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Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practices:

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually
evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others
(learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the
needs of each learner.
Artifact 1 excerpts from my action research project
Class: FL 694
National Standards for Foreign Language Learning: 1.1,1.2,3.2, 4.1, 5.1
In order to demonstrate my understanding of Standard 9, I am using parts of my action
research project that I completed for FL 694. The main focus of my project was to improve my
use of the TL in my classroom so that I could provide my students with as much comprehensible
input at possible. I wanted to find a way to remain in the TL for at least 90% of my class time. I
decided on this topic because as part of the curriculum for the practicum, I had to observe myself
teaching three different times. Upon watching the videotapes of my teaching, I realized that I
was not staying in the TL as much as I would have liked. Therefore, I made it the topic of my
action research and studied literature to find ways that would help me stay in the TL.
Researchers such as Chuadron, (1988), Ellis (1984 and Wong-Fillore (1985) emphasize that it is
important for SL and FL teachers to expose learners to as many language functions as possible in
the TL (as cited inTurnbull, 2001, p. 532). Everyday classroom procedures like taking roll,
discipline and turning in homework can and should be done in the TL.
Edwards (2011) posits that using strategies like circumlocution and visual aids to teach
allows the instructor to model ways of avoiding reliance on the L1. Other ideas for
staying in the TL while teaching are:
1) Build a curriculum grounded in theory and standards
2) Create a respectful community of learning that promotes risk taking.
3) Exhibit enthusiasm for your students learning- celebrate each oh and aha.
4) Integrate technology to move from consumer of language to user of language.
5) Teach grammar inductively- let the students crack the code.
6) Personalize lessons by using stories and pictures from your real life adventures
(Moeller & Roberts, 2013).
I was already incorporating many of these ideas offered by Moeller & Roberts into my
lesson plans. Nevertheless, incorporating more of these researchers ideas has helped me
maintain my goal of staying in the TL for 90% of the class period. Another important thing that
was revealed in watching these videos of myself teaching was that I was making little mistakes
when I spoke Spanish that could be avoided. For example, using tu instead of ustedes when
addressing the whole class. Over the course of the semester I videotaped myself teaching at least
eight times. I realized that knowing that I was being taped while teaching the class helped me to
remain in the TL. I was conscious of the fact that I was being taped and as a result I spoke in
Spanish more often. Also because I was aware of the fact that I need to avoid making little
mistakes in Spanish, over the course of the semester that improved as well.

My action research project was quite tedious but in the long run I learned so much about
myself as a teacher. Videotaping myself was an effective tool that showed me where I needed
improvement and also helped me achieve my goals in staying in the TL and minimizing
mistakes. While I have come a long way since my first semester in the MATL, the reflection
that I did on my teaching for the action research project revealed that there is always room to

Edwards, H. (2011). Examining target language use. Project LINC. Longwood University,
Farmville, Virginia.
Moeller, A. J. & Roberts, A. (2013). Keeping it in the target language. Faculty Publications:
Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education. Paper 178. Retrieved from
Turnbull, M. (2001b). There is a role for the L1 in second and foreign language teaching, but...
The Canadian Modern Language Review, 57 (4). 531-54

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