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CAS Project

11th Grade

Achieved my aim to create an art piece representing natural themes

I did not like the rocks that had more than three colors (see below- example given) as the color
combinations werent great (too dull)
I wanted to bring texture (rocks+pavement)= achieved to certain degree. I wanted to add a realistic touch to
my final- shade, perspective, proportion
Drawing in rock crevices were really hard because it had to contrast with the background. If I tried to use
chalk for this, it became impossible. I had to use a dark pencil
To judge the final, I had kept my piece next to my photo. In my opinion, the pavement has been done well,
but the crack in the middle could be improved upon
The depth, balance, and texture of the crack didnt come out as I had hoped.
I wanted harmony to be present in my picture (thought about rocks). Rocks took me the most amount of
time- not every rock- same time. The hardest ones were where the colors had to be experimented with.
When pastels were used first, the chalk couldnt be used. I had problems with shading as I used both
The pavement was the easiest to do, as most of it was one color. The texture was not hard to achieve- dots
used. The rocks that had only a few colors were the easiest (blending easier). Colors with many colors all
over color wheel were hard to blend (see tests).

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