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Puji dan syukur kepada Allah SWT

Shalawat dan Salam teruntuk

Rasulullah SAW

We Live in
Information Age
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Computers and Information System are all around

James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Computers and Information System are all around

Dasar – Dasar
Sistem Informasi
Dalam Bisnis
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

• Sistem Informasi dan teknologi telah menjadi
komponen penting dalam kemajuan dan
keberhasilan bisnis/organisasi
• Teknologi informasi membantu dalam
peningkatan efisiensi, efektifitas, pengambilan
keputusan manajerial, kerjasama kelompok kerja,
dan memperkuat posisi kompetitif sebuah
• Pentingnya mempelajari sistem informasi sama
dengan pentingnya mempelajari akuntansi,
pemasaran, dan lainnya.
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

An IS Framework for Business Professionals

James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta


What Is a System?

All components are there … but they don’t work well together!
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta


What Is a System?

System – a set of interrelated components

that must work together to achieve some
common purpose

System – a set of interrelated procedures

that must work together to achieve some
common purpose
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

A System

Feedback Feedback
Signals Signals
Control Control by Control
Signals Management Signals

Input of Manufacturing Output of

Raw Materials Process Finished Products

System Boundary
Other Systems
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta


Information System – the

collection of IT, procedures, and
people responsible for the
capture, movement,
management, and distribution of
data and information
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Information System

Control of System Performance

Input of Output of
Data Information
Resources Products

Storage of Data Resources

James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Components of an Information System


James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Components of an Information System

James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Data versus Information

Monthly Sales Report

for West Region

Sales Rep: Charles Mann

Emp No. 79154
Item Qty Sold Price
TM Shoes 1200 $100
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Data vs Information,
• A “given,” or fact; a number, a statement, or a
• Represents something in the real world
• The raw materials in the production of
• Data that have meaning within a context
• Data in relationships
• Data after manipulation
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Data versus Information

James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Attributes of Information Quality

James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Attributes of Information Quality

James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Major Roles of Information Systems

Strategies for
Competitive Advantage

Business Decision Making

Business Processes and Operations
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

History of the role of Information Systems

1950-1960 1960-1970 1970-1980 1980-1990 1990-2000

Data Management Decision Strategic & Electronic

Processing Reporting Support End User Commerce

Data Management
Processing Information
- TPS Decision
Systems End User
- Ad hoc Computing
Reports Exec Info Sys Electronic
Expert Systems Business &
SIS Commerce
E-Business &
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

The e-Business Enterprise

The Internet
Suppliers and Other Business Partners Company
Supply Chain Management
Procurement, Distribution, and Logistics

Engineering & Accounting,
Research and Finance

Customer Relationship Management
Marketing Sales Customer Service


Consumer and Business Customers

James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Types of Information Systems

Information Systems

Operations Management
Support Support
Systems Systems

Transaction Process Enterprise Management Decision Executive

Processing Control Collaboration Information Support Information
Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Sistem Pendukung Operasi

• Sistem Pemrosesan Transaksi , memproses data yang
dihasilkan dari transaksi bisnis, memperbaharui
database operasional, dan menghasilkan dokumen
bisnis. Contoh : Pemrosesan penjualan dan persediaan,
serta sistem akuntansi
• Sistem Pengendalian Proses, mengawasi dan
mengendalikan berbagai proses industrial. Contoh :
penyulingan minyak dan sistem produksi baja
• Sistem Kerjasama Perusahaan, mendukung komunikasi
dan kerjasama tim, kelompok kerja dan perusahaan.
Contoh : email, video conference, dan forum bincang
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Sistem Pendukung Manajemen

• Sistem Informasi Manajemen, memberikan informasi
dalam bentuk laporan yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya
untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan bisnis.
Contoh : Analisis penjualan, dan sistem pelaporan trend
• Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, memberikan dukungan
interaktif khusus untuk proses pengambilan keputusan
para manajer dan praktisi bisnis lainnya. Contoh :
penetapan harga produk, dan sistem analisis risiko.
• Sistem Informasi Eksekutif, memberi informasi penting
dari SIM, SPK, dan sumber lainnya yang dibentuk
sesuai kebutuhan informasi para eksekutif. Contoh :
sistem analisis pesaing, dan pendukung perencanaan
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

Kategori Lainnya Sistem Informasi

• Sistem pakar (expert system), sistem berbasis
pengetahuan yang menyediakan saran pakar dan
bertindak sebagai konsultan. Contoh : penasihat aplikasi
• Sistem manajemen pengetahuan (knowledge
management system), sistem berbasis pengetahuan yang
mendukung pembuatan, pengaturan, dan penyebaran
pengetahuan bisnis dalam perusahaan. Contoh : akses
intranet ke praktik bisnis terbaik.
• Sistem Informasi Strategis (strategic information
system), mendukung operasi dan proses manajemen
yang memberi perusahaan kemampuan strategis sebagai
keunggulan kompetitif. Contoh : perdagangan sahan on-
line, dan web e-commerce
James A. O’Brien and some modified by hamsta

The Information Systems Development Process

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