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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting
Wednesday August 9, 2006

Linda Slagle, President
Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Chris Cahill, Secretary
Robert Somers, Member at Large
David McPherson, Property Manager

Not Present: Alassane Nguer, Treasurer

Others Present: 3 Residents

I. Meeting Call to Order: President Linda Slagle called meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of three Board members.

Please note that copies of the Minutes are available upon request. If you would like a copy of draft
minutes please email Board President, Linda Slagle at to be placed on the mailing list.

The Board wishes to remind residents once again about the importance of breaking down large boxes
before placing them in the trash rooms. Disposal of large items requires special pickups which impose a
large financial burden for the community - So far this year over $3,200 of your condo fees have been
spent on special pickups. Please contact the management office for disposal of any large items, pickup
can be arranged for a nominal fee so that trash rooms are not overflowing.

III. Resident Forum

A resident in attendance inquired about a tree at 1745 N. Troy between the street and the sidewalk which
has no leaves. The resident wondered if the Board knew about this and if anything was going to be done.
Mr. McPherson stated that even though this tree is technically on County property, the Board is planning
to have it cut back/removed. However, due to the size of the tree, Bartlett will have to cut the power to
the street for about 4 hours. With Board approval, Mr. McPherson would like to have this done in the
fall; he will talk to Bartlett and get an estimate.

Another resident asked the Board about the broken concrete step in the courtyard on Rhodes. Mr.
McPherson stated that he is looking for a small company that can submit an estimate for fixing this step
as well as some other smaller jobs throughout the property. The original company approached about the
job, declined due to the small nature of the job.

This resident also asked about when the benches are going to be cleaned. Mr. McPherson stated that
management has the power washer but that due to short staffing in one of the other villages, the engineer
has been a bit overextended but the power washing is on the top of his list. The benches will be power
washed, stained and sealed. Ms. Slagle is not sure that this process is best for the type of wood that these
benches are made of and would like management to find out if there is a better way to treat them in the
future. It was also brought to the attention of the Board that one bench along the Ravine is falling apart, it
was resolved to remove it.
A third resident wanted to thank the Board for the landscaping issues which have already been addressed
– specifically the wasp nests, the gutter clean out and removal of the Bradford pear tree. One area that is
still a problem is the courtyard at 1758 N. Rhodes, and the Board resolved to have Mr. McPherson ask
Somerset to submit a proposal for planting something in that area that is green and healthy

IV. Reading &Approval of Minutes

Minutes from July 12, 2006: Motion by Mr. Cahill to approve the minutes with s few minor edits; Second
by Mr. Bostwick, For: All.

V. Management Report

Financial Report: Mr. McPherson reported that July was a good month, financially as delinquency
collection is up and total income was almost $52,000. Expenses for the month were at or close to budget
projections. Mr. McPherson informed the Board that the extensive tree work that has been done on the
property due to storms, etc. this year is the main factor that has kept CVII from staying on budget.

Action List/Old Business:

Storm Water Management Proposal: After last months discussion about flooding problems throughout
the property during heavy rains, Mr. McPherson had Terry Hix of Hix & Sons Drainage and Landscaping
come do an assessment of the property. Mr. Hix came up with proposals for three problem areas: The
rear entrance of 1728 N. Rhodes, the rear entrance of 1758 N. Rhodes and 1723-1745 N. Troy.

To alleviate the problems at 1723-1745 N. Troy, this proposal addresses the significant amount of water
that comes from Wilson Blvd. and runs down Troy towards 1723-1745 often flooding the center
courtyard laundry room. Mr. Hix’s proposal calls to remove three sections of sidewalk along N. Troy and
install catch basins to divert some of this water. Other elements of his proposals will help draw excess
water away from the buildings (roof runoff, etc) by connecting downspouts to 6” PVC drain pipes and
running the pipes away from the buildings towards the ravine or towards catch basins.

Along the back of 1728 and 1758 N. Rhodes, Mr. Hix proposes to increase the slope using 6” timbers and
high clay content soil so that water cannot collect along the edge of the building. Mr. Hix’s proposals
will not destroy existing landscaping.

The total cost is approx. $29,000. Mr. Somers expressed some concern over the cost but both Ms. Slagle
and Mr. McPherson are confident in and familiar with the work of Mr. Hix and think this will save the
community money in the long run.

Motion by Ms. Slagle to accept entire proposal as is; Second by Mr. Cahill. For: All.

Ms. Slagle signed the proposals as presented by Mr. McPherson. Mr. McPherson will call Mr. Hix this
week and get CV II on the schedule. The work will probably take about a week to finish and should take
place in the early fall.

Environmental Engineer Retainer Report: Mr. McPherson is still looking for a company that the Board
can put on retainer for mold/mildew inspections. He met with Environmental Solutions Inc. (ESI) and
could not get costs down but has found an independent lab company, Microbiology Air Safety
Laboratories (MAS Labs) that will do the same work as ESI for about half the cost. The lab will send
someone to take a sample, analyze it, write a course for remediation and send the results back to the
Board. The question was raised as to what ESI offered that MAS does not; accounting for the price
difference, Mr. McPherson stated that the only difference is that the Engineers at ESI have a PhD. Mr.
Somers’ inquired about whether using the lab instead of the larger company would affect the Board’s
integrity/authority and wondered what the precedent is for other properties in this type of situation. Mr.
McPherson stated there really is no precedent as various structural and landscaping factors make CVII a
unique space for flooding/water/mold problems. He also reinforced that the results the Board would get
from MAS are the same as those from ESI; ESI engineers essentially function as the “middleman” by
using MAS the Board would be cutting out the middleman. MAS labs will not handle clean up.

It was resolved that Mr. McPherson get a official proposal from MAS labs stating that for approx. $600
they will take samples, analyze them and determine: presence, origin and provide a remediation plan.

Once a proposal is chosen, Mr. Cahill will begin to work on a mold/mildew policy that the Board will
distribute to residents as part of the bylaws and owner handbook. Two of the residents who have
experienced mold incursion have sent Ms. Slagle pointers that Mr. Cahill will use to write up preventative
measures and guidelines for owners.

CV4 Budget: Mr. McPherson asked Board for any thoughts on the CV4 budget proposal regarding the
common properties. Ms. Slagle expressed concern about being responsible for office items and other
business tools that should be the sole responsibility of CMI.

Mr. McPherson asked the Board to continue thinking about the Budget in preparation for next months’
budget meeting. Ms. Slagle asked the Board to read the budgets with a critical eye and prepared to
discuss at the Sept. 12 budget meeting.

Window Cleaning: Valcourt has finished the window cleaning at CVII. They cleaned 670 windows and
found a few broken or damaged windows. The owners with broken windows will be notified by

VI. New Business

Mr. McPherson has been in contact with Comcast about the cable boxes that are falling off the buildings.
Residents who have been trying to get them fixed on their own have had trouble. Once Mr. McPherson
went to them as a commercial client, Comcast sent people out automatically and they can be seen around
the property fixing the broken boxes.

VII. Next Board Meeting:

September 18, 2006

VIII. Meeting Adjourned at 9:04

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler
Recording Secretary,
September 1, 2006

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