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English 8

Quint 1 Syllabus
Illuminator Name:
School phone:
Teacher e-mail:
Teacher Website:

Miss Reynolds
Not available yet

Book name(s):

Supplemental Website(s):

All reading materials (books, short stories,

poetry, etc. will be supplied).
Weebly posted above will have
recommended supplemental if seen
Unit 1:
necessary by illuminator throughout
The Treasure of Lemon Brown
Quint 1.
The Landlady
The Lottery
The Veldt
Unit 2:
When I was Puerto Rican
Bullies on Bullying: Why We Do It

Materials needed for class:

a. 3-Subject Notebook
c. 1 box of tissues
e. Post-it notes

b. Loose leaf paper

d. Loose leaf folder
f. Agenda/ Day Planner

Students will be assessed on a 4.0 scale for each skill covered in class.
Grading Scale Using a 4.0 Scale]

Student has demonstrated ability to:

Complete basic, targeted and advanced tasks using
assessed skill
Complete basic, targeted and partial success completing
Complete basic and targeted tasks using skill being
Complete basic and partial success at targeted tasks
Complete basic tasks using skill being assessed


Complete basic and target tasks, with help

Partially complete both basic and target tasks, with major
Complete basic tasks with major mistakes, with help
No success in completing basic questions, with help

Quint 1 Skills linked to Common Core Standards

(which will be a continuous process throughout the school year)
Unit 1: Text Structures (Fiction & Argumentative) 7 - 8 weeks
I will know how to:
1. Draw and cite the textual evidence that most strongly support an analysis
of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
(while reading literature, informational text and writing based off of each type
of text).
Write and produce coherent text in a variety of forms in order to
examine/ defend a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information.
3. Analyze lines of dialogue, text structure and/or key words and phrases in
order to learn about characters present within a text.
4. Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts to determine how
each structure contributes to the meaning and style of each text.

Unit 2: Characters - 6 weeks (will continue into Quint 2)

I will know how to:
1. Analyze differences in POV of characters & audience
2. Evaluate the argument and evidence of specific claims in a text
3. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.
4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text.

Student Responsibilities:


Students will come to class prepared and ready to learn. Students will have a
pencil/pen, a 2-inch loose leaf binder, a loose leaf folder, post-it notes and a day
planner every day.


Students will come to class on time every day and get started on their Do
Now activity as soon as they enter the classroom.


Students will actively participate in their own learning. They will ask
questions, maintain an organized 2-inch binder, and complete homework every


Students will be responsible to actively engage themselves in the monitoring

of academic progress in order to meet proficiency in all standards.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:


A students progress will be updated online regularly as well as be reported

bimonthly. It will be the parent/guardian and students responsibility to monitor
this progress.


If a parent or guardian has a question or concern with a grade, it is their

responsibility to contact the illuminator and/or advisor.
Parent Student Signature of Understanding for English 8 Policies

I have read and understand the grading policies and class protocol.

___________________________________ ___________________________________ _____

Student Printed Name
Student Signature

___________________________________ ___________________________________ _____

Parent/Guardian printed name
Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Home phone:

Cell phone:

Email address:

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