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Cultural Exploration Introduction

Nurs401-Career Pathways Assessment

Cultural Exploration

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to develop in the learner an awareness of the
health beliefs / practices of a culture different from their own.
Approach to Assignment
I chose to do the Hispanic/Latino culture for this project. I met with my hospitals
cultural/language manager and she loaned me books from the hospitals library along with
speaking with me about her culture. Questions that I was unable to answer with the
books, I used the CDC and Hampton Roads Commerce Center webpages along with a
transcultural nursing site.
Reason for Inclusion
With an increase in Spanish speaking and Hispanic families coming to the
hospital, I wanted to ensure that I was able to provide culturally sensitive care. This
culture seemed rich in tradition from what I had observed and through this assignment, I
was able to identify many of beliefs and traditions related to their health and health care.
Nursing Practice
o Implements traditional nursing care practices as appropriate to provide holistic
health care to diverse populations across the lifespan

In researching the Hispanic/Latino culture, I was able to gain

information to ensure that I provide holistic health care to this
population. One of the most important points I have taken away from
this training on different cultures is communication. By clarifying your
findings and observations with the family, one is able to understand the
patients or familys intention. For instance, some in the Hispanic
culture may believe that illness can be influenced by hot/cold
imbalance. This is important to clarify when a mother is swaddling a
febrile child. By being aware of their beliefs we can find a solution to
include their traditions while incorporating modern medicine, as well.

o Adapts communication methods to patients with special needs

Language is often the biggest barrier in caring for a patient of another

culture. At my hospital we have the luxury of having medical
interpreters during the day and an iPad or Cyrom phone that links us to
a medical interpreter to help us communicate with one another. This
culture is deeply rooted in its paternalistic views and the father is often
times the one to communicate with staff instead of the mother. Taking
cues and communicating with the family also ensures that we do not
offend or curse the family by maintaining direct eye contact with the

o Applies research-based knowledge from nursing as the basis for culturally
sensitive practice

Through this exercise, I was able to make a chart to keep with me as a

reference to review when I take care of a Hispanic/Latino family. My
unit director also purchased a book of different cultures around the
world, that the culture/language liaison lent me for this assignment. I
learned that poor eye contact on the part of the family is a sign of
respect and direct unwavering eye contact on the part of the staff is
disrespectful and challenging.

o Shares research findings with colleagues

I found this assignment intriguing and share my information with my

peers and new hires as I precept them on the unit. I reference the book
my director purchased frequently when I encounter a familys culture
we are unfamiliar with at work. Our influx of Middle Eastern families
would have been more challenging without our resources on the unit.
Again, communication is imperative when we are unfamiliar with
other cultures beliefs and traditions.

o Articulates an understanding of how human behavior is affected by culture,
race, religion, gender, lifestyle, and age

For this assignment, we researched a culture and presented our finding

to our class. The data within this table are clues as to how a persons
behavior may be influenced. This table covered culture, race, religion,
gender, lifestyle and age. What is key to take away from cultural
diversity training is that we cannot pigeon hole one race or culture into
a set of characteristics or behaviors. Older generations within the
patients family may follow the traditions and beliefs more stringently
than the younger generations.
o Demonstrates sensitivity to personal and cultural definitions of health, and
how these beliefs influence an individuals reactions to the illness experience
and end of life

The Hispanic culture is family and community orientated. When

someone is sick or dying, they pull together to support the family in
their time of need. Grief is loud and most likely will include religious
clergy members or Priest. It is important to support the needs of the
patient as well as the family in these situations. Communication with
the family will hold the answers in how the nurse can help this family
in the end. My experience has been to let the family guide this process,
as it is an intimate one. Our role is one of support at the end of our
patients life; support for the patient, as well as the family.

o Integrates knowledge of cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions

Prior to taking off the swaddling from the febrile infant, a nurse can
educate the mother on the danger of bundling an infant with a fever. I
would attempt to compromise and leave the baby in one blanket to
acknowledge their belief in the importance of the hot/cold balance.

o Considers the impact of research outcomes and, the effects of health and
social policies, on persons from diverse backgrounds

Research has proven that obesity can lead to a multitude of

preventative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, coronary artery disease some cancer and stroke. A challenging
conversation is one with a family on their childs obesity. Culture and
beliefs are hard to change when their values are ingrained for
generations. This culture sees a healthy woman with extra weight, for a
thin woman is seen as sickly or ill.

This culture is especially challenging to teach health promotion to, in

that they see obesity as a sign of health.

o Maintains an awareness of global environmental factors that may influence

the delivery of health care services

A problem we are seeing in some of our communities is an increase in

illegal Hispanic/Latinos crossing our borders. Hospitals doors are
open to this population when they are in need. I have witnessed a
hesitancy and fear of immunizations when they are offered in the
hospital. My research for this project revealed that they have
reservation and fear regarding western medicine. With the help of
medical interpreters and education, the family in the end consents to
the administration of immunizations.

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