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University of California, San Diego Ev WMO Leas oe eRe ay I I i] | i i I | i] | | TABLE Oi CONTENTS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS DESIGN PROJECTS 1 Keamy Villa Mx Development Project 2 Step Garden 3 Bubble Lounge-Scape 4 Pavilion for the MOCA @ LA. ACADEMIC WORK 5 Urban Planning Ser , Sequence PERSONAL WORKS 6 Photographs of the Urban Landscape 7 Creative Works 2s 27 30 1 Kearny Villa Mix development Project San Diego, CA ‘Ti es et cpt Un Basan Fes (977 te thane tse tx aoe br ban os te Se De ‘iene re tn See re A eat em ae, hh roe’ o pean ron Chaba cotrbuted mos ofthe desion sonido peer meee = Tn 2010, | a Sein roering eo Cry ce rd Sgn Sonal th ectocge va te ages oe ceva Crean rt ao tr nompron Such a5 gran rote and storm water treatment systems respecivety provide hebiat for users of ste nd minsmize the evronmental impact of ste. Calton native plat communes ae planted 200 tho so to sut the landscape and ach scary. 13 4 | Io fo 1.1 GOAL & OBJECTIVE G0 a1 : To create a cohesive, relaxing, and memorable place of gathering for the community. Objective To establish the site as a center of relaxation, community, and recreation for local residents. Incorporate a variety of open spaces to serve the needs of the neighborhood and to create efficent circulation corridors. To promote sustainability by implementing stormwater designs, green roots, and native planting communities as foundations for design. COMMUNITY FARTHTONER ES TORATIONarrice wsecron UNIFYINGrestdt 8° RELAX ATION WN ee ee CREATION HARMONY ns ee loa] 142 SITE INTRODUCTION ‘The site is located nesr a suburban community with many commercial offices and residential communities ‘nearby. It's adjacent 1o major roads and freeways. The 6.11 acte site has three access points. The site is adjacent to a park to the south and to commercial parks to the north and east. ‘The site is slammed with 3 major freeway and power lines to the west, which creates @ mental boundary that affects user experience (unpleasant to look at) and ‘must be considered in the design MENTAL BOUNDARY ‘The bordering buildings north of the site create a physical boundary that inhibits access to the site. Design should consider implementing the existing business offices to improve accessiilly to create a ‘smooth transition PHYSICAL BOUNDARY 14.3 FINAL SCHEMATIC Underground Parking Dry Creek Bed: Private Courtyard ‘Commerical (ast/ 2nd level) f Central Green Roof a Water feature Bioswale Bioswale Lower Level ; — ‘Outdoor Dining Terrace N q Amphitheater Main Corridor Drop Off Area Infiltration Area Bioswale Natural Trail Poot Ed 1.4 DESIGN ANALYSIS - CIRCULATION & ENVIRONMENT SITE DESIGN PHILOSOPHY - Buildings are lined withthe slopes ofthe landscape to promote tn ste stormwater cleansing system and for callection of site water. The buldngs on se io have green roofs, which reduce energy costs and provide habitat for users The goal of the circulation design isto create cect Inks for users to access the ste. The bullings and {adjacent open spaces have a water harvesting system that collects rainwater and ste water for on-site treatment. Fitraton systems include bioswales and bioretention areas. These water treatment methods are also low Impact and cost effective by taking advantage of the Site grading, which slopes downward at certain spots. By implementing the system, the site ould reuse the reeycleé water and also lower the burden on the area's water treatment system lo7 d | | | 1 of 1.5 DESIGN ANALYSIS - SOCIAL SPACES & DESIGN 1.6 VIEWS - OUTDOOR DINING TERRACE 1.7 COMMUNITY CENTER & LANDSCAPE FEATURES Communty Center fonpert ry parts fee ‘ete an partnd a 1.8 VIEWS - RESIDENTIAL HOUSING ENTRANCE ier Rot Garces re the ese ran Ft 2 The Step Garden ‘Kearny Villa Community Center San Diego, CA | project hat | worked on personaly ater the cass (USP 177), | wanted to design = ‘courtyard fat serves ae 8 fila open space forthe community at Keay Vil. Located between 2 community canter and 3 residents! complex in 8 mix development Ste, tis gard ofes the community an det meeting place ‘The garden i composed of four levels of races, which transtion down slope by a sees of paths and sas. The garden is ‘xganzad around wo main water features {hot or lind by an undulating water pahwoy tot fos Beneath te grating of the traces, The two water fates te raised pools that ave $f tal, wit water foing down from al sides ach levels organize and designe 10 ‘secommodsta diferent Iypes of aces. ‘Trees and plans are selected 1o produce magnicot felage efocs, textes. and oars tough the seasons Step Garden Residential building 2.1 SECTION AND PERSPECTIVE VIEWS Towel prow» pleasant atmosphere JSECTION view towaras the communty center shoving the multiple levels ofthe garden. ine Ist level connects wth the main pecesrian corndor an is nghighted with a ralsed poo. ‘The 2nd level is 2 sem-secuded terace shaded by two siver bch tres. The 3d level i acessible trom the residential ouling, which proves social space and access for restaons. The lowast lve = there the water path flows nto an infinity poo. The surface ofthe poe! leveled withthe terrace and it ‘ives the fel of faating on water, The Ath fvel can also be used for deplaying pubic art and soil gatherings 3 | | | I | I 22 SCHEMATIC 3 Bubble Lounge Scape “This pte s fom samp arcitaca UCLA (2008), F wes an inience mon yam that pushed me ote iis ‘The assignment was 10 das an outtoor ape’ on the UCLA ca rotenged student o thak ofthe ship btween archtecural space The project’ design focus on eeating © moc or a eytem of biking Bock tat tom of erganzaion: and ‘sytem to design 2 eve oun atte woud be @ landmark thet ata Fendeed nage of he UCLA aied wi ‘The ime tae forthe tounge-sape bat faues Ip unge nd to gate projct was about two woaks. The project 1 lounge space icorpersed. Th ‘alto serves a8 a subir and 98 | wp | 3.1 MODULE BUILDING © Coo ~ ‘There are thee sizes of circles and each is a component. Each merge together to form a module, which consists of five to six components. A module must consists of 2 (A) circles, For 2 (A) aces to merge, the connection must be joined Sie we (Ef = long with smaller crces (8) and/or (C), And for two mocules| te merge, botn cannot Be onthe same plane, they must Join at 8 20 degree angle, Section View showing merged modules, Joining at diferent angles and surfaces. [ 2 VIEWS OF PHYSICAL MODEL eet eee es 3.3 ARTISTIC SHOTS 4 Pavilion for the MOCA ‘This i he second project om the archi- tectural summer program st UCLA. The ‘seignment ake fora design of an over head canopy stucture for me couryard of the Gotlen Contemporary at The Museum ct Contemporary AR (MOCA) 9 Los ages. ‘The assignment focuses on the relatonsip between enclosures and human actives. Feet geet tn 25d ah donee maa 4.1 MORPHOLOGY Morphology ~ 1. base conceptual, geometric pattern composed of points Sealine. 2, organized into a module with a defining pattem, composed SF the bone suture 13. Agaresated into 2 continuous gid of organziation. Using @ tool in Rhinoceros to create @ dynamic curved surta jen using 2 second command to faw the gr onto te surface, {Glereate the inal canopy seuscture. The site, fm, ane function Sf She nds are changed Dt tl rare a cron eaoneND 3 4 4.2 LONGITUDINAL VIEWS - LONGITUDINAL SECTION 4.3 TRANSVERSE & PLAN VIEWS “Transverse Section etter ‘contemporary aca Pian View | 4.4 MODEL Cun Seen) 4.5 MODEL 5 Urban Planning Senior Sequence ‘As an Urban Suiies and Planning Major, | had to complete the Senior Sequence mn iy last yor at UCSD, which consists of "Wo courses and must be taken i ore The fist cass equred finding an Inership and wraing a esearch proposal. And the Second cours ofthe soquerce quid the completion of @ Research Project. “The Senior Gaquence helped davelop my sili (aitrature research, (B}desgning an ginal research project and ivesiga~ tue satay. (cleonducting research, snd (anayng, inerpraing, and wating up feds. At he end of Senior Sequence, students had to produce a poster board and present itin convention hosted by the tan Panning department. | ecaved grades ot B+ and B in tho two courses. And the Tolloning is a pastor of the research proact that | presente. PPopuaton under 18 Hazardous zones .~ (23000) Intersect Example of maps at | generated 6 an itr for ‘2 carmmurity agency In San Diego. The maps are (generat using eG Gaagraphi information ‘System (GIS). AEGIS gies planers and utban esignrs abko the ably o use geogaohec ins to address soci, economic, business, ond ‘ervenmental concer at every urban Scale Popultion that ate mast suseopuble to goohaza in 10 years. ‘The fst map is 2 land use sustinaity map ‘generated using geographic and demographic ‘ormatons Iwas able o dently and orayee (geohazards in the San Diogo county using the maps generated. 5.1 SENIOR SEQUENCE FINAL POSTER @ Role of Sketch Planning Tools in Participatory Planning ss 1y\Gp ‘Andy Ma ~ University of California, San Diego Urban Studies and Planning Progrem BACKGROUND ») A “FINDINGS! Succ PS5 Hoel -SACOG Research Strategy pan dcommnpua. QS ox todd dd 88 7 Creative Works “The flowing are cremtve wor In te past yer, won ick potagraphs, and paniogs. land panting have alvays been my passion and | hope the flowing race my aise THE MENTAL IMAGE ‘This piece consists of thee separte canvas, each measure abou 10" x 14". R was done ently in Sharpie markers | staned wih the let piece and fished i wihout considera what | wil do fr the mide and ight pbc. Each was done Inthe apan of about a week and wih separate ideas in mid Coe San ‘i 7.2 PAINTINGS & DRAWINGS FABRICS(OF THE MIND Sc) Srrear nT

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