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MIII-U1 Activity 1.

Name : Axel David Rodrguez

Tutor: Luis Carlos Lara Vzquez
05 / 02 / 2015

Exercise 1 While and when

Completa los enunciados utilizando while y when. En algunos
enunciados ambas formas pueden ser correctas, sin embargo no en
todas. Puedes buscar las palabras que desconozcas en tu diccionario.
1. While he was talking on the phone, I was watching TV.
2. While I was sleeping, I had a wonderful dream.
3. I was listening to the radio when suddenly I heard a loud noise.
4. My computer broke down while I finished my homework.
5. My brother was washing the car while I cleaned the kitchen.
6. We were watching a movie when the screen went blank.
7. Please do not disturb me while I'm doing my homework.
8. You should not carry anything heavy when you are pregnant.
9. When we were on vacation we met many new friends.

I was talking on the phone when I ran out of battery.

Exercise 2 Composition
Imagine you are writing a page for your personal diary. Write a brief text in English to explain
two activities that you performed simultaneously, last week, last year or even yesterday.
Remember to include the past continuous tense in your narration. Write at least 100 words.
Imagina que escribes una pgina de tu diario personal. Escribe un breve texto en ingls para explicar
dos actividades que has llevado a cabo simultneamente la semana pasada, el ao pasado incluso el
da de ayer. Recuerda incluir el tiempo pasado continuo en tu narracin. Escribe al menos 100

Last week was a busy week because I had a lot of work . Last
year things were different because it was less work compared
to this year.
Yesterday me and my dad installed a security alarm on a
house in apodaca , far from where I live. While we installed
alarm equipment , it was very hot and there was delis to buy

water or something. Just quick to go home to rest as it was

Saturday .

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