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Increased physiological demand for iron

(a) Children during the period of growth to expand the circulating blood volume.
(b) Women in reproductive period of life e.g. Mensutrations, pregnancy and parturition & lactation
2. Chronic pathological blood loss

It is most commonly seen in adult males, postmenopausal females.

SITES of Chronic pathological blood loss are

GIT : Commonest site

Esophagus : esophageal varices, CA oesophagus

Stomach : PU, Chronic aspirin ingestion, CA stomach,

Hiatus hernia

S.I : Hookworm infestation

L.I : Ulcerative colitis, CA colon, Hemorrhoids

Respiratory tract : Hemoptysis

Nasal : Epistaxis
Uterus : Abnormal uterine bleeding
Kidney, Urinary bladder : Hematuria


3. Impaired iron intake

Fe is rich in food stuffs such as red meat, egg yolk, leafy green vegetables.
(a) impaired dietary source of iron
Food fads, ignorance, poverty, inhibitory food stuffs(eg. Phytate, phosphorous) & anorexia
(b) Impaired absorption of iron
Fe is absorbed from duodenum & proximal jejunum by the aids of HCL from gastric mucosa
Impaired absorption of iron is seen in gastrectomy, gastroenterostomy, malabsorption - Tropical sprue, Coeliac
(c). Inadequate antenatal stores seen in premature infants &
multiple pregnancies


1. Adverse effect of ferrous sulphate: abdominal (tummy) pain, constipation or diarrhoea, Heartburn, feeling sick, black
stools (faeces)
2. Avoid giving iron to patients who have a microcytic iron-overloading disorder (eg, thalassemia, sideroblastic anemia)


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