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Software Development Process

The software development process will also be called as software life cycle and
software development phases. The software development process is a series of
steps that software will be undergone when it is being developed. The following
illustration shows the waterfall model and the example of steps taken while
developing a software.

First, in the software development process, the requirements phase outlines what
will be the capabilities of the system that is going to be developed. Next, the
design phase outlines how these features are going to be created, who will be
doing what and etc., the implementation phase is the phase where the
developers and the designers will start working on the program implementation.
After the developers have the working copy, the testing and verification steps
begins to help verify that the program has no errors. During the testing phase,
problems found will be fixed until the program meets the companys quality
standards. Finally, maintaining the program must continue for several years
after the initial release.

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