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Great Teaching, Inspired Learning - Summary

Reforms span the whole career cycle of a teacher from initial teacher training and
induction for beginning teachers, through to recognising and valuing experienced
teachers and supporting potential school leaders.
Initial teacher education
Attracting the best and brightest into teaching
Strengthening the professional experience in partnership with universities
Improving the evidence base for our teaching workforce
Entry into the profession
Better support for beginning teachers
Streamlined probation and accreditation processes
Improved induction support for beginning permanent, temporary and casual teachers
Develop and maintain professional practice
Strengthened performance management and development processes
Improving the management of underperformance
Recognise and share outstanding practice
Moving to a standards-based career structure
Strengthening school leadership
Initial teacher education
The time for a renewed focus on great teaching for inspired learning is now. The challenges of todays increasingly complex and global society require our students
to have different competencies and our teachers to have different capabilities. Todays students need to be able to access information globally available, work
collaboratively and apply innovative solutions to problems. Teachers need to know how to develop these capacities in their students in ways that inspire
students to be lifelong learners.
Entry into the profession
All beginning teachers will receive a high quality induction program to support their entry into the teaching profession. All beginning teachers will receive
high quality support to enhance their teaching skills during their first year of teaching. Teachers returning to the profession will be required to refresh
and update their knowledge of curriculum, pedagogy and educational expectations.
Develop and maintain professional practice
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers will apply to all NSW teachers. All teachers will be supported by high quality performance
and development processes. The processes of the Institute and school authorities will be streamlined to reduce duplication and give greater recognition
to school-based, classroom-focused professional learning. Underperforming teachers and school leaders will be treated in an efficient and fair way.
Recognise and share outstanding practice
Teaching excellence will be recognised and rewarded through mechanisms that include remuneration and new leadership responsibilities for accredited
Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers. Teachers who aspire to be principals will have achieved the higher levels of teacher accreditation and undertaken
professional learning to prepare them to be leaders of a school. Excellence in teaching and professional learning will be identified, shared and developed
through professional collaboration and learning.

All information above copied from:

NSW Government, Education & Communities Public Schools NSW Great Teaching, Inspired Learning (March 2013)

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