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Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada

Consisting of the congregations from:
Cassburn, Kirk Hill, Riceville-Pendleton,
Trinity (Vankleek Hill)

Sunday August 9, 2015

11th Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Leaders Today

Trinity (Vankleek Hill)
Kirk Hill


Sandra Osadchuk
No Service

Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Sandra Osadchuk

We Gather to Praise God

Welcome to our worship service today.
We pray you will feel God's presence as we worship
If you are able, please stand where indicated with an
You are invited to join in reading the responses and
prayers, printed in bold.

Greeting and Welcome
Life and Work of the Church
Lighting the Christ Candle

*Sung Introit:

When We Are Living

VU 581

When we are living, it is in Christ Jesus,

and when were dying, it is in the Lord.
Both in our living and in our dying,
We belong to God, we belong to God.

*Passing of the Peace

*The Call to Worship:
We are children of God the creator.
We are brothers and sisters of Christ the redeemer.
We are friends of Spirit the reconciler.
We are kin with Earth that sustains us.
We are family, one to another, we are the church.
Let's worship God!

*The Opening Prayer:

God, here in this place you draw us into your family. Our
worldly status doesn't concern you. You are not occupied
with thoughts of our successes or failures. Your regard for us
does not depend on our attractiveness or wealth. You see us
through the eyes of love. Here, we do not have to apologize
for our crazy ideas. Here, we do not have to hide uncertainty
and doubt. Here we can be untidy in our thinking, and
confused in our views. Here we are bound so close to you
that we can claim without anxiety or fear that we are your
children. Here we can seek clarity and be built up for the
journey of faith. Here we can rest easy in your loving
kindness. This is how we come. We offer this prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven...


Come, We That Love

VU 714 / 715

The Good News Time


Tell Me the Stories of Jesus

VU 357

The Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance

We Listen For Gods Word

Scripture Lessons:
2 Samuel 18: 5-9, 15, 31-33 Absalom dies.
Psalm 130 VU 852-853 Out of the depths, I cry to God.
Ephesians 4: 25-5:2 Don't let the sun go down on your anger.
John 6: 35, 41-51 I am the bread of life.

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

Thanks be to God!



O Christian, Love

VU 594

We Respond to Gods Word

Offering Invitation


Your Work O God Needs Many Hands

VU 537

Your work, O God, needs many hands to help you

everywhere, and some there are who cannot serve unless our
gifts we share.
Because we love you and your work, our offering now we
make; be pleased to use it as your own, we ask for Jesus

*The Prayer of Dedication:

We offer these gifts so they might grow kindness in our
Prayers of the People


O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee

VU 560

*Commissioning & Blessing

*Sung Blessing: Go Now in Peace
Go now in peace, never be afraid,
God will go with you each hour of everyday.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.
Know he will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love and show you believe,
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above,
Go now in peace, in faith and in love.

Our Worship Ends Our Service Begins

August 9, 2015

Prayer Corner
John Allen, Ryan Beaudette,
Meryle Duncan, Hailey, Sheila,
Rev. Gwen Hermann, Tony Martin, Mary Matte,
Shirley MacIwain, Russ Milan, Roger Moran,
Willard Orr, James Oswald, Joye Oswald,
Evan Rodger, Wilma Scott, Harold Sproule,
Barbara Vanden Bosch, Boris Woloschuk

Question of the Day:

Consider times of feeling close to God and times of
pushing God away. What made the difference?
Many thanks to everyone who provided cookies for last
week's Vacation Bible School at Knox Presbyterian. There
were 71 appreciative children who enjoyed the snacks, and
$1,700 was raised for Sasha's Park. Well done!
August 23: No services at Kirk Hill.
August 16: Vankleek Hill Fair Service.
Worship at 10:00 am. Don't miss
Brunch served by Cassburn
United (see info. below). No
services at Trinity (VKH), Kirk Hill
and Cassburn.


August 16: Brunch at the Fair! Cassburn United will

again be serving brunch in the Dining Hall at the Vankleek
Hill Fair from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Cost: Adults $10.00
each for 1 buffet serving; Children 10 & over: $10.00;
Children under 10 years are free, when accompanied by an
adult in the same family.

August 23 and 30: No services at Riceville-Pendleton.

August 30: Memorial Service at Kirk Hill at 11:00 am.

Nursing Homes / Seniors Homes Services:

Prescott Russell Tuesday, Aug 11, at 1:30 pm
The Palace, Alexandria, Thurs. Aug. 13 at 10 am
Heritage Lodge, No Service in August
Champlain, Wed. Aug 26, at 2:00 pm

Sept. 6: Corn, wienies, and s'mores, oh my! Don't miss the

annual Cassburn Corn Boil and Wiener
Roast on Sun., Sept. 6 at 6 pm, followed
by a Campfire Worship Service at 7 pm.
Bring a friend, some chairs (and a salad or
dessert, if you are able) and enjoy the evening
of songs and fellowship by the fire.
Sept. 8: Seaway Valley Presbyterial
UCW gathering on Tuesday, September 8th at 10 am at
Hallville United Church. The Theme for the day is Bread
not Stones. Lunch is being prepared by Hallville UCW for
$10. RSVP to or Kim
Baird at by Sept 4th. Donations of kid
friendly lunch items for House of Lazarus will be collected
and much appreciated. Please see poster on your church's
bulletin board for more information.
Heads Up! Mark your calendars in September and plan to
attend Riceville/Pendleton's (Sat., Sept. 12), and Trinity's
(Fri., Sept. 18) turkey dinners! More info. to come.
Sept. 20: Joint Worship Service at Cassburn on Sunday,
Sept. 20 at 10:30 am. Communion. Cassburn United's
175th Anniversary celebration. Lunch and entertainment
following the service.

Check your bulletin boards / Genesis website for events

this Summer and the July - September worship schedule.

Want more? Why not visit these websites . . .

United Church of Canada
United Church Resources

The Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada
42 Mill St., Box 689, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
Phone: 613-678-5499
Genesis Cooperative Community

Minister: Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Administrative Assistant: Gabrielle Becker
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 am 1:00 pm
Announcement Deadline: Wednesday @ noon

Minutes for Mission

August 9

Global Mission and Service

Living with Respect in Creation

The Rev. Alan Hall reflects on a visit with partners in the
I faithfully separate my garbage, I am mindful of the chemicals in
the products I use, and I try to limit my use of the car.
Recently, while visiting a remote part of the mountainous regions
of northern Luzon in the Philippines, I gathered with a group of
young people. One asked me how often we eat rice in Canada. I
paused and then replied, Maybe three times a week, knowing
they eat rice three times a day. There was a moment of shocked
silence before one teenager said in all seriousness, I didnt know
there was famine in Canada. The group broke into roars of
Earlier they had told me about taking turns standing guard with
parents and siblings, neighbours and friends for nearly two years
at a blockade to prevent a company from coming into their region
to undertake large-scale mining. The project would have
destroyed natural water sources, torn mountains apart, and
disrupted generations-old Indigenous traditions of farming the
fabled terraced gardens.
This land fed our grandparents and our great-grandparents, they
said. It feeds us. And it will feed our children and grandchildren if
we remember that it is not just for us today.
These young people know that living with respect in creation is
their gift and their responsibility. For the faith and commitment of
our Filipino partners, thanks be to God.
Our gifts for Mission and Service are present as people protect
their land. Please join me and continue to give.
Mighty and tender God, our gifts to M&S help your church
to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you.

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