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A cotter joint is a flat wedge-shaped piece of steel

which is used to connect rigidly rods which

transmit motion and to work in the direction of
their length, without rotation. The joints may be
subjected to tensile or compressive loads along the
axis of the rods. Such cotter joints are used for
temporary works and where dismantling should be
easier as in connections for piston and cross head
of a steam engine, that of a pump and
reciprocating engine, etc. There are three parts in
the joint, the rod end, the socket end and the
cotter that fits into the tapered slot. The taper of
the slot as well of the cotter is usually on one side.
Usually rod end, socket end and cotter are made of
the same material. Also cotter is made weaker than
the rod and socket ends for easy replacements in
case of failure. The materials used are 30 C8 steel
and C.I. based on the yield strength a factor of
safety of 3 to 4 for steel gives note l = 100 MPa =
c, = 50 MPa while based on ultimate strength
and using a factor of safety of 7, l = 20 MPa, c =
100 MPa, = 10 MPa for C.I.

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