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Is 11592 : 2000 ANNEX B (Clause 88.52) FIRST METHOD FOR IDLER SELECTION B-1 IDLER CLASSIFICATION The ilers are class sivon in Table 22. fied into six numbers series as B-2 Seles required duty slong ¥,, ais of square 1 (eee Fig 15), then rove horizontally to meet line representatiog svaintenance condition applicable From this poi move vertically again t9 meet the ures sipnifyng fst of stoppage on ‘he system. From this poire move horizontally to mest 7, axis This will represent veference point 4. 3-22 Select density of material tobe handled slong the axis ¥, of aquare It (see Fig. 19) and move horizontally to most the lines copeseniing requ Dell, From ths point move verily up or own 10 inthe lines representing conveyor speed desired. B-2.3 From this point of intersection proceed horizontally to meet axis Y,. This will represcat reference point &, Join point A and B."The segment of the selection bar through which tine Ai passes, will indicate the series of idler conveyer most suitable for use. [B-24 Thedotted line drawn on the chart as an example illustrates the selection of suitable idler for following auiys 8) 16 hfday continuous dary; b) Used under normal conditions and normal ‘maintenance; ‘System accepting occasional stoppage nonmal; ‘Conveying trap rock with | 790 kg density; ‘On belt with 650 ram and Moving at 1.0 m/s speed, 3 a) 2 9 ‘Table 22 Iter Classification (Clause Bot) Vater | ‘Rote Deuring Type | Bev Wiam | Maximum Bele tor (se cea 1 Vateaie ty Weis | as | He eRe cl Ro | Sateen a | ssxene7 | ou vowtom | 40 | tee man erat np, sly | cee | w 101.610 139.9 | Ball 500-1 200, 40 ‘Unsizes medium humps, mixed with fine | | ‘ited tral lrpe, ders sro, | | ence) | ser | oaotvins | sonsace | — 20 | uncanny tenp ne its ses panes robe | fmetion hinge” modemidlyabraree | | Ey |v | mass | mizanrne | smo2m | 50 | age Se py Kel sn, tc ae | ey ve |uzwie: | ommemaiee | coorme | as | ing rmiy ammonite ” al } gatas a * nike i wet 5 oo: 2 = won — * ee LBP ue gas’ ¥ sane s sage SwUARE ee Se 18 11592 : 2000 ANNEX C (Clause 88.5.2) SECOND METHOD OF IDLER SELECTION (CLIDLER CLASSIFICATION C-2 IDLER SELECTION fdlers are classified in four series as given in (dler spacing for troughed belts and Hat beliy ave Tulle selected as shown in Fig, 20 and 21 respectively. Table 23 Idler Classification (Clause C-1) im [tari ye | Sate | wonvis [zara tem | em) Lin | Oxeeoeban sarin | 20 | 5.7609, | ose | | iors we ton apes te \ ie cit ence ot tad ee Tein | Despaoreal Bare | 50 | WO, 10L8 1m | 4001300 | For xerte pesion, ere ties. t20'2 us oe aes babe Segc ontenelie rethe cc cee bee a SS the ee toy \ (ei ty se i | | nts “epee ten i | Satay bet nee te | ier | Heavy duty | Rollertaperrollentbalt | 101.6, 108. viet 600 | For continous operation, high [M3120 an, come al or tare yes Soe dase uae cee tape Cae Tine tis thine | Rona etal] 330) G02 tam | aoEO | Fer conan eoten ast So aa cue an a ue tenet 1 and coarsest materials en 4s nse2 2000 vaso 1209} - 1059] rel 600] aso} EQUIVALENT LOAD, kg/m 300 15¢} 00} = | [e Pe 000750 oud 2501800 Taso Rie, 20 Trovamse Bet Jeter Sraciee 1350 ne Pee 200 86 as 2000 " +780 veut ors ano wore sestes [tooo gy ooo paso = ey er @ ones 2 pre FES ME orca: & _ sewed ar : = SS | neowm [Oe 2 $ on {ot Fa Fe] tone oan § Fai 20 Bal Biv tine Stating c 1s Lis92 : 200 ANNEX D (Clause 88.5.2) PUIRD MICLMOD FOR IDLER SEL Del CLASSINICATION OF IDLERS The allers are classified into five series numbers as given in Table 24 based upon rall diameters and pearingsizes, The bearings may be either deep grooved bull or tapee roller beatings with shafl diameter as shown in Table 23 Table 24 Classification-Ldler Series Number (Clawre D-1) Allainetsons innit kee RollDia Shaft DiaatMarionam Series Beaiag elt Nucber wae, 1 e890 1 a oa 4 91610 127 0 200 Me 12,183,130 abet kD WRIST Se a630 Tao yt329, 159 2.008 200 ME tom 291 Soong 2000 D.2 BASIS FOR SELECTION OF IDLERS D-2.1 This selection of idler series depends on three a) Typeetservice; ) Charecteristics of material to be handled; xd ©) Belt speed, D.22 Type of Service Theseventy of conditions under whet te ies wil bbe used, is the prime consideration for the selection bl ilers. This includes the hours of operation per shay and overall life expected fiom the installation J temporary fastalation such as dam construction of quarrying, life may be a Tew years while for ut installations, severul decades of life may D.22 ype of Material Handled The weight of material on elt effects the load ane spscing of idlers ard! therefore hus a dizeot bearing on ler Selection, The unaterial tuenp size modifies the ect ellect of weight by inreduetion of an impact facie In ease af retuin idler, only weight carviet hy ler is tat of bel i (ON ‘D-2.4 Belt Speed Belt speed is an important faccor us adler service ie and therefore governs its selection. It determines the rotational speed of idler based upon the diameter of the roll. Belt speed also has a direct bearing on wear life of idler roll surface, pasticularly for the return idlers. D-3 METHOD FOR SELECTION OF IDLER SERIES D3. Teble25 gives the srvice Factor ‘A’ representing the type of service af conveyer instalation, Table 26 and Teble 27 give the service factors “B’ and ‘C” applicable for roughing and rat tlersrespectvely reprosoating the effect of material handled. ‘The Dyecit ef service factors ‘A and “A” CA" a8 C for fetuen idlees) gives application factor ased in the selection of ier series nimber. Table 25 Service Factor ‘A? (Clause D-3.3) “Type at Service acer certo epetioa {es than 6 hour per ay) 6 Ratu ies 6 Trosghing idlrs — Ponatiortempenrylesaaions. 6 Sessa] penton for seoepiog 2 Conveyieg marae with blk dersity ee 1920p in! 15 ‘One sit operate 16109 hows pee) Rene irs * ‘roughing ides — Chsiid maid 5 pte 280 ‘Gussie mmesiad a ‘pte 1920 kg/m ‘Gisssitea aeons renin [Uncistid ctenal ae by be wis ay Is "eo ait peion <0 tebons per ey) ete ers a Troughingilers — Clssed mari opto rey Tee ‘Caxsited nei over s ¥€00 kan Unto nate, ealey Be eta 94h) Comins apestion (ove 16 ons py Alsat 1s va soe: e Is 11502 : 2000 ‘Table 26 Service Factor * (Classe D-3.1) ‘Table 27 Service Factor" alk Density of Matern n> ‘00 1200 1600 2000 Zap FH00 3700 436 ee ee er 6 1 2 140100 Wt 96120 as 689 So D140 tse 16a 6196 12H G09 aad 258, 7108 1H) ke 252 aR Boo 2602) 20D 5.2 Figures 22 and 23 dopict the rofationship bbewcen application factor and belt speed for troughing sf ceturn idters, These curves ars used for selection ‘of ier series number Tor roughing aed return idlets respectively 1D.5.3 The application factor (see D-3.1) when plotted, against the selected belt speed for Installation in Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 gives tho best suited idler series number for woughing. and rejum idlers respectively of the particvlar installation, D3 Example ‘Typeot service 8 hiday one shit” ‘Type of material Crushed stone, 1.600 kein Macimum famp size 100 ram Belt speed 1.75 ms Beli wich solected 300 mam (Clause D-3.1) Bek Width Bulk Density of Material kya? Upto1200 1299102009 Akowe2000, so 28 29 aoa 3s 36 soos 45 46 0 ko 02 68 too 66 80 92 1000302 1019 bo iro 42 66 340036 7 200 1600 180 218 100203 243 D344 For Troughing Idler Selection From Table 25, Frotor A= 12 Erom Table 26 Factor B= 48 ‘Therefore, trough- ing idler application A x # = 12% 48 = 576 Fretor DALLA From Fig. 20, fora bolt speed of 1.75 ws and sn applicatioa factor of 576 a series I idler is selected. 3.4.2 For Renurn Idler Selection Erom Table 25, From Table 27 Application factor for return icles 3.42.1 Prom Fig, 23 fora belt speed of 1.75 mis and ‘an application factor of 72, a series I idler is indicated, Factor A=9 Factor C=8 AxC=9x8=72 48 11592. 2000 BELT SPEED mn Tf - N He. 22 800 a) 600 +2000 72500 3000 APPLICATION FACTOR (FOR TROUGHING 1OLERS) ‘StLecTiOn Chant cox Trove Totes (ron Ber Wiora ue v0 1500 mun) ELI SPEEO mis 7 t Fun 23 a a) 00 APPLICATION FACTOR (FOR RETURN BLERS) FOR ExIEME ABRASNE CONDONE Suurctioy Chxar ex Rervan Intra (Poe Beur Wing Traouat 1.500 num) “eR pO TONE Is usy2 : 2000 ANNEX 5 (Clause 8.85.3) CALCULATIONS FOR EQUIVALENT LOAD ON IDLER BEARINGS FOR THREE EQUAL ROLL TROUGHED IDLER SET Es The load on cena idler rol is the summation of where is be application factor forthe cles as given vids due 1 weight of material anc weight of boit and in Table 28. siven hy (lor sytnbols cee Table sven by Jor syrnbos zee Tale 1) +3 The modified equivalent force on each bearing * considering the Efe of bearing it given by: fh Sing oP, Fa = A Ki Be @ 4-2 The cauivalen force on each bearing of the iter ispivenny whore Bis the boating ie face The vals 2 based on 60 000 working hours atthe required bel sped ray he obiined! fom bearing manafectrer, fay bhK al : 2 NOTE—Te hovel npcl nobod of edadaion ad dee beaker motiodsa vel Table 28 Application Factor K, (Clause £2) ieee Spa onan ebaant [Bevieotawrcay | Heasctopeain thas a suid we ’ lone ‘3 wat u Bape ne Tor os 1e20 09 20020 10 j 30040 ui | 40050 1 aa Nainentany | Unban ss 10 Unio | sae Neat i | oe 1560200 1” 200250 20 | 250300 23 20.0 350 a 3500400 10 40605 3 13610500 7 | 500351 10 | $8006) 13 { ol, 13 10.0153 16 lsoman 2» 2002 B 2504033 2 36

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