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GetBodySmart HOME > RESPIRATORY SYSTEM > NOSE & NASAL CAVITY > More Tutorials 2000-11 " RESPIRATORY (NASAL) MUCOSA: ANATOMY * <<< Back |] Next >> ‘TUTORIAL (click blue links to view labels) Inside the nasal cavity, the surfaces of the turbinates (= nasal conchae) and meatuses are lined by respiratory mucosa (= nasal mucosa). ‘An expanded view of the respiratory mucosa shows more detail about its layered composition. ‘Along the luminal (= nasal) surface is Respiratory mucosa pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, Interspersed among the columnar cells in the epithelium are many flask-shaped goblet cells. All of the densely packed cells in the epithelium are embedded in a Garp basement membrane, which ad- ‘of Ska, 1 More Text >> ‘of turbinates re Pseudo. Statice or otha = mucosal ‘land Pseudo- stratified columnar epithelium: Basement membrane. Lamina propria Micrograph of Respiratory Mucosa Connective tissue Fratinea Goblet felurnar cat tel membens ‘lend Lamina propre | let Sate ood ‘Respiratory (nasal) mucosa Tea mart HOME > RESPIRATORY SYSTEM > NOSE & NASAL CAVITY > © RESPIRATORY (WASAL) MUCOSA: ANATOHY * More Tutoriale << Baek |] Next >> ry [6] TUTORIAL (cick Blue lnk fo view bes) heres (© a Wick layer of lamina propria. Dispersed “throughout the loore connective issue Inthe lamin propria Is rch suppiy of blood vessels and many seromucosal glands. 830 het >> rs] TUTORIAL (et blo ns view te ‘rsael tata ano pet ene ‘rote sorta seer Torna pepe warm the a 9 nat oy from te gba as an seroma as hits 8 oi) Bd tae Vaethe eating ofthe ca ng he ee Soca oe ana ethea s meves REVIEW (click blue links to view labels) turbinates tined by respiratory mucos (@ Pseudostratifed lated columnar epithelium Qcovier cis @desement membrane Q Lamina propria @bi00d vessels (@ seromucoes! ginds et HOME > RESPIRATORY SYSTEM > NOSE & NASAL CAVITY > etoile recente * OLFACTORY MUCOSA > ‘TUTORIAL (ck blue nk f0 vow nb): ‘vty a sper tuiaes (= nae enehoe) rd ie seuturly moses to detec 2 proweng chemists (= odorant} ‘in expanded view of the olfactory mucoss oorantsensive tips of te recep tre imo the nasal cavity om the hee sate othe (© Get Body Smart baie fr teching and ising tha bai pris of human anatry ar physiol Olfactory Mucosa ‘TUTORIAL (cick blue links to vew iste) ‘factory mucoes ines the roof of the nasa ‘avy oe Stperirtufonates (= nasal concae) and Is stucuraly madied to detect or producing chemicals (= odorant). Jn expanded view f the atacory mucses shone more det avo It layered compostion Inthe eptrelum fayer ae miions of species reve cols called olfactory receptors. The ‘aorant-sensive tips of the receptors prokude Into the nasal cavity rom te re sate ofthe epthelum Several non-mtie clia_extend from icy bulbous dp. tong n the cil are many bing es fr odorants < Newel cavity > i: More {© Get Body Smart 2 website for teaching and learning te basic princes of human anatemy and physioloay. BodySmart HOME > RESPIRATORY SYSTEM > NOSE & NASAL CAVITY > “utorals . PARANASAL SINUSES" << Back I] Next >> Ey (S} ‘TUTORIAL (cick blue links to view abel) pparanasal sinuses are present In the Sones rounding the nasal cavty. In te chock aro Frontal snus vo large maxiiary sinuses, jst above the bee are two frontal sinuses, Botween the Etrmold see fees. are several smal ethmeld a cells (© sinuses), and at the base of the shal are i ‘vo sphenoid sinuses. 1 in Layer of respiratory (nasal) mucos Seas the prersll Ses ia priced apertures (= Osis) ad ads (0 oe mucin homes eauty. ‘The open sinuses alo lp Iihton the sll and ‘resonate the vice sound {© AUDITORY TUBES (or Eustachian Tubos) {TONSILS and ADENOTDS (Lymphoid Tse) quizzes: QUIZ MENU HOME > RESPIRATORY SYSTEM > THE PHARYNX > ‘Tutorisle ™ ANATOMICAL REGION: << Back I] Hest >> El ry (e] ‘TUTORIAL (cick blue links fo view adel) ‘remuzclor tbe thot conduct a om the nasal eavty tothe rym it vce Into Internal nae Nasopharynx = located behind nasal cays ‘om Itena nares (change) fo so abe. ‘ropharynx located behind root of tongue; youd bone "2m, Soh palate to eDqotws Caryn) Sra oid bene ols Bane. pats "908% Laryngopharyne - loctec behind syns coaiscartage om eB to rei artage (ary) Ey ‘TUTORIAL (cick be links fo view lel) by the same pstudsstated coumaar ‘pbbelarn thats found ne nasal av ‘which further cleans, warms, apd moistens Intaad ai bafore Te mover deaper ito the ‘te omer two regions of ta prarynt, te ‘orepharyn® and laryngopheryne se ined by nonberatinning sutiied squamous ‘toe arent also form pat of the sgesive tract nen food Ie swale, the mule (at layerr ln ha ated epthlum help yatied squamous eptheum More Text >> * AUDITORY TUBES (or EUSTACHIAN TUBES) ~ << back [I Next >>. ry (S) ‘TUTORIAL (click Bue Hak to vew eb) ‘ong te lateral wal ofthe rasopharynx are tha” ‘openings tothe auditory tubes (Eustachian er pharyngrympani tube), ich arom tbe connects te nssopherymt eth mide ear structures found nae he fio trmpanie cavity of te temporal bone. Yu can opan your audtory tubes by moving your moun and neck muscles, suc as Yanining. When ths cecus, a can ow Dereen te mile ear and the nasopharyns, ‘Tis process equalizes the pressure on bat) ‘ides of the earrum (= tympanie memrane), ‘aking easier for the ererum to vote in reeponte to round waves ARGtresyomet Hoe tssnmarony stent > rH pang > ‘Tutorisle "TonsiLs & ADENOIDS (LYMPHOID TIssUE) " << ack |] Hext >> ‘TUTORIAL (cick bive links to view abe) “Te openings to te pharynx rom te nose ‘nd mouth ae protected ya ring of tons and othe types of ymptad tssue Snatderers rin) ‘Nong the anterolateral wals of the ‘ropharyn are tha palatine tonsils, which

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