Do you agree with the saying: "Eat your breakfast, share your lunch
with a friend and give your dinner to your enemy"? Why do people
say so? / Estas de acuerdo con el dicho Comete tu desayuno,
comparte tu almuerzo con un amigo y dale tu cena a tu enemigo?
Por qu la gente dice esto?

Is obesity a great problem in where you live? / La obesidad es un

problema donde tu vives?

What are the most efficient ways to loose weight? / Cules son las
mejores formas de perder peso?


Do you think diets are useful or not? / Crees que las dietas so tiles
o no?

Have you ever tried to go on a diet? / Alguna vez has probado una

Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym, swimming pool) an

important part of a healthy life style? / La actividad fsica (footing,
ir al gimnasio, natacin,) es importante para tener una vida

Do you smoke? / Fumas?)

Is it hard to give up smoking? / Es difcil dejar de fumar?

How much beer or wine you can drink daily without any damage to
your health? / Qu cantidad de cerveza o vino puedes beber
diariamente sin riesgo para tu salud?

How many hours of sleep do you need daily? / Cuntas horas de

sueo necesitas al da?

Do you often find yourself under stress? / Te sientes estresado a


How do you usually cope with stress? / Cmo sobrellevas el estrs?

Is there any connection between the person's style of life and the
duration of his life? / Crees que hay alguna relacin entre el estilo
de vida de una persona y la duracin de su vida?

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