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Delapan tahun setelah fim pertama, Johnny English berlatih beladiri di Tibet untuk menebus

dosanya karena misi yang gagal di Mozambik. Lima tahun kemudian, M17 meminta Johnny
kembali bergabung bersama mereka.
Johnny kembali Ke London ke markas M17 dan ditugaskan oleh Pegasus untuk
menghentikan rencana pembunuhan Perdana mentri cina. Johnny juga bertemu sesama agen
bernama Simon Ambrose dan pemilik M17 bernama patch Quartermain . Dia juga
ditugaskan dengan seorang agen junior bernama Colin Tucker
Di Hongkong, Johnny bertemu dengan Mantan agen CIA bernama Tutis Fisher yang adalah
salah satu anggota "Vortex" yang menggagalkan misinya di Mozambik dan salah satu
diantara mereka adalah pembunuh Perdana mentri Cina, Titus memberikan sebuah kunci liga
dan mengatakan bahwa jika salah satu kuncinya hilang, maka tamatlah Vortex. Namun Titus
dibunuh oleh seorang penembak jitu bayaran yang ahli menyamar dan kunci tersebut jatuh ke
tangan salah satu anggota Vortex, pengejaran berlangsung dengan seru dibantu dengan
peralatan canggih pemberian M17, beruntung kunci tersebut berhasil didapatkan.
Saat penerbangan kembali ke London, Johnny bersifat sangat tenang lalu menjelang
pendaratan, Johnny memberikan Koper berisi kuncinya ke Pramugara yang ternyata adalah
anggota Vortex untuk menaruhnya di kabin. Saat pertemuan, Johnny tidak Menyadari akan
hilangnya kunci dan baru menyadari setelah panjang lebar menjelaskan ke Perdana mentri
Cina, Johnny merasa sangat malu akan kejadian ini.
Kate Sumner menyuruhnya untuk mengingat kembali kejadian di Mozambik dan menemukan
anggota kedua Vortex "Karlenko", mata mata dari Rusia. Tucker mengubah nama Johnny
mencadi Peter Adam agar dapat masuk ke dalam pertandingan Golf di luar London dimana
Karlenko menjadi salah satu pesertanya. Saat bermain golf, pembunuh yang sama dari
Hongkong datang dan menembak Karlenko, Johnny dan Tucker selamat dan segera
membawa Karlenko ke rumah sakit, setelah sampai, Karlenko memberi tahu bahwa anggota
terakhir Vortex yang mencoba membunuh Perdana Mentri Cina ada di M17, kemudia dia
Saat makan malam, Johnny berbicara kepada Simon tentang adanya pengkhianat di M17,
mendengar itu, Simon siap membunuh Johnny secara diam diam. Tucker menyuruh Johnny
dan Simon untuk pergi ke kamar mandi, di kamar mandi, Tucker menjelaskan bahwa Simon
adalah aggota terakhir Vortex, tetapi Johnny tak percaya dan menyuruh Tucker pergi. Saat di
luar kamar mandi, Simon membohongi Johnny bahwa quartemain lah pelakunya, Johnny
percaya sehingga dia memberikan kuncinya ke Simon. Saat dia mendesak Quartemain untuk
mengakui perbuatannya, quartemain Justru menuduh Johnny lah pelakunya dan menyuruh
para anggota M17 menangkapnya. Saat mencoba kabur, Johnny tertembak dikaki sehingga
dia tak bisa lari, Johnny segera merebut Kursi roda Quartemain untuk kabur
Johnny pergi ke rumah Kate dan meyakinkan bahwa dia bukanlah pelakunya, namun Johnny
tak sadarkan diri dan langsung ditolong oleh Kate. Setelah sadar, Kate memberi tahu Johnny
tentang obat yang digunakan Vortex bernama timoxelyn barbebutenol yang memungkinkan
mereka untuk mengontrol seseorang sebelum orang tersebut meninggal.
Johnny segera menemui Tucker dan menyuruhnya untuk kembali bergabung, Tucker yang
sempat kesal akhirnya bergabung lagi bersama Johnny. Setelah sampai di markas Vortex,
Johnny segera mencari Simon dan berbicara kepadanya tentang obat tersebut sehingga tanpa

sadar Johnny meminum minuman yang telah dimasuki obat. Sebelum sempat dikontrol oleh
Simon, Johnny sempat mencoba melawan Namun Gagal.
Di saat Simon sudah mulai mengontrol Johnny untuk membunuh Perdana Mentri Cina,
Tucker dan Kate mencoba memutus komunikasi antara Simon dan Johnny. Sebelum
menembak Perdana mentri Cina, Johnny mengingat kata kata yang diberitahu oleh gurunya di
Tibet yang berbunyi " Biarkanlah dirimu yang mengendalikannya", Johnny mencoba
melawan sehingga Simon kesal dan tanpa sadar membuat penyamarannya terbongkar dengan
menyebut Nama nya saat menyuruh Johnny untuk menarik pelatuknya, Johnny segera
berpaling dari hadapan Perdana Mentri Cina dan segera menembak ke arah Simon yang
berhasil melarikan Diri.
Karena pengaruh obat, Jantung Johnny hampir berhenti berdetak sehingga dia tak sadarkan
diri, Paramedis segera menolong Johnny yang denyut jantungnya makin melemah, sayangnya
denyut jantung Johnny berhenti dengan Cepat.
Kate segera menghampiri Johnny dan mencium Johnny, Kate segera memeriksa keadaan
Johny dan tiba tiba Johnny bilang "Ya,tinggal sedikit lagi" Di antara sadar dan tidak, Kate
lega karena Johnny kembali hidup lalu mencium Johnny lagi. Tucker segera memeriksa
denyut Jantung Johnny dan ternyata jantung Johnny berdetak cepat. Setelah benar benar
sadar, Johnny berterimakasih pada Kate dan Tucker
Mengetahui Simon melarikan diri, Johnny segera menerjunkan diri ke arak mobli salju
dengan parasut dan segera mengejar Simon, saat Johnny sudah berada di Gondola Simon,
Johnny terlibat perkelahian dengan Simon dan sayangnya Johnny terjatuh dari Gondola dan
mendarat di salju. Johnny segera membuka salah satu alat M17 yaitu payung penahan peluru,
ternyata itu hanya payung biasa. Melihat itu, Tucker segera memperingatinya bahwa itu
adalah payung Roket. Johnny segera menggunakan payung itu dan berhasil membunuh
Simon, Johnny sangat lega dan memuji Tucker dengan mengatakan "Tucker, kau anak yang
Kembali ke London, Johnny mendapat gelar ksatria oleh Ratu yang ternyata adalah sang
pembunuh dari Hongkong yang ingin membunuh English, saat Johnny ingin menangkapnya,
dia segera melarikan diri, Johnny melihat dia di Lorong dan segera memukuli dan
menangkapnya. Setelah dia menangkap si pembunuh di depan Pegasus, 2 orang penjaga
membawa sang pembunuh yang asli, melihat itu, Johnny segera sadar siapa yang dia pukuli
dan merasa sangat khawatir, Johnny sadar bahwa yang dia pukuli adalah Ratu asli.
Eight years after the first fim, Johnny English practicing martial arts in Tibet to atone for his
sins because of a failed mission in Mozambique. Five years later, M17 ask Johnny back to
join them.
Johnny returned to London to M17 headquarters and assigned by Pegasus to stop the plot to
kill the Prime Minister of China. Johnny also met a fellow agent named Simon Ambrose and
M17 owners named patch Quartermain. He was also assigned to a junior agent named Colin
In Hong Kong, Johnny met with former CIA agent named Tutis Fisher who is a member of
"Vortex" who abandon his mission in Mozambique and one of them is the murderer of Prime
Minister of China, Titus provide a key league and say that if one key is lost, then toast Vortex.
But Titus was killed by a sniper paid mimetic and the keys fall into the hands of one member
of the Vortex, the pursuit took place with exciting assisted with advanced equipment
provision of M17, the key fortunate secured.
When flying back to London, Johnny is very quiet and towards the landing, Johnny gives
Suitcase contains the key to the steward who apparently is a member Vortex to put it in the
cabin. When the meeting, Johnny was not aware about the loss of a key and only realized

after lengthy to explain to the Prime Minister of China, Johnny felt very embarrassed by this
Kate Sumner told him to recall the events in Mozambique and found the second member of
Vortex "Karlenko", spies from Russia. Tucker rename Johnny mencadi Peter Adam in order
to get into the game Golf outside London where Karlenko become one of the participants.
When playing golf, the same killer from Hong Kong to come and shoot Karlenko, Johnny
and Tucker Karlenko survived and immediately brought to the hospital, after arriving,
Karlenko told that the last member of Vortex are trying to kill the Prime Minister of China is
on the M17, later she died.
At dinner, Johnny spoke to Simon about the existence of a traitor in M17, hear it, Simon
ready to kill Johnny secretly. Tucker told Johnny and Simon to go to the bathroom, in the
bathroom, Tucker explained that Simon was the last aggota Vortex, but Johnny did not
believe and told Tucker go. When outside the bathroom, Simon lied to Johnny that
quartemain was the culprit, Johnny believes that he gave the key to Simon. When he urged
Quartemain to confession, accused precisely quartemain Johnny was the culprit and told the
members of the M17 catch. While trying to escape, Johnny shot the foot so that he could not
run, Johnny immediately seize Wheelchairs Quartemain to blur
Johnny went to her house and assured that he is not the culprit, but Johnny was unconscious
and directly helped by Kate. Once aware, she tells Johnny about medications used Vortex
named timoxelyn barbebutenol which allows them to control a person before the person died.
Johnny immediately see Tucker and told him to re-join, Tucker who was annoyed eventually
join again with Johnny. After arriving at the headquarters of the Vortex, Johnny immediately
seek Simon and talk to him about the drug so unknowingly drinking Johnny has entered a
drug. Before he could be controlled by Simon, Johnny had tried to fight But Failed.
At the time Simon has begun to control Johnny to kill the Prime Minister of China, Tucker
and Kate tried to cut off communication between Simon and Johnny. Before shooting the
Prime Minister of China, Johnny remember the words that were told by his teacher in Tibet,
which reads: "Let yourself that control", Johnny tried to fight so Simon upset and
unconsciously make the disguise uncovered by calling his name when asked Johnny to pull
the trigger, Johnny immediately turned away from the presence of the Prime Minister of
China and immediately fired at Simon who managed to escape the Self.
Because of the influence of drugs, Johnny's heart almost stopped beating that he was
unconscious, paramedics immediately help Johnny weakened heart rate, heart rate
unfortunately stopped by Johnny Quick.
She immediately went and kissed Johnny Johnny, Kate immediately check on Johnny and
suddenly Johnny said "Yes, stay a little longer" In between conscious and not, she was
relieved that Johnny came back to life and kisses Johnny again. Tucker immediately check
the heart rate and it turns out Johnny Johnny heart beat fast. After really conscious, Johnny
grateful to Kate and Tucker
Knowing Simon escape, Johnny immediately threw himself into the wine Mobli snow with a
parachute and immediately pursue Simon, when Johnny was in Gondola Simon, Johnny got
into a fight with Simon and unfortunately Johnny fell from the Gondola and landed in the
snow. Johnny soon open one of the tools that umbrella holder M17 bullets, it was just a
regular umbrella. Seeing that, he immediately warned that it is an umbrella rocket. Johnny
immediately using the umbrella and managed to kill Simon, Johnny was very relieved and
praised Tucker said "Tucker, you're a smart kid"
Back to London, Johnny gets a knighthood by the Queen which was the killer from Hong
Kong who wanted to kill the English, while Johnny wants to catch him, he immediately fled,
Johnny saw her in the hallway and immediately beat and arrested him. After she catches the
killer in front of Pegasus, 2 guards bring the killer of the original, see it, Johnny soon realized
who he beat and feel very worried, Johnny realized that he beat was the original queen.

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