Anda di halaman 1dari 50

PERENNIAL-lasting or existing for

a long or apparently infinite

time; enduring or continually
"his perennial distrust of the

DIRE-extremely serious or urgent.

abandonment of
allegiance or duty.

PARTHENOGENESIS-reproduction from an
ovum without fertilization, especially as a
normal process in some invertebrates and

REFRANGIBLE-able to be refracted.

MONARCHS-a sovereign head

of state, especially a king,
queen, or emperor.

ARIA-a long accompanied song for a solo

voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio

PESTLE-a heavy tool with a rounded end,

used for crushing and grinding
substances such as spices or drugs,


HEARSE-a vehicle for conveying the coffin

at a funeral

CAVALCADE-a formal procession of

people walking, on horseback, or riding
in vehicles

BERATING-scold or criticize (someone) angrily.

NOXIOUS-harmful, poisonous, or very


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