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The first evaluated lesson I taught this year was my math lesson.

taught estimating products of fractions. I taught this lesson to my fifth grade
practicum class. There are three students in my class who are ELLs but I feel
like when I implement SIOP it helps all of my students.
In SIOP the first component is preparation. I feel like is an area I could
improve. I always am sure that I have a content and a language objective
and that I read it with the class but that is usually as deep as I go. I feel like if
I readdressed the objectives at the end as a closure these objectives would
be more effective. I do not know how to make them more effective at the
start of my lesson. I have tried to break the objectives down at the beginning
but I feel like the students do not have enough background or knowledge of
vocabulary yet. The content concepts are appropriate because I pulled my
standard from the Utah Common Core. Because I was teaching about
fractions and the elementary school does not have fraction tiles I did not
have many supplementary martials. But I did have and example on the board
for the students to refer to. I did not alter any of the students assignments
which in hind sight I probably should have but I did differentiate for the
students levels during in class work. I had the students do as many questions
they could while I worked with a few students who needed more one-on-one
help. I felt like the activities that the students did were meaningful but I
should have given the students more time to verbalize what they had
learned. I know that is so important for ELLs understanding.

The second component is building background. I had a hard time

finding away that students would have background outside of school
estimating fractions. But I connected it well with the other things the
students had been learning in class. I did not give the student enough time
to talk and verbalize so they did not get the vocabulary connection they
The third component is comprehensible input. I already knew that I
talk fast and that I need to slow down my speech. But I feel like I do a good
job explain to the students what I expect them to do. Like I mentioned earlier
I have a verity of techniques for the students to practice this skill with.
The fourth component is strategies. The students were working
together, working on the board, and working with number lines. I felt like
theses and more gave students the opportunity to use what I had just talk
them. I feel like our lesson plans have the gradual release built into them but
I did not scaffold enough but explaining to the students my thinking. Through
my lesson I never addressed with the students why we were doing this. It
might have made more sense to students if I had asked more questions to
promote a higher level of thinking.
Component five is interactions. I gave the students many opportunities
to work together in groups and as partnerships I also worked one-on-one with
students. This gave the student different grouping configurations. I have not
of these pre set if was just random but if gave students the opportunities to
talk. One things that I have been working is on is having wait time. Often if

student do not know the answers I feel like I have to answer my question. I
am working on waiting and helping students find the answers.
The sixth component is practice and application. I feel like I did this
well in my lesson. Students spent the most of the applying what they had
learned. The students had many different ways in which they could do that.
Even though I scored well in having students use all language skills I would
like to have had the students use the vocabulary more.
The seventh component was lesson delivery. Which might have been
fast because I talk fast but I did not feel like I moved through the content too
quickly. Because I gave the students a lot of different tasks to do they were
engaged most of the time.
The last component is review and assessment. This is where I feel like I
always struggle. Like a mentioned before I think I should go back over the
objectives. I also have the students self assessing and when you have
students self assessing I am not sure how to give the students feedback. But
there were times in the lesson that I could tell that the students were not
understanding so I stopped them all and retaught.
I felt like students all understood the concept there was one student
who at the end of the lesson was still struggling. I did not have a written
assessment which makes it hard for me to know if the students understood it
completely. The students did do their homework as independent practice but
the classroom teacher collects that. If I was the classroom teacher I would
use this to be sure that the students understood the lesson. I had the

students self assessing by have two student do the same problem and
making sure that the their answers aligned. If they did not they had to work
together to find the error. I felt like this was helpful because all of the
questions were being assessed and they were able to teach each other.
During my evaluation of SIOP in my lesson I addressed a few things
that I would like to work on. One I feel like it would be more effective if I
readdressed my objectives at the end of the lesson. I also need to give
students more opportunities to use the vocabulary words. This will help
student interaction and help the students with their vocabulary. I also am
going to work on having a longer wait time so that students have time to
think about and come up with an answer. I need to stop answering my own
questions. I already know how to do the math I need the student to
understand how to do the math.

The second evaluated lesson that I taught was a science lesson on the
physical attribute that animals have. I taught this lesson to my fifth grade
practicum class. There are three students in my class who are ELLs but I feel
like when I implement SIOP it helps all of my students.
The first component is SIOP is preparation. I feel like I did well in this
area. I had my content and language objectives posted in my PowerPoint. I
read and went over it with the students. I feel like it would've been more
effective if I had discussed with the students what the objective meant for
them. The content concept was appropriate because it came to Utah
Common Core. I used a lot of supplementary materials have the students use
their computers, I had pictures and visuals during my PowerPoint, and I had
websites for them to go to. The content wasn't adapted to different levels but
the evaluation was adapted so that the students who are on a lower level did
not have to do as much writing. I think I could have adapted the content by

having the low level reader read an actual book about their animal on his or
her level. I had a lot of different activities for the students to learn concept
they were researching, reading, and writing. The students read to the class
about animal that they researched which involved all four of the language
practices reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
The second component is building a background. I tried to link this to
the students background by talking to them about survival. But a lot of
students don't have background on what they would need to survive. As I
reflect back on the lesson I think I should have given them a survival
example and ask them what they wouldn't have you needed. I connected
this to what they had learned about animals needing to survive in their
environments and the environments that their animals live in. Something
that I need to work on and all of my lessons is letting the students use the
vocabulary. Even though there are only a few vocabulary words I never gave
students the opportunity to use that. We went over them at the beginning
and I used to them while teaching the students never had the opportunity to
use them. I should have had the students use vocabulary word in their
writing and when giving their presentation.
The third component is comprehensible input. I know that when I speak
I speak quickly. I need to work on slowing down and my word choice. I often
go to quickly and I stumble over words when I'm trying to explain to students
a concept. When I quickly go over concepts and stumbled it is hard to give a
clear explanation of what I want the students to learn. In this lesson I didn't

give a very clear explanation of what I will wanted the students to do. They
were confused we have to go back over it. I could've used a variety of
techniques to help make this more clear I should have given them more
examples maybe even shown them some more visuals of what I was talking
to students about.
The fourth component is strategies. I gave the students opportunities
to use the strategies by having them to do research and reporting out the
class. But because it wasn't very clear students didn't do as well with this is I
would've hoped. I feel like they didn't do as well as I would have liked
because I didn't scaffold as well as I should have. I didn't express to the
students what I was thinking and what I expected. Because I had the
students to do the research and discover on their own what an animal would
need for survival I feel like this promoted higher order thinking. It wasn't just
me telling them or explained to them it was their own thoughts.
The fifth component is interaction I gave the students a lot of
opportunities to interact among each other when they were working together
to research and when they were reporting out the class. But there was not a
lot of student teacher interaction. I lectured more often than I discussed with
the class. I need to probe and ask more questions for students to learn from
these interactions. I grouped the students based on their interest in the
animal. I hoped that by doing this the students would be engaged and
interested what they were learning. Something that I always need to work on
is having sufficiently time. When students are answer I feel like that is

because they do not know the answer and that should explain the answer. I
should let students Think about and discover the answers on their own.
Other than giving students an opportunity to interact I'm never sure how to
give students opportunities to clarify in their own first language.
The sixth component is practice and application. There is no hands-on
or manipulatives that were used. The students did do research on their
computers which I'm not sure if that would be hands on not. The students to
had the opportunity to practice the new content knowledge that I had taught.
They applied this content knowledge that I had taught by researching an
animals environment and what special structures they have to help them
survive. The students were able to use all of their language skills they read
online about the animal, they wrote down what they researched, they read it
or spoke to the class about what they have learned, and the students and
the audience were listening to the other students.
The seventh component is lesson delivery. I felt like my lesson and my
objectives were aligned that my lesson taught the objective that I had
wanted the students to learn. Because I let the students choose which
animals they were able to research, and because students usually enjoy
science, the students were engaged most of the time. I felt like my pacing in
the lesson went well we were a little rushed at the end because of time
The eighth component is review and assessment. I mentioned before
that if I readdressed my objective at the end of my lessons that they would

be more effective. If I let the students review their vocabulary by verbalizing

the words we had learned they would learn the vocabulary the better. During
each of the students reports I give students feedback while they were
talking about the animal. This is when I gave probing questions and asked
them to questions. The assessment was their research and even though I
didn't assign a grade to the assignment I felt like this give me an idea which
students understood and which students could use a reteach.
Most effective part of my lesson was definitely when the students gave
the reports and I was able to ask them questions. The questions that I asked
them helped them to understand what I was looking for. I wish that I had
given the students more examples during the modeling part of the lesson.
This was the time when I felt like the students really learned and understood
what structures an animal would need to survive in their environment. Next
time I will give the students examples exactly what I would like them to have
Two goals that came from this lesson where one, asking deeper probing
questions so that students thinking was more in-depth that they could learn
more and two, do more teacher talk to give examples of what I'm expecting
the students. When I am modeling to the students it would be helpful if I give
them examples and non-examples. The last thing that I still need to work on
is having a wait time where I don't answer my questions to students really
think about and discover what but the purposes behind in this case
especially structure.

For my final lesson my mentor teacher evaluated me. I taught a social

studies lesson. My lesson was on child labor reform. I taught this lesson to
my fifth grade practicum class. There are three students in my class who are
ELLs but I feel like when I implement SIOP it helps all of my students.
The first component of SIOP is preparation. I had the objectives posted
and the students to read. But like I mentioned in all three of my lessons after
I read the objectives and ask the students if they have any questions I am
not sure where to go. The content concepts are appropriate because it came
from Utah Common Core. I used a lot of different supplementary materials. I
used primary sources for the students to look at and evaluate. The student
had visual aids for them to make to connections with. For adaptation of
content I had that two students with IEPs right only a five sentence
paragraph instead of the whole page. I did this so they didnt have to worry
about linked they could work on content. I had many meaningful activities
for the students. I have the students look at primary source pictures to relate
to how children felt during child labor. I had students write a letter from the
perspective of a student, parent, or factory owner. I also had the students
you finished share it with a partner.
The next component is building background. I built background by
asking the students if theyve ever done work at home. We talked about the
difference between child labor and children working. I had to build
background on the history of the early 1900s because the students were not

yet there in their history lessons. For this lesson I am a had to vocabulary
words. And student had to use the vocabulary in their writing. It would have
been more helpful to have the students verbalize the words that we had
learned. If I were to teach the lesson again I would have the students act out
if they were Child laborers during this time.
The third component is comprehensible input. Like I mentioned earlier I
often speak too quickly. I need to work on slowing down an articulating so
that understand the concept. Something that I try to do during this lesson
was use words that the children using their daily life like chores and work
versus labor. I have the tasks that I wanted the students to do on the
PowerPoint so they could see it visually. I also explicitly explained to the
students what I would like them to do. And I read an example that I had
created earlier. I try to use a variety of techniques so that the student had
opportunities to speak, read, right, and listen. I could have given students
more time to speak and listen. The students didnt have a lot of time to
express how do students might have felt other than written words.
The fourth component is strategies. I have the students use what they
have learned by creating a fictional story where they took on the perspective
of someone during the early 1900s. Ice scaffold by giving the students
examples of what I wanted them to do. One of the things I have the students
do was look at her primary source of photograph of children during this time.
I first looked at that picture and explained the students how I thought the
child might feel in the photograph. I also read to the students a story that I

had created it to be had an example of what I was expecting of them. I tried

to have the students analyze the pictures to have them use a higher order
thinking. I still dont feel very confident in how takes 10 to students learning.
The fifth component SIOP is interaction. And this I didnt give the
students a lot of opportunities to interact with each other. There is a lot of
teacher student interaction with questioning and probing. And the student
shared with they learned from a reading jigsaw. But there wasnt a whole lot
of discussion between students. I have the students jigsaw reading based on
their level of reading. I made sure that there is a high medium and allow in
every group. Usually I dont group this way, it was interesting to see that
only the high students read the article. Im not sure how I can get all of the
students to participate in an activity like this. Im still working on wait time. I
actually think that I did better in this lesson because I was giving the
students the opportunity to share what they thought. Theres no correct
answer that I felt like I needed to tell the students. This makes me think that
maybe I could use that theory in other lessons.
Six component is practice and application. I did not have hands on
manipulatives I did have an article for every student to read on the iPads. I
have a hard time when its not with the math on how to use manipulatives.
This is something I need to work on. The students use the language that we
learn and the content that we learned to create a story from a perspective of
someone during the 1900s. The students were able to read an article, write a
story, and share the story with one of their partners. Like I mentioned earlier

I wish I wouldve given the students more opportunities to speak and to

listen to each other.
The seventh component is lesson delivery. I felt that my lesson was
very well aligned my objective was to have the students be able to explain
what child labor was and why it was happening. I also wanted to students are
able to write this in a fictional story. At the end when I evaluated my students
with prompting most of the students can explain to me why there was shall
labor and what protects us against child labor today. I picked this topic
because I knew students would be engaged because it was about children.
This students were very interested to learn that there were children who had
to work in factories and made little money. It was easy for each other to
relate to they were very engaged in the lesson. Therere times in my wasnt
worth felt like the pacing was too slow and astute as became bored with the
topic. During this time I try to keep the students attention by speeding up
the pace of the lesson.
The last component is review and assessment. I didnt realize inside
until I started to write these reflections that I skip over the closure. I would
like to in the future readdress my walkways at the end of the lesson. I feel
like this would give me an idea if the students had any questions. I also need
to work on feedback during the lesson I give immediate feedback when were
discussing in class. But because this student has fictional stories I didnt give
them very much feedback on the accuracy of their story.

This lesson I had the opportunity to interview five students after my

lesson. I was able to ask them what they want from the lesson. I was
surprised to see how many students needed prompting answer my question.
If I were to teach this lesson again I think that you do a closure at the end
would help solidify why I wanted the students to learn. I also think that the
student should have shared their ideas out before they wrote their papers. I
feel that students assessing each other is sometimes more effective than a
teacher assessing. I could put the students in small groups where they
discussed what would be important to write in their papers.
Reflecting on all of the lessons I realize how important closure is. I feel
like this is one of the key components that I missing. This will be something I
work on the future. On the lesson plan template its a just demonstrations as
a closure. I think that the students would benefit more from getting to
demonstrate with they have learned then buy me having them share with a
partner using a vocabulary word. I also realized that there is a lot of
opportunities for students to interact that Im not taking advantage of. If I
give students opportunities for interaction they can verbalize and internalize
what Im trying to teach them. Next investor as Im writing my lessons I will
be sure to make sure that the students have opportunities for interaction and
I have a solid closure at the end of every lesson.

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