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~ w« COVER SHEET > (CHASTE I * (nae LI MARTATCTENTED TTT i olKt elo ab Teo J ) Dlolalal Is lol lelblalol Tero Tees AlelAoAlWel chihy (Business Addresa: No, Street City/Town / Province ) : io A Oo Ss ro FeKRoIWAND P: Oxize (CARTE te er a ae Lon Hs T 1) MW Nery Gay FORTE Wont Bay sal Yeer : as! Noting acontry Users Tipo epee Das Roatg fi De Taos No arias Tet aan ot Barons Tans Soon Ce Fan ‘To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned I ‘Fée Number L Lou ‘Document i.0. : F f Cashier Remarks = pis. use black ink for scanning purposes STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT EGpCRRIT SH? FOR FINANCIAL ‘The management of CHASE-MAKROS. MANAGEMENT, INCORPORATED is responsible for all information and representations ‘Contained ii in the financial Statements for the year ended 31 Decet “J “The financial statements have been prepared in Conformity’ with-generally accepted accounting principles and reflect amounts that are based on the best estimates and informed judgment oF management with an appropriate Consideration to materiality. In this regard, management maintains a systein of accounting and reporting which provides for the necessary internal Controjs to ensure that transactions are properly authorized and recorded, assets are safeguarded against Unauthorized use or disposition and liabilities are recognized. ‘The Board of Directors reviews the financial statements before such statements are approved and submitted to the stockholders of the company. Pacifico A. Martinez, Jr. the independent auditor and appointed by the stockholders, has examined the financial statements of the Company in accordance with generally aCcepted auditing standards and has expressed its Opinion on the fairness of presentation upon completion of such examination, in its report to stockholders. me ; PULGAR. Chairman of the Board FRUMENCIO E. PULGAR, Chief Executive Officer and disclosures... Pacifico A. Martinez, Ji.’ Censfied Public Accountant PRC Registration No. 78765 Independent Auditor’s Report. 3 : ‘The Board of Directors - CHASE-MAKROS: MANAGEMENT. ING. 256 Dona Soledad Avenue, Better Living Subdivision Paranaque City 1 have audited the accompanying financial statements of CHASE-MAKROS MANAGEMENT, INC. which Comprise the Statements of Financial Postelons as at 32 December 2023 and Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year then ended, and hoves to Financial seatememes Comprising of summary oF significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management's Responsibility For the Financial Seatemenes ‘Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards applicable to Small and Medium Gized Entities. This responsipitiey Includes maineaining ineernal Conero| relevant to the preparation of Financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, selecting and applying appropriate ‘accounting policies that are Consiseent with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards ‘ahd making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the Circumstances. Auditor's Responsiility My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with Philippine Seandards on Auditing. ‘Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable, but Rot absolute assurance’ whether the Financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. An Audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Finaricial statements. The audit procedures selected depend on ‘the auditor's assessment of the risks of material misstatemene. Th making those assessments, 1 Consider internal Control relevant to the eneitys preparation of che Financial statements 2s. a.basis For-designing audie, procedures that:are appropriate, in ‘the circumstances, “but not For the purpose oF ‘expressing ah opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's incernal Control. An audie also includes evaluating che appropriateness Of the acCounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial presentation Aires: #33 Kgnlaon Stet, Mendilayong City ‘Erail Address: dun ‘Telmnhone # 0970 30714706 » CHASE MAKROS MANAGEMENT, INC. § Independent Auditor's Report - 2013 Pae2 ¥ L believe that the ‘audit evidence that I have Obvains is sufficiene and appropriate to Provide a reasonable basis for my audit opinion. ee Opinion In my opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects the financial position of CHASE-MAKROS MANAGEMENT, INC. as of 31 December 2023 ‘and of ies Financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with the Phitippine Financial Reporeing Standards. 0.4. MARTINEZ, JR. PRCIBOA Accreditation No.#730 valid until Dec. 313,204 TIN: 12795003, PTRNo- 2010042. February 26, 2008 ‘Mandaluyong City RRL ae oP Apri 2019 Mandeturong Cry © wa CHASE AxROE MANAGEMENT CORPORATES! STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ” 31 December oe (do Poltppine Pesos! © ASETS Current Asseee (Cash on Hana anc In Bank "Tous Current Aves Now-Currene Assees Forkure and Furs $0000.00 50.000.00 ‘Less Accumulated Depreciation 20,000.00 2000000 ‘Net Book Value 30,000.00, 30,000.00 “Transporeacion Equipment 600,000.00 500.0000 Less Accumulated Depreciation 230,000.00 28,0000, ‘Nec Book Value 11.000.09 '55.00000 Tie Rertaren ames ano Other Assets Tommi Cas oral Assocs sorn2650 2 ae LIABILITY AND STOCKHOLDERS: EQUITY Liabier “Acoounes Payable som ws97808 ‘Stocknolaers' Equiey CComen Stock, Poo par value Bor share ‘authorized 30.000 shares, subscribed #.55 mares and issued #964 shares) aides THEO Deficie Begining peauas Beers) ‘Net Loss Depreciasion! 000.00 18,000.00 Enaing- Unaquusted Pee Event) aos Adusemen Proc3ers Débresie ~ 5 miepao 9 : Sspotied A ‘Enaine- Aurea aD an Denosic for Fucure Subscriseon 1300.00.00 _1590.000.00 ‘Total Stocrnoiders Eauicy Soosas.a8 bi “Toeat Liabier and Seocxbokders' Eauley A am s6i 59 7 i REgelyer EIVED CHASE-MAKROS MANAGEMENT. INCORPORATED- (p__SEATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOR For the Year Ending December 32 ‘ SALESIREVENUES: 0.00 GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. 5,000.00 NET INCOME BEFORE INTEREST (95,000.01 (#5,000.00) INTEREST EXPENSE. 0.00 0.00 NET INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX (85,000.00) __(¥8,000.00) ‘Provision for Income Tax. 0.00 0.00 NETLOSS (45,000.00) _(#5,000.00) (ve Motes co Francia SaceReneh (CHASE-MAKROS MANAGEMENT. INCORPORATED. ‘STATEMENT OF CARH FLOW Fore Year Ending December 32, (an Popeine Pasa) CASH TLOUE ROM OPERATING ACHITIES Tease Addustments or Depreciation Adhustmenes- Prior ears depreciaion (Operating Income before working capi chanees Decrease arcreset in: ‘Recenabies Aavances to Emctovees Ievensores ‘Omer Aste 2.00 Increase ‘Decrease “Accounts and Other Panabes yeaa arose Loans Pave “TR Cash Proned oy sed mn Chorin Cas _________ aio aonaoaa ‘CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTITIES ‘Aazasenne “Prov Vear® Depresaso Loan Proceeds ‘Nee Cash arowded Br sed inane aCeNIRE rd INET INCREASE//DECREASED!IN CASH assay ansstoseh (Cath av te beginning oF ene year 7128.33 9095%6.02 achusement 2599999 Cash at he end OF She Year 376.956. Faas CHASE-MAKROS MANAGEMENT, INCRE We ‘Seatemene of Changes in Stockhoiders' Ec . 31 December Z dh Philipines Pesos) Authorized Capital $t0Ck - 50,000 shares 73 ‘at P100.00 par value (P3,000,000.001; Issued, 46,968 shares Paid: Casita $596575.00 11696575.00 Additional Paid-in Capital Adjustments "Palin Capital, December Si, 2010 696,575.00 $D6375.00 Deficie ‘Beginning Balance essan.38) 63,211.23) Net Loss (Depreciation) £95,000.001 45,000.00) "Balance at the end oF the year (28,1123) (aoa. “Adusement 0 (43,000.00) Ending Balance (296,112.29) (243,221.23) [Deposit For Future gubscription 23500,000.00 2,500,000.00 TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 5.908.263.88 5,953,263.88 . & CHASE-MAKROS MANAGEMENT, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATE ESS December 32, 2013 1. Corporate Information CHASE-MAKROS MANAGEMENT, . INCORPORATED was incorporated with an authorized~ Capital stock oF P5,000,000.00 On 16 May 1996. A Domestic Corporation with principal address at No. 256 Dona Soledad Extension, Better Living Subdivision, Barangay Don Bosco, Paranaque City. ‘The Corporation's primary purpose is to engage, conduct and Carry on the business of providing management services (Consultancy sewvice/technical advisor) for engineering and maintenance operation of water supply Or water waste system, hotel, marketing, trading, real estate and other business entities. The accompanying financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on April 7, 2024. 2. Summary of Significant Accounting and Reporting Policies is ration ‘The Financial Statements have been prepared using the hiseorical Cost convention and are presented in Philippine ‘Peso Statement of Compliance ‘The Financial, Seateriients have)been prepared in comptianGe? with the Philippine Financial Reporting Standard (PFRS) ‘Castvand Cash Equivajents Cash includes cash on hand aid th banks: Cash equivalents are short term, highly liquid’ invesements. that are readily Receivables Nee ‘This account represents trade and non-trade receivables and advances tO employees. Non-trade receivables represent veceivablesfadvances tO various subcontractors while advances to employees represent salaries given in advance to Its employees (QUS) with no Interest. FO lant and Equipment Property, Plant and Equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairmene in value. Depreciation, which Commences when the asset is available for use, is Computed on a straight line basis over the usefut lives of the assets. ‘The cost of repairs and maintenance is Charged to income as incurred, significant renewals and becterments are Capitalized. ‘Revenue Recognition ‘The Corporation recognizes revenue upon completion of the services rendered. ‘Foreign Currency Transactions Foreign currency transactions are recorded at prevailing exchange rates at the time of the transactions. Exchange gains Or doses -restiiting Prom foreign Currency denominated: ‘transactions are Credited directly to Current operations. © o i Pacifico A. Martinez, Jr. © Certified @ublic Accountant Th ORE Registration Ho. 75765 To the Stockholders and Board of Directors. . CHASE-MAKROS MANAGEMENT, INCORPORATED 526 Dona Soledad Avenue Ext., Better Living Subdivision Paranaque City I have examined the financial statements of CHASE MAKROS MANAGEMENT, INCORPORATED for the year ended 31 December 2013, on which I have rendered the attached report dated 7 April 2014. In Compliance with SRC Rule 68, ] am stating that the said Company has a total number OF TEN (20) stockholders owning one hundred (100) or more shares each. PACIFICO A. MARTINEZ, JR- PRCIBOA Accreditation No. 4730 valid until Dec. 31, 2014 TIN: 111-795-883 PTRNO.: 201842 February 26, 2014 Mandaluyong City 7 Aprit 2074: é 3~9-20 Maricaitvonig City” Aina: 423 Kalan Se, onan vp ‘Email Adress: dyun_ria yah ce ‘Telephone # 0839.390.4795 > Pacifico A. Martinez, Jr. Ke Certified Public Accountant f (2 PRC Registration No. 78765: Submieeed t0 the Commission, J nereby represene the Following: 6 “TOTHE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION: I connection with iny examination of the Financial -atomend ObebscorBorations, which are +0 be ‘That 1 am In the active practice of the accountiie nrOféssion and duly registered with the Board Of Accountancy BOA); ‘That financial statements are presented in Conformicy with generally accepted accounting principles in ene Philippines in all Cases where shall express an unqualified opinion; Excepe that Jn Case of any departure from such principles, J shall Indicate the nature of che depareure, the ‘effects thereof, and the reasons why Compliance with the principles would result In a misleading “statement, IF such is @ Facts ‘That 1 shall Fully meet ene requirements OF independence as provided under the Code of Professional Ethics for CPAs; ‘That in ene Conduce oF the audit, I shall Comply with the generally accented auditing standards promulgated by the Board of Accountancy; In Case OF any departure from such standards Or any limitation in ehe scope oF my Examination, J shall indicate the nature of the departure and the extent OF the limitation, the reasons therefore and the eFFeCts thereof on the expression OF my ‘opinion or which may necessitate the negation ofthe expression of an opinion; ‘That 1 shall Comply with the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange CComminission in the preparation and submission of Financial seatements; and ‘Tae relative to the expression of my opinion on the said financial scatements, J shall noe commie acts discredticable t0 ehe profession as provided under Code of Professional Ethics for CPAS. a aCPAey In public practice, | make these representations in my Individual Capacicy. Pr OA, TR Accreditation No. #730 TIN: 127795-808 PTRNO- 2018092 7 April zou" 4 Mandaluvong Ciy = February 36, 2014 \ Mandawrene Chey 3 ‘Aires: #33 Kanlaon Street, Mandatory Gly ‘Email Adérss: dyun_ra@ ‘elepione # 0939,3904795

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