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Mr. Morrison
1. To discuss and evaluate the nature of film, its uses and effects on todays society.
2. To become critically aware of the nature of film, including pre production,
production, and post production.
3. To examine and produce media messages (essays, videos, short films, etc.) in order
to understand the decision making process that goes into making media messages.
4. To demonstrate the knowledge of personnel involved in a film crew and perform the
responsibilities of each crew member: Director, Assistant Director, Music
Supervisor, Director of Photography/Camera Operator, Production Assistant,
Producer, Talent.
5. To demonstrate the knowledge of the equipment used to produce short films: DSLR
cameras, set lighting/design, editing software, etc.
6. To evaluate yourself and others through formal critiques.
7. To explore various career paths associated with the film & media industry.

All students will be graded on participation. You are expected to be to class, on time, ready to
work everyday. This class works collaboratively in teams, and your absence or tardiness will hurt
not only you, but your classmates as well. Because of this, it is very important that you come to
class, on time, and ready to work. Please provide as much notice of any known absence as
Participation points: Daily participation points will be assigned to all students. 10 points per day.
These are all or nothing points. If you come to class on time and ready to work, with all required
materials, and stay on task throughout the period, you will receive your 10 points. Being absent,
late, being off task throughout the period, or not wearing your ID are cause for losing daily
participation points.

You are expected to make up any work missed because of an absence. It is your responsibility to
see me for assignments you missed. Since most of the class involves hands-on training and
group projects, excessive absences and tardies will seriously hurt your grade! It cannot be
stressed enough: Your attendance in this class is critical. You are part of a Film Production
Team--your participation and cooperation is crucial to the success of your team!

Morrison Film Studies Syllabus (9/2015)

You will quickly learn that the vast majority of the work that happens in this class is group work.
This is because film is a collaborative process. If you have ever seen the end credits to a film,
you will know it takes many people to make a movie. Because of this, you will work in groups to
produce your creative content throughout the year. Do not think that because you are part of a
group, I will not notice how much work each member contributes. Typically in the past, group
members have received the same grade when completing a project. However, I reserve the right
to assign different grades to different group members based on observed participation.


Projects will be graded on a rubric. The rubric and project requirements will be presented at the
beginning of each project/unit. Only completed projects will be accepted. Your final grade will be
a compilation of sketchbook/homework assignments, studio projects, participation, and exams.
You will be evaluated on the following criteria: 1) Meeting deadlines in all stages of projects 2)
Quality of final work: demonstrating skills and artistic vision 3) Participation in critiques,
discussions and instructor demonstrations 4) Attendance, punctuality, and daily participation
Attendance is crucial to your success of this class. Much of your grade is based on group tasks
and performances on projects completes in class. In this class we will be following Lane Techs
attendance policy. 3 Tardies = 1 absence, 5 absences = 1 reduction in letter grade.
Any student found skipping class will lose participation points for the entire week (50 points).
Late Work: Late work will not be accepted beyond late work due date presented with each
new project & rubric. All late work will receive a reduction in one letter grade (10%) for each
week the project is late. No late homework will be accepted. Accommodations can be made in
advance for extenuating circumstances.
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
59% or lower = F
Warning! This is not a class where we simply watch movies and play with the equipment!
In this class, you are considered to be a filmmakeran artist with vision and intent. We
will be critically discussing films and how they are structured to emote responses from an
audience. You will also be expected to create original works & video productions. This
means all your work must be your own and reflect the standards of honesty, accuracy and

Morrison Film Studies Syllabus (9/2015)

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