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Mass Media Syllabus

This course will ask students to examine and compare the way print media
(newspapers, magazines), broadcast media (television, radio), and the internet all
present and influence our reaction to current issues. The role of advertising and
its influence on media coverage, as well as its influence on the public, will also be
Essential Learning:
1. Students will learn to be more sophisticated consumers of information and the media.
2. Students will examine the impact of the media on themselves as individuals, as well as
on society as a whole.
3. Students will examine how and why we use media in our society.
Outline of Content:

Unit One Intro to Media

Topics: Common media concerns: 1st Amendment, bias, slant, accuracy, sponsors,
government regulation (FCC), public relations, images

Unit Two Intro to Print Media

Topics: Cultural value of print media, implications of censorship & democracy,
economic factors affecting content of print media industry

Unit Three Intro to Media Law/Ethics

Topics: Ethics, media freedom & regulation, copyright issues in digital media

Unit Four Intro to Broadcast Media

Topics: Television (information, news, satire, entertainment, delivery methods); Radio
(formats, ratings, audiences, delivery methods)

Unit Five Web-Based Media

Topics: History, risks/reliability, social networking, legal issues

Unit Six Advertising and PR

Topics: Unethical vs. effective public relations practices, propaganda

Major Assessments:
1. Media use/effect paper:
You will recount your personal mass media use history and give examples of any effects
it has had upon you. The paper should include sections on your pre-school media use,
your elementary school media use, your middle school media use, and your current
media use. Each section should discuss your favorite media and why they were/are your
favorites, how you used the media, and any effects from the media. For example, if you
were a fan of Glee, discuss the show and what you enjoyed about it and what effect it
may have had on your perception of what high school would be like. Other examples of
media effects might simply be remembering something you purchased after seeing it
advertised in your favorite magazine or remembering that you learned Spanish words

from Dora the Explorer. Finally, discuss how and why you fit into the demographic
that the media were targeted toward. (Some Internet research on your favorite media
will help with this). Note: Please be honest (though school appropriate!). I dont make
any judgments on what people enjoy.

2. Media Issue Research Paper:

Each student will analyze one media issue provided. In your paper, you will relate other
news articles or broadcasts that are similar to the case, as well as critical commentary on
the media issue. Students also should explain how their own personal views influence
their response to the media issue. The paper should synthesize all perspectives on the
media issue and then discuss the students personal understanding/reaction/opinion of
the issue.

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