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U s i n g t h e A u s t r a l i a n P r o f e s l o n a l Starrdarcls for TeEjchers

DeCD observation tool

Oteeat3C(n of pimtim is an sKpecmtion for aJIteaefcerstSustt

Uisinig tWs tool to scaffoltl professional CQfwwsatci#!r5. before

a n d aftef a t e ^ v a t i o n w i l l assist teachers to w ^ a g e w i t h t h e
Austi-alian Prefe^swaftaj St#n<JflrtiS f<sf T e a t h e f s {AfSTi'.. Befbm using
this toot it is importart to reach ag r e e m e m ab&ut::

is iSescribad in b o t h t h e Australian Teacha? P e r f c r m a n c e araj

Devetopfjr^ent F r a m s w c r k ami t h e P E C D PerformansgOTd
P g v e t o p w e n i <juidgine.
EffectivB feedbacfc, review sndoiSi^rwation p n s c e s s jMpport t h e
oir^ojng ctewetoprswit o f t h efteachefa n d t h e pnwMKion of high

qtssi^ly leM-ning expetiences for stiKJiti.

t h ptirfMJse erf the otiserwatian

the cufricultim m n t e x t




t h p f i l f i of the stocfents/chlfeJrfi'n
w l ^ wiii have access to th- itets collected.

scaffoWed lisiwg the Prt^swcwotfewsiibi^e snd

fl-afearanoi Pmctim dsmaks erf fte APST.

Teacher':! name

i "S 5 <u



standard 1
Know the students and
how they learn
Standard 2
Knovj the content and
how to teach it

Date: Tuesday 11/8



Describe tile class, age, gender balance, any special needs students/children or groups:
19 children: 8 year 1's and 11 Receptions, 4 NEP students (3 speech, 1 Cerebal Palsy), 9 girls
and 10 boys.
Describe the curriculum context/lesson sequence/purpose and any cross curriculum links
Receptions: Use direct and indirect comparison to decide which is longer, heaver, holds more,
and explain reasoning in everyday language.
Health: Practice personal and social skills to interact with and include others
Year 1: Measure and compare lengths and capacities of pairs of objects using uniform
informal units


Health: Describe ways to include others to make them feel that they belong.
Standard 3
Plan for and implement
effective teaching and


What is your learning intention or goal for the students/children during the observation?
For the Receptions to be able to order numbers 1 - 15. Then to use a number line to help them
get information about the number Using the statement:
"Imagine that the students in your room are lined up from tallest to shortest. Find the student
that is just bigger than you. Next, find the student that is just shorter than you".
Goal for whole class- For the children to be able to work together to order themselves from
tallest to shortest.
Following this, children to identify who is taller, or just shorter than them.
Year 1's to offer suggestions about way they could prove their answer mathematically.
What particular strategies or methodologies will be used, including any plans to differentiate the

Standard 4
Create and maintain
supportive and safe
learning environment

Standard 5
Assess, provide
feedback and report on
student learning
identify the agreed
APST Standard or
focus area(s) for the

Using enquiry based questions and executive functioning skills such as problem solving and
Describe any specific classroom routines or strategies, including the use oflCT, intended to support
Kids flashcard packs
Worksheet for comparing each other's height
Informal un measure (counters, pop sticks etc)
How and when will the students/children receive feedback?
1:1 feedback through the lesson/as they are working at their tables
Whole group feedback
Oral feedback for bookwork, recorded in their books.
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet specific needs of learner across a wide range of abilities.
3.5 Use effective classroom communication
4 . 1 Support student participation
4.2 Manage classroom activities
4 . 3 Manage challenging behaviour
5.2 Provide feedback to student's on their learning

What is the teacher saying and doing?

at are the students saying and

11.4b am


iljL-Verbal reminders of appropriate behaviours before starting lesson and

Count bacl<
Sam what do you need to do with you bool<?
Positive language - be a strong role model
I like how
"Are you listening?"
Sit down - you don't need to get up to copy ideas off the board
Reminder for Chloe

students asked to record date and different ways of representing a

number in their maths book.
Verbal comments such as:
I've done my date
I am done
I need to go to the toilet
Counting aloud
"Which one do we have to do?" - Chloe
Alwyn reluctant - "Be brave and have a go"

"Goal: " Teling everyone what we know about a number"

Sam - counting forwards and backwards aloud

"The question is....can we...."

"Receptions are doing..." "Year 1's are doing..." (different number for each)

Trae reluctant to join in - tired

Keana - wandering with hand up
Emma - unsure where to begin in book

"Telling me all you know about the number...."

Few students chose to use counters to support their maths work.

Gave students verbal reminders of ways to represent number:

What does it look like? What comes before and after? What is bigger/smaller?
Tens/ones? How can we draw it?

Time: 12:15 pm - Called to the mat

"If you are not sure, remember that you can all draw the number and show what
it looks like on a numberline"

Sharing session:
Use of sticky notes so that indivudal students could share how they had
represented their number.

Use of post it notes to share ideas at the end of the session

Sam - tens and ones (showed it as a sum)

"What can you tell me about the number...?"

Brett - it is smaller

What can you tell me Jeffrey?

Jeanie shared tens and ones

"If I've given you a post it need to


"Bring your books and come and sit in the circle"

Once they had shared, they had had to add a new strategy in their book
with a coloured pencil.
Trae - "I can't see"

sharing at the end of the session: (circle)

Reminder: Can show a number in 5 different ways (eg for number 6

could draw six circles on your pageO

Prompts: '-Can you explain some more?"

"What about checking the numbers that are bigger or smaller?"
"Let's check - does that show 8?"

Students became restless - reminders about talking/focus.

Comment to student: "use your words"

"Hopefully you're all paying attention so that you can write the ideas in your

Measurement Activity: Commenced at 12:25 pm

^/Reminders: "I like how is sitting on the mat"
YOU need to have your ears switched on
Read from text book "Today we are going to see if something is shorter or taller.
What's the difference? How are they different? If something is tall, will it be
lying on the ground?
Imagine that the students in your class are lined up tallest to shortest.
How would you find the student that is just bigger than you?
"We need to work as a class to


"I can see lots of measuring, but is there a line?

12: 35 pm Count down and bought back together.

Measurement Activity: Commenced at 12:25 pm

Student responses indicated that there was confusion around language
of tall and long.
Students began measuring their height by standing next to one another
- line developed slowly but not completed.
"We're the same" "This is a bit tricky"
"Chloe's the biggest" "I am the biggest"
Students who were reluctant to participate earlier joined in more
eagerly eg Alwyn

Post-lesson observation conversatiwis
Itm foaf of tte post immm mvmmmntM

engage in piofessional I r a m i n g

is wencawafla


Canwereation fmtmmxk provKte an, ^prapriafe w a H t to

fi.2 a i p ^ i n p r e t e f e n a l t e m f o g w i
tewi*^ facussesS r i r d t a : ) i tfalopiB teiwean

TteOH3)jwebsite provides fufihet tssowtestosappart
e l f e f i w d ; ^ s M ! i j*ssfirattKB and fcettsatt pme^Maj
JMiBcfag how tesMa o b s m ^ i o w am be aiigned fer
n^KJftri ci^tifc^Ges fMiEpMH, R i s i i ^ r t i r t t o h q W E ^
.dsxrm&jm and c p e S w i s that r g U e to the
ol ftxis. H m w w r i s o i w a t u ^ h w it K also relwaint ami
twwSdaite 8 e c t k q x ofeserMtiow ttia M n w e geral,
or jrfatacJ) s Sarwtert other tton t t e agreed fcwB.

fi.4 ,#|jp^profe^Malleafiini andimprmK

stuifent leamjng
OL itl

E n ^ g s pfofessiDM% with coileagsMSj

parBrits/capER and the community
7.1 ftfeet prtrfesstonal e f t i a and iB^3nsibiiti
7.2 Con^% i t h lepsJatwe, acfcwristrattw and



with parents/caws

7.4 Engage with jfwofiessiflnaltfiactBng.

networks and broasier communities

asKJertsfcM&en met?
W h i * fte b ittngabot* t i w lessmi
Hti cmilj (Ns tesM be t3wtt onfctt fcjftitB?

Lots of redirection for students displaying challenging behaviour - framed positively
Consistent tone of voice to encourage participation
Students had opportunities to share their learning and learn from one another at the end of the first activity
Use of sticky notes enabled specific students to have an opportunity to share
Students enjoyed opportunity to be involved in collaborative measurement activity
Those that were previously unengaged, participated willingly (eg Alwyn, Chloe, Trae)
Points for further reflection:
Lesson intention: Session was originally focused around measurement yet time frame of first activity meant that
measurement task was only introduced for a short time. Could first task be used as a 'warm up' activity? Would this have
impacted on the pace/momentum of the lesson? - - 5 ^ ? / - ^
Differentiation: 'Representing a given number' task had different entry points although could there have been additional
scaffolds/supports for students who may have needed it ? (eg visual prompt to show possible representations etc). This
would have also prevented lengthy verbal reminders about the task requirements. )
Engagement: There were a few students (Trae, Alwyn, Emma, Chloe) who did not engage fully with the first activity - what
strategies/supports can be put in place for them during mathematics sessions?
Oc i f C A > , ^ Ol lo^Jci^

Handover: Specific students were asked to share their recordings at end of session that others had to then note. Could
other strategies be built into the lesson to check for student understanding of strategies eg quick buddy sharing? Stop light
Questioning: Students participated enthusiastically with measurement task but began to need more direction after a few
minutes. Could additional open ended questions have been planned to direct their thinking? Could these question
prompts have been recorded on a slide and referred to throughout the lesson to guide students and support your lesson

Thank you for being so open and keen for me to visit your classroom. If you'd like to discuss any of these points further,
feel free to come and make a time to catch up with me. I'd like to get your thoughts as well because our post conversation
had quite a few interruptions! Even if you want to pick one or two areas to focus on for next time?
I also value that you are willing to come and openly discuss other areas that you would like to develop eg
focus/concentration of students during maths warm ups and strategies to improve their reading development.

Fartwf iflect*o4 and analysis is enccMra^d bf crfWrMivly and imSvidttaiy wllectifvg fomarxi.

for lut* tewfe^^xwt?

Usifjg t h e A u s t r a l i a n ProfesslonaJ S t a n d a r d s for T e a c h e r s : 0 C D o b s e r v a t i o n tool

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