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Lesson Plan 2

Level 2 Field Participants Name: Karlissa Firman

Grade Level, Course Title: Kindergarten
Mentor Teachers Name, School Name: Mrs. Bauer, Hansen Elementary
Lesson Topic
Animal on Board Addition Stories

I want students in Mrs. Bauers classroom to improve and become more

efficient with their addition using two activities to demonstrate that.
I want all students to confidently be able to not only count from 10-20,
but be able to properly add numbers together and form a total from doing
I want all students to appropriately answer and ask questions about the
activities that take place in our lesson.

Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images,
drawings , sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations,
expressions, or equations.
Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract
within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
Gain an understanding that the addition symbol is the same as and
used in an addition story. Also, gain an understanding that (+) always
means to put (add) two numbers together.

Types of

Children will be able to show their understanding through explanations duri

questions at
group center time and sharing with a partner.
Teacher / student communication, e.g. class discussion, interview,
group work
Students in Mrs. Bauers class have been working on addition for two
weeks; they are in the beginning stages of learning this material. They
are just now beginning to learn what exactly the addition symbol means
and replacing it for the word and. Things I have observed is that
children are capable of verbally answering questions about addition, and
they also tend to do better when drawing dots above their numbers and
circling them all, this way they can see that they all belong together.
Students have also done many activities and worksheets to help them

memorize addition.

Plan for


Plan to
Description of
Activities to

My plan for differentiation is to make sure I meet the needs of all

students. There is one student in the class (Mave) who often has trouble
staying on task for long. She often likes to blurt things out or distract
others; I will ignore her like Mrs. Bauer does and if that does not work I
will give her a warning before she is sent back to her desk. There is
another student (Chase) who tends to struggle with his addition numbers
more than others. I will make sure I assist him when I walk around the
room to make sure he is getting as much out of the lesson as the other
children are.
For management I will make sure I do the same attention grabbers that
Mrs. Bauer uses because the students are already used to responding to
them. These include triggers such as:
Turn to a friend and share your answer.
1,2,3 eyes on me!
Hands on top, everybody stop.
5,4,3,2,1 (Count quieter as you go)
Put your fingers on your lips, on your lips, shh shh! (repeat twice)
Clap a rhythm for everyone to repeat.
Call students to their seats by tables. (Red table, green table, etc.)
When calling on students I will use name sticks.
I will also have a list of all of the childrens names.
List of all students in class: Taylor S., Ella, Chase, Keagan, Salamar, Mave,
Taylor P., Peyton, Evan, Hadley, Brooks, Naznine, Anthony, Ava, Rheanne,
hailey, Ciran, Haidyn, and Rex.
I will make sure to praise the children when they are doing something
well, even if they need encouragement for answering a question wrong,
etc, to get the correct answer. I will be enthusiastic, prepared, and greet
the children as they come in and tell them how excited I am to teach
them again today. I will always use many forms of positive reinforcement.
Today I will be teaching your math lesson. We are going to have
so much fun together working on our addition skills!
Adding Fun Warm-Up Game
(Gather students on the carpet in a circle)
-Ask students, Whos ready to add some numbers? (wait for response)
Alright, well the first thing we are going to do today is play this fun
addition game. For this game I will need three volunteers each time to
help the class add together marbles. Two of the children will put in a
certain amount of marbles on each side of the game and put them into
the tubes. The marbles will fall into the basket and the third student
volunteer will count all of the marbles in the basket and the class will
confirm the total.
-After finishing our adding warm up game say, Wow, you all know your

addition so well! Great work! The next thing we are going to do is read
a book all about addition! Think you can help me add while we read?

Reading the book, Animals on Board.

I will ask them to get up and grab a white board, marker, and eraser and
sit back down. (Dismiss by group colors)
-I will then discuss the book we will be reading. I will say, Who likes
animals, I know I do! (wait for response) Well since we all like animals I
thought it would be fun for us to read a book about them. This book is
called, Animals on Board. In this book we will be adding groups of animals
together that are on two separate trucks.
-Begin the book. When pointing to pictures, make sure that you go slowly
so every child has a chance to count with you.
-After reading: Ask children, What did you think of the book, do you feel
like youre getting pretty good at adding numbers? I think you are! I am
so impressed with how well you all can count and add!
Addition Stories
-Explain directions: What were going to do now is make our very own
addition stories! You can use animals, objects, or you could even relate it
to Christmas time and do Christmas trees; whatever youd like! What we
are going to do is each of you will be given a sheet of paper that looks like
this (show paper example) As you can see, I made my own. I used
snowmen. My story is that two snowmen were playing in the snow and
then three more rolled down the hill to play. You will draw your picture in
the box above and below fill in the boxes to show your addition. For my
boxes I have two in the first and three in the second, and then in the last
box I have five, which represents all of my snowmen in total. If you would
like to add together two different things you are more than welcome to do
that as well!
Lets try a couple as a class before I send you back to your desks! Im
going to draw a couple examples on chart paper and have students help
me tell the stories. (Draw out of cup to choose student) ------, can you
come up to the front? I would like you to draw four fish. (choose next
student) ----, can you come up to the front and draw one fish? Now I need
someone to come up and help us add all of these fish together! (choose
next student)
How about this time I want someone to come up and draw me six
snowflakes. (draw out of cup) And can I have someone else come up and
draw me 4 snowflakes? (draw out of cup) Now, I need someone to come
up and add all of these snowflakes together. (draw out of cup)
So once again, now that you have seen a couple more examples of what
you will be doing, I want to remind you that you will be making your very
own addition story, just like we just finished doing as a class. You will

draw your picture above in the large box, and below you will show your
addition problem, such as mine 2+3=5. Also, you may color your picture
however you would like! Once you are finished, I will put all of the
addition stories together and we will have our very own classroom book
of addition stories.
I will now dismiss you by groups and before you go back to your desk,
please pick up a sheet from me to work on.
-Red group, you may go to your desks.
-Orange group, you may go to your desks.
-Green group, you may go to your desks.
-Blue group, you may go to your desks.
-Yellow group, you may go to your desks.
-Mave, you may go to your desk.
-Once you are finished please raise your hand and I will come around and
pick up your addition story so I can begin putting together our addition
Description of

Animals on Board book. The Book.

Addition Game- 2 toilet paper rolls, one piece of poster board, 2 paper
cups, marbles (or beads) and a basket.
Addition StoriesChildren will use: Crayons (coloring utensils), pencils, and the sheet that I
give them.

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