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2) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D556,825 S Bruzzi (45) Date of Patent: ++ Dee. 4, 2007 (54) WRITING INSTRUMENT D229 8 + 51977 Gomer pivs9 DSIO308 § * 91990 Wolsey Datos (75) Inventor: Gina Bruzzi, Le Peeg (FR) 384.309 S + 11995 Lin Diss Dissan 8 + Rovexaatt Divs (3) Assignee: Montblane-Simplo GmbH, Hamboure 661.016 BL iw soutis co) bin2n s+ Bomour Divs Darsaot 8 * Deon Divas oy — Duosza 8 + Cohn Divas (Te BR DEOLO2B S * 1/2008. Carre Divs DEOLSHO S * 22008 Collin Diss (21) Appl. No. 20/239,548 (OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Oat. 3, 2005 ea Mods #987 (lapancse Quartz Watch Hall Pen), as shown on G0 Foreign Application Priority Data ‘war jguepen conn © 1998-2003.° Apr 1.2005 (CH) 131670 cited by examiner Primary Esaminer—Elizabet A. Albert 19-06 gseistant Examiner —Karen E. Eldridge Powers (74) Atornes, Agent, o Firm Young & Thompson GS) Loc g) cL. (2) US.C1, ISIS (58) Fleld of Classitieation Seareh biviss, DI936, 41-51, 54-57; DIT RILEP: (57) cLaIM 401/52, 9, 100, 104-109, 192, 195 ‘Se application file for complete search history. Tae omamental design for a writing instrament, as shown, and deserbed 66) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS. DESCRIPTION acre eene cee aay FIG. Lisa left side view ofthe writing instrument showing, 100231 A+ 41924 Poole 2411 My new design 1523959 A 2 11925 Chen $0078 FIG, 2 isa sight side view of the writing instrument emeata eh gis rane cai FIG. 338. front view of the writing instrument. U6aia46 A$ 91927 Fremon wa 211605 FIG, 4 is a rearview of the waiting instrument, Uys0032 A * 31930 Tinian 2st Tgoomm A+ 41931 Nalaians Jatt FIG. Sis perspective view of the writing instrament. U863016 A * 61952. Krave 2411 R FIG. 6s a top view of the writing instrament; and LoOo212 A$ 41933 EReow ue: : : sea sap Ae wiossg arse ZAILE FIG. 7 is a bottom view of the writing instrument DIBOIS S = U19S7 Spee ext 2868172 A * 1959 Kerman “wovis9 1 Claim, 1 Drawing Sheet U.S. Patent Dec. 4, 2007 US D556,825 S fig.5 fig.6

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