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Ienjoyedthis Theinformation Ilearnedalotin Thelayoutof
Theweblinks Theworksheets Thetestswerea Thepapers
courseoverall. inthiscourseis thiscourse. thiscoursewas expectationsfor questions,Iwas introductionsto werehelpful. werehelpful. goodmeasure wereinteresting
clear.(Ialways thiscoursewere abletogetthe eachunitwere
knewwhatto clear.(Ialways

4.48 4.80 4.61 4.64 4.74 4.52 4.75 4.52 4.60 3.84 4.64









The amount of work was reasonable for this course.

The papers were interesting to research and write.

The tests were a good measure of what I learned in each unit.

The worksheets were helpful.

The web links were helpful.

The introductions to each unit were helpful.

When I had questions, I was able to get the help that I needed.

The expectations for this course were clear. (I always knew how I was being graded).

The layout of this course was clear. (I always knew what to do next).

I learned a lot in this course.

The information in this course is useful.

I enjoyed this course overall.































































strongly agre
strongly disa


way too mucA

too much woB
just right
too little
way too littleE

Which textbook option did you choose? What did you like about this option? What did you not like?
I mostly used Biology of Humans. I liked having a copy to look through when I needed to refer back to
something. On the other hand, I can't always carry my book with me, so I felt like I was tied down to my house to
do homework.
For this course i used book.The first thing i liked about this book is that it wasfree. This book
covered very well the material, and had some quizzeson it to test the material.

Goodenough " Biology of humans" yes, it was very helpful.

Biology of Humans, Goodneough/McGuire, 5th Edition I liked this textbook and it was very helpful
Biology of Human, Third edition. That you did not have to buy the news and more costly book.
i chose the first online book. I liked that it took me straight to the text. i did not like how many pages there were,
it took a while to load and had a hard time further into the book trying to find pages and chapters.
I chose the one I was able to buy from the bookstore, I don't recall the name because it's in my car but I found it
useful when reading and doing worksheets.
The textbook option that I used was biology of humans. I liked how much information it had.

I used the OpenStaxversion and it was adequate. It was a textbook there's not much to like or dislike. I did
however, love that I didn't have to purchase a book.
I ordered the Biology of Humans text book Fifth Edition by Goodenough and McGuirefrom

I chose biology of humans, I liked that the answers were always very easy to find. There was nothing I didn't like
about this book.

I chose Biology of Humans, Fifth Edition. I really enjoy having a physical text book rather than reading Online;
although, I did enjoy all of the animation videos and Web links as well. These links covered a much more in depth
view, however, a more precise display of each topic related to each question or assignment. Each link proved to
be extremely helpful in learning the information Suzanne wanted us to glean from each unit.
Biology of Humans, fifth edition
I used the recommended one but to be honest I think i opened it like once or twice, I didn't find it very easy to
use and found that the interenet was a better source for the worksheets.
I chose OLI because it was free. It was a great resource for information, but it wasn't always specific to each unit.
In other words, I have to use other resources as well to answer worksheet questions.
I used Biology of Humans, Judith Goodenough, Betty McGuire 2010. I liked my textbook, it had the information I
needed, when I needed it. There was nothing I disliked about the textbook, all great resources were available.
I had the Third edition and I found it for 10 : )
I chose the Biology of Humans textbook. I liked that I had a physical copy of the book, so if I didn't understand
some thingI could reference my book easily. When it comes to science and math I like to have a physical copy of
the book with me. There wasn't anything I didn't like about having the book.
I chose OLI because it was easy to understand and had practice questions. I didn't like how there was only a little
bit of material on each page so there was a lot of clicking through the pages.
I did not use a textbook, I relied on the worksheets and the web links. It helped me personally rather than
getting a textbook. I did not like some of the worksheets.
I chose the openstaxwebsite for my textbook needs. I liked this because it was much easier to understand and it
felt like I was reading an actual textbook. Plus it was free so that was awesome.
I choose the book Biology of Humans by Goodenough. I mainly choose this one because of price. I really like the
layout of the book, it was easy to follow adn read. I did not like that it had sub chapters. I would have preferred
it to just be added to the corresponding chapter.
I actually didn't use a text book. I always just used the links on the worksheets.

I choose the looseleaf version of the textbook. I liked it because it was the textbook actually required for this
course, though it was incredibly helpful to have access to the onlineversions as well, just in case I needed an
extra explanation of a subject. There wasn't really anything that I didn't like about the textbook. I rented it
through the Butte College bookstore, so it was cheap!
I used the openstaxtextbook onlineand I really liked it. I had some experience using that textbook from
economics so I found it easier to manage. I did not like that everything was not in one place so I had to look in
several places sometimes to help guide me towards an answer.
The one required in the butte book store, forget the name. But I feel like I didn't need to use it that much to be
honest. Which is isn't a bad thing at all, I actually enjoyed learned through the animations much more.
I chose a 4th edition. I found that it worked just fine. More info cam from the internet.

I chose to use the free onlinetextbook for this course (openstax). I found it difficult to find the information that I
was looking for, but it was convenient that I could access it from anywhere and didn't have to spend lots of
money on a biobook. I ended up having to use a lot of outside resources.
Biology of Humans, by Goodenough. The book provided good coverage on the subjects. It was pricey.
I chose the onlinetextbook option. It was cheap and I like having the textbook in an electronic format so i can
search easier for terms.
I didn't get a textbook for this class.
I used the one that you can download online.
I choose the textbook recommended by the instructor, which it was a great option. Even though the instructor
provided a lot of other resources and links for additional research, textbook was just great to source of
information. I personally liked everything in this course. Instructor was very helpful and easy to talk to. Course
covers a lot of good information. It was a challenging and an interesting subject.
I used the online textbooks you had suggested the beginning of the semester. I ended up just mostly using
google simply because it was easier for me. I would not recommend this option.
Under most circumstances, I used the ebook you provided through the openstax website. I have used books
provided by openstax before, so I went with what was familiar. Overall, I have no major complaints about that
book, (it being free does help).
<ol> <li>Biology of Humans Concepts, Applications, and Issues by Judith Goodenough and Betty McGuire <li>I
liked that I was able to work the course into my schedule. I did not have to be in the class at a certain time. <li>I
liked everything about this course,there isn't anything I disliked. </ol>
I chose Both online options. I like the accessibility but I do better with a paper copy. Unforotunatly financially this
was not an option
Oli it was free. i liked the clear information
I used "Biology of Humans" by Goodenough and McGuire. I enjoyed this textbook because the courses were
clearly explained and the visuals for each chapter were helpful in understanding each system.
I choose the paperback book. Its easier to flip through pages and find things fast and you don't always need an
internet source for real books. I've tried online books but I didn't like them and I tend to get distracted easier
with online books. The one thing I don't like about real text books are there is always the possibility of damage
or loosing plus they are more expensive.

I didntuse a text book but the WS and the web links really helped me understand the class. I didntreally like the
DNA structure and function WS because I thought it was really confusing and difficult to follow along with what
we were doing.
Biology of Humans. I didn't like the book. It seemed like the information in the book was at a simpler level than
the class. Which is the reason the tests seemed so hard. It was like studying math from a third grade text and
then taking a seventh grade math test.
I chose the Biology of Humans book and I didn't have a hard time with it at all. I thoroughly enjoyed learning in
the book and its rare I keep my old textbooks but it was worth it to me to have this book because it is basic facts
and when I need reference for papers, the book had those references. I did wish they had a bit more detail on
blood diseases and have more insight to how alcohol, hallucinogens, and drugs have effects in our bodieslike the
little videos we watched. Other then that, I liked it.

What did you like best about this course?

Overall, I enjoyed this class immensely. I've always been fascinated by how the human body works, and I liked
learning things more in-depth. I also enjoyed seeing how biology ties in with other subjects I've taken, like
psychology, and even math!
In overall this course was very challengingfor me. I liked how the course was organized. I liked the worksheets
because they were very useful to study for the tests.

all the animations, I like visuals.

It tied in a lot with my nutrition class
The introduction that you gave us on each chapter and the video links for the worksheets.
i liked the consistency and how easy it was to find the information.
I liked that everything was due on the same day each week it makes it easier to plan your work for the week.
I liked the paper discussions, I enjoyed researching more on different topics and reading about other ones that
people researched on.

I really enjoyed the animations that we had to follow for the worksheets. I felt that every animation fully
explained each topic so well and seeing it in action helped me understand more than I have ever understood in a
science class before.
The researchpapers were my favorite part of the coursebecause you gave us a wide range of options to write
about. I liked being able to read others and see how others think.

I enjoyed the researchpapers, I felt I gain a lot of knowledge on the topics I covered and even with my
classmates papers, they were all so informativeand well written.

The topic I enjoyed the most during this course is Body Organization and Homeostasis. I liked learning about
how cells form organ systems and the functions of each system. I think my favorite part of this unit is learning
about homeostasis and how the negative feedback mechanisms maintain our bodies homeostasis and how the
hypothalamus maintains our body temperature. I also really enjoyed the DNA unit and how to figure out the
complimentary strands of DNA.
Learning new things, and the teacher, I feel because of the teacher I was able to do my best, she was always
available and had an Q& A format and office hours.
I loved how organized it was and how fast the teacher was at getting back to the questions I had.
I love Suzanne. She's very attentive and helpful. All the material is very difficult, but she does a great job of
providing help and answering all questions her students may have. The material was also very interesting and
good to learn.
I liked pretty much everything about this course, the Instructor was great, always responded back fast, answered
questions all the time, I liked the whole course!
The teach has made this course pretty easy. She has things for every type of learning. I love the videos and such I
am an audio visual person.
I think the best thing about this online course was how organized and clear everything was. One of the most
straightforward classes I've had, I can easily say this class was easier to follow than one of my classes on campus.
I also likeed how helpful the professor was and how quick she would respond to questions.
I liked the layout of the class. There was no hidden assignments, it was always known what to complete each
I liked typing the papers because it made me gain more knowledge than I already knew and it was fun reading
others peoples.
I really liked that we got a whole week to do worksheets. Also the papers we wrote, it was nice being able to
read what everyone else had researched and give feedback. Plus the topics were all very interesting so it made it
easyto write the papers.

I really enjoyed writing the papers. I loved looking up the information and investigating more about it.
What i liked best about this course was the last section we learned about, and i also like how it was online and i
could always do it on my own time.

I liked having a set amount of time each week to do the worksheets, study for the test and take it on our own
time. Also I really enjoyed writing the papers for each unit, being able to choose our own subject and freely write
about it was extremely helpful in learning a specific topic in the unit. Also, good practice in remembering correct
English and writing skills!
Surprisinglyenough I enjoyed the papers. It made me research a topic and every one I chose was an interesting
topic. I learned a lot and I love that it wasall interesting and made me want to continue looking.
The method in which we learned with the work sheets and animations.
Feedback was fast, helpful and positive
I didn't have much interest in biology when this course first started, but once I started committing myself to
learning it everything was so interesting! I have more interest in biology than I've ever had before. Onlineclasses
are difficult, but Suzanne was very responsive, helpful and understanding. I would recommend this class to
anyone who is interested.
The course was very organized. The directions were clear. The instructor was easily reached and provided help
when I needed it. She also has a pleasant demeanor.
I enjoyed the worksheets, they were simple and straight to the point. They took some time but not that I have
them to study with it will be easier to study than a whole textbook chapter.
Learning about new things. I had never taken a biology class before so it was all very eye opening for me.
I liked how organized it was. I was scared of failing and I am so happy it was easy to understand!

All methodsused to understand concepts.

I liked the research papers the best. I gave me a chance to learn about things I would've never learned about on
my own.

Mostly, I enjoyed the simple fact that the class was online. Getting into a non-lab biology course on campus
proved to be extremely difficult, so making an online BIO 002 was very helpful for me.

I liked the research papers we did each unit.

The essay topics were interesting and forced us to research certain topics. It was also very interesting reading
other essays.
the information was very good
I liked how clearly each unit/week were outlined and we knew exactly what to do and when it was due.
I liked the research papers the most and the least. I learned a lot by reading through all different sources for my
topics and reading other students papers as well. It was definitely difficult for me to find good scholarly article
that I could write the research about.

I really liked units two and three on the human systems.

It was very well organized. The syllabus explained exactly how the class would work. The teacher was very

My favorite were probably the PunnettSquares. I enjoy math and solving problems so when it came to working
out the squares, I didn't have such a difficult time. It also helped that I spent so much time on them in high
school Biology as well.

What could be done to make this course more effective?

It may not be realistic, but it would have been helpful to have a "requirement" (or perhaps extra credit offered?)
to go in at least once or twice a month to be sure that I had a good grasp of the units. Sometimes I felt like I
wasn't quite understanding things, although that also forced me to do a lot more research :).
Since this is an online class i would suggest you to add more videos that explain the material.I think that this
would help the students more to understand the material.

Not flowed really nicely. There were a couple units that were super confusing and I could never grasp
the concept. Inheritance was one. I even did my own onlinereasearch and .... nothing....
Longer test time ten more minutes would help with the stress.
i thought it was great overall.
Maybe some sort of study guide for the tests.

Just because I'm a big procrastinator, a midnight deadline would have helped me out some more but we did
have adequate time to do the work each week so that's just me being greedy.
Absolutely loved this class, I feel that for an online class, this was already pretty effective.

I believe that the way you have this course set up is awesome and extremelyeffective.

Absolutely nothing! This courses covered all the basis of Biology and very informative. I have enjoyed every
moment of this class, I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but it has been well worth the effort! I wouldn't
change a thing!
I had a hard time with the quizes, I feel no matter how much I studied I still did crappy.
nothing I think this course is great.
I think it was as effective as possible. There's lots of material to learn so the workload each week was very time
consuming. ALSO, it's hard to retain and all the information because its so complex, difficult to learn and there's
a lot of it.
I think having more time on tests, they were timed 50 minutes, which really made it hard to complete them on
Just a bit more time on the tests would be wonderful
Honestly, I like everything about the course and how it's setup. Its easy for students to understand, and if they
need help then there is plenty given onlineby the professor or students.
Nothing I can think of.
I feel like students should hold some study groups before test days.
I'm not sure what could make it more effective, I thought it was fine the way it was. Maybe quizzes after each
worksheet to get a better understanding before the exams?
Honesty I would have taken this class in the classroom instead of on line, but my schedule would not permit it. I
wouldnt change anything about the class.
Maybe better study guides for the test.

Nothing else that I can think of! I throughly enjoyed this class!
Having one set textbook would help me personally because it would give a common reference to look for a
topic. It was a little frustrating having to look for different ways for it. But it was also good because in a way it
was different than all my other classes.
Further explanation on the DNA and allele assignments.
Share how it is done with other Instructors. That will not help this course much but it will help some others a lot.
I feel that the course was laidout very well. It was helpful that each week there was a page dedicated to due
dates, and that we were always provided with an introductory page to what we would be learning. There were
tons of resources provided, the only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the pearsonanimations that we used quite
often. Nothing was wrong with them exactly, I just wish the information was presented in a different way.
Not much on the instructor's end, but more hours in a day would be nice.
adding more web links.
The web links were not a good way for me to learn. Possibly a different method would be better.
I can't think of anything.

Pdfdocuments had a few missing punctuations, however, instructor encouraged students to challenge her
I like the set up of this course the way it is.

Honestly, I am unsure if I could pinpoint anything in particular. There are people who are much smarter and
more educated than I am who make their living off of making these classes more effective.

I would have found a tutor so I understood the subject better.

The tests were a tab bit too difficult mainly due tothe stricttime limit. I feel like although a test is meant to see
how much you learn- I also learn from taking a test and looking up the answerto find out if I did not come across
that question in my studying, I will then never forget.
clearer information on what will be on the test
I felt some of the worksheets were too long, with too many videos/animations. But overall they were reasonable
in length.

I really can't think of anything to make it better. The worksheets were good, the animations were very helpful
and understandable, nicely organized and set plans and due dates.

Maybe explain some of the worksheets a little more on some of the units.
A better text that actually teachesto the level of the class. The test were so much harder than the homework. I
really felt unprepared for the tests.

I think students are still afraid to ask for help so I think on Sundays when it's the recommendedtime to be done
with your work. To have a check point, and have peoplegive feedback on certain questions like in the forums. I
think most students will hold back unless they do see something useful.

Is there anything else you would like to add? Thank you.

I think you were a great instructor, and if you teach any other classes that I need to take, I'd love to know for
future sign ups!
I thank you for made this class easier for me, and for being so helpful, Have a great summer.
I really felt supported in this class, the instructor was available and ready to help with any question that I had. I
am a disable student with learning disabilities and I suffer from PTDS, this instructor treated me with
understanding and allowing me to keep my dignity at the same time.
You have been an amazing instructor! Thanks for everything. I bombed the Unit 4 exam.... :(
Thank you for being a great teacher for a onlinecourseI have heard that onlineteacher are not involve but in
this case you were very much involved.
maybe a little more time on tests.
I liked how well the homework was organized on due dates.

Having an onlineclass was definitely a new experience. I took my first two online classes this semester and
definitely enjoyed biology over my communications one. I really like how we basically had the same format each
week, so there were no surprises which I definitely appreciate in a class!
I had a dream that instead of writing out an introduction at the beginning of each worksheet, you made a
youtubevideo of it. You recorded yourself the way Sal Khan does on Khan Academy. It was so cool!
I wanted to say thank you for a great semester. I enjoyed this class most of all, even if it was on-line. You made it
to were we still had just enough interaction with one another to make the class enjoyable. My most favorite part
was the papers we got to write, I was always excited to start a new unit, so that I had the opportunityto
researcha topic that was interesting to me. Thank you again.
Suzanne is an amazing and such a fantastic instructor! As I was completing my assignmentsandreading all the
questions and answers on the Q & A forum related to any assignment; I am constantly amazed at the prompt
replies. Suzanne's responses to all of our questions in the Q & A forum are almost instantaneous. We are so
lucky to have Suzanne as our guiding force and so dedicated to her students'. I have taken several Online
courses in the past and I've never had an instructorreply so quickly. :-) I would like to thank her again for all she
does and her dedicationto her students' success is unsurpassed! I am currently living in Southern California, and
the ability to take this new Onlinecourse is incredible! Without it I wouldn't have been able to take two classes
towards completing my degree since I am down to the wire with only 4 courses to go to obtain my AA degree.
<span style="font-family: georgia , palatino;font-size: medium;">Butte College should be proud to call Suzanne
one of their instructors!
If there happens to be another teaching this class Susan needs to guide them she is AWESOME, even though the
work was kinda hard she made this class AWESOME!!!
no thank you for ending my days at butte on such a good note, you are a great teacher.

I can't think of anything! Thanks for another great semester!

I enjoyed this class and the Instructor was great!

Teacher is awesome. Onlinecan be tricky but the teacher knows what she is doing and does it well.
I recommendany student looking for a science online class to take this course with this professor and to not be
intimidated because it's a science online class.
This class was very informative.
You are good teacher and your grading process is fair and reasonable.
I really enjoyed this class. I was quite nervous about taking an online class, but it wasn't so bad and I could
definitely see myself taking more online classes in the future. Thank you for all your help!

Thank you for all the useful information. :)

No there is nothing els.

I wasn't a big fan of the Punnenttsquare worksheet... I didn't even turn it in because I honestly couldn't
understand the questions being asked. The animation's of how they are created were helpful, but when it came
to genotypes and offspringsof dogs and flowers, I had no clue what was going on. Not sure if it was just me who
didn't understand, but maybe a hands on approach of learning them. I'm not sure what else would help others
learn it better but it was quite difficult for me. Other then that, this course was amazing! Thank you so much for
always being available to help and answer our questions!
I really loved the class and the way it was set up with due dates and formats. It was a great format for an online
class because it folowedthe syllabus to the word and made it easier to plan ahead with all my other classes.
I will be watching for this instructor's name on any other course I take and looking forward to it.
When I first signed up for this class I was very afraid of how I would do. Science has never been my strong suit, so
taking an onlinebioclass seemed intimidating. But it seems like a lot of time and effort went into the lesson
plans and it really payed off from a learning perspective! I felt like I always knew what had to be done, where I
could get help, and how to prepare myself for the tests. Overall I had a great experience and I'm on my way to
(hopefully) an A in a class that once terrified me!
I have taken several online courses becauseI work full time. This course had the most organized and clear set up
on blackboard.
This was an enjoyable online class. I was anxious about taking Biology online, but it was very interactive and
made me have to be involved.
I recommend course to anybody that is serious about learning Human Biology. ProfessorSuzanne Wakimis an
excellent instructor, very knowledgeableandalways willing to help either by email or office hours. This was the
first time I took an onlineclass or an actualclass in a very long time,and I am glad I selected this one.

As I mentioned previously, this class being available online saved me a lot of time and stress, and considering
that I prefer the sense of independence that online classes provide, it was a win-win for me. I would also just like
to say thank you for providing this educational experience, and I would recommend taking online BIO 002 to any
up and coming students. - Jack

I did very much enjoy the class and I hope I have the opportunity to take another class from you!
the last unit was really hard and had a negative impact on my final grade
You did a very good job with this class and, for my first onlineclass, I had a great experience!

This was a great experience for my first online class.

You were always really easy to get a hold of over email. Thanks for being a good teacher!
I really liked the class. My main problem with the class is the tests. They were very challenging, which is good,
however; I don't believe the homework or the book prepared us for the tests.

Have a good summer and hopefully next semester will be just as amazing.

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